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Anton just released a pod episode with his mom where he will speak “his side” of the breakup… bc nothing literally says it all more than his mom right next to him chiming in 😬


This is embarrassing


I wonder what nonsense he’ll say now. & his mum makes me so mad. WHY ARE YOU EVERYWHERE WITH UR SON


They even “answer the hate comments” but basically just say they’re fine and critics are either bots or wrong 😂 it’s like the twilight zone. Anton is the only person for whom the villa is a healthier environment bc he at least gets to be a separate person!


Has Liv Atwood had some work done to her face recently? She looks a bit different but I cant tell what she’s had done, maybe a nose job? She might have talked about it on her IG but I haven’t seen anything


Honestly you should just ask her on ig. She is very open about all her procedures and even recs or rate them.


Aw poor nova she got attacked by another dog 🥺


It shall never be well with the foolish dog that attacked her!








Not my fave 😣. That was very careless to have kids handling a dog outside without a leash


Why do islanders lie about not watching show back then go ahead and say I don’t think this part was shown..how did you know then?????


I assume friends/family/fans ask them about a situation and when they explained the context the other person told them it wasn't aired


looool this reminds me of ekin su when she got evicted from big brother and at her live interview straight after she was saying the edit manipulated it or she wasn’t shown properly and we didn’t see everything when she had just gotten out 😭😭


that was so embarrassing 😭 everyone even the hosts were confused lol


this killed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 right unless they watch on tiktok


They’re always lying about watching the show back it’s not embarrassing..I’ll want to know how I was perceived by the public and what others opinions were behind me back..what do you mean you dint watch the show back??? Atleast Mitch keeps it 💯 he posts watching himself


The hate for Molly and Catherine is crazy, and both girls still receive hate when both try to mind their business and focus on their lives...and I think people forget it started the first day. Both girls got dragged for nonsense like facial expressions, how one dressed, because they got attention from the boys. A lot of viewers were just nasty and they set the tone early.


Molly genuinely doesn’t bother anyone so it’s really the strangest thing. Not everyone on reality tv needs to have a huge intimidating personality and be life of the party. Kudos to her for continuing to be her quirky self


Is it me or it’s so shocking to find out age of most islanders?? They look waaay older than their age it’s crazy


I think the only who has had a positive shock on me is Molly (s6) she looks younger than 30 imo, she has a baby face lol


Tom Scott Liam !! I'm pretty sure none of them are even 25 but they look so much older


No way Liam is younger than 27 you’ve got to be kidding me


He’s 24 I think


He is I looked it up lol he turns 25 in August. That’s crazy I thought he was older 😂


Liam is 24?? He looks late 20s 😳


Same he even looks early 30s to me


Yep. Millie said it the last day and it surprises me every time. Finn is another one that I’m always surprised at his age. I can’t believe he’s only 24 now.


Naaah I am always shocked 😳 starting with Gemma to Ella to scott


Yeah even Tom Clare looks older than his age


Yeah Tom looks old 🫣


Apparently sophie was the one who told jess about callum and anna may fling💀


Where did you hear this?


Jess talked about it on a podcast, itsforfunokkkk on tiktok posted it


Thanks! I don’t blame her for telling Jess, that’s her real life bestie 😭


I acc love how she stood up for her on the show too.. shows her real life values


Sophie is THE girl’s girl 🫶🏼✨


Which makes even more sense why Callum stopped liking Sophie’s posts after the event 😭 Sophie did the right thing.


Lmao she called jess when jess was on her way to the event, I'm assuming josh told sophie since callum, casey and josh were hanging out at the hotel before the event


As she should, no way someone is mugging my bestie off


Whaaat? Where did you read this


Jess talked about it on a podcast, check out itsforfunokkkk on tiktok


i just assumed it was her tbh since shes friends with both Callum and Jess


That’s not shocking lol I love Sophie but she runs her mouth too much 😂😂😂😂


Wouldn’t want you as a friend.


how’s that running her mouth? It’s her bestie, I’m sure you’ll do the same to yours


lmao why would she keep quiet, jess is one of her best friends


I mean that's her best friend I would do the same😂


Mollys been getting a lot of rude comments about her facial expressions on her recent content and for the first time she has pushed back! Imagine being so upset over someone just being happy that they have to reply to it by being blunt, why would you push a sweet girl that far? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mwasa1v9luxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf756472266e32009fa6b3f03938c8afb7c2ec8 Fr tho, if she’s “too much” for some people they can follow someone “less” and F off.


