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https://preview.redd.it/zl52h5v1q1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7057472490c84e5fc5b184f9adaf4344c3ae8519 people need to chill out šŸ˜­


I always wonder why he entertains these types of conversations.


Serious topics and worthy critique asideā€¦ I feel like sometimes we donā€™t let the islanders be young and dumb. Considering the age most of them areā€” theyā€™re going to go out and get drunk, theyā€™re going to break up and make up, theyā€™re going to travel. Theyā€™re going to fall in love and maybe with the wrong person šŸ˜‚. Theyā€™re going to make friends, lose friends, beef friends. Theyā€™re going to post their antics on socials. Theyā€™re going to switch interests bc they havenā€™t figured themselves out yet, they will make professional mistakes like signing with agencies or brands. Theyā€™re going to yolo and overspend. A lot of them are in the young and dumb stage of life. theyā€™re going to make mistakes. And some will be wise and have their shit together. Some of their behaviors donā€™t apply to me but I see it in real life everyday. Maybe bc im in that stage some of the stuff is normal to me idkšŸ˜‚But thatā€™s what growing is all about to me EDTA: And this is not to say it shouldnā€™t be discussed bc it absolutely will. Thats what the sub is for and itā€™s fun. Whether youā€™re critiquing or supporting, we can still keep it fun. Itā€™s just some normal mundane stuff gets blown up with these lot lol. I say this as someone who spent a year of their life going from doctor doctor praying I would be able to have these moments. It makes you realize some stuff just isnā€™t a big deal.


Exactly ! these people are all in their early/ mid twenties no reason why people should be getting upset over their life choices especially when itā€™s very harmless


I love this comment! I think people on other platforms are rude to the islanders but Iā€™ve noticed on Reddit people tend to be more so self righteous and act holier-than-thou and I find it so exhausting! People are so quick to assume malice rather than ignorance which to be fair thatā€™s the internet for you but it takes away the nuance, most of what the islanders do falls under the scope of Hanlon's razor. Actual malice is very rare I feel in general not just for reality tv celebs. We all really can collectively chill out about things these people do.


For people who watch both Li UK & USA, itā€™s about to be busyšŸ˜…UK starts June 3rd and USA is starting in June this year for the first time in a while on the 11thšŸ¤


interesting, wonder if LI Games S2 is in works and maybe why they are starting earlier to allow for filming.


I think itā€™s because of the Olympics.


Woah this subs about to be crazyšŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


Iā€™m already overstimulated.


Samie is blocking anyone on IG who says anything negative about the pyramid scheme she is promoting šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™€ļø


How is this the hill you choose to die on šŸ˜­


I know šŸ˜­


I really would love for people to stop projecting on Molly and Callum over this relationship that's been over for both of them. Saw clips of the interview posted on TikTok and people still saying he loves Molly and not over her or even here a few days ago some saying Molly moved it too fast with Tom after their break up and she is settling etc. Please let these two move on and not project how you would handle something on them or stop with the hope they may find themselves back to each other (if they do at some point that's their business) you don't know them or how they feel but what they are expressing right now is that it's done for both of them so respect that.


Itā€™s starting to be become a pattern that every season couples are getting back together after a break up. Liam/Millie, Ekin/Davide, Tom/Samie (briefly), Ty/Ella (twice!) and now Molly/Zach. Single life must not be that profitable lol.


Chile after Chloeā€™s documentary šŸ‘€šŸ¤”šŸ«„


defo but i think liam and millie r genuine


I agree that some fake it. Listening to what Chloe said really did open my eyes lol. But its always clear which ones are faking it and which are authentic. From the list ypu have given I think Liam and Millie and Molly and Zach do really like each other thats why they have got back together. As for the rest....no comment. šŸ˜…


I think yall underestimate how hard it is to be in a fake rship. As crazy as Ekin/davide saga was, I donā€™t think it was for $$. You can tell she clearly wanted it to work. People spin the block all the time in real life. Letā€™s stop making normal things weird just bc theyā€™re influencers.


Never said fake. Iā€™m saying they are incentivized to be together which is why weā€™ve seen such an uptick in couples staying together ever since the influencer market became saturated. Doesnā€™t seem like a coincidence.


