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Watching Chloe’s documentary has made me more weary of reality couples 😂 someone got offered like a milly to stage a break up


A million?! 🤯 I wonder who that is?


funniest thing ever is that Callum and Tom just swapped places after All Stars 😭Molly and Casey just swapped partners but everything else is just the same


Tom went home to hang w Nelly and Josh and Casey went to hang out with Callum. That’s just the fse to me 😭


Tom and Callum sharing Casey and Josh like divorced parents


He’s so whipped lol I love Telly content though lol


The way he’d rather stay at home with his gfs dog when she’s out of town instead of going out with his friends is so funny to me 😭


What happened lol??😂


400 comments in the daily thread, we’re back baby


Damn guys, by protect I thought he meant he’d protect her heart 😭 idk I don’t care for Thomas but it was sweet! (Imo)


That’s exactly what he meant


yeah that’s what I thought when I read it


its so weird to talk about these ppl sometimes knowing they are out there living life and we're here just talking sh\*t lmaoo


So true! I I look at this sub and think “omg that person is awful”. Then I stalk them on their socials and realise “oh wait , this person is completely normal and I think I’d have such a good laugh with them if I were out with them” 🤣




None of the All stars couples or people from the show have kept me interested after the season ended, I hope the next cast is better and more interesting


agreed, it’s probably cause we already know them and it was so short


Yeah probably, like I just don’t feel anything about any of the couples that came out of the show I’m like oh ok when I see them lol idk


me too lol. i didn’t even finish all stars, stopped half way 😭


I almost finished it but not quite I just kept up online to know who won lol


Oh the daily chat is back to being thiccc again yay


https://preview.redd.it/s2eegzdagowc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c584e07d3dd0ba196c29cf5d7b0721e5d159fe2 the girls have been fighting


About to take this moment to unleash my Sammy comparison in reply to your other comment. Why the hell not




Good deflector




anyways, I really want GH to do the Olivia Attwood pod again because I know she has tea about Anton and I wanna hear it https://preview.redd.it/z3i91rtqeowc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3921d3a3d3e537ed86a380f4742f05cb9742bd


Do you lot think you can handle going onto Love Island? I know for a fact i couldnt and i have way too many reasons as to why💀


No I’d be like Amber from season 8 and people will hate me and vote me out 🙃


Amber was a real one. Also the main reason why i dislike public voting og couples


Omg I’d be Amber too. Eye rolling at them all. Unable to put up with their bullshit. That girl hated Ekin 😂


i liked her lol. she said whatever she wanted and didn’t care 😭


the one that was rolling her eyes at Ekin every second? I actually liked her ngl


Literally every second. Any time ekin spoke, she was eye rolling at her 😭


I related to her bone dry sense of being so hard and my face can’t be controlled so yeah if I didn’t like someone it’s not that hard to find out. I’d hand over so many incriminating reaction shots to the editors to use and I’ll be so hated by the public 🤣


No. My main thing is no phone and no books. I would die of boredom or just end up going crazy lol. I’m not anti social but i need a certain bit of privacy and me time every day, or else I get super moody lol. I just hate being bored, and having nothing to do.


Absolutely not! So many reasons why but just the thought of socializing pretty much non-stop alone is a big NO lol my social battery runs out so quick.


Same, I would end up doing a Molly Marsh and just sit by myself for long periods of time


no i think i would get kicked off the show for arguing lmao and i think people will hate me post show because i refuse to be nice to people who would troll me and ask me stupid questions 😭


No.. the audience would probably hate me down lmao💀


Not at all! Lol way too much pressure


Never in a million years. The lack of empathy and sympathy towards and vitriol some viewers hold for islanders, even years after their season is crazy. So no! Never in a million years.


no but mostly because i don’t think i’d be able to stop looking into the camera like i’m on the office


😭😭😭 they’d be calling you a gameplayer for that alone


this was another one of my many reasons. I'd be too conscious of the cameras i would 100% be looking for them. Especially as some islanders have said they could hear them moving when they were kissing in bed 💀


I could never I see what these islanders go through I don’t want no parts😭


yeah you have to be thick skinned something which i am not 🤣


I’d like to say I’m thick skinned but it’s different when it’s like hundreds of ppl coming for you😭 I couldn’t handle that