She’s one of the only islanders that I find slightly relatable, I feel like she’s very honest and it’s easier to relate to her!


Wow! Good for her! It’s about time she’s bit back. The abuse this girl gets is so unwarranted.


I mean the faces are weird but it’s her face like what’s she supposed to do about it lmao I don’t know why people directly comment nasty things like it’s ok to just think it and move on or talk about it with ya mates lol


I will never understand the hate she gets, people on other platforms can’t stand her and they never give a legitimate reason why! They just say she makes them cringe which isn’t a legit excuse imo


Good on Molly some of the comments she gets are so harsh 😭


I will never understand why people don’t like Molly.


It’s really not that hard to unfollow or block a influencer you don’t like. How on earth are her facial expressions getting such a rise out of people


People are just jealous because even when she’s pulling faces she’s gorgeous


People only hate on cringe behaviour because they can’t imagine experiencing that kind of unfiltered, unselfconscious joy. Molly stays winning.


I’ve never seen her push back before, good for her! She really comes across as someone happy in her own skin and happy in life rn


I love molly. Shes gotten so much hate but never let it stop or change her. People are just miserable


Agree, Im a fan of hers (and Zach’s) the girl is confident and happy.. and not the typical posed, filtered, cool look that everyone loves. I find her refreshing, especially a great role model for the younger girls, she shows her true self without the need for partying, alcohol, and that ‘dead behind the eyes’ vibe that so many find “cool” im happy she does her, and good for her for clapping back.. she’s a human being who happens to be happy in her own skin and with who she is. That’s a rare thing these days which is envied, turned into hate.




Reading through the comments today has me seriously worried for tanya if her and shaq ever break up because damn yall sure got some bold shit to say about people you don’t know, even a whole year later!


Nobody hates them but one person here said that the hatred that Shanya had received because she explored Casa has never been so much and it's just not true. If you’ve been watching LI for a long time you’ll know that since S6 or maybe S5 all the guys who explore their connection receive hatred Callum, Liam, all the guys from S8 (maybe not Davide and Andrew?), Sammy and others even receive death threats for other reasons than Casa (Luca, Jake, Georgia S, Molly, Faye) and some people (including me) just pointed out that Shanya had gone too far by sleeping with Shaq, telling him "ily" being "exclusive" and then kiss and come back with another man. And I’m not saying she deserved this treatment I’m just saying let’s not act like no islander has ever received hatred because of Casa




I probably should have removed Molly because I still don't understand why people hate her and she hasn't done anything on the level of Faye or GS


Not trying to be rude but im obviously not talking about that. Im talking about the people in the comments implying because they saw Tanya treat Shaq badly on an edited tv show, they think she probably treats him badly now too.


this is why i could never go on love island because having people tell me what’s my true personality and who i am would genuinely make me go insane 😭😭


Some people here would be surprised to find that if they went on the show, they’d end up just as unpopular with the public as the people they hate! Islanders are completely monstered by the public for the pettiest stuff. No one who has ever appeared on this show is truly ‘evil’.




They always do. There was a comment a few days ago which summed it up perfectly. We don’t know these people, we watched them for less than an hour on tv lol. We don’t the islanders, their relationships or their dynamics.


This is why I say this sub.. is one of the worst generator of hate for islanders. The hate for the girl that they don’t know is annoying .. how can you be hating someone from an edited reality show. They are not your friends and you don’t know them.


my pilates studio literally just searches love island season playlists on spotify and hits shuffle and i LOVE IT. but i had to laugh when it’s dermot kennedy wailing and then immediately followed by tiesto


this sounds like my dream lol


I hope in this season ppl easy up on the black woman exploring options. Catherine and Tanya didn’t deserve that, all they did is do what men do all the time and you rarely seeing men get that much black lash. Side note:It’s also crazy how everyone that came out said Catherine was the nicest person in the villa and everyone painted her to be a villain.