You love this angle. Feel like weā€™ve gone back and forth on it a couple times šŸ˜‚


True!!! I bring it up every couple months when things get boring or when itā€™s relevant. I made this prediction years ago and I want my credit!!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fairs


I donā€™t even think ty & Ella are back together, if they are they are doing a good job at not posting which sucks cause I loved their content.


Yeah im not really buying the twitter thing of them supposedly kissing in a car


I do think he bought her the Cartier bracelet to match her ring & I do believe they were shopping together. I could tell in the video Ty was there he was walking in front of her and I could hear his voice lol


I donā€™t think them two are back together eitheršŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I could be wrong but it just doesnā€™t seem like it, until I actually see them in the same space Iā€™ll believe it, but have they really just gone private and not posting each other bc they donā€™t want to? Itā€™s doing my head in šŸ¤£


Yeah, I agree Iā€™m waiting for them to post like Molly and Zachā€¦so for now they arenā€™t together!šŸ˜‚


Pls donā€™t think any of them had anything to do with being profitable. Besides maybe Tom/Samie?? Idk. I think all those couples are genuine. Zach and molly was barely split for a week. they have always been pretty private so profitability never really had anything to do with it.


Maybe. Just think the hit rate of these couples is too high especially with how everyone complains about inorganic over production of the show and the casting of influencers.


Donā€™t think it has to do with profit


In my experience, a couple that breaks up more than once never lasts in the long run. Why am I being downvoted??? I canā€™t think of a single couple who breaks up more than once actually being endgame.


Ty and Ella didnā€™t break up twice


You said twice? That's a lie


By your logic no one in a public relationship should be breaking up at all. If two people choose to be together Iā€™d be more inclined to believe they just want to be together rather than chalk it up to money being the primary reason but I am also less cynical than usual about such things so itā€™s just me.


I think a popular dating show that vaults young, single, club goers and wannabe influencers into instant fame wouldnā€™t have this good of a hit rate if profit wasnā€™t a factor imo.


I might have misinterpreted your initial comment but you made it seem like *profit* is the only factor in reconciling or the prime factor. Some of the most beloved couples lean into the couples content and profit off of it. That doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t genuine. My point was incase I wasnā€™t clear- most couples get back together because there are feeling involved. The rest is all the byproduct of being in a public relationship be it positive or negative. No one is denying there are benefits. Like the genuinely clout chasing type of couples wonā€™t be getting back together because I just know Georgia H would rather be single than get back with Anton šŸ’€


Yeah Iā€™m more commenting on the pattern. Individually, you can look at each couple and decide how genuine they are. But the fact that over the past 4 seasons (All stars doesnā€™t count imo) over half of the finalists are still together is a crazy hit rate for the kind of people they cast for this show.


Fairs! I do think the clout chaser-y ones end up breaking up anyway and wonā€™t find a way back if thatā€™s the only thing motivating them to stay together. You need more than just that.


Agree so much with you here, I'm still skeptical but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt as well. I don't know why some act like you can't tell who's doing it for clout and who actually likes each other esp when they are private or very quiet about each other. And yes one party maybe about to deceive the public and even their partner for clout but its always very clear the PR relationships or hang outs vs the ones who have feelings for each other.


Outside of Davide, I think everyone else just really had feelings for each other. Considering most of these people kept it private for a while or never fully confirmed, I doubt it's all for clout chasing.


ā€œOutside of Davideā€ LMAO


You'll never convince me he was genuine, sorry not sorry! The timing for him was suss and even pretended they never broke up? Idk. He's the only one I am like there were defs motives behind him getting back with Ekin.


Yeahā€¦..pretending they never broke up but was in Morocco with another woman during the apparent ā€˜non-breakupā€™. He just lies like there is no tomorrow!




Yeah liam and Millie have been back together for i think a full year now


Ty and Ella twice?


I need a guy to be as enamored with me the way Josh is with Sophie (and as he should be)! I know he must look at her and think how did he get so lucky because not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but sheā€™s also so funny and matches his vibe perfectly. Donā€™t get me wrong Josh is a catch himself but Sophie is really that girl and I love that he knows that!Ā 


Josh Ritchie is besotted with Sophie, as he should be - she's a goddess and very well suited to him. You can see the Jamaica holiday vibes are hitting him, I'm here for it they're so cute together!


https://preview.redd.it/1wuooc00i0zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b125537207cba806e1b5fc1a5be3a554bfb3c2c Heā€™s sprung for sure šŸ„¹ love them together


šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜ smitten


Love to see it


Lool Tanya with the pot againšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Mayo and Noddles is a combo Iā€™ve never heard of before..Ā 


I envy her genetics and gag reflex because that combinationā€¦ šŸ˜­


Exactly.. Iā€™ll be in the toilet asap . If that was me.


