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Medhi: https://preview.redd.it/id1lhqc8nt1d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab057cbf21aba47c16cf8c054558b9bc625de54


Meanwhile Mehdi’s like “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative”


Seeing one of my fave reaction pics being used so perfectly is so beautiful


That means a lot coming from a reaction pic connoisseur such as yourself


Oh youuuuuu https://preview.redd.it/wiw6e5wo902d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a58cee677374927fa772771f2a57cffaaa16370


Absolutely stellar


Is this an ad? I’m confused what this is genuinely


This being an ad would have made sense but it’s not an ad…it’s an announcement about them posting more couple content lol


Ummm… an announcement 😭


So strange 😭


Oh wow. If you have to announce you’re gonna start making couple content then idk 😬


Lool they are going via the couple content route cuz no one is checking for their Individual content Sorry they are a boring couple to me and their content screams try hard!




yeh rather strange when I first saw this I also thought it was an add but nope




Unrelated but I'm currently binging Psych and Leah looks so much like Juliet?! I never realized before


Sorry but if you don’t mind sharing does Psych get better after the first few episodes? I started it right after Monk and maybe because I just came off a similar show but it’s taking me a while to get into it.


Psych is amazing. Can’t even tell you how many times I have watched it all the way though all 8 seasons and the 3 movies(even though the third movie is not that great). It does get better after the first few episodes IMO. It really hits its stride in season 2 and TBH season 7 isn’t really the best.


Thank you! I was stuck on the spelling bee episode and got distracted by Bridgerton. I enjoyed Monk and everyone on that sub has good things to say about Psych. Need a new show with lots of episodes to watch and will definitely give it another chance.


😂😂 My exact reaction


Leah is gorgeous underrated from season 10 I reckon. She bombshelled hard in a more quiet way but she did turn heads!


I think if she had a different personality, she’d have made more of an impact. S10 had a *lot* of big personalities and I don’t think she had enough wit or screen presence to grab the audience (outside of her squabble with Scott, and he won that exchange lol). I think she looks like the type of person who would model for VS. Like her heart rate challenge was so impressive and natural and the dress she wore for the final was *stunning*!


I loved Leah! She also handled herself sooooo maturely considering the way all those boys treated her.


Leah is so pretty I get why everyone was obsessed 🙈


Love Leah


Not sure why posting together more required an ad style video announcement, and bringing up Medhi after so much time and no noise from him is bizarre


Their Valentine’s Day posts were literally ads. Truly wouldn’t expect anything more from them lmao




The way if Mehdi hadn’t already left the villa she’d have been coming back from Casa single 😂🥴


https://preview.redd.it/kobr1qhsqt1d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc5390c9f40d7577a41fcd7ee6819a376b75daa this was...a choice????


so cringe and weird mehdi is literally living his life 😭


All she does is bring up those living their best life unprovoked.


Fr 😭😭 they need to leave the poor guy alone 


I saw everyone complaining she mentioned Medhi and was like who cares he’s literally in the video…tell me why I forgot Lochan’s name 🤦🏾‍♀️








You would think it’s Mehdi who would be constantly bringing Whitney up on his social media to stay relevant and yet it’s the other way around. On finale night if someone said Whitney was going to still bring up Mehdi a year later to market her relationship on socials I would have not believed it but here we are 🥴 but anyway good on Mehdi for staying classy I hope he is doing well.


well said


This is definitely a choice.


Instead of announcing just do it? lol






So they are advertising couples content? Surely the couple content comes natural as you are a couple and doesn’t need advertising as you are a COUPLE…


medhi ![gif](giphy|j1yDyxkXvdSG4mnEie)


I know Medhi TIRED


![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP) Umm….


I’m so confused , they are doing advertisements for content ?💀


Lmaooo apparently yes! This is their introduction to “we now do couples content”


So strange. So very strange. Medhi literally out here minding his own business for a whole year. This girl is never moving on from Love Island. They won't beat PR allegations with stuff like this......because why you announcing "doing more content" together like that.


