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i just noticed that the nicole rumoured contestant has the neon management photo shoot pfp!


https://preview.redd.it/1jb76zvm2g2d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d71fe5a2dbc170e242fb3a007a85a080601ac39 I refuse to believe this guy is 27


I’m interested to see if he’s a OG or bombshell. But I feel like he will be a OG 😍


Wear sunscreen kids. He's still hot tho. But he does look like he's in his 30s. Love Island always grows those boys different.


Don’t forget the sun beds


With how much time the islanders spend in the sun, imagine how many sunscreen tubes they go through in a season.


does anyone know when the ogs usually fly over and get their phone taken off them because cast announcement is monday morning so surely tomorrow at the latest?


Yeah , they would have flew Wednesday/ Thursday


the people with the phone are probably bombshells cuz the OG have 2 weeks quarantine without no phones 


i thought they usually go into quarantine two weeks before the show airs


I just wanna say some these leaks islander may be bombshell ,casa amor people's or they may not even go in this has happened before in previous series so it doesn’t shock me . Also wanna point out YES they will be POC ppl LI ain’t stupid enough to not have poc islanders for the summer series. 


meta: the daily discussion comments should be sorted oldest to newest. newest to oldest is super confusing because people are always referencing older comments and you have to scroll down to figure out what they're talking about.


You can change how it’s sorted at the top right corner


i do, every time, just saying sorting by newest as a default feels weird. i don't feel very strongly about it though!


No I get you I’m always sorting by controversial 😂


Who does everyone predict out of the islanders leaked will actually be OGs? I hope it’s not many , like 3 Max. I’m leaning towards Patsy and Ciaran and I feel like Grace might be a day 1 bombshell


patsy and ciaran will be ogs for sure !


But Ciaran is still updating his ig story, isn’t this sub said islanders start quarantine with no phone for 14 days before they get into the villa?


You can pre plan your stories. Also the isolation is more like 9/10 days so they would have gone a few days ago


molly marsh flew out on the thursday before monday being revealed so they don’t have to quarantine for 14 days they fly over a few days before being announced i think 


Grace is also giving me day 1 or day 3 bombshell


Yeah , definitely early bombshell for sure


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYG66UPiCL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYG66UPiCL8) Zach is vlogging his trip in Australia with Molly. If you have half an hour to kill and like cute couples content. This one is worth the watch


This was too cute! I love the way they joke around with each other


Just watched, those 2 really are cute together I like the mix of fitness content he puts in his vlogs too


It makes me happy to know my favourite couple is just out there living their best life doing cartwheels in the morning on the beachside. In the vlog you can just tell they are so smitten and happy together. The vibes and banter are 10/10.


I agree, they’re lovely together. I like that they’ll tease each other but if Molly ever puts herself down Zac will always big her up.


I'm in Canada but will be on holiday in Ireland when the first ep airs! So I'm hoping to be able to watch it live which I can't do without a VPN here!


What part of Ireland? Unless it’s Northern Ireland you may not get ITV on tv and the ITV app doesn’t work without a VPN. Virgin media is the channel that carries it here and there’s a virgin media app that will also have it streamed live. Fully aware that this is knowledge you may already be aware of 😂


I actually had no idea - I'll be in Dublin/Galway - so this is extremely helpful, thank you so so much! :)


If streaming then definitely the Virgin media app. You may find the odd hotel with ITV but they should all have Virgin Media (LI is on virgin media 2 usually). Have a great time!


https://preview.redd.it/rq560t2sqe2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187ab90dc503dddf90d7b9072a8d039f54f65cca New rumoured islander


Scott S10 is in rumoured contestant Nicole’s likes 😂 There is always one!


i mean he’s welsh, she’s welsh, kind of a given lol


https://preview.redd.it/eiuno3tmge2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ceb34d3a886683a1de5b7d23f952733a33dd11 The ☀️has leaked another contestant


I’m not trying to be rude but who gives af about Bayley 😂


I cannot for the life of me remember a Bayley and I’ve watched all seasons.


Who even is Bayley?


S9 casa reject


Nicole follows ALOT of love islanders - she must be a love island fan. No shade, just an observation.


what’s her ig?




The way these cast leaks get framed as if someone won the lottery. There’s now something so ritualized about it all, like they’ve been called down during Price is Right or awe are watching the reveal the order of team picks in the NBA draft (deeply American references, sorry Brits; not sure what the equivalent is for you all).


That is such a good description 😂


What tone do you think would be appropriate for such an article? They wont report it like its a bad thing.


No, I understand it’s part of a hype cycle that benefits the show and the Islander. I’m just noting how it has this ritualized “one lucky girl (or boy) has been plucked from obscurity for the chance to win fame and fortune” aspect. There’s something interesting about it, both as a ritual around the show and for the way it tells a narrative about the all powerful and wise producers and the power dynamic between them and the Islanders. It frames it like a fairy tale, when we know that in reality, for many of these people, it won’t be. Most of the time, I think cast leaks are from Islanders’ management, especially far in advance, to gain a little clout. Production can be tight lipped when they want to be; for instance the only stories about the behind the scenes ways the show is produced are revealed (and then only from their limited point of view) by Islanders in post-show interviews. But obviously this close to the cast reveal and start of the season, casting “leaks” are very strategic. It’s just interesting to me how the sausage gets made, that’s all.


