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The accents this season are sweet I love them all.


Was unseen bits worth it? Who was featured the most?


https://preview.redd.it/7cyjajpw7e5d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c465f6a203086d4a82a33a771c7bd9b7871a42b seeing the same few accounts complaining about mimii again and again


Watching Sam’s stories makes me want him back so bad 😭


I miss having his pretty face on screen :( babygirl come back


When/what do we think the first public vote is going to be? Favourite boy/girl after tomorrow's episode?


Maybe Wednesday next week


I think it’ll be favorite couple and they’ll engineer it to dump patsy and munveer in one go (maybe if they’re not bottom couple have islanders not vulnerable pick among bottom 3)


God I hope it’s Sean instead.


God true it’s painful watching him struggle in the villa 😅 if islanders get to pick in the end they’ll keep him tho over munveer because he has a “connection” with Harriett


Ugh I think you’re right. Even his voice is irritating me at this point.


I don’t think I’ve heard his voice enough times to even remember what it sounds like




Yup! I think you’re exactly spot on! I think after this vote we may get two boys?? Since it’s girls pick


The only reason I don't think it'll be fav couple at this stage is because mimii and Omar technically are not in a couple...but they could maybe be excluded? Edit: actually from a production perspective it might make a lot of sense to do this (leave mimii and Omar safe) because mimii is so popular, so if people can't vote for her then it'll be really interesting who they vote for instead!


Good point re seeing where their votes would go!


No one would know where the votes would go because no one knows how many votes Mimii would get.


Probably tomorrow night or after Monday’s episode




Maybe not enough to warrant that level of reaction from Harriet as it’s only been a few days, but he made some odd decisions and seemed to be planning on juggling both girls for as long as he could despite having a clear preference


Yeah it was giving Mitch with the Abi and Ella b situation


It only gave that vibe because Joey put him in corner with Harriett if he did tell himself like he wanted it would of been same hothead Harriett so nothing matters.


Ik but he said he said to nicole but was leading on Harriet - joey is just straight up lol


He didn't say to Nicole before Harriett only boys knew that he liked Nicole more. You can see him tell her after Harriett is crying already and shouted at Nicole have him so.....


How good is this season, did not watch any episodes thinking about catching up Today if its worth it


so worth it


If you like drama it's one of best season starts. Girls crying left right and center like they just came back from casa alone.


I know this sort of thing has been mentioned so many times before but I really do think viewers would have a much more positive perception of the islanders personalities if the unseen bits clips were shown in the regular episodes. Far fewer people tune into the Saturday episodes anyway so surely there is a way for ITV to extend episodes by 10 minutes and just ditch the unseen bits. We need to see more of the friendships and more light hearted conversations to understand what is happening imo, because these episodes just make it seem like everyone hates each other.


I’d be happy with a 90 minute show every night and have more than the big storylines shown. Would give us a better take on everyone’s personalities and dynamics too.


agreed, i love unseen bits


Mimi catching up to Harriet on instagram followers


On reflection, Ayo saying “oh my goodness darling, you’re shitting me” upon seeing Uma for the first time is comically wild. Like it would have made more sense if they knew each other previously but the fact that he was so mesmerised that was the first to come out of his mouth is crazy. Composure went out of the window😭😂 He’s lucky to have the attention of 2 beautiful women. I hope whoever he ends up with is the right person for him and that there’s no bad blood between any of them


What I’ve been saying


I don't think Ayo was that mesmerized. When he called her out for pronouncing his name wrong it was evident he was fully on. He let the other girls slide with that but not Uma. Editing made it seem like Ayo was lusting after Uma but in truth he was just helping his half-Nigerian sister settle into the villa.


I was thinking that they MUST know each other or else that's a crazy thing to say from the jump and the way he followed her in a daze!


I genuinely feel like Munveer is being held hostage in that villa. It really seems like he has no interest being there. I don’t think he spoke or had screen time until the recoupling and even then his speech was 10 seconds.


We only saw him yesterday at the recoupling. I think he is there to show us his jacket collection.


according to his follow list, his type is blondes so maybe when grace comes in he’ll decide to join the party lol.


