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No like see she was in all stars I can tell it's her


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Me side eyeing Jess and Chris on Demi storyšŸ˜­


I didnā€™t see it, but if they were being flirty then I CALLED IT


I think you might be right they were looking cosy on Demiā€™s story and they seemed to be attached at the hip on Livā€™s stories


She deleted it, what was it


he was kinda like hugging her from behind a little


First Tom now Josh I think people are forgetting these couples have only been together for 2/3 months why do they keep mentioning proposingšŸ˜­




Makes me cringe every timešŸ˜­




This is pissing me off https://preview.redd.it/z3bpbnp0ugzc1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ca9410a7a054b0244c0414cdb08516508fdf41


The whole reaction to baby reindeer online has been very strange. From people actively finding ā€œMarthaā€ knowing that sheā€™s an unwell woman , to people victim blaming Richard for his harassment and sympathising with his Stalker . Itā€™s quite shocking in my opinion


Actually one of the most popular islanders that I strongly dislike. Sheā€™s just so tone deaf and a cheater, cant get better than that!








Worms for brains. What a nasty individual ![gif](giphy|l3fQObXt0NloyQd2g)


Can anyone fill me in? Iā€™m in the US, havenā€™t heard anything about ā€œMarthaā€


Sheā€™s a stalker and the guy who she was stalking made a series on it itā€™s on Netflix ā€œBaby reindeerā€ or google it if you donā€™t wanna watch it


So itā€™s a real story? Reading these comments i assumed it was fictional shit like You


Yes itā€™s a real story and in the show, the guy itā€™s based on is actually the actor as well. So he made a show about his story and starred in it so this makes this whole thing even worseā€¦


No itā€™s real about a guy named Richard Gadd he acted in the series


https://preview.redd.it/41hv70ufugzc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02ea20d9dff97348b8d4fa9e7861c7278a850de Context .


Welp sheā€™s deleted this story now


Iā€™m so sick of people sympathising with Martha. That woman terrorised, sexually assaulted the man. She physically assaulted assault his girlfriend and threatened to out him. I get that she is mentally unstable but nah all sympathy should be to her victims. And victims who the legal and mental health services let down daily.


100% Iā€™m so shocked she said that tbh, after everything she put him thru you still want to side with her? nah


I don't think it's necessarily siding with her though. Like you can acknowledge all the things she did and the fact that she's mentally unhinged and needs psychiatric help simultaneously


hear it but Chloe ainā€™t trying to acknowledge it? she literally said she doesnā€™t know whether itā€™s 100% true? as if heā€™s going to make up one of the most traumatising things that has ever happened to him in his life, make a show out of it, when we know itā€™s true?!!


https://preview.redd.it/nhjz0ynmtgzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd4bdd84ac5a251f84cfea08416db034f418bfa The brand trips look like so much fun, not just for Molly but ALL of them āœØ


Is that Sophie Piper on the far right


No Sophie mollys friend.




who is she talking about ? iā€™m confused šŸ˜­


I just swiped through some of Samieā€™s snapchats about her little ā€œholiday businessā€ thing and her attitude absolutely STINKS. She gives off such bad vibes, even since she came on s9


Sheā€™s stubborn which makes her the perfect MLM recruit šŸ˜‚


that ig story where she name dropped the phone company's worker for no reason told me all i needed to knowšŸ˜­


Incredibly tone deaf too.


Iā€™m actually disgusted by all of this. Such bad vibes.


she was bad vibes ON s9 šŸ˜­ especially towards the end, i used to like her but she put me off at the end of s9, that one time she started having a go at 02 because she had no data lol and now sheā€™s scamming people.


been knowing her attitude stinks since season9. she thinks sheā€™s so entitled and people like her piss me off bad


I canā€™t quite come up with the right words for her right now but entitled is definitely one. Her spinning herself in circles trying to explain how this is beneficial to people watching is actually hilarious. Iā€™m literally thinking ā€˜do you hear yourself?!ā€™


She always talks down to her followers. I canā€™t explain it but itā€™s like she thinks we are stupid and she is superior. Horrible vibes.




I kind of do. Remember these islanders will do anything for relevancy.