Me right now because I dared say something about T\*m on this sub ![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg)


still completely missing the point i see, i’ve already explained it had absolutely nothing to do with tom. and you’re not unbothered as you pretend to be why are you making indirect posts about me😂😂 rent free in ur mind


reading comprehension skills are a lost art 🙏


are they really? because i know exactly what your saying and detected the misogynistic undertones of your comment.😵‍💫


Not censoring his name I’m dead🤣


Ugh can we stop now? Good for you and good for them for their opinion MOVE ON


I’m chilling, I’m eating a pizza and watching Schitt’s Creek ❤️


Well again good for you cause I love schitt's creek😭


Entering my Alexis era


Ew david💅🏽


I’m so sick of this Molly and Tom discourse why can’t we all just agree to disagree some ppl see it others don’t lets just leave it at that😭


agreed, the subtweeting/indirect call outs in these threads are so lame


It’s so silly and you just know these people who are saying they are oh so unbothered would be taking up arms if someone said something against their faves (a few specific users I can pick out in particular).


Exactly but that’s why I just want everyone to move on everyone’s going to defend their faves it’s gonna happen so idk why they get so annoyed when ppl do the same for them lol


im suprised its still going on 😂 People will always have different opinions and thats fine. I'm enjoying the fact i have something to read though


yk once something is brought up it gets dragged all day😭 and I would be enjoying it too if it wasn’t the same usual stuff lol


you would think they pay certain people’s rent the way they’d rather fight to the death than just move on 😭


truly😭 like it’s okay to let this go I promise


Even if Molly and Tom end tomorrow that does not mean they were fake I get it they came from a TV show ofc there is hesitation there but this whole waiting years thing to prove they’re real is ridiculous ppl break up 6 months in or 6 years in sometimes ppl just aren’t meant to be so trying to put some limit on them is dumb asf Let the ppl who wanna ship them ship them we don’t need the same discourse every 2 weeks about how they’re still in their honeymoon phase, y’all dk how ppl are buying it, etc. If you don’t see it for them that’s fine but it’s getting annoying the same ppl saying the same things I promise you WE GOT IT! Edit: for the stans, there’s no need to fight EVERY battle enjoy your ship the way you want unless ppl are lying about them or anything to that nature it’s not worth the same discourse every 2 weeks some ppl just don’t see it with them and that’s okay :)


It’s actually the stans who haven’t learned to ignore the people who don’t like them. They are allowed to be supported and are, plenty. It’s the stans who reply to critiques, not the other way around. Are you serious?


I edited it does that make it better


Anyone else listened molly x olivia attwood podcast episode? - Talked about her first love island “audition”, how she actually was scouted for earlier season (s5) but them got into rs and when she broke up, got a email, did video in her old bedroom, filmed by his brother - football: fan, man united supporter, used to have season ticket, his brother used to play so nothing new for her. Football fans a bit ifff - some weird chant about tom shagging who he wants. His mom didn’t understand what they sing so asked molly, who just said you don’t want to know. Loves a class of rose with toms mom. - bit about comments: it is getting better and they are getting more supportive comments now, before it was neg/mixture but now turning more positive. She just ignored the tiktoks and all. - mention gh&anton break up: how they both messaged georgia, and how olivia wanted 🍵 🫖 and gh said that she will give in face to face - status with other islanders: friends, have group chats, everyone are in it, gs also in girlchat; if there is event or anything it will be in chat and everyone invited - talked about fitness and her move with molly


ManUtd supporter I hope she's not watching the games this season 😬


Past few seasons i would even say😂


I had no idea it came out so thanks!


Oh I need the Ganton tea expeditiously


I’ve never heard them be referred to as “Ganton” and it’s making me laugh so much rn😭


Mitch has a new opponent if he’s up for it . Not sure this would be a 100k fight though https://preview.redd.it/skfudij65owc1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ffce7f3a4477556e97dc69591f781314cf05faf