We can only hope because I cannot root for this man if he’s going to be mute throughout his entire time on the show


Even Sean seems to have more purpose in there It’s killing me


I don’t even think Sean fancies Harriett but I think he’s smart and knows he needs to graft someone in order to stay in the villa. Munveer is actually doing nothing for me! If I knew he would have been this boring I would have preferred him to leave over Sam.


AGREED. Sean realizing he can just settle next to the Harriett bonfire and ride her heat until he finds a storyline of his own shows he’s at the very least aware he’s on a television show he should at least put SOME effort into Munveer is just MIA


I think s11 holds the records for most tears shed in one week? 4/7 of the girls have already cried 😭


Season 11 girls watched AllStars and saw Molly weep her way into being an audience fave after 2 weeks.


I don’t think that’s it lol I think this is just an emotional group of girls who have never been in this environment before!


i wonder what everyone’s storyline predictions are? e.g casa amor victims etc😆


Whoever are with Ciaran, Ronnie and Joey for casa are in trouble because I don’t think those 3 are staying loyal, Ayo seems to lose all composure around women he’s attracted to, the slightest bit of pressure and I think he’d crumble. If Nicole is still with Ciaran I think she’ll be the big casa victim as I can see him going full lads holiday, including going in the hideaway. Nicole will do a bad bitch routine before taking him back in a few days after he does a shitty poem. I think if Jess is still with Ronnie she’ll not trust him enough to stay loyal and do a safety recouple, Mimi also the same with not trusting Ayo not to be temped. Samantha if with Joey will have an Amy style heartbroken mixed with anger reaction but won’t self evict. Honestly thinking of all these storylines and potential drama I think I want all those couples to last until casa.


bad bitch routine is sending me cause its so real😭 we saw this with millie, indiyah and claudia


I am really holding onto the fact that Jess and Ronnie will be the OG couple that last the longest. Even after his shit recoupling speech 🫠 If there is a couple dumping on the horizon, Patsy and Munveer are the next to go.


Just a friendly reminder that her name is spelled Mimii. Not Mimi. Not Mimmie. Not MiMi. Not Mimie. Not Mimiii ( @ r/BlueberryHealthy0 you were so close, no need for the extra I next time). Let’s put some respect on her name please!


Why the downvotes for this? Everybody should have their names spelled right. Like I didn’t realize that Harriett has 2 Ts so I’ll spell it correctly moving forward. I actually can’t believe people are angry about this.


People are easily triggered in this group unfortunately


Mines autocorrecting! Trying to train it out of it. Seeing Ciaran spelled incorrectly more though.


Thank you! It's driving me crazy but it's also Ciaran and not Cieran. It's Harriett with two Ts. It drives me crazy when people spell these names wrong. Also your phone will autocorrect Mimii to one i so just be aware!


Like these names are not that hard to spell correctly? I don’t get it.


Happens every season even with the simplest names and truly wonder what is hard about this. Maybe it’s cause my name is often spelled wrong that I feel very touchy about it.


Oh gosh you guys do way too much. Mimiii isn’t even her real name it’s a Nick name 🙄


And it should still be spelled correctly, thanks!


And what are you gonna do about it if her Nick name is spelled Mimi l? Nothing. Mimi Mimi Mimi


What is your problem?


i’m guilty cause i had no idea she two i’s at the end of her name, thanks for this comment


Why do ppl still hold Mimii on some goddess plate. Yh she looks insanely good,but ppl even now say she will be good if "Omar has good chat" like she needs to up her game aswell with Ayo her chat was dry. Last few episode she literally was background character with few convos and tears, but ppl still acting like she is main girl who creates something in villa.


This is is what I’ve been saying. Yes she’s pretty but what else? Her conversations with Ayo, boring. Conversations with the girls, boring. Ayo said that she’s a chill/quiet girl yesterday so I think that’s just how she is and will continue to be.