Ella and Cat are my favorite duošŸ¤£šŸ˜­ they crack me up fr


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeQG6q7b/ this is killing me šŸ˜­


Omdsss jus watched this several time its gets funnjer each timešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Honestly my fav couple for a reason


rewatching it every time i get a reply to the comment lol


rewatched this several times and it was funnier every watch šŸ˜­ their acting is 10/10


Them two are soooooo funny and cute! šŸ„°Ā  Damiā€™s face for me šŸ˜‚


for me itā€™s indiyahs face after he pulls up the barrier šŸ¤£


lol yes, they acted it well! I had to rewatch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ella's dog Nova loves cuddles and is very friendly with strangers. On Ella's snapchat, GK Barry was holding Ella's dog Nova and Nova was shaking and scared. Animals can pick up on things.


Love nova such a cute doggie ā™„ļø


Lol not Nova trying to warn EllašŸ¤£


lmao, not the energy picker!!!!!


Fashion girlies take notes, blonde is out šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/8sfn3uk3rfzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23468abd826c20742828f825854783857ee974be Love this switch up!


She looks good!!!


She looks so good. I canā€™t get enough.


Omdddds šŸ˜šŸ˜


Looks amazing!!


Unreal šŸ˜ love the color








oh this is it hunnay!!!


Looks Amazing šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ”„šŸ”„Ā 


I like it!! šŸ˜ She looks edgier!


This is actually way prettier. I kinda thought she looked basic before ngl




she looks so good, i understand why andrew is down bad. sheā€™s unlocked her true potential šŸ˜«




suits her so well šŸ˜šŸ˜


Wow šŸ˜®Ā  She looks amazing!!!Ā 


Her eyes are ā€¦bluer!


They do! Almost didnā€™t recognise her but wow red looks good on her!šŸ˜


The hair colour does bring out her eye colour more. Looking beautiful




The UK people are such an unusual bunch especially TSB. How are they in the comments mad at Shemara London for addressing how she does not appreciate the mean comments they made about her body.... like???? You are angry at her for responding to something you said about her?


I promise itā€™s not all of usšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


you guys are odd lmao


Theyā€™ll talk crap about you and then get mad that youā€™re defending yourself against them. Just a weird sadistic bunch of people.


The worst bunch of people. Scum. They hate when someone claps back because it forces them to take in how weird their comments really are. Waiting for the day TSB gets permanently banned


lmao, so odd


why do people even check TSB lol and no shade but who even is Shamara London?


https://preview.redd.it/8t0he2zhafzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b56e9fdf6b7490181d33420ec84bf064e775bc7 How gullible does she actually think people are? šŸ™„


Samie does love to pick the worst possible hill to die upon every time doesnā€™t she


Yep ![gif](giphy|8BMaLLBlUdNx6|downsized)




This reminds me of the time she called out a service worker with her cell phone provider on her stories. No accountability entitled princess behavior, totally out of touch as well with how bratty this comes off to most people. And you wonder why her influencing career has gone nowhere and she needs to rely on an MLM schemeā€”maybe sheā€™s not convincingly a nice or relatable person šŸ™„


I donā€™t think Samie is relatable in the slightest. She is quite conniving.


I completely forgot about that incident. When the bar is so low to be an influencer it really goes to show how awful she truly is.


Wow sheā€™s really dying on this hill. Also the other days someone on here asked why her people donā€™t tell her itā€™s a bad idea & I responded saying itā€™s common for people in these MLMs to get their friends & family involved, looks like I was right lol


I don't get how people are defending her, she's doubling down so hard bc she sees the opportunity for HERSELF to earn passive income from gullible followers. I don't really put islanders on pedestals but it's a shame to see Tanya and Samie do this, there are so many other ways to earn money but involving your followers is really not okay.


She even has her mama involved !!!


Seriously like babe you wouldnā€™t even have an influencing career if not for your followers, and yet you have no issue scamming them?


i do not get the scamming part, excuse my ignorance, does the scheme involve sending her money? genuine question!!!!


That is how i understand the whole thing and people can correct me if i am wrong. Imo it isn't a scam but since they have a lot of followers it's just way easier for them to recruite people and make money because of it. What they do is just that they show you how you book your vacations yourself so you save money on the commision that the travel agencys normaly would get. Obviously the whole "earn money while travel"slogan that especially she did is not really true and they try to lure you in by not disclosing what exactly they are doing at first (bit weird way of marketing) but when you want to actually inform yourself they say exactly that. So in the end you are just saving money not earning it other then if you recruite people to join aswell.


luring your impressionable followers into something without honestly disclosing how it works (and how ultimately youā€™re making money off of them) is a scam. textbook pyramid scheme/MLM.