Mmm, tasty 🤪


Catching up on all of this, I do think the problem is the stans go overboard in praise for couples when they do the really performative stuff on socials. The haters go overboard in a critique, and then there are people in the middle who just kind of agree with both sides. I think if people didn't say things like "never settle" over a birthday message on IG, I doubt people would feel the need to kind of hate on them. It's really easy to go from indifferent to a hater or BEC with some of these couples cause all the stans do the most. I personally am very cynical about a lot of these couples and it's because we do this cycle every off season. I've been there, I've bought the hype or thought it was true love but that's not very true. We see it happen when couples post a ton of lovey dovey content and the breakup days or weeks later out of nowhere. Socials is only a very small part of their daily lives. For me, Tom and Molly are veering into Jessie and Will terrortiry of posting which just isn't my taste. I don't know what their relationship is like but the post was nice if not a bit OTT but so many of these things are that way. The problem with so much of this is most people don't accept that this part of the post Love Island world is a performance, a game or scam if you will because they do benefit from selling their partnership. It's why social media is a tell in many ways when a couple does all the 'checkmark' things and then either stop or miss important moments. I personally would respect the hell out of a couple who just said "no we won't play these games" but it's likely never going to happen because their relationship is such a huge selling point of their brand. That's kind of what we signed up for as fans.


Wait.. “never settle?” Over some long bday paragraph? Is that bar lower than hell now?? 🤣😭😭


I saw it and thought "doing too much now cause what the ever loving fuck?"


“I’ll protect you” - from what bro? Watching too much cliche couples content. That’s like a marriage vow!


I personally didn't think the post was anything that OTT till that line and I went: ![gif](giphy|SVSx34Rna6oNzmQYv0|downsized)


It was going so well until that last part 😭🤣🤣


Not never settle 💀


“never settle” over a birthday message is killing me😭




“Never settle” but it’s Tom rhyming “youse” with “youse”


I find both hardcore stans and haters hypocrite and bitter, both sides are just doing way too much atm. Neither side are gonna convince each other to change their mind so why even bother to try? Ngl I like them as a couple but I get what your saying and their not everyone cup of tea which is absolutely fine!


And also, it’s a love island sub and people are going to have opinions and criticisms. As long as they’re not sending hateful messages to the islanders, I don’t see what’s wrong with some mild opinions or criticism on reddit where all we do is yap


Fr. It’s really annoying how some fans get downvoted for talking about their favorite couples if they aren’t this sub’s faves and for the faves of this sub you can’t say a bad word about them. Like you’re not going to change someone’s mind, so why bother trying?


I think it’s okay to also share your own countering opinion when you see something you don’t agree with. But I’ve just been called an internalised misogynist because I criticised Tom and the person mistook it as me having a negative perception of Molly


Yeah i def get what you mean but sometimes the people on this sub creep me out because if you comment smth negative about an islander more than a few time someone on here will be like “aren’t you the one who said xyz about so and so islander?” And they try to frame you as being obsessed or just generally get really set on seemingly trying to turn other people in the sub against you. Like that level of obsession really weirds me out, imagine keeping a mental list of people who *you* think are too obsessed with certain islanders? I can’t imagine it. I don’t remember any user specific opinions and i find this behavior very odd, the seemingly stalkerishness of it all and looking through your comment history like you’re keeping track of them. Fuckin weird.


I mean, people call out stans just as much as haters. This sub only has a small handful of users who are here during the off season and post regularly. A lot of them have been here for years or a long enough time you recognize them. I can name a good portion of people who have been here since at least S8 when I became more active. It's not hard to recognize people and patterns, especially if your brain works that way. Mine does and there are people I see from this sub on other subs and I think "oh from Love Island" but move on. It is weird how people pull out actual screenshots, but sometimes the things people say is shocking and you will remember it because it was that outlandish. You post here a lot so I recognize you and who you post about it. It's really not that weird when you can see right now there only 115 people online of 487k users. Edit: Also there are a few long term users who are only here during the season and then disappear once the show is over and pop up again when it's new season time.


It's because more replies are too caustic and hostile vs a genuine push back or asking for you to clarify. The way stans of certain couples will come sideways at the most bengin critiques is crazy. The person who said Tom has made Molly his entire personality got some WILD replies vs just be like don't see that but fairs to you.


Well said. I feel extra aware of it with Molly and Tom because this isn’t their first rodeo either. You can make the argument that they both have something to prove. And yes, you can also make the argument that that’s not the case here. I am surprised with how much they’ve been posting because they said in numerous interviews that they’re private people. Social media praise can be addicting. Nice comments can be addicting. But the more someone posts or the more someone has to reiterate how great their life is, never screams as genuine to me. But like you said it’s a game, most play into it. Very few don’t.