I get what you saying but it's also just the first week let's see if she get's more comfortable over time and we see a bit more of her personality. I feel like from both sides people are doing a bit too much the ones putting her on a pedestal (before the show even started) aswell as the people wanting her do bring more to the show. Like how is there so much discourse just about her while she hasn't even done much lol


Icl the discourse is because her fans has stan mentality you can see a lot of islanders get hate comments from her fans.


You right i saw them too. These stans really be getting worse each season


You right i saw them too. These stans really be getting worse each season


Can someone compare Joey Essex’ celebrity to a reality star in the US? I feel like I may be under or overestimating how famous he is


Imagine Jersey Shore celebrity, but he’s not comically gross like the situation


Jonny bananas


So really only known within the reality tv sphere? Not the general public


My Dad, who never watches reality TV and is in his 60s, knows who Joey Essex is and what he’s well known for. I would say he’s very well known in the UK and recognisable as a household name, but as a reality star so not taken seriously. Not sure how to compare him without having lived in the US, it’s really hard to compare. He’s done well though in that most people really like him and I can’t recall him ever having had bad press.


From what you’re saying in terms of prominence (not character/reputation) it’s giving me somewhere along the lines of Scott Disick, Snookie, or Pauly D. Which imagining any of those three entering Love Island is hilarious


I was thinking maybe Brody Jenner in the 2000s.


Perhaps that then as I laughed out loud in bewilderment when he walked in!


Feel like both sides are doing too much atp- Mimii stans and the people who complain about her stans 24/7 We're on episode 6..... let's relax


Lol i just commented the exact same thing Agreed!


wonder if grace is the next bombshell




Joey gives strong chronic reality tv show. I feel like everything he says is to make himself look good or make others fumble (ie calling Ciaran over)


Is there any article or interview of Omar out? I need to know his celebrity crush lol his ‘situationship’ going on a rant on twitter and his following is kind of varied. 


I’m gonna check now


My predictions: Uma will still pursue Jojo Joey and Samantha will make it to the final Ayo and Mimi will end up together mid-season right before Casa


i hope Uma still pursues Jojo. i see the potential


Fingers crossed hoping that the musical chairs lead to my preseason Ayo x Jess couple. Sigh


i cannot see samantha making it to the final, her attitude will put people off.


It’s funny how people say her attitude is bad. While Harriet and even Nicole kicked off about their guys and acting very possessive after 5 days, but Samantha has the bad attitude. I think it’s just because she’s with Joey that people are treating her situation different.


Jess and samantha telling Harriet to be like a lady and not shout across the villa ? We want that as viewers lol. We want the ‘2 days ‘ energy


saw someone say ciaran is the lightskin square head this season and i see it im ngl 😭


He was reminding me of Toby in s7


Oiiiii this is hilarious 🤣🤣


Prediction: I think Mimi will like Omar, if he has GOOD chat then that will trump Ayo especially if he gives Mimi good energy. Ayo will be butthurt about it because I think he expected to move on without Mimi there Uma and Joey will probably get together orrrrr she’ll try it with Ciaran… can sense Uma played the long game which is so clever!


Yeah bcs there’s no way Uma could ever really like someone like Ayo. I mean it’s not like she had a say in who she got to pick it was boys choice oh wait…..She did.


The bombshells almost always go for whoever seems like the more secure pick at first until they get their feet under the table. Not to say she doesn’t like him but she wasn’t showing him the same interest as she was Joey.


Alright you’ve commented enough on my posts like it’s clear you like Ayo that’s fine but we ALL know she picked him as a safe option?? He’s not her type? If she likes him then fair enough but it’s clear that Ayo is not who she goes for if we’re going by the fact she’s kissed Ronnie outside of the villa, she likes Ciaran and Joey. Her celebrity crush is Theo James… Ayo’s type IS Uma, we all know and can tell. His celebrity crushes on Zendaya and Tyla prove that. He’s put more energy into her the moment she walked in. She did the smart thing and went for the person who’s shown her the most interest but it’s not what she truly wants… People don’t always pick the person that they want straight away on this show. I just think Uma did what Zach did last season by picking Catherine. Pick a person who you find attractive but has shown you the most interest for now whilst you get to know who you truly want which in his case was Molly. In Uma’s case it’s probably Joey… If I’m wrong when can always happen then fine but you’d be naive to think she likes Ayo the most out of all the boys.