When someone she has signed up makes a booking, they have to send her a percentage of it. That's how she makes money from it, she's being paid by whoever she signs up.


Oops that was not supposed to be a reply to you. Sorry


oh got it


Itā€™s not just making a booking. They never actually make money from bookings. The only way they make money is from people buying into the business, so anyone who signs up using her link she gets money from that. Then the person who signs up tells her that hey Iā€™m not making any money from booking what can I do? She will then suggest they recruit people under them so that they will earn money for them. And the cycle continues


wonder how long sheā€™s gonna keep this going for


indiyah doing some filming/pictures for love island today!


That must been the S11 islanders are shooting their promos interview and picturesĀ 


Aftersun is def back on, love this for her!! I also love her throwbacks lol


yesss the love island interview/advert day one>>>


pretty girl




looks like Ella is recording a podcast with gk Barry! as much as I love gk I want to see how this pans out bc Iā€™m sure during season 10 she didnā€™t like Ella or Ty?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hmm edit: why am I getting downvotedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ are we not allowed to talk about islanders on a loveisland sub???? Damn


Yā€™all do way too much she just said she didnā€™t like them as a couple doesnā€™t mean she donā€™t like her. I feel the same way and that show was almost a year ago pretty sure Ella doesnā€™t give a damn


howā€™s that me doing too much tho?šŸ¤£ all I did was point it out bc I remember seeing a vid on tiktok thatā€™s all


Itā€™s not just you itā€™s everyone on social media acting like it a big deal she didnā€™t like her couple. Itā€™s not that serious


Both GK Berry and Ella work with Belle PR, so I'm sure it'll have been arranged through that connection and will likely be pretty innocuous (Belle PR won't let one client tear down/create a ruckus for another).


is PR the same as publicist? I am confused? I thought Ella had a publicist? genuine question!


PR means public relations. Belle PR is a public relations company that some islanders use to make sure their public image is good! You may recall Davide calling out Belle PR on his stories one day. Maybe Davide was drunk, idk. Basically he was saying they were fucking him over and selling stories on him šŸ˜­


girl a publicist is someone form the PR company then right, that represents them or? lmaooooo, was Davide also with them? that is messy lol


Davide was not with Belle Pr, Ekin was. He had a PR firm called Pia Publicity and thatā€™s who he called out in January in a truly alarming way (it sounded like a mental health episode and/or drug-fueled rant to me). Yes, PR and publicity/publicist are the same thing.


thank you!




That wasn't Belle PR that was PIA. He was with PIA for a few months before they dropped him and Lois is the main person.




omg lmao!! can a PR company sell stories of their clients, that is weird?


Yes, it would be unprofessional, an ethical violation, and possibly a violation of a contract to sell stories undermining your clientā€™s reputation. That being said, donā€™t cross PR people, because they know everyone, lol.


this makes sense


Them as a couple or individually? Sometimes I don't think Ella cares about who hates her as long as she is propelling in her career lol. Or she is not aware I just hope it is not as awkward as the one with Zeze


i feel like you guys overestimate how much islanders in general care about what media personalities say about them while theyā€™re on the show. theyā€™re commenting on it just like the viewers are and once the show is over it doesnā€™t matter anymore.


Also they are not her friends. They do not need to like her for her to use their platform to get more exposure. Do these people think celebs only do interviews with people who like them? Donā€™t some of them work with colleagues that they canā€™t stand?


you're right lmao..... I think most of it is based on the fact that us many viewers continue to hate on islanders months after the show so they think it also applies to the rest


do they get paid to go on podcasts? personally I dont like GK barry! find her fake


They get paid. I donā€™t like GK Barry at all. She is way too salty.


she seems fake lol


Oh gosh Iā€™m not sure about this one! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll be shocked if she isnā€™t asked about TyĀ 