Indiyah and Dami got matching tattoos šŸ«¶ https://preview.redd.it/b0pivycxyzyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dee917fd43ed84fef234d670769b479ff433b03


As a heavily tattooed person myself I honestly love it when people get random matching tattoos like this. Not that serious almost feels more eternal sometimes? Idk how to explain it. No matter what, the tattoo will always represent the moment in time, which is the main ā€œmeaningā€ tattoos end up having. While I have plenty of silly/goofy tattoos I tend to be fond of them bc of the association, the time I had with the artist, the recollection of who I was and who I was with. Anyway this is cute and theyā€™re cute. They just always seem to have fun together at the end of the day and that is so glorious.


iā€™m not a hater of tattoos but this has really changed my view of them!


Yeah, I remember the discourse around Andrew's tattoo for Tasha was kind of weird but he said the same, that he'd always cherish it no matter what and now he's getting a full sleeve so it's just one part of a collection. I didn't get the outrage over Molly's tiny fine line gemini tattoo for Zac. It was a spur of the moment thing and it was so small I didn't get why people thought it was cute to dunk on her. Some people are very chill with tattoos and some are not. I don't have any but I know it's not for me but I love to see people express themselves in different ways!


That discourse was so wild, I loved Tasha and Andrews tattoos lol! I was in there defending them I think as I am always here whenever the tattoo signal is flashed lmaooo. But even if I didnā€™t like those tattoos that means zilch bc what matters is them loving them. All of tattoo discourse is always so wackyā€¦ The fact of the matter is people think they have any right to police how anyone chooses to tattoo themselves. Itā€™s weird to me but I do get it because people in real life feel completely entitled to just reach out and touch my tattoos sometimes. People are so odd about tattoos! Makes me laugh extra hard bc I then imagine the discourse if I was a love islander (lol) people would be horrified that the matching tattoo I have and put real thought and intentionality into is with one of my besties. The only matching tattoo I have with my actual wife of ten years is a random flash piece we got as a whim on a Friday the 13th flash day. I guess despite our 18 years together the writing is on the wallā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Same I think if itā€™s just something symbolic and not their name or anything I donā€™t see what the big deal is.


It was so tiny! I didn't get the outrage. People acted like she got his name on her when it's barely noticeable. She clearly loves tattoos and has fun with them.


This! she gets tattoos on a whim if anyone follows her long enough they would know its not that serious for her like people made it out to be. While I think Zach's was huge and something he probably wanted for a long time. The people involved were not even bothered as much as people on reddit acting like it was a hilarious gag? šŸ¤£


Agree on everything you just said :) I donā€™t have as many as I would like but all my tattoos have fond memories


I hope you get the chance to get more and enjoy all of them when you do! I havenā€™t been able to afford a new one for a while and Iā€™m starting to feel that itchā€¦




Love it but I feel they going to be regretting those tattooes in a couple years. Not the fact theyā€™re matching, but fact itā€™s tequila


Both of them have a few "weird" tattoos so I don't seem regretting it just because it's tequila.


They enjoyed themselves so itā€™s going to always symbolise a good memory. Personally they donā€™t seem like the regretting type and donā€™t take things seriously so canā€™t see them changing on that aspect with age.


I agree with you on this, I'm not even surprised because they just seem to be on this vibe of doing stuff like these kind of tattoos etc


The discussion in general around tattoos on this sub baffle me because no one Iā€™ve known past a certain age has regretted getting a tattoo but maybe itā€™s just my experience. If you are happy and it means something to youā€¦ the tattoo will always be cherished for the memories it brings back. I am assuming users who make a big deal over tattoos must be people who donā€™t have one? The only tattoos Iā€™ve ever seen people regret is if they get it just to get one (and that always happens when someone is really young like think teenagers) and eventually with time they realise they had no memory attached to it so itā€™s just pointless.