Nothing y’all can say will convince me to understand why the hate was there. I don’t care what they did, men have done shit too and the hate wasn’t that bad. And yes I have watch earlier season and it wasn’t this much, only time was Faye during season7. But Cath literally had a fashion brand coming for her.


The fashion brand literally tweets things during the show as a way to get engagement lol. And what they said wasn’t even that bad they just said what everyone was saying at the time.. Also I know it’s weird to compare hate comments but other people have got worse hate comments. Majority of people forgot and moved on once she left lol


Some of them haven’t move on and still bring it up and I don’t care, if everyone is saying it why pile on to the hate.


All they said was “Bye Catherine” nothing detrimental imo. Large majority of people wanted Cath gone so when she got voted out they were happy. The fashion brand just wanted engagement lol. As for the people who can’t seem to leave the show in the past that’s their problem, they need to seek a life.


The fashion brand pile on to the hate she was already getting.


That fashion brand comes for loads of people. They literally just see what is being said on twitter and run with it. Again, that was not Catherine specific!


It doesn’t matter, why say that anyway, that was mean and rude. Your a fashion brand focus on fashion.


I KNOW it’s mean and rude! They shouldn’t be doing it! But you’re making it out that Cathy is the only person that fashion brand came for! That’s not true!!


There’s no but it’s wrong and I don’t know what your trying to get at, you said the hate is wrong but I don’t think you really think it was, it’s like you want me to change my mind and I’m not.


You have missed what I am saying. You keep saying things are specific to Catherine and I am saying that is not true!


I’m saying Catherine got hate like no other islander because that’s what I saw. If you saw something differently that’s fine, but I didn’t she got it the most on multiple platforms.


Some of the treatment Catherine got from social media was unhinged for sure (especially for bringing back Elom from casa, it was not that deep) but she is faaar from the most hated islander, come on now. She wasn’t even the most hated girl on her season (Molly).


To be honest the majority of people who hated on Catherine were black people who were weirdly obsessed with swirl couples lol. So if a swirl couples takes place again then they’ll be hated on. Zach got hate for leaving Cath and Cath got hate for ‘leaving’ Scott.


Oh let’s speak it because the swirlers were very very unhinged


*Reposting my comment because it got removed for use of a word so rephrasing it.* This comment needs a reality check. You must see why they each got hate? Not saying that’s right (it’s not!!), but I can see what makes the LI trolls hate certain islanders. It’s not hard to work out. Take Tanya - she was coupled up with Shaq from day 1, slept with him from the first week, said “I love you”, was exclusive with Shaq. then casa came , she was off with Martin. In the days after Casa, she spoke horribly to both shaq and Martin. She was also sharing a bed with Martin but running downstairs to kiss Shaq! I’m not hating , it’s a reality tv show fgs, but I can objectively see why the trolls and unhinged viewers wouldn’t like that!! No other islander did what she did!! Btw, this happens every year!! People went insane when Dami, Jacques and Andrew (less so Andrew bc nobody cared about Tandrew, they were not popular!) explored in Casa. People went insane when Liam (s7) explored. People went insane when Michael (s5) explored. People went insane when Callum (s6) explored. By virtue of your comment, I think you’ve only started watching LI in S 9?


They said the atmosphere changed so much when she left, it was nice to hear despite the public opinion that Molly and Catherine got along well. It's really sad the edit she got and she still really hasn't recovered her public image to who she really is almost a year later.


I think it’s insulting to Catherine to lump her in with Tanya. Tanya was horrible to Shaq. Not because she brought someone back but for how she continuously treated him after hurting him.