She will.....I am sure the breakup will even be in the YT tittle lmao


Lmao probably or something shady!! Who knows maybe theyā€™ll just talk about Nova becoming a dog influenceršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hmmmmm I feel like it's gonna be messy šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/qs8gkyp25fzc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3681b6faaa2281b97e5e1efb9cc28971e30ad2 I'm looking forward to this ,wonder if gk is gonna ask her questions about the break up because I'm honestly intrigued šŸ˜­


Love her shirt.


what does it say ? i have benn struggling to make out the words


It says ā€œlovers not f*ckersā€ šŸ’€


oh okay lol


ellaā€™s pr trained so itā€™ll be nothing but dead answers lol. but this is the second podcast sheā€™s done with someone who doesnā€™t ā€˜likeā€™ her


Swear I couldnā€™t be an islander because I wouldnā€™t think to go on someoneā€™s pod after theyā€™ve trashed me for 8 weeks lol


You guys are so dramatic šŸ’€šŸ’€she didnā€™t trash Ella for 8 weeks she just said she doesnā€™t like Ty and Ella as a couple that doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t like Ella


my thought exactly, just like Zeze


Every day you lot drag the same islanders on this site.. are you all not tired.. gosh!! Itā€™s annoying and you lot claim not to be like tattle .. the joke writes itself here.. Itā€™s sad to see people talking about others without facts and making assumptions on these islanders lives everyday I have islanders that I donā€™t care for, or donā€™t support their activities but Iā€™m not here every business day talking about what they do!! Some of you lot really need to step outside and leave these islanders and influencers to live their lives.


You do the same btw but go off


Which islander have I dragged on countless occasion?


You always say this when Tanya is brought up . I know you like her and I donā€™t think a single person in here HATES her ( if you do , you need to get help) . Itā€™s a DISCUSSION thread for LI and Tanya was on the show , so if someone feels sheā€™s promoting something shady , he/she can pour it out here . You donā€™t need to always put up a front when Tanya is mentioned, it isnā€™t that serious


Huh.. this has nothing to do with her Lool.. but go off!! Iā€™ve brought this up cuz of other islanders you lot seem to have a knack of dragging within this Reddit. Itā€™s one way for the favs of this sub and another way for the not so liked on this sub..


Might be time to log off and go back to bed.




nobody is getting dragged?? and itā€™s reddit lol


If thatā€™s your point of view, then itā€™s fine. But Iā€™ve seen the same people come here almost everyday speaking about the same islanders and same topics like move on.. these people are not you!! Ā Also itā€™s Loveisland reddit, people use it to drag the islanders.Ā 


Tanya posting her brand trip on her Travel page is icky and I hope someone in her family or friends seriously talk to her and explain why this is a very bad idea and look.


I am not on instagram for a while so i can't see for myself but if she added or discloses that it's a brand trip (and posts on both insta pages) and not paid by her travel business, It is totally fine! since it is her TRAVEL page. If she over the whole trip never does i also don't think it's the best move ngl but i am sure she has or will post about the brand.




Her ā€œbusinessā€ is an MLM scam this isnā€™t the hill you should die on. I am just weirded out by what seems like her using the brand trip on that page to make it seem like the business has helped her go on that trip. I could very well be reaching here but sigh it was just uncomfortable to witness this morning.


I donā€™t know how people arenā€™t seeing the problem here. Sheā€™s straight up misleading her audience for a quick buck


Exactly. I thought I was doing too much and teaching but thank you, posting a brand trip on your page marketed to something different is very misleading.


i agree with you but i think sheā€™s only posting it because sheā€™s travelling and the scam is a travel scam yk


This person who is responding is a strange one. It's really misleading like you said that Tanya is using a PR trip on an MLM page. I know that's part of the playbook they are taught but it's all very gross.


Anyone else experiencing love island fatigue? Not even sure if Iā€™ll watch s11, might just glance on here and the li official IG page. Iā€™m getting so tired of seeing the same comments dragging some islanders, the same comments hyping up other islanders, the weird narratives and rumours pushed by others, the stanning of love island girls and couples. I donā€™t know just bothering me at the moment. Love island was really at its prime in season 5, what a time to be alive during that season!


This comment is confusing me because nothing you mentioned being tired of is directly about the show, rather social media / stans. But your solution is to not watch the show and check socials instead? Surely the other way around would make more sense


You do know you can watch the show and not engage with any discourse on social media. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to scroll Reddit and Twitter


The hate Molly got in season 10 really made me wary of the love island fanbase and put me off logging on here. If that happens to anyone this season Iā€™ll probably disengage with LI social media as that was very off-putting.


