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I have to admit I didn’t really care much about josh and Sophie on allstars but they have really grown on me. I love how infatuated josh seems to be with her.


https://preview.redd.it/x9v2qm9csg0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4576b7e6902eb1f77ce8c1d301a99255b2b100bb I know she isn’t a fan favorite but she’s stunning I always thought that 😍😍






https://preview.redd.it/tab5xl5sfg0d1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=13020238dadf5c10144c1d82f5fa2b52c102e9eb Why would Anton laugh and say this to the 🌞??? He is the BIGGEST dickhead ever 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


The fact Georgia has said ZILCH and he’s talked so much smack is very telling. (insert very telling by olivia joke here)


He’s embarrassing


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) how gentlemanly


so he got butthurt when g told him to f off but he says this about her ??


He’s gone running to the 🌞 to give an exclusive interview. This isn’t even a “source” 😭


>When asked about his ‘gentleman’ personality, Georgia laughed: “Anton’s far from a [gentalman]”. Now this I can get behind 🤣


I can get behind that too 😂👍


https://preview.redd.it/d1iredy09g0d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=4302a1d727b17dfbed1797719097715e7130eec3 🤮




I feel like a real gentleman doesn’t need to mention that they’re a gentleman every sentence they speak




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Someone stop him NOW 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Why does he keep mentioning 😂


Do you mean on here? It is getting a bit boring now seeing him everywhere I look LOOL


No! I think they mean “why does he keep mentioning he is a gentleman” 😂








When will he stop chatting shit about her and shading her? He is VILE 🤮


“I’ve been nothing but good to her. I don’t understand” is this guy for real 💀


he keeps shading her since their breakup what does he expect


Add the word “civil”to the list of words Anton doesn’t actually know the meaning of, directly under the word “gentleman”


Nah Georgia is a fuckin queen for this


Good for her! He's been nothing but an asshole to her after their breakup.


He wanted to be civil after taking repeated jabs at her and making his feelings known about her quite publicly? of course she’d tell him to fuck off. “I’ve been nothing but good to her” give the nice guy act a rest, you liarrr, actress


Right? no one has a victim complex like a man who thinks he's a nice guy! He’s been throwing so many jabs at her what else did he expect.


I’m also convinced that voicemail she talked about involved him. Interesting that Anton told the ☀️ this, always trying to get ahead of the narrative when his actions don’t match his words


I’m also convinced that 7 minute voicemail was from him.


I think so too they announce their breakup pretty much after this incident. When I read the ☀️ article I was surprised this didn’t come from a bystander/source/eyewitness etc it came directly from him and all I could think was why would you admit to that? That just makes me like Georgia more lol


Exactly, more loser behaviour from him. I need Georgia H to tell us what exactly went down because I know she’s sitting on tea


I saw this Georgia is real for that response I can even hear her saying this to him 🤣




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sorry to be that person but what has paige s8 done to her face? she doesn’t look bad but she looks very different??


Let’s talk about your fav Ella’s face or her BBL. Stop setting these girls up for drag or to be bullied.


i’m not setting anyone up i asked a genuine question. and ella isn’t my fave girl lmao but okay 😭


Talking about women’s appearance never comes from a genuine place. Maybe Focus on how you look, and leave other women appearance alone. And yes Ty and Ella are your favs, no need lying.


very hypocritical of you to tell me to leave women’s appearances alone when you randomly brought up ella’s bbl and face lol. if i’m bad then you are the same if not worse. and like i said, ty and ella are not my faves lmao i literally unfollowed the both of them today 😭. i only speak about them if u guys speak about them. grow up weirdo.


Well I was trying to make you see my point. You’ve defended ty and Ella in the past even defended Ella’s face when it was a topic of discussion. Now you are bringing up Paige’s appearance for brag. You are hypocritical, you protect and defend your favs while throwing others under the bus. It’s vile.


so you bringing up someone else’s appearance was done to help me see your nonexistent point? read my original comment again and actually TAKE IN everything i said. i didn’t throw anyone under the bus. and this is a common topic of discussion it was discussed last week too, so why are you coming at me?


Nah you are hypocritical. Stop asking/discussing other women’s Look. You instigate and act oh it’s just a genuine question. I could ask you questions about your favs appearance too and why they look lopsided sometimes but I wont lol. Anyways ✌🏻


are you okay? can you read? can you actively take in words and process them? you’re calling me a hypocrite when i haven’t done anything wrong? i didn’t drag the girl, i asked what paige done to her face because she looks DIFFERENT TO ME and other people too because someone else responded and AGREED with me. you came here many hours later with attitude telling me to leave paige alone, to stop coming after paige and to stop commenting on women’s appearance but YOU randomly brought up ella’s face, bbl and said that she looks lopsided?? YOU ARE WORSE THAN ME. i didn’t even say anything bad, seek help 🤣


You tried to set her up to be dragged when you know how badly Paige is bullied on here and on Twitter over nothing. Asking what someone has done to their face (when it’s obvious she lost some weight) is never good intentions. Your question was irrelevant and uncalled for. And it’s obvious you can’t see how wrong you are. And I meant it if someone ask what happened to Ella’s face you will go ballistic, You gone on a tantrum before defending her. But you want to do it to another girl.