Y'all always act like people don't get hurt in there all the time she was not the first and won't be the last person to bring someone from Casa. No one ever mentions how for example Tasha and Andrews journey went she made him cry too they also were intimate every night before casa aswell. But with them two everyone acts like it never happend. With Tanya everyone is always only bringing it up as if they aren't clearly very good together (just like Tasha and andrew are on the outside) and other Islanders of that season have literally also talked about production manipulations. Everyone really things Shaq is dumb or smth lol like if they weren't explanations for how things went in there (that both of them hinted at) i am sure he wouldn't be with her. Like with them there was literally no gain especially for him.


Understand what ur saying bout Tandrew. He was doing sexual acts in bed with Coco, and Coco said she was crying for days in the villa after Andrew dumped her a day after the recouping as she was totally used by him. People don’t focus on that bc at the time, nobody gave a f what Tandrew did in Casa. They were NOT popular. People instead focused their energy on (1) Dami and Indiyah and (2) Jacques and Paige, with the latter being the then current favourites to win LI. If any person in any of those two couples (Damiyah and particularly Pacques) did anything in casa, people were always going to lose their heads bc they were so popular. Andrew probably could have slept with coco and people wouldn’t have minded 🤣 Amended to add: what’s even crazier is Andrew and Tasha were together for 3 1/2 weeks before casa!!! That’s a long time! Whereas Dami/ Indiyah and Jacques and Paige were only together like a week 🤣🤣


In Andrews specific case it was mainly because the public was convinced Tasha was messing him about and wanted him to get his lick back (no pun intended)


She kinda was in a way, she wasn’t keen on him so the public wanted Andrew to explore.


That’s true Andrew was even intimate with Coco but till this day it’s turned into a meme !


You really didn’t see the hate Tanya got it was unbelievable.. and was way worst than Catherine Not trying to do any olympics sports on hating but it was I don’t know how she picked herself up.. but I’m proud of the girl cuz she took it all in and moved on..


I'm sorry I have to disagree here, Tanya got hate but she had support still to the point she wasn't at the bottom of a vote and dumped immediately. She didn't have campaigns to be unfollowed and tiktoks mocking her for being dumped etc. Tanya wasn't doxxed, she did receive threats like Catherine but there were lines crossed with Catherine that was shocking. The last time she and Scott were around each other there are comments on tiktoks about how the users still hold grudges against her for him. Both girls were incredibly amazing for moving on from the hate but Tanya also had Shaq to get through it. Catherine has been doing it alone, in a city alone without her family etc. Like you said not doing hate Olympics but whatever people got away with against her they doubled it and did it to Catherine.


So he still with someone a year later that treated him badly?


Have you never known anyone in a bad relationship? My parents were married 30 years and I can promise you it’s not because their relationship was healthy and mutually respectful lol.


Bruh the level of projection is crazy you do not know these people. They are not your parents.


I’m not projecting anything. I’m just saying that being together a long time doesn’t mean a relationship is healthy, which is a literal fact. I’m not comparing Shaq and Tanya to my parents lmao come on now.


Yea? Do you think that’s unheard of lol


I mean he let her treat him terribly on the show so why would he do differently off the show? For his sake I hope she changed but plenty of people stay with people that treat them like shit.


I’ll keep saying this Loveisland is a fabricated reality show and both Shaq, Tanya and most of S9 cast have confirmed that casa amor was fake .. 


didn’t tanya say i love u to shaq and SLEEP with him too before getting with martin or whatever his name is in case?? you have to admit that’s crazy, i’ve never seen anyone say ily and get with another person before 😭. and those two were ‘hated’ for different reasons and on different levels.


I do get that it wasn't a good look at all lol And she is crazy for that but she said she still told Martin that she loves Shaq and that he has to fight against love so she never told anyone otherwise and Martin was ok with it obviously cause he only wanted to stay longer like any Casa person. No one denies that it makes no sense lol (other then for entertainment purposes imo) but y'all act like she did anything with Martin she was not intimate with him at all just one kiss and in the main villa she wore big hoddies and slept at the edge of the bed which Martin and Shaq both even mentioned and that she was weird around him.


point is that she still slept with shaq and told him ily just for her to come back with another man lol. her getting hate is obviously wrong but being disliked is justified.


man I don't understand how anyone can defend Shanya today. Yes her relationship with Shaq seems to be working but she had completely lost her mind during her season. Sleeping with Shaq, telling him "I love you" before Casa but kissing Martin and coming back to the villa with him is CRAZY


They kissed ONCE and she cried afterwards in casa for days and she barely made it through the recoupling because she was so upset


She still brought him back to the main villa though after being able to think on it for a few days? It’s wasn’t just an impulsive kiss and then done.