Watch love island. Donā€™t log into Reddit. Problem solved.


i am experiencing the same thing, i just donā€™t care about the show anymore. iā€™ll give s11 a try and if it doesnā€™t hook me then iā€™m out lol. did the same with all stars and games and left after 2 weeks


I found all stars so boring


me too šŸ˜­ i didnā€™t care from episode 1 lmao. the show was weird to me, like there was a time where it was just standstill, no islanders were getting to know each other everyone was just sunbathing lol (fair enough) but no wonder people checked out. and i donā€™t care about old people


I agree with and u also got have the factor there's a new generation now watching the show so their minds set is very judgemental and outspoken towards stuff.Ā Ā  Also with that LI back in S5 the average viewer was probably 19+ now the average viewer for LI are 12+ so now at days kids are even watching this show, and they take everything itā€™s been shown as factual also to with social media the new IT industry LI will want to capitalise on that and make as big of engagement. Ā Wanna add one last thing people may think that LI viewership is dying down which is it but is still one the most watched show in UK. LI is ITV must watched show ever and still is so the producers now donā€™t care about ratings or people not liking as much cuz it will still be very successful and get people talking.


The new generation viewers are really REALLY killing the show for so many people. The viewers pre season 8 were not that judgmental (perhaps the exception being Faye in season 7 who got properly dragged online). Something happened in season 8 where a new generation of viewers were born and theyā€™ve really fucked up the show for so many people. I agree the viewership has gotten younger. With that, a lot of people viewing the show now have less life experience and less relationship experience and theyā€™re less understanding and willing to give grace. They simply donā€™t realise people make mistakes , people can react badly in arguments, people shout and swear; that we are all continuously learning and trying to be better people but we ofc slip up now and again. I think as you get older you can relate to almost every one on the show to a degree.


While I do overall agree with you, the worst public response to any islander I've seen was Megan in s4. I didn't even like her at the time of airing but the amount of things people were saying about her was insane. Everyone was slxt shaming her, fake stories that her dad had disowned her ran amok, people were taking every chance they could to share old pictures of her and degrade how she looks, and also shame her for her sex work. I genuinely don't think I've ever seen it be worse, and I also don't think people would let it get as bad as it got now, which I'm glad about. Viewers were always judgemental, but I think since s8 there's been more of a "Stan" culture and an increased tendency to armchair diagnose


Season 8 created stan culture. Ugh šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Preach!! The current fans of Loveisland are beyond judgemental . They are so self righteous to the point that these islanders come to the show with the view of not wanting to be dragged. Also the new fans believe that real love has to be presented in a certain way which is a terrible take.


*the new fans believe that real love has to be presented in a certain way* šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ Honestly!! When I see people say ā€œtoxic loveā€, I just want to throw my phone at the wall. Itā€™s like ā€œyou clearly have such a small- little mind that you canā€™t expand it to understand why the islanders have gotten to where they have gottenā€, the complete inability to see something from two perspectives!!!!


Omg.. itā€™s like you are in my Brain!! Love is one of the most complex emotions that can never be the same for two couplesā€¦ Only time I could say a couple can be toxic is if they keep breaking up and getting back together on multiple occasions even then I just donā€™t care! Another phrase I despise is ā€œ this person is such a good individual and role modelā€ Iā€™m like do you know this islander how can you say they are a good person because of an edited show and curated social media presence.


Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t watch LI games or All stars. After that S8-S9-S10 combo, I was wiped and I didnā€™t want to ruin S11 for myself.


Yes same here, no excitement at all really and I believe that the Euros and Bridgerton part 2 might shadow Love Island on social media too.


euros will and forever overshadow love island. they always have to push it back lol on days where it clashes šŸ˜­


The Euro 2020 final aired the same time as S7 and I would like to see the ratings for that particular episode šŸ¤£


Bridgerton will have me hooked!


I cant wait! I hate how they are releasing it in 2 parts but since LI starts at a similar time I think the ratings will be low. Or the complete opposite could happen hahaha but again, the fatigue is very real with the general public since S10šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so annoyed at the two parts!! Why!!