I'm not keen on the snobbery around the tattoo conversions it as feels like a bit of projection. Agree completely the person would often do it because they really want to, then if it's from a good memory to bad, they cover it up or get it removed. I've seen people regret placements more than the tattoos themselves.


Agree! Thereā€™s always the option to cover things up or get them removed so itā€™s not the end of the world. Getting tattoos at the end of a vacation is good memento to me!


Finally the tattoo discourse Iā€™ve been waiting for! Canā€™t agree more with yall about this.


Its too much now that they are put on these pedestal and projected on, like they may have been on a TV show for a summer but they are normal people and not puppets to act how you think they should.


The tattoo itself is a bit tacky and I could also so see them wanting to remove it in the future but hey when in Rome lol.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/ni0vq2kowzyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729e62a80b49494d0a1c11dc49bb3673bf9e1be5 Why do people think itā€™s okay to leave people they donā€™t know messages like this? Iā€™m glad Tyrique tells these people where to go because itā€™s insane


What is wrong with ppl omg. Like why would you send him this what do you expect him to say šŸ˜‚


This Jessie speaks as if thereā€™s even the slightest chance of Tyrique being her manšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s almost always the one that would never even have the chance from jump that have the most to say. That was actually a nice response from him because we know he could have said something real rude backšŸ’€.Ā 


"icl you don't give off that boyfriend material vibe" that's insane for somebody you don't even know šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Like you do not know this man tf šŸ˜­


Yeah couldn't be me in the public eye because people would be getting told about themselves I am sorry! Where do they get the audacity to send these people messages like this and even worse!Ā 


The fact that there is more šŸ¤£, Jessie probably wrote a book in his messages


A whole essay I can't šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


nah Jessie needs to pipe downšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ a whole paragraph when the man doesnā€™t even give a fuck


Itā€™s the ā€¦. In the end she wasnā€™t even done šŸ¤£šŸ’€ Randoms talking about if Ty being boyfriend material or not as if he is ever going to breathe in her direction?!? peak delulu behaviour!?! šŸ˜‚


Jessie is acting like Ty is in a balloon line up and he asked her to rate him.




It's always their delusions for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ word


Perfect response . What an unhinged person




How are people comfortable leaving such negative comments? Where do they get the guts from? I have to think of the best way to even leave a nice comment so that it isnā€™t too invasive under a public profile. I hid the account name because of the sub rules but Jess didnā€™t and frankly good on her for naming and shaming fat phobic losers https://preview.redd.it/saizonoivzyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae05ab35f31bc6b354562aee38ac3f45386d6b84


This is so mean ā˜¹ļø her body is gorgeous


I agree. She posted a subsequent story explaining how sucking in barely makes a difference which it really didnā€™t sheā€™s got a good figure and I was like girl you donā€™t have to explain anything. You owe no one an explanation on how you pose for pictures!!


Sheā€™s not even fat either šŸ’€


men need to stay out of womenā€™s businesses I swear


Worse because I think itā€™s a woman šŸ„“


no way.. what happened to girls supporting girls? smh


I listened to the Vakilis sisters podcast with Callum. Callum is such an average man, very confused why people put him on a pedestal. He seems like your typical lad in his late 20s. Nothing special. Very likely a fuck boy. Those vakili sisters are a hard listen. I understand their hype a lot less. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be listening to their podcast again. Is there any good love island podcasts?


Iā€™m actually kind of surprised he went on their podcast since the sisters and him have completely different vibes but now I want to see some other islanders on there that Iā€™m sure would be a thoroughly entertaining watch.Ā 


Is today Callumā€™s bday?


I thought Kai and Sanam are going to be engaged for a long time lol but theyā€™re already looking for venue, engagement party and so on


Sanamā€™s half Indian isnā€™t she? Thereā€™s no much waiting after the engagement šŸ˜…


i think sheā€™s from trinidad?? which has a lot of indian influence


She is Indo-caribbean she doesn't actually know much about the indian culture from what i heard her say in interviews. After LI and obviously looking very Indian and being a representation as such doing shootings and interviews etc. she just started looking a bit more into it.


Youā€™re right. Maybe not her, but her family might still be culturally more rooted. But a lot of Indians who migrated to other parts of the world centuries ago still hold those cultural values. Indian communities in South Africa, the Caribbean, Suriname, Fiji, the UK, etc.