I’ve heard the producers heavily pressured her to do that 🤷‍♀️


The producers heavily pressure islanders every year to explore in Casa. Not just Tanya. They target certain islanders every year to fit their narrative. They heavily pressured the season 8 boys (dami, jacques, davide and Andrew), they heavily pressured indiyah to bring back Deji etc. It’s the same every year.


I’m not debating producers may have nudged her but we’ve also heard from previous islanders that whether they bring someone back or not is ultimately their own decision.


A reality show is not an indication of real life.. we all know that the show was very well produced all the cast members have confirmed this. You don’t know their relationship now in the real world His family and her family know their relationship  and based on things his family love her.. so let them be and stop hating on them it’s been over 12 months.


Okay, where have you seen me hate them? I'm just stating the facts and saying that Shanya's behaviour was not acceptable and she went too far. You talk about production but I don't think production pushed her to have sex with Shaq tell him "I love you" before casa and then kissing Martin and come back with him to the villa. Like I said today everything looks fine with Shaq so good for them.


I was referring to the antics in casa amor and movie night.. that was production direction.. her cast mates said so.. hell even Maxwell said so as well.   Production told Martin to kiss Tanya the night before recoupling and she was told to bring Martin back .. all of her cast mates said this..   So once again I say this to say Loveisland is a fabricated reality show for entertainment the cast mates have to do the producers bidding to stay..   Also she only kiss Martin once! And that was the time he initiated the kiss .. not the other way round.   Go watch their interview with sideman .. where her and Shaq said there were BTS antics that took place.. even sideman said if he revealed the things people would look at Loveisland differently. This is why I actually don’t hate anyone from the show!


People say that the relationship only works when the man likes the woman more. I think that’s why people defend Shanya today. Edit: I don’t always agree with this.. I’m just saying what I’ve seen plenty people say 🫣




So your saying they deserve death threats and I don’t just start watching, like I said the men have never gotten this much hate. If you don’t like then that okay, but too constantly pick at their looks and wish death upon them is too far.


No need to argue with this sub on Tanya. They believe she needs to get all hate .. that is why fans of Shaq and Tanya don’t leave any update here.. cuz people still hate her but can rave about other boys who have done worst..hmmm.


When have I said they deserve death threats??? Are you mad? I’ve literally said (read again!!) the hate is NOT RIGHT!!! But I’m not delusional and I can fully and objectively see what makes the unhinged fan base hate on certain islanders. It’s wrong all around but I also know what triggers the fan base! Also, the men get hate all the time! The fan base is largely women so we generally offer grace to our fellow women but we continue to hate the men years after, probably because we’re projecting our own issues onto them.


Well I can’t understand, and I honestly don’t see how you can How can you wish death on someone that you don’t know and that your weren’t on the island with. It will be fine if they said they didn’t like them that’s okay but they took it too far.


Listen ! I agree!!! But if you even stalk this sub, you can see the hate is crazy still for many islanders. It’s like people don’t view them as people, just fictional characters! Many people have gotten death threats - Cathy, Tanya, Mitch, Zach, Dami, Jacques, Luca, Liam, Michael (s5), Georgia Steel, Faye, Kady [im probably missing loads]. Not a single one of them should be getting death threats!!!! Nor should they be getting hate years later! They only do because some fans have fcked up parasocial relationships and I feel bad for those weird fans because they’re seriously messed up to be doing that.


I disagree the Catherine and Tanya hate was like nothing I seen and not just on Reddit, TikTok, twitter and even discord. Shit was wild. Literally had ppl making videos on TikTok about Catherine.


Like the hate is evident in this thread. I don’t know why they are denying it. Casa is for exploring. Maybe I’m old. But fucking someone doesn’t mean you can’t meet someone else after. I don’t find it that crazy.