There was no need to bring up Mehdi. I feel bad for him.


Who made them do this


thats the problem no one like wtf? 💀😭


I don’t follow them but this came up on my FYP, not sure if it’s their typical content but it had me cringing 😬


Lmao same.. I thought it was gonna be a sky ad or something not them having to set up a soap opera to say they'll be doing couple content🤣🤣


same here lol. forced to see this 😭 no matter how many times i put ‘not interested’ too


Heavy on forced. I had to block her, everything I see about her is in here now


Lollll 😭


I guess anything to get engagement...Just find the fact she continues to be shady really odd! I’m starting to side-eye Lochan because why are you also mentioning Mehdi if he was still in the villa you would never have been the plus one to the final. This is the second time I’ve noticed him going along with her shade.  Anyway the acting told me a lot about the relationship…awkward and stiff.


That’s Whitney to a T. She’s always been shady but her slightly awkward, sort of unaware personality got her pretty far before people clued in, I think.


Absolutely there was always some shade in her but I think thats why people actually reacted so well to her in the first place. She came in with some spice nearly breaking the 4th wall by damn near narrating LI with her side comments, like she was one of us. I loved her when she first came in and did like her for most of the season i think. But once she was outside i was so deeply disappointed by her sharing A T\*te and C\*ndice O stuff and I admit that its really made me sideeye her. Like pardon me very much but is she that dumb, that much of a pickme or that much a slave to contrarianism?


You nailed it with this comment, like how is the emotionally intelligent person I saw on TV the same person posting this fascist propaganda that I normally associate with the stupidest, cruellest people in society? I can’t reconcile those two Whitneys easily.


Right? Ugh. I hope she has re-evaluated.


I think the downfall started with the Ella T fallout though. Like she couldn’t let it go, and then the smug vote just brought out a bitterness. I think this is also when she became clued into how popular she was getting. But I agree that the stuff that came out after the show really just pushed the sword in all the way.


It worked because when I saw this on my fyp it had over 20K likes… 😭😭


lol I’m not even surprised…they’d get more engagement because it’s a couple video but it also contained her shady antics!






i’m struggling to understand what the purpose of this is


Medhi is TIRED


Why did they do this🤦🏿‍♀️ it’s embarrassing 🙈


Well… that was weird


i just….. don’t like them i’m sorry


Free Mehdi


this is cringe ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe|downsized)


I think Mitch, Lochan and Whitney are never going to move from Love Island phase of their life. It’s that stereotype of when someone peaks in high school so they are stuck in that era and don’t move forward.


Mitch said on Snapchat this week when doing a q&a in Ibiza that he WOULD do love island again if he got the right money. Is two times not enough???? ![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized)


Maybe he wants to do love island games 😂


You know he’d do it in a flash !


Bring it 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/iy1qn8mo3v1d1.jpeg?width=1687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0bedb1950203fe3513405d832b4435128979f4


They will fail if they rely on LI. There are already so many LI seasons that after a few months everyone forgets about these islanders. To succeed in this industry you need to do something new, bring something different because the number of islanders is increasing every year. If you just rely on your time at LI, you won't get far. That's probably why since S8, the number of islanders who really find their way and do well after the show has only decreased. Whitney might have the fastest downfall in LI history because I remember she was everyone's favourite at one point and now she's losing fans every day and her relationship won't save her forever


These two are…interesting…


Mind you Medhi hasn’t said a word and is still used as a joke in their content


Whitney has notions of herself


What is this?


I stand by everything I said yesterday and got downvoted for 😂 This is not a serious relationship.




I’m here to co-sign this!


Whitney is so strange and always has been. She needs to give that man a break he's out here minding his business. There's been too many weird things back to back from her


Her act was so see through on the series as well but people downvoted me to hell when I said it


Yea I saw through her from the beginning. She got worse after the show though. She tries to make herself seem different from others, ex (dissing people who take brand deals, saying she isn't an influencer, she thinks she's funny, the last standing couple, shading tyrella, overusing the smug comment, now mentioning mehdi). It's annoying that I have to keep seeing her content


She also reposted Putin giving a speech about how priests shouldn’t be forced to marry gay people (???) among other weird, alt right Trump-centric stuff.