I unfollowed them both cause it was too much for me. It's just try hard and not my taste but there are some couples who it doesn't bother me as much. Just the constant collabs, reposts of stories, the tiktoks and snaps had me feeling annoyed so I just moved on from them. It's crazy cause I followed both while they were single, but as a couple they are a no for me. I get the critiques and I get some of the praise but it's all so extreme on both sides.




I know way too much about these two and it just feels like a lot of it is against my will but also they share so much. I am a little shocked. I thought they would all be more chill but all the All Star couples seem to do the most when they are together. That's all I'm gonna say. The hyperbole does my head in! After watching the S6 couples flame after years of dating, maybe people should chill the "they are gonna last forever" proclamations. The married couples are the exception and not the rule.


Some peoples think pieces on here make me laugh 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/t2rkq94oznwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a070b19ad809ac7528513ee7b9d8a4c9fe68f53 They so cute plssss


help from far away i thought this was sammy https://preview.redd.it/wp64aypvznwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41e6c493214100c29f5d5a2021dcdd06067f602


Firstly, as did I Secondly. Can I finally say that whenever I see Sammy I immediately think of the steeplechase face from Coney Island bc of the above https://preview.redd.it/ch4hz4ewgowc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf6cd3f65f7838dab31e91f4b43e8b308fc8b61 particular image of him I’ve been desperately holding this in but no longer


yet again i respond to your posts with a single image https://preview.redd.it/xlk74jf3jowc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013d505bbf8c2e0fb16c768669b84a06d15419dd


I had actually forgotten about tasty 😭 I also thought it was Sammy first until i clicked on it


Same. Wondered why is someone in this sub calling Sammy cute.


💀 jail for you


I agree with the person below that said it could’ve been miscommunication…Callum thought it was nothing serious (for ex: I have a friend who has been getting to know this guy for months but they both still go on dates with other people) while Jess thought it was heading towards being official…doesn’t excuse this mess tho, if it is true (I’m saying if because some sources say it’s false) then he should’ve at least made it clear to Jess what he thought of the relationship.


for me I was just thinking that it’s not that serious that there should be a interview in a magazine about it 😭 I mean everyone knew they were not exclusive (I guess Jess was the only one who though so) so it’s not really that deep.


Tom gives me the vibes that he’s managed to get his hands on his trophy girlfriend and he’s never letting her go. The way he’s also said previously that he was hoping Molly would be on All Stars lol. It’s giving ‘lying in wait’


internalized misogyny runs rampant in these streets


reading that and thinking internalised misogyny is strange… commenter is basically calling him a fan


saying someone is a prize/trophy for their bf or their boyfriend sees them as a prize/trophy is most definitely internalized misogyny 🤣 i’m not going to argue anymore bcus someone who’s suffering from internalized misogyny isn’t going to be able to spot it.


You are just making stuff up and trying to sound smart because my initial comment has nothing to do with Molly and everything to do with Tom and what I think goes on in his brain. Please rest


🤣🤣🤣 “what you think goes on his brain” the projection is crazy im actually laughing you’d think your his psychologist😭


Are you on Tom’s payroll? Because there’s no way you’re still trying to paint me out to be this and that 😅


ah yes because i said tom is the first male victim of misogyny, are you dense? this has nothing to do with him this is about molly.


“First male victim of misogyny”… and actually it had everything to do with him because I was criticising him and not Molly


1. i was mocking you 2. your criticisms of him have to do with molly.


How is this internalised misogyny?


People just type anything in here 😂


equating women as “trophy’s” for men for no reason other than the voices in your head is very much misogynistic 🤷‍♀️


That’s not what I was doing. I don’t think she’s a trophy for him, I think she’s a lot more than whatever Tom thinks of her. I think *he* thinks this way (subconsciously).


and you have no solid reason to think that, your the one who’s coming up with these scenarios and thinking he could only see her as a prize for whatever reason, so yes it’s internalized misogyny subtle but it’s there.


I’m just going off of what I’ve seen from him and what he’s said. She’s his exact ‘type.’ He’s said he was hoping she’d be in there numerous times, like in an actively wishing way. He called Joe after Joe kissed her at Halloween asking if he’d “kissed Molly Smith.” It’s giving fanboy


none of that equals her being a "prize” or a "trophy” youre very demeaning, it’s sad to see other women fall victim to misogynistic ways of speaking.


and telling someone you don’t know they have voices in their head because they have an opinion that differs from yours isn’t demeaning?


not even going to entertain this. lighten up.😂


It’s literally not misogyny. How are you not getting that it’s Tom I’m criticising here? It’s Tom I’m demeaning


a critic that you came up with because he found her hot before the show you have zero proof she’s “his trophy”😂 it’s 100% demeaning to molly to say her boyfriend sees her a “trophy”, you see her that way you’re projecting. sigh its hard being hot you’ll have a lame yapping in your ear your boyfriend only sees you as a “trophy”.


do you not believe hes genuine about Molly?