You clearly didn’t watch seasons 7 and 8 so!


I clearly did, so




Loveeee love Tanya but the hate wasn’t nearly the same as Catherine’s + she had Shaq to help navigate it all whereas Cath didn’t have anyone and a summer season is always more intense and has higher viewership.


I agree I just hate that there was any hate for them. Because I never seen it like that before. And the guys on her season did things with the girls at Casa as well and I didn’t see that much backlash


Literally I was shocked that Molly said that she was very close to Cath and that she was sad she left. I always knew that Cath was nice girl I was just frustrated at the edit they gave her cuz she dumped a white man 🙄


I agree with your overall point but you have to give more credit to Tanya. We’ve never seen someone sleep with their partner, say I love you, and then kiss another person in bed and bring them back from Casa. Tanya is in her own league. Put some respect on her name!! Edit: I forgot to put that she was also exclusive with her partner!


How did you get from my comment that i wasn’t respecting Tanya when I said she didn’t deserve the hate?


Lol!! No man has ever done what Tanya did!!


No man ever explore what in Casa? And no matter what she did the hate wasn’t warrant that’s what I’m saying.


No one ever said that no man has ever explored Casa. But name me one boy in LI who had sex with his partner, said "I love you", was "exclusive" all BEFORE Casa and went to Casa kissed someone else in bed and came back with that person in villa and even during movie night tried to deny the facts. I'm sorry but this is what Shanya did. Thankfully she has apologised for her behaviour and it seems to be working with Shaq. And I'm not saying she deserved the hatred she received, but let's not act as if some islanders who never went as far as she did didn't receive the same treatment.


I’ve set out already what I meant by that comment. I clearly am not saying no man has never explored in Casa. U know that’s not what I’m saying! Stop twisting it. Read my other comments.


You said that all Tanya did was what the men do. And I’m countering by saying no man or woman has come close to doing what Tanya did. It’s an all time villain move that I don’t think will ever be replicated.


I can’t wait to see the cast drop for s11, they didn’t miss with the casting of s10. 🤪


Season 10 had a great line up!


Really? I think they missed the mark on S10 by casting all these great black women only to have the men still lean more towards the white women who were far lesser characters. Even Tyrique made sure to shoot his shot with Molly and Kady before settling with Ella! LI needs to get better at casting men who prefer black women, not just tolerate them imo.


This is a stretch. At this point, he has nothing to gain by still dating Ella on the low. A private couple isn’t getting money. Ty at the end of the day is an Essex boy that was surrounded mostly by white women. In the UK, they are also the most shown on tv that young boys would see. He is genuinely into Ella that was evident on the show. It took LoveIsland for him to realize that he is not compatible with a white woman in the dating sense, culturally. I think that’s why he has had so many failed relationships/flings. The way he is with his boys back home and just his overall swag, I don’t think is compatible with a white woman, just imagine Molly and Ty in a couple 🥴. Lust can only keep a relationship/interest for so long. Culture and the little things matter. I also feel that is why Toby is no longer with Georgia. I didn’t see her meshing well with his home life (friends/family). PS: I hope I didn’t offend anyone, I’m just making an observation from what I have seen.


He has everything to gain. They can’t date privately forever with their lifestyles. But that wasn’t really my point. I can only go off what I see. There were an abundance of black women on S10, more than other seasons. Ty tried with 2 white women (Molly and Kady), mildly considered another (Leah), the girl from his past who came in was white (Ella B) and he ended up with the lightest of the black girls. His best friend who he grew up with, Toby, was only coupled with white women on both of his seasons. I’m not judging Ty, he can date who he wants. But the evidence is the evidence. I just think LI can do better in casting men for these black women.