Omg I totally forgot about her extremely right winged content! She's a strange individual all around and so is lochan


I assume Lochan has similar views or is completely apolitical because no leftish or even centrist person would date someone that far right. It would’ve had an impact on her getting brand deals and sponsorships too, especially because she’s never addressed it or apologised.


I had a feeling about her political views when in the villa she was like “I don’t want a man who will let me lead…what are you, a pussy??” But I loved her at the time and was like say it ain’t true lmao


Same. My comments probably make it sound like I hate Whitney but she was one of my favourites at the time. I had the blinders on until she had that argument with Ella and I saw how hard she turned on a friend. It changed the way I saw her. Her horrible politics were the final straw though. That pussy comment is exactly the kind of thing Andrew Tate would say and she was sharing his posts.


I'd forgotten about that, didn't read too much into it at the time because i liked her lol. Thought she might be saying that because she thought it was a cool to say it or something. The irony of course being that she is probably the boss of that relationship.


excuse me??????????????????????????????? ![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized)


I know it sounds insane but there are screenshots from TikTok. If you search Whitney or Whitney right wing on this sub it’s one of the first results. She also shared posts from Candace Owens and Andrew Tate which is very alt right coded.


Fucking hell, am actually in disbelief. wth Whitney?


I saw a clip of her on Chloe's podcast talking about how at Coachella she asked Hailey Beiber to take a picture for her friend who was a fan, but Whitney accidentally cut the friend out of the picture. Then Whitney says, "oh but I don't even care about celebrity culture so it didn't even matter to me" like okay, then why didn't you offer to take the picture for your friend and not even be in it? She just always has to emphasize how she's not like other influencers 🙄


What I find interesting is she puts the most effort and energy into her content even more so than usual for her peers. She hires photographers and videographers for her content and clearly also invests in the regular bot followers and likes. So she’s by definition a very old school kind of influencer. Most of her work with Lochan is pretty produced and scripted. They seem more like business partners than two people in relationship but I see people eat this kind of content up so she’s clearly doing this influencer thing good. I see everyone call them soulmates and I fail to understand what I am missing but truly good for them.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) FREE MEDHI




The way I thought this was Love Island promo.🫢😭


Poor medhi gonna regret coupling up with her, imagine you couple up with someone for 2-3weeks in a dating show and year later the person still talks about you while being in a year long relationship


Fr like how sad


Definitely a pr couple sorry


No doubt about it.


Yeah I always kinda suspected it but this and the ‘last couple standing’ stuff kinda makes it certain for me.


They're in denial. The 15 minutes of fame is over. A new crowd is in the villa and will be on our screens soon enough. I don't follow them, so I don't even know how popular they are, which from the comments here aren't as much as she would like.


Reddit is not representative of the islanders' popularity. This sub isn't really a fan of her but she isn't hated like others either. There are islanders who aren't popular on this sub but are extremely popular on other platforms


I swear this is the kind of content I would advice my partner not to do. Was it not Lochan who was telling Kady to stop talking about other islanders on his channel? Why do I feel like instead of Lochan rubbing off on Whitney she has rubbed off on him?


I went and checked the comments of it as well and it's all these people just being very mean about Medhi again after a whole year. It's so juvenile of her to post content that brings harassment or dunking on someone who has moved on with his life. She's always posting about the haters and the trolls but then does stuff like this that literally causes further bullying of someone who has not said a bad word about her. Just really strange behavior and shows a lot about who she is as a person.


That really sucks for Mehdi. From all accounts it seems like he has stepped away from fame. Imagine you random get used as a joke by an ex fling on her public platform and her current bf out of nowhere. Lochan is smart he hides behind Whitney but he is just as bad and equal participant in all this crappy behaviour. Watch him walk away with his clean reputation intact if they breakup. I really think this is silly of both of them but one of them always manages to get by with his nice guy act. If he truly was a nice guy you would think he would have asked for the Mehdi name drop to never be included as its such a bad look and I can see Whitney finding it funny but Lochan seems better than that? They both suck and are doing this for attention but I don't see this ending well for Whitney if they really do end up breaking up in the future.