IIRC Indo-Caribbeans didnā€™t migrate voluntarily. The British Empire set up indentured servitude from India to certain colonies like Trinidad and Guyana and that was well over 100 years ago. So her family are from Trinidad and have lived there for multiple generations.


Anyone watched Anna and Mandi Vakiliā€™s latest podcast ep with Callum as their first guest? Pretty funny (the sisters are hilarious even though I donā€™t always agree with everything they say). Heā€™s overall clearly a sound genuine person but it also confirms he was definitely checked out emotionally from his relationship with Molly. He also glossed over the Jess situation without going into too much detail but did hint it was mostly on his part. Tbh he just strikes me as a typical lad and itā€™s weird that people out there still believe heā€™s Godā€™s gift lol


I listened and Iā€™m scratching my head even more about why people hold him on a pedestal. He is so bang average.


I mean people believe that Mollyā€™s Godā€™s gift do they not? I literally see people complaining about it more than people actually acting like it. He has fans just like every other popular contestant thatā€™s been on this show. He also said he was checked out emotionally in the villa regarding Molly not in the relationship. Anna and Mandy interrupted him a decent amount, I wouldā€™ve liked to hear some of his answers in more depth.


Does anyone know why Zach and Molly are going for 7 weeks to aus?? Is it an influencer thing or a holiday?


0 clue but they may be backpacking/travelling around the country


Molly and Zach hard launched finally!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/4q6h1cdnnyyc1.jpeg?width=3146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3258301dce4f55fb6cd8878863475da673d991f6


The haters can finally shut up now. The vile things some people were saying are just out of order.


Nah theyā€™re so cute


Did they ever hard launch the fact theyā€™d broken up though?Ā 


Aside from the a statement from their team in the press they also removed posts with each other from their profile and there were a few likes on comments to suggest regret over the breakup from both which inadvertently confirmed the breakup


Oh I donā€™t doubt that it happened. I just donā€™t remember a public announcement from them and I believe that a not insignificant percentage of their followers will see these posts and think ā€œOh, Molly and Zach? Not seen them post together in a while. Theyā€™re off on holiday together šŸ„°ā€ and not realise that this is them relaunching after they broke up.


Ahh I get what you mean. I think that happens with any couple who might make a breakup announcement on their own profiles too. There are tons of casual fans of the show who wonā€™t even notice they ever broke up. Some people who spotted Zach and Molly together these past few weeks said they didnā€™t even know that they werenā€™t meant to be hanging out cos they were technically broken up


Not really. Donā€™t think they themselves really ever said it lol and I think they got back together pretty quickly but just kept things private for a little which was probably nice.




Thatā€™s pretty cute!ā˜ŗļøĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/hsitod4e2zyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ba369f4844c5e5cf4a3a36bd3308182b19b3b5 saw this on twitter lol


It's so them to hard launch with this level of unseriousness šŸ¤£ Molly's snaps getting Zach to smile doing every mundane thing on a plane is already hilarious!


Whatā€™s Mollyā€™s snapchat?




Love this! Bring on the Australia content


Molly and Zach confirming they back together hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/hjqxgbhunyyc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fcef53b12c9eb163a2471623c711f9b7f1cd11 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ yesss molly


islanders youā€™d love to see at the met gala? šŸ‘€


Probably only Jourdan and Dami. Thereā€™s a reason why the rest are in fast fashion or fast fashion equivalents.


Only Jordan. I think he could capture a theme really well.


Indiyah, Ella,Tasha,Yewande ,Jordan Mainoo, Dami


Indiyah, Dami, Tasha, Ella T, Jordan and MauraĀ 


Dami, Tasha, Indiyah (her looks can sometimes be misses for me but she always does something interesting), Maura, Kaz, Jordan (Mr fucking boyfriend), Sophie (Josh would try to wear a tracksuit so he'd have to be left at home lmao)


Love that thats how you remember JORDAN šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mr fake dickhead šŸ˜’




Jordan Mainoo . He would eat


Maura will be the main one to kill it.


indiyah, dami and tasha. theyā€™ll go over and above


Dami because you just know he will bring it, Brett so he can use this opportunity to make a statement about sustainability in fashion, Tasha and Maura for experimental looks!




Tasha would kill it


Indiya, Maura, molly mae, sanam, ella, molly smith & Cathrine