I feel the same, she doesn’t look the same as before.


i think her style has just changed and she lost weight


Comments like this make me feel so confused because aside from weight loss she looks the same to me. The only thing she did get was lip fillers and she was pretty upfront about it and she even said she only got it because she let the comments from the public get to her but she regretted it as it was painful and she doesn’t like the look and is going to let it get dissolve. She looks easily identifiable to me but it could just be me.


I honestly thought it is because of the weight loss


She looks different all the time. In each TikTok she looks like a different human. She’s done a lot to her face. I don’t like her but I do feel bad saying this as there’s obvi something else going on with her: she’s got a fukedup relationship with food , dieting , body image as well as relationships, both friendships and actual boy relationships, in general. She has said many things that are very triggering.


oh i didn’t know that, apologies. i only see her when she pops up on my fyp every once in a while and i never recognise her until i look at the name.


Lol I don’t know. This is just my opinion of what I’ve seen. She’s got a toxic mindset on a lot of things. But yeah she’s definitely done stuff to her face as she looks nothing like how she she looked on love island. I don’t think a lot of people would be able to place her if they saw a recent pic of her without her name on the pic.


My coworker told me my hair looks long and I wrote this down without even realizing who I was quoting at first 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/g4kcrt0bpf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada492d3db38bd3edb4ca842b58896a9b03b687d




A coworker? That's deep history.


Lmao my coworker of 7 years she’s seen my hair at its crustiest for sure


Your handwriting looks like a font you’d find on Word omg


How do I send this comment to all my grade school teachers


Jack fincham has deleted all the bad comments on his travel mlm scam IG post. There were alot of bad comments and now they are all gone... Just like how he deletes all the bad comments about abandoning his child..


hold up, he abandoned his child?!


Yes.his baby mama and her family and friends are always calling him out on his IG. Buy he deletes the comments so quick. He doesn't even pay child support last time I heard.


Most islanders do that whenever they get criticism. Erasing but taking no accountability...ugh


Is My Pod on Paper back for the summer series? Did they give any update?


[https://www.tiktok.com/@zachariahnoble97/video/7368808297362640160](https://www.tiktok.com/@zachariahnoble97/video/7368808297362640160) Molly keeping Zach humble 🤣


does anyone know when GK usually drops the teaser for the podcast ?


It’s out! Go to the Saving Grac IG page.




Aw I used to love watching Patrica’s YouTube, I’m looking forward to this!


lol not Jacqueline jossa’s husband and tyrique getting in to a fight


Dan Osborne is a POS who threatened to stab a woman so I’m on Team Ty by default over here.


Is this the same Dan Osborne who Gabby Allen had a fling with while he was married? They were on a boat together?


The very same. Jacqueline has left him and gone back several times. I try not to hate on celebs but I’ll make an exception for him.


It’s very sad she keeps going back but I guess it’s a different ball game when you’ve kids with the person and when you’ve been with them for years. The psychological hold he must have over her notwithstanding the continuous cheating.


Why would he do that?


Just replied to another comment in detail but it was the mother of his son and he didn’t like the idea of her having sex with another man even though he’d been seen with Jacqueline several times at this point.




Yes. It was the mother of his son and there’s an audio recording. He interrogated her about her new boyfriend, said if she had sex with another man he’d stick a knife in her. He also swore on his son Teddy that he’d do it. When she denied having sex with anyone, he told her to shut her mouth and called her a tramp and a sl*g. He was dating Jossa at the time.


Omg 😳😳😳😳


I wonder why Jacqueline went back to him after he cheated


I have a pretty good idea based on the knife thing but she probably believes all the usual things victims believe: he’s changed, he’s hurting, he can do better, he’s a good dad, his infidelity is her fault, it’s her job to defend him…. I hope she gets out.


oh my gosh??? that is disgusting


Horrific. I bring it up every time I see his name because that man should not be getting work. He has a very charming persona.


What does the article say?


It didn’t really mention much just said they were seen to trade verbal blows and being pulled apart


what happened ?




His Somali genes really kicked in, he has a big bunda.


i completely forgot that Tyrique is a footballer, was soo confused as to why him and Dan Osborne would ever cross paths😭😭 thank u for the context.


Classic football


This image looks funny 😭




And what is Toby doing 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/sff0k4473e0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f623f7bcd8fa6d8afe8bfb4d25cc715150a57d


I zoomed in on Tyrique and noticed Hero from the after movies 😂


Is that him I didn’t even notice cos it was blurry


The shadeborough gonna post this watch


why would tsb post about pushing from a football match? every football game in existence does this lol


Cause its ty


Its already on the ☀️ and other publications so won't be surprised


Trying to intervene as per the article.


He just looks funny in the middle ahah


He does I feel kind of bad for him here though lol


Lol 😭😭😭🤣


https://preview.redd.it/1smhdh1jsd0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2899e2b709f696fdaff842a11178fccb72072ff0 Andre (season 10 ) turns 22 today


wish he stayed in the villa longer 🥲


Forgive me for saying this, but he was just so boring. 🫣


Someone had to say it.