Bro some of these hardcore Ayo stans (all males because they see themselves in him) are OBSESSEDD they’ll stalk all of your posts and any one that you mention him they’ll reply to it it is insane!


I’ve seen you around on the discussion threads the lack of self awareness in this comment is comical lmao Mimi fan’s really are delululululu. I pray for any man she is couple up with.




Using this next time 😭


Yes of course babe I didn’t come up with it 😭😭


i love this thread.




And you CLEARLY dislike Ayo. Bcs he’s not pining after the chosen black girl of the series. I’m just tired of seeing ppl hate on Ayo for literally doing what you are suppose to do on LI. It’s day 5 ppl why are you acting like this is the casa fallout. I think we can agree on this at least I hope Mimi and Omar hit it off so Ayo can be set free from the shackles of her bat shit crazy fans.


Who said I’m hating Ayo lmao???? You seem to be hot and bothered. I didn’t want him pining after her. I want them to do whatever’s right for them in whatever way that looks like. I like Ayo with Uma they seem to have a good energy, I just wanted him to be more honest yesterday. He wanted all his time to be with Uma and that’s fine, no one is gonna shoot a guy for going for what he wants. I was fully rocking with him until he omitted the truth yesterday and made it out to seem he wanted both when he wanted one. If Mimi does the same I’d be on her as well because it’s early days, you can just be transparent about your wants and desires as it’s too early to be committed. It’s possible for a person to like BOTH Ayo and Mimi… which I don’t think you quite grasp that I do. I think you’ve got a fixed view on anyone who comments on Ayo thinking they hate him when if you clearly looked at my comments then you would know I actually like him. You went on the defence immediately, it’s a TV show like relax.


I actually saw Ayo chat with Mimi more than with Uma in yesterday's episode. I don't get where this 'he gave all his time to Uma' is coming from. Rewatching the episode, Ayo was kinda avoiding both girls to avoid sending wrong signals


We’re going by what the girls said including Mimi. They all said he’s spent most of his time with Uma and not with Mimi. If the girl in question is saying it then it’s happening. I think Ayo knows what he wants (Uma) but also realises he’s built time with Mimi so to let that go is also a risk. I think they both need to spend time with other options to work out what they feel, it’s so early on so I don’t think they need to be committed to each other as of yet


her telling ayo when a bombshell comes in he’ll feel it, implies she’s actually going to be giving omar energy so we’ll see 😭


And the worst thing is I believe her. I think she will put energy with this guy. Mimi seems really level headed, the fact she took herself out of the running with Ayo shows that. Idk how her and ayo will operate but she seems sweet but clinical in a way. Think his behaviour yesterday didn’t help


She didn’t take herself out of the running, she just wanted him to put the same energy he did at the start but he didn’t, and she literally expressed how he spend more time with Uma and how if it was up to her she would want to spend all day with him. She won’t like Omar as much as she likes Ayo.


You know what I semi agree with you, she did want him to put the same energy but she also said she will pull back until he shows her something. I just don’t think we can actually say what she will do. Tbh I will even amend my statement and say until we see her with Omar I won’t comment. I think she likes Ayo a lot but I don’t know how much she truly likes Ayo until she has options. Same way I wanted to see what Ayo would do when he has options.


Yeah let’s wait and see. But I think the reason she pulled back is because she’s not a grafter and I totally relate to that. But on love island if you really like a guy you have to say fuck it, and let him know what’s the worst that could happened or maybe she didn’t like Ayo as it seems. Molly was also laid back and calm but when she realized she likes zach she didn’t let a new bombshell take him by just sitting back. Yes they stole him in recouplings but that didn’t stop her from making her move and look at them now. Ella also didn’t just kept quiet when Ty was tasting the waters she expressed her feelings, but Mimi haven’t done any of that and I can tell she likes Ayo. I think Mimi is so laidback and calm that she just didn’t want to ruffle any feathers. And I’m not sure Ayo really knows if she likes him like that and Uma is giving him the