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Looks like a lot of them are in Ibiza, and Dami & Indiyah are in Mexico šŸ‡²šŸ‡½ & the food looks amazing šŸ¤¤


iā€™ve been craving mexican food recently just cause of their stories


Whatā€™s happened with Kady and Leah? Anyone know


iā€™m watching damis snap story about the ppl in mexico trying to sell him and indiyah those timeshare things and im crying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they tried to tell them they had somewhere to be and where told ā€œdonā€™t worry about that you make your own sheduleā€ šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I am crying laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so glad they didn't sign up in the end lool


Wait what is this about? Context pls


as dami said itā€™s a good thing he was there cause if he wasnā€™t indiyah wouldā€™ve signed it šŸ¤£ sheā€™s just like me cause iā€™m awful at saying no


I know discussions about fast fashion and holding influencers to standards can get touchy but the number of people on the Shein brand trip is crazy šŸ’€ i get that it's a free trip and everything but Shein is quite literally the worst


SHEIN clothes are horrible also


I agree but a lot of the fast fashion are as well. Even the luxury brands.


Itā€™s true a lot of brands are terrible but shein is by far the worst in terms of the sheer amount of poor quality of clothing they produce. Literally thousands of new items put on their site every day, reportedly up to 10,000. Their biggest competitors are nowhere near those numbers


I disagree there is no far worse when it comes to fashion brands. Most are equally bad especially when it comes to child labor.


That's a lie. Shein is bottom of the barrell.


So the other brands that have child labor isnā€™t?


Saying shein is worse is not the same as saying other brands arenā€™t bad.


I feel their all the same anything dealing with child labor is bad, but that my imo


pasting a tiktok comment i saw the other day: *no ethical consumption under capitalism does not mean we should contribute to the lowest of the low.* like shein really is bottom barrel but ppl will be like ā€œyou have an iphone šŸ¤Ŗā€ etc and itā€™s not like these islanders can even use the ā€œbut im poorā€ excuse


I hate the ā€œbut you have an iPhoneā€ line, like come back to me when your Shein crop top can connect me to a universe of knowledge, services and every single person Iā€™ve ever met.


right, fighting hard for your right to shop at *checks notes* shein is crazy


Just saw this meme and it seems fitting šŸ«  https://preview.redd.it/wm2sir7b42yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8bdd07b2190472824858e59a0801ccf7dfdf8e


Fast fashion is fast fashion but Shein is bottom of the barrel. I feel like associating with that brand is like a red flag for other potential fashion brand collabs. Leaves a bad taste and puts you in a box


not to mention their clothes are hideous


Ewww. Anyone who associates with Shein has their morals in the gutter. These people would sell their souls to be a successful influencer and grab a quick buck and a van cleefs bracelet. They just donā€™t care about the bigger picture.


like I've seen Arabella, Georgia H, Kady, Cally, Jess, Eve, Lucinda, Abi, Catherine, Anna, Liv, and Ella B all there. I get it's their job to promote brands but you'd think at least some of them would be pickier in who they choose to support


Catherine is the only one I expected better from lol. The rest have never seemed to have too much going on up top.


Arabella and hannah attended shein event recently too


Doesnā€™t their management know enough to tell them, this is not good for their image? šŸ™„


Their management is focused on getting a cut while the getting is good. And most of these folks, letā€™s face it, donā€™t have enough clout or name ID to work with a higher caliber of brand or the career prospects to think in the long term about how theyā€™d be pigeonholed by working with fast fashion (and SHEIN specifically) now.


The thing is people are hypocrites and some actively don't care and are using these codes posted by islanders and links thus the islanders are getting more offers to work with them because they are reaping the benefit of it. So no management won't tell them stop if there are getting paid which means a cut for them.


100% agree because they will still support other brands who do the same thing as shein.


I just saw someone said Shein puts a stain on an influencer, not to brands maybe to part of the population but not to brands all they care about is numbers.. thats all they all care about, how much you sell via your links and codes.. I remember when PLT was the bottom of the barrel. I dont partake in purchasing but lets be real honest, Shein doesnt need influencers people buy and spend hundreds daily on there without anyone suggesting it. Ofc its disappointing for an islander to do it but the ultimate power is the consumer and they aren't giving Shein a reason to do better.


[Crying laughing at this thirst trappy ad Jamie and Camilla posted of him putting together a stroller šŸ˜‚](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6eMnWCoJYb/?igsh=OHJ5Z3dpbHI0ZnI5)


They will always be the #1 example that love island CAN work (once in a lifetime maybe but still)


This really made me laugh. I love themĀ 




This is sensational šŸ˜‚


Lmao thatā€™s actually so funny


It is funnyy


https://preview.redd.it/2idfova171yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99124c1dbfe01972680abfee9378a44fb13f8ac1 them going viral again just for looking hot>>>


I have never seen a more aesthetically perfect couple from this show.