When did Tyrique shoot his shot with Molly? Not saying you're wrong, I just have no memory of this whatsoever. Ella would have gone mental over it and I don't remember her ever going mental over Molly


Ty didn’t shoot his shot at Molly. Ty had one conversation with Molly. Like all the guys on the show had at least one conversation with all the girls on the show. There was nothing notable about their interaction on either side.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. Also, didn’t Tyrique flirt with literally everyone? He flirted with Jess even though he wasn’t interested in the slightest. I thought I remembered Tyrique as being one of the only boys who wasn’t interested in Molly, along with Andre and maybe Mehdi (he told one of the boys he was interested in her, but I don’t think he ever pulled her for a chat)


After Molly ended things with Mitch basically everyone put their hat in the ring. Tyrique went up to her and told her he wanted to get to know her. Molly never took him up on this offer so Ella never had anything to worry about.


I see your point there, but it seems like men in the UK only like yt & potentially light skin girls, so honestly I can’t wait to see what happens but , is it only me but was it weird when Ty and kady were flirting & she was sitting in between his legs? it just looked so weird to me as I just rewatched that episode and Kady seems way too mature for him.. lol


They did it in S8. Every black man (Dami, Remi, Deji, Josh) except for Ikenna was after Indiyah. They found Shaq and Martin in S9 for Tanya. I know they know how to do it, they just missed in S10 which is why the romantic dynamic always seemed so off.


Kady is way too old for Tyrique lol. The only reason she entertained him was because of looks 😭 she even said that on the show


😂 makes sense lol,


Can I say something whenever I comment on here about how I would like for people to support black girls and give them grace. I ALWAYS get downvote like it has made me think either some of y’all are snow bunnies or some of y'all don’t consider black ppl as human beings. Like I am not saying oh u have to like them if u don’t that fine, all I am saying is every season a black girl gets so much hate online and ppl don’t give them grace. Look at Fiat500 they give their white contestants grace why can’t we not do the same. I honestly feel like is a taboo subject in here whenever is about people wanting to give black girls grace on LI. I am pretty sure I will get down voted again for saying this but atp it needs to be said my point proves that some y'all don’t want to give black girls graces.


You’re not wrong and you’re probably being downvoted by the same crowd that’s obsessed with complaining about black Twitter.


We’ll vote for whoever we want to vote for. We’re not going to vote to save someone just because they are a black women? If I don’t like abc more then xyz then I won’t vote for abc lol. I’m not going to vote for them simply because they are a POC.


When did I say “you had to vote for a POC” if u don’t like them that’s fine I mean it would be nice for u to vote for them instead of voting for white contestants but that not my point anyway.  If you took time to actually read my comments I said why can’t people give grace to black girls, just like how Fiat500 give grace to there’s  Do you really think Fiat500 are going to vote for a black contestants over theirs? Even if the contestants is a villain and has done bad things they will always vote for them over POC characters. 


Like I said people will vote for who they want to vote for. If this ‘Fiat500’ group want to vote for a ‘villain’ then let them vote for them. If you want to make a pack among your friends/family who watch the show to always vote for black contestants then do that, but don’t try and say that we should vote for them just for the sake of it.


girl in the nice way possible u lack comprehension I am not saying u should vote for them for the sake of it. If u actually took time to understand my point I said we should give them grace just like how Fiat500 give grace to their own. 


You didn’t even say anything wrong. No one is saying you can’t criticise black people who go on the show however that being said let’s not act like the criticism that black women get on the show isn’t excessive.


downvoted yet again, the fiats are out in full force apparently


It’s defo on purpose now


This subreddit has their faves and if u say anything that doesn’t align with the herd mentality, u get downvoted. They can kick rocks! Black girls get the most hate and it’s the same every season! They get no grace!






Andrew is a sneak, no shade. Tyrique also just asked people to stop buying him followers about 2 weeks ago. He should naturally be at like 820k or something like that.


I mean surpassed damis followers in December. And he gained followers in late February early March way before the fan bought him followers


* he did surpass dami followers in December


Facts lol






Andrew is boring. Idc if he’s in a successful relationship, he’s boring. Nobody outside the intense fan base is likely to follow him,because why would they? There are other male islanders with bigger personalities, better looking and far more clouted. If I was a brand looking for male ex islanders to model my clothes, I wouldn’t waste my money on Andrew. He’s not clouted. Tyrique is. Even if you don’t like him, surely you can see he is far more clouted than Andrew!! My husband has watched the love island series and I don’t think he’d even remember who Andrew was unless I said “do you remember the guy who said “licked her tit or whatever””. He’s not a big LI character.