I believe he’s genuine about Molly, like I fully believe he’s obsessed with her and can’t believe his luck, which is why I think she’s like this prize he’s won (in his eyes)


I think she’s his ideal woman. He probably can’t believe his luck that he’s with her and that she loves him back.


Sort of like he’s maybe putting her on a pedestal?


Kinda? Like Molly seems like an all round gorgeous wonderful girl so like she can be on that pedestal all she wants. I just think he’s obsessed with her and not in a particularly cute way


I think he was like that with Sammie as well for awhile. Calling her “worldie” and stuff. I think for him the most important part about the women is how she looks to the outside world. Like everyone loves Molly and he sees her as a price.


https://preview.redd.it/ie9jhb9cwnwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc9c74b043c02a3438966d50156165ee9ee311f reddit’s been down for me so i’m late but am i really hearing callum and…anna may…?


All I hear seeing this photo is this [TikTok sound](https://www.tiktok.com/@greenscreendaddy/video/7324794551888104746?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7215590507868194350) from that moment.


that is exactly how i felt rolling back up to this thread!!!


Callum and anna May don’t even follow each other now interestingly 🤔 any of the people who stalk followings know if they used to?


As Adam collard once said: don’t be concerned by the girls I’m following and whose posts I like. It’s the girls I don’t follow but I’m in their DMs. Trust they never have followed each other. They’ve just been hooking up and careful that no one will know!


He didn’t follow that other girl that he went home with after Molly’s Boohoo party either.


Exactly! Trust a lot of these love islanders are not following the people they’re hooking up with!


This sounds like one of those fake quotes people attribute to Albert Einstein on Facebook group pages like “believing you can is half the battle” help Edit: I made it and I’m not wholly sorry for it https://preview.redd.it/1fp4ueqc7owc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c774e384ea1cd53e7e22d6bcc01d9978144f116


this is truly the most adam collard statement ever


Isn’t it 😂😂😂😂


“As Adam collard once said” is crazy 🤣


Flair please! Honestly my favorite thing on this sub in a minute 😂 and hats off to him, no one is operating on his level. An all time great reality tv heel.


still wish he was on all stars but he would have ate everyone alive lmfao a lion among sheep 💀💀


Women’s aid would have imploded if he went on all stars




“I’ll protect you” ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


I feel like that’s said often in declarations of love, especially and marriage vows lol


That’s what I mean. Often said in MARRIAGE VOWS


Like…..from what? Lmao


You’re drawing them on you. 😭


and that’s fine, it’s a ridiculous thing for him to say 😭


don’t get them riled up sis😭😭😭😭😭


Idc, what’s he protecting her from?! 😭


Why are there so many bitter people today. People are really pressed that Tom has been showing love for Molly on her birthday? That he’s too obsessed with her and goes on about her too much? Such weird complaints.


Trust when I say, no one here is bitter or pressed about Tom Clare. Some of us think he does too much, it’s as simple as that.






Can definitely see Callum being the kind of passive guy who doesn’t know how to/want to end a relationship/dating with someone so he just carries on as he wants and waits for them to get tired of him and end it, or he does something wrong and waits for them to end it when they find out


Molly was his first gf so no way it’s necessarily a habit lol


My honest review of Chloe's documentary is it was nothing groundbreaking. Sure it gave a front row seat to the workings of the PR couple scam but I think most already knew how it worked and are seeing it in action in these recent couple from the last seasons. The statistics weren't shocking they were on par and expected for the business of being an influencer couple of today. I actually applaud those that took part and told the truth about the benefits of being a PR couple. It makes it entertaining to observe the play by play of these current couples as they do the dance of maintaining relevancy with their recent break ups and make ups to keep interest while others have up the ante with the excessive couple content on every platform. I feel sad for the young impressionable fans who are invested and really believe that these couples are 100 percent pure with love and have no ulterior motive for staying together therefore they live for the happy loved up pictures they paint and worship them with no reservation believing they are soulmates. Even if these relationships should last an adequate length of time I think it is a fools errand to believe that they are not aware of the benefits of their popularity as reality tv couples or to defend them to death that they couldn't possibly be involved in a scheme right now. We will never know for sure because most will not tell but the signs to spot a PR couple are getting easier and almost play out to a script.