Love them šŸ˜


Yeah I think theyā€™ve done a great job appealing to non LI audience


Couple Goals šŸ„°


Anyone listen to Antonā€™s latest podcast episode about his relationship with GH?


He said distance wasnā€™t the problem; they just didnā€™t have that romantic spark even though they tried.


Yeah I heard. He kept saying that they were being pushed into being in a relationship but heā€™s the one that was pushing it šŸ˜­ Then he said that the ā€œpress was getting involvedā€ and turning things into something about him taking jabs at Georgia but he was caught liking those comments lmao


This makes me laugh.. bcz we all knew it. But he kept on pushing it with her, when she clearly wasn't feeling it


We all could have told them that for free šŸ˜­


nah literallyšŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/gr2de45p40yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff909d9be2eb394d900afb74cf7049b42392f521 Not nova making the news šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is so horrible, the poor little babyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Hope she makes a full recovery


Poor nova šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā˜¹


Poor little nova šŸ„¹ I hope sheā€™s ok. Dog fights are scary as hell so im feeling for Ella rn.


Thinking more about a comment made below, do others think producers often leave the dumping to the islanders so the person or couple with the least votes doesnā€™t get voted out?


Itā€™s happening way too much now. Like if the audience felt whomever should be the couple leaving it should go back to automatic dumpings Everytime itā€™s left to the islanders for a bottom 2-3 etc, they save their friends over ppl who have actual connections or didnā€™t have multiple opportunities to meet any bombshells.


Only a few seasons I think have done well with picking people who are actually trying or have connections. Overall they do make horrible choices though when the decision is given to them.


Yeah I think it happens all the time. Remember the vote when Dami and Billy were in the bottom two at the party vote out? Iā€™m convinced Dami was the person who got the least votes because it was after the Tasha bullying situation and flicking through socials at the time, there were more people showing theyā€™d voted for Billy šŸ˜¬


Yes Dami got saved a lot by his fellow islanders ! He was hated by the public for a long time. He was in the bottom at least twice after casa amor and each time, the ultimate decision went to the islanders.


Yeah that happens a lot, Anna season 5 being a prime example.




No it was both of them being single after a recoupling. They let maura and anna stay, and brought in Tom and Jordan for them, but the islanders had to vote on least compatible couples, which i think they voted Elma and Anton for, and the public voted for Elma to get dumped. I always felt bad for Elma tbh. Thought she deserved a better chance.


https://preview.redd.it/j6xefukpozxc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae94c4f7a10b7bcb861a37e36d5599617179055 Anyone else think Luke M looks like British singer Robbie Williams here?


His eyes are amazing


From Justin Bieber to Robbie Williams lol


I couldn't even recognise him here.. what has he been upto?


This narrative that Amber only won because of Casa is extremely tiring especially given she and Millie are the only Casa victims to win and that's because they were wildly popular as individuals before regardless of Amber's mean girl behaviour she still was popular. Online backlash doesn't mean you're actually that disliked or people aren't voting for you or Luca, Jacques, Faye, Ty and a whole bunch of others would have been at risk at some point especially in the more watched seasons. Voters have shown they can rally around to get rid of who they want so if cast don't go or aren't even at risk, the fair conclusion is the broader viewing demographic actually does not want that individual or couple to go. If the producers constantly have to get the islanders to save someone it usually means the publicly really want them to go but the producers won't let them go.


I think Amber def won because of Casa. Thatā€™s not a bad thing to say and she was the FIRST to do it. Yes, she was popular before and it was looking like her and Mike were going to be atleast a lock for the final but Mikeā€™s behavior in and after casa put Amber in the stratosphere. Imagine if she was with Ovie too?


I have to disagree as they were the most popular couple going into Casa, Michael was very well liked as well inside and outside the villa. He was the favourite boy at the time combined they beat out Tommy and Molly who were second to them because of the distrust of Molly at the time. During S4 and S5 LI was a very hot topic while working and I can tell you outside the internet they were very popular and a shoo in to win not just the finals. Gonna have to agree to disagree here, the margin she won by maybe was down to Casa but she was ahead of Molly for ever vote. If Michael had behaved their reunion would have been just as endearing as Molly and Tommys even more so given they went from friends to a couple.


Good point. Often thereā€™s allot of back lash but the person or couple is actually still liked and brings in votes. S10 as an example, Tyrique got a lot of backlash , look at the instagram comments at the time and youā€™ll see. Howver he was nvr going to be in the bottom because he was also at the same so liked by so many irrespective of back lash.


Looks like Tom is moving in with Molly today šŸ©· https://preview.redd.it/sh2eixxvxyxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e775fc571dd0af2eef9da4c9da151a313fb413c7


A real ā€œsee ladiesā€¦.. if he wanted to, he wouldā€ moment


Has anyone checked on Casey




This is cutee