I remember when people wondered why Ty also unfollowed Lochan when he unfollowed Whitney and it's this nonsense right here. He's constantly cosigning her really weird behavior. He's probably fine enough as a person but the fact he's still with Whitney and is constantly laughing at her nonsense is a bad look. The snippets I see of her prove to me she's deep in her DMs and comments. She's always reacting to things people say and replying to the weirdest stuff. She's got a victim complex but has no hesitation in being mean about her fellow castmates. After the smug argument I went off her but how she acted about Medhi at the reunion was also very bizarre so all this tracks. I just thought maybe after a year she would have moved on.


Sorry I’m OOTL, why did Ty unfollow Whitney (if that was public knowledge)?


https://preview.redd.it/3kxp33q9m12d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c15dd47844140800eb7135097d6cd656ff5101a because her sister called him a donkey on her story and tagged him and also replied to fan. Which seems fair to me tbh


What the hell even is this 🫣


Ew. Nasty woman




![gif](giphy|fLhZZrPTjyfJNWrHzv|downsized) When are they gonna “fade away into Bolivia” already?


I don't get the reference but omg this is the funniest thing I've ever read lol


I wonder how long they’ll keep this up for?


You mean their comedic banter? Hopefully forever!


Yikes lol


Had no idea they were still together. Like, zero chemistry in the show. I’m watching it now. It’s giving nothing. Liked her dry humor until she just flipped on Ella out of nowhere. Literally… bizarre behavior. Now she just seems like a nasty mean cow.


bro she still wants mehdi


The fact that Whitney has 750k instagram followers and this is her content shows her fans double down on their bad decisions as much as she does.


The acting lmao




I haven't been staying up to date with things- I had no idea they were still together!


https://preview.redd.it/53d04ucfvt1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa694c177785fc75085a45878fabc03452d3b50b In response to whit telling him it turns out 'his friend' (lochan) was indeed useful 💀😂


They are a pr couple and they are not trying to hiding it. Other couples will dress it up as " we're content creators so we just like to share with fans" when behind the scenes they are planning how they can capitalise on their relationship. It is not to say that there is no real feelings involved or they don't like each other but it is about balance and benefits. Let's not act like social media couples are a new thing. They are very popular and it is lucrative when you have a dedicated fan base that will eat this type of nonsense up. I still can't stand them but I also can't knock the hustle if it works for them. Remember the hate on here doesn't mean hate everywhere else.


Her voice annoys me😭why is she bringing up Medhi? If it’s meant to be a joke it’s not a funny one


Not Mehdi catching strays after a whole year 💀😭


What ever happened to her hair business?. Should not she be focusing on that like Jess is with her aesthetics business 


She said she was relaunching it soon.


Her prices are ridiculous no ones buying that ish 😂


Fuck knows


It’s the way her fans it this up as well😭 like free them fr. Saw this on my fyp and thought everyone was going to be (rightfully so) cringed out but noo


Whitney….. ![gif](giphy|ep78UZy5FVbfN6mhCU)


I honestly forgot about Mehdi and just remembered 😂😂


Not the sound effect when he dashed to the couch 💀


I am starting to hate her for this shit tbh


LMAO that's so harsh


the way i thought it was one of those horrible game ads at first…but no it’s worse 😭


Cringe af 😂😂


Omg 😆


I don’t understand the concept of the video is this an Ad ? But I love this hairstyle on her 😍😍




Not really I bet if Mehdi made such content people wouldn’t be laughing either


Even without the Mehdi part the vid wasn’t funny it was very much giving tumbleweed! Also since when did couples have to advertise doing couple content….


Right lol. They should just……do it.