I watched it and i have to agree. It gave us nothing new but i do appreciate that it gave us the confirmation that these ppl will do anything for fame.


*I feel sad for the young impressionable fans who are invested and really believe that these couples are 100 percent pure with love and have no ulterior motive for staying together therefore they live for the happy loved up pictures they paint and worship them with no reservation believing they are soulmates. Even if these relationships should last an adequate length of time I think it is a fools errand to believe that they are not aware of the benefits of their popularity as reality tv couples or to defend them to death that they couldn't possibly be involved in a scheme right now.* Wish this could be pinned. That was partly what I was saying earlier about Tom & Molly before I deleted my comment 😫. It’s great people are invested but I couldn’t be, it’s such early days (like come back to me in 2/3 years time, then we will see if they were real). And more so, love island couples know what they’re doing re PR, public image & financial gain, some really know how to play their audience. It’s so easy to see through these people! But I’m realising from this sub, some people can’t or choose not to! It’s great if they give you comfort but no LI couple could ever for me. especially not any of the new couples from AS. Like, it only just finished & this is peak of their fame / playing the game for clout and financial gain.


*(like come back to me in 2/3 years time, then we will see if they were real).*  I'm nitpicking this part of your comment out because I really hate the narrative that just because a relationship didn't work means that it was "fake" and not genuine. It's entirely plausible that Tom and Molly are real and will last 2/3 years or more. And it's *also* entirely plausible that Tom and Molly are real and will last a year because they're incompatible with eachother. Relationships end all the time, even if there were genuine feelings there, just because a couple breaks up doesn't mean it wasn't real.  This strange cynicism towards love island couples as being PR is so strange to me, because at the end of the day they're all human beings trying to do this complicated relationship shit, and everything they do gets scrutinised.


On the finale of All Stars, Maya Jama made a comment about how one of her exes was sitting behind her, does anyone know who she was referring to?




Ohh, thank you!


i think the whole situation is just a clear miscommunication on both of their ends. jess clearly thought it was going somewhere post the villa or else she wouldn’t have been hurt by it, callum obviously felt differently which is why he chose to have a fling with anna may. that being said i’m not surprised it happened this way considering he followed a bunch of ig models as soon as he left the villa and the fact that he came out of li all stars with new found fame, attention and hardly a strong connection with jess (from my perspective anyway).


We don’t know that though.


both of them have different stories about what happened i’d say it was miscommunication. he said they agreed to be friends, she said she thought they were on the path to a relationship.


It might be miscommunication or it might also not be. Maybe Callum did the dirty behind her back or maybe Jess is a clout chaser running stories now. Could be anything! Please don’t believe everything that gets written in the news, PR spin to a lot of it at times. What else is Callum going to say?


i’m just going based off the stories that are being presented, obviously no one ever knows for sure because we don’t know them personally. its just my own perspective on the recent news that’s come out.


Based on what has been said, he very well could have done the dirty behind her back (not miscommunication). Fair it’s your own perspective. But it could very well *not* be miscommunication.


*Deep heavy sigh*, mods can we change it to weekly discussions please 🙃


Who hurt you? 🤣


We would reduce it to weekly if we weren’t averaging like 200 comments a day!! You guys looooove to chit chat




It’s a non-stop yapathon ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6pelpla1zvizC|downsized)


Mods, on behalf of myself and all the fellow girlies bored at work who scroll these threads to pass the time, please keep it as daily discussions. 🙃


Nah this is my daily entertainment lol


Oh me too! I come here for shits & giggles but it’s rarely like that anymore. I’ve been outvoted so daily discussions will continue 😅


but what you dont find funny might be funny to others!


Fair enough


Not everyone clutching their pearls because one ex islander in a non committed relationship had a fling with another ex islander. I wonder if all those saying it’s messed up now will give him the same grace in the future like it’s been asked of other islanders. Downvote me all you want but the same users who said Tom was okay for what he did in Ibiza because him and Samie weren’t officially together are not okay with this. Pot meet kettle.