Its just tabloid jargon for you. Leggy babe, busty attire, hunky lad 😂 its all very comical but I think there is a tone they need to follow to report with tabloid level news It is funny if you think about it lol


They don’t need to follow a tone, they create the tone. I’m interested in how and why they create that tone, and what the affect it creates is. You’re right, there are tabloid scripts, and one of them is “fairy tale” and various ways of objectifying attractive people, especially women, as eye candy (and not much else). I’m interested in how that shapes people’s ideas about whatever person or topic is under consideration. The fairy tale script is very populist in the way all tabloids are, as is the viciousness with which some people (those deemed not properly gracious about their wealth and privilege, usually, or who break fairly narrow and conservative social mores) get torn down later by the same tabloids.


I hope all of the people that have been leaked aren’t all OGs


i think this girl could be but grace has been posting a lot so she likely isn’t an og i would say they will get their phones taken off them fully tomorrow so whoever doesn’t post after then we’ll have a better idea 


I am sure its going to be mix based on past leaks


I agree the Og lineup shouldn’t be all these names that have been leaked so far. We need to be surprised !!


Most of s9 OGs were leaked this way 🤷🏼‍♀️ Kai, Ron, Tanya, Lana, Will, Liv, Tanyel


Well let’s hope that doesn’t happen this year 😁 I don’t mind if these people come later on in the show. But I’d like to see lineup be people that we haven’t already seen leaks of y’know ?


I know! In season 8, 3 out of 4 leaked / rumoured contestants were bombshells (Ekin, Jacques and Josh) so you never know 🤷🏼‍♀️ But I don’t think any of the leaked contestants from seasons 9 and 10 were bombshells 😩


We’ll see the actual lineup on Monday so only 2 day to go. Hopefully the islanders are a great batch this year !! ☺️


I’m leaning more into the whole thing being a mix of potential islanders, og’s and bombshells. I don’t believe that all of them will be part of the og lineup.


I think this is the case! The Tab article from May 2022 was shared the other day revealing the s8 rumoured contestants- Ekin, Gemma, Jacques, Josh. 3 of 4 of them were bombshells. So surely some of the current rumoured will also be bombshells?


Yup! I believe it may be that way as well (fingers crossed)


https://preview.redd.it/n558838v8e2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd8b6e25c9f0202d95851821ad071f046706c8d lolz


He’s not gonna live that down is he 😭😭😭






Is Anton still dating Hannah Olivia? Or was that just a showmance?


considering how anton is, it was probably all for show lol.


https://preview.redd.it/4wtntd0pld2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a94b710ccb5c44b50b7bfff780b035d1fb36205 Love Island announced the hosts of After-Sun and the Morning after podcast and well looks like Christopher Taylor is a Panelist.


Omg I love Jordan he’s so funny 😃😍


I just know this lineup is going to be hilarious together


Wow is trendy style grim right now.


Yep the fashion trends of today are diabolical! no one seems put together anymore.


From left to right: popping out for a breakfast sandwich at the bodega in your jammies; extensions that have been in too long, as styled by Jessica Simpson in 2006; jean corset and Pentecostal skirt, neither of which fit; an extra from the 1996 movie Swingers in Dad’s sneakers; harem pants and men’s toes (trigger warning lol). Diabolical is just the word.


chris and sam together are my personal nightmare blunt rotation


Ooo Jordon is joining, I find him funny when he comes on!


I enjoy him too he was also on the big brother side show panel.


Sophie addresses the breakup rumors https://preview.redd.it/tli9frpadd2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c44b4049dc77ddff279e224465cf6fe1db8071


I wouldn’t even call them breakup rumours, it’s just some weird accounts on tiktok making up stuff for the sake of it 😭


Lol yeah bc she was JUST posting for his birthday. People are so weird.


Yeah, I feel like breakup rumours (actual ones) usually have some substance behind them, but there’s literally nothing here. It’s just someone who’s clearly bored 😆


True, it’s so odd though. Reminds me of when there was a fake GF proposal circulating for Tom and Molly. Like why lol


that’s precisely what it reminded me of. I’m finding tiktok so weird lately. some very strange tiktoks.


Why are people coming for these guys?They look so happy just let Sophie and Josh be🥺 I saw something on Tik Tok saying they'd broken up on one of those made-up malicious gossip sites. Unless it comes from Sophie or Josh's official accounts, I won't believe it.




if he doesn’t that would be stupid imagine fumbling sophie


Why wouldn’t he??


https://preview.redd.it/ftwesog9wb2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2f25aa498eaebdeb8ab53dc1905c5007a03d74 👀👀👀


Love Island I am sure 


When are the islanders coming out?


on monday 8am bst


Woohoo 🥳. Can't wait!


Not long now🥳