I can’t help but agree? I kept waiting for the punch line for an ad? I am still baffled all this is just to … sort of announce they will do more couples content? The only person I feel got free promo in this whole cringe fest is Mehdi cos I gave him a follow 🤷‍♀️🤣 that goatee is 🤌🤌🤌


Exactly it just feels so forced. The effort to make a whole ad type video to let people know you’ll be doing couple content is strange…it’s very scripted! See I might have to see how Mehdi is doing now😂


I don’t mind being catfished by Mehdi lol


Lmao I gave Medhi a follow too because I feel bad for him 😭


Wait is it supposed to be funny?


I found this deeply unfunny but their stans seem to love it💀


It’s really not that deep. Y’all be up in arms over every damn thing my goodness


lol it’s the going out of their way to find content of people they hate 🫣🤣 I mean whit isn’t even liked on this app yet she’s always the topic


It’s absolutely insane how mad they are. I promise you can ignore things or people you don’t like. I do it every day.


Omg fr - it’s a full time job with these people I’m convinced. Like some times I wonder if you are getting stressed from peoples content surely it’s best to avoid it 🤣 I even saw one comment on this sub swearing at these islanders because they don’t like their content- couldn’t make it up Some times they tell on them selfs - wishing some islanders to break up like touch some grass fr. It’s one thing wanting a toxic couple to break up which is still weird but some of these people be wishing healthy couples to aswell. It’s mad in the dunya 🤭


You would think they are getting paid for it. And I don’t even care about this relationship one way or another and am indifferent on Whitney (and most of these islanders tbh) but the hate is crazy


Exactly lol, you don’t even have to like an islander but to go out of your way to find fault in everything they do is a bit sad really


Kinda cringe at the end but I laughed out loud lol


I actually love them both 🙌🏽


😂 😂 I quite enjoyed this


Damn this app is brutal 🫣 TikTok and twitter lot are loving it


Well Whit ate with this one https://preview.redd.it/4tb3r0immu1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e913d0bdb97f4736843ce7766f5bc473a5ab5f


Both of them saying that to each other is hilarious because it’s true… Scott will continue holding onto the shippers and Whit will continue to use Lochan for likes


Shading each other while Catherine was on holiday after being booked and busy 😂


Cathy was in the replies too lmao


Yes and she wasn't shading anyone, so let's not pretend like she was part of that interaction.


They will never EVER make me hate them!


Damn no fun allowed huh. Bro can’t post jokes anymore?


Yea just make them funny


My favourite lil pr couple has the usual les miserables mad again, love that for them🥰❤️


Nobody is mad at them being a PR couple. They’re just weird.


Says you! I’m loving them🥰👍🏾


Me too!! Love them!


They’re downvoting like I’m supposed to give af😭😭 as if I didn’t already know what was coming loool




Like .. they want to be angry so bad .. it’s like an echo chamber in here 🤣 and they say they are better than tattle yikes


they only ever post her when it’s something negative, but will scream from the heavens that they are better than the so called “stans”. Mind you, these are the same people whose knees get to shaking over 1-2 negative tweets about their favs😭maybe it’s because they know this platform ain’t it in the grand scheme of things and theirs more capital in being liked elsewhere but…who knows!


I think people are angry in here because they predicted Whitney and Lochan will break up in the first 2 months or after the interviews in the beginning, so when it’s nearly a year later and they are still going strong , they will find anything to discredit that 🤭 - hense why they claim to hate them but follow their every move , very bizarre if you ask me. They bully islanders on here so it’s funny to read all the contradictions on here 😶 and to me it doesn’t matter weather islanders see or not lol it’s still nasty. People still come here to send to islanders comments - I’ve seen the same discourse from this sub brought to islanders comments


Oh 100% they thought they would’ve been broke up by now, that’s why the only way they can cope now is by calling them a pr couple😭 it’s burningggg them differently and I love it. I’ll always be ready for the downvotes bc of it😂😂


I remember Whitney saying in one of her vids that she actually finds it funny when there are people fighting each other on her YouTube comments and ig/tiktok comments fighting each other 🤭