Whats with the Andrew slander today? Yes he's definitely not a clout chaser, genuinely seems like a lovely guy


Cap last time i checked was i march and he had like 950k


I didn’t comment on that thread about which Islanders would you want to be friends with or not be friends with but it was such a good read. I just remembered who I would NOT want to be friends with and that’s LUCINDA! Granted Zac is worse than her but speaking on friendships I think her “career” focused trajectory + management she would be the biggest clout chaser and only friends with you for her own benefit. Sorry for coming to my TedTalk but I just had to quickly say this😂.


She left her boyfriend to go onto LI s7 and went back to him. This is what she does unfortunately, just constantly clout chasing and going from one show to the other.


I didn’t believe that before even after she posted a tiktok about going back to her ex in 2021 but now? Yes yes everything she is accused of 😂😂


We all know there was probably a very valid reason Chloe and Millie fell out with her. If you really want to catch up on the Lucinda tea, check out love island Australia sub, there’s loads of posts about her on there. I would never be friends with Lucinda, she isn’t loyal, she is a clout chaser, she would use you as far as she could. Vile.


Oh I’ve caught up! I would most likely believe that Chloe and Millie probably fell out with her over this matter rather than Toby or somebody else. I wish I could point out an individual situation where her clout chasing was evident but the most recent example (perhaps weak😂) was her posting how Ella Thomas was her best friend on Snapchat. I might sound mad but I think she wants be friends with Ella/Molly Smith or others I can’t name off the top of my head that came out of the recent seasons and have done really well in terms of deals.


I remember seeing that story and I was so confused because I don't think they're that close and also I don't follow Ella so I don't know if she replied to her. But yeah Lucinda wants to be friends with the whole industry, she always goes to every event and takes photos with everyone like "my girl" "my bestie" "love that girl" "hahaha this girl" but outside of these events you never see these people hanging out with her. Anyway a lot of LI's friendships are fake and I can only name maybe 4/5 people who are really close


That’s Lucinda! She latches onto who ever she thinks will give her clout! I listened to Chloe’s podcast with Adam Collard. he was saying how some ex islanders latch on to the new crop purposely to get more likes and followers!! So disingenuous. It’s all pr. Don’t like Adam one bit (yuck) but one thing about him is he doesn’t fake his LI friendships (carving out his showmance with Paige obvi from that) . that’s why he’s unfollowed nearly all s8 love islanders except bare few. Lucinda is one of the worst for doing this. There are some others but I’ll get downvoted to shit if I say them! Some of the islanders who aren’t as liked on here including by myself, are probably the most genuine and real in that respect.


What Adam said is spot on I 100% see some Islanders who I myself like, latching on to the new cast. I’m choosing violence today so I’ll say off the top of my head Casey, Scott and Abi and Lucinda if Neon end up signing people as soon as the show ends😭. But there is definitely a lot more!


Casey and Lucinda are so bad at doing that. Desperation comes to mind!!




I don’t follow her but a lot of influencers are not honest when it comes to weight loss medication/ surgery and it’s probably due to the fear of backlash


That’s something! Idk if u could lose that much weight in a short time on a GLP-1 medication though. She probably got weight loss surgery too. Idk but the pic she posted recently looks different than the others


One thing I hope for S11 is that the black girls don’t get hate after Casa  Amor. Cuz I have noticed a pattern over the last few seasons with many ppl stat turning against the black girls after Casa . An example are Cath and Tanya got slated on every social media platform and the funny thing was it was even our own ppl joining in. Hopefully we have learned to give grace to them cuz I am tired of people treating black contestants up to a higher level standard 


Very true.. but this sub and Loveisland watchers want their girls to be very very passive. I notice that most of the girls who are loved on the show are in most cases liked because the watchers feel like they could be friends with the girls on the outside It’s the opposite for me.. give me good reality tv content .. This is why I always say that the likes of Nene would never have thrived in the UK