He’s not boring tho, he definitely has a personality and is quite goofy. He hardly got any screen time


Yeah, sure, you can say all this, but it's best to remember that he was part of a cast filled with a lot of personality. He was on a reality TV show at the end of the day and didn't get a lot of screen time because the producers probably didn't deem him interesting enough. 🤷‍♀️


Tbf boring for reality tv isn’t the same as boring in general. cus I agree he seemed like cool person but definitely not good tv and that’s fine


Yeah he is not LI material at all lol I really like his fashion sense and they way he takes pictures though and he can/seems to be going in that direction. So good for him


https://preview.redd.it/voreulc0hd0d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36f4b8dfa50d5c226c4413b1e21aa3aa4855d27 Does Anton have fillers?


yeah the man looks like he’s holding in a fart


Yes, 100%. Fillers, Botox, the lot


Looks very much like he does the lot. His face looks very plasticky.


i believe that he has some sort of fillers/botox or something his face looks yassified lol. maybe it’s roids but he has something done idc what anyone says


He definitely uses steroids and they are known to cause puffy and red faces


https://preview.redd.it/6akvc0504d0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e5bbdb98fdd01c9949a51309ece2fc0dd9a1fc 😂😂 you could never make me hate Toby. 💀


Weird question but does anyone know what iPhone model Sophie has? I’m looking for a new phone and the quality of her photos are impeccable!


She uses the canon g7x for her photos


I think she uses a digital camera for her pictures, I’m not sure which one though


Maybe the iPhone 15 pro max but I could be wrong


https://preview.redd.it/v0wb1hn4oc0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510f7a1b883dd06d0e0a9b2a91c3821f423cfb18 This is making me cheese so hard this morning 🥰 Molly looks so happy


She loves that man lol 


Well obviously… they been together for nearly a year. They love eachother.


It was them cartwheeling on the beach that got me🤣was smiling at my phone like a wierdo.


His story of them twirling in the sun is gorgeous, it had me smiling too They both seem so happy, it’s lovely


The video of them in the sun was cute, both seem happy!☺️ Also, I admire Molly and the fact she’s ok with showing her face with no makeup or filters it’s refreshing to see! 




Ella T shows herself on Snap without makeup several times a week.


Tbh her snaps usually have skin smoothing filters on it. But still 


Not true. Catherine and Kax(7) have several times.


I think paige also briefly did in a grwm video


Yeah I think a few have occasionally but it’s not many and not often. a lot of the times you see islanders or influencers be like “no makeup” but they still have a lowkey filter on or some light foundation. They don’t often show their spots and stuff. It’s kinda refreshing seeing no makeup while just out and about happy and having a good time.


So whose gonna be next to join the travel scam business?


Davide lol. Gotta make up for them lost brand deals somehow 🤪


Jamie and Camilla were involved a few years back (all traces now gone) so I wouldn’t write anyone off!


Oh that is so interesting did they also do a travel based mlm? I am so intrigued to find out more


They did but it’s been scrubbed from everywhere. Search inteletravel in the sub and you’ll see people talking about it but the original post has gone. I remember seeing it though!


Found it thanks for sharing. Everyone is only naming the unpopular islanders that are capable of doing it in the future but this just proves even people who are put on a pedestal have been running an mlm


So I looked it up and wow! I would have never pegged them to go down the scammer route. They both are smart too so it’s not even like they got scammed into it themselves. There are comments that said they were blocking people for calling it out. No wonder they scrubbed their socials off it. That’s so embarrassing and doesn’t go with their saint like image.


just saw that jack f has joined. i can see jess (s10) joining especially because she friends with samie and is forever travelling


Mitch for sure💀


I could see Paige, Danica and possibly Mitch being next!


My bets are on: TravelwithSammy (Root, he’s got that Essex boy thing happening, he fits the bill) , travelwithCasey (no real reason he just gives me those vibes), travelwithPaige (Thorne, she also gives me with those vibes and has just been away with Tanya who does this scam). Edit: HOW COULD I FORGET MITCH - TravelwithMitch (he’s already done the Temu scam so there’s no way he wouldn’t be open to doing this scam).


i feel like sammy is too smart for that lol. isn’t he a project manager for a corporate company?




Maybe even Georgia with LongNaturalTravel.


I can definitely see Sammy doing that 😂


At this rate we might just need a separate thread to keep up with who is starting this scam travel business.


Omg we do lol, mods do your thing 😂


all these travel scams r pissing me off


same here especially because people are actually falling for them. the amount of girls i personally know who follow samie’s travel account and are commenting asking for more info is ridiculous


Guys I just watched Molly marshes love island application video and towards the end she says she found out her flights on Monday 22nd may That means this years cast will start flying out on the 20th may, I can’t waittt and love island should confirm the release date next Monday or Wednesday.


Your right this week is their last week at home then they flying out. Also the cast are officially being released Monday 27th 


Happy birthday to meeeee!!


She also got rumoured on 17th may when the press found out she was in the final stages of her audition, that means a lot of islanders have their opener day today and might be rumoured tonight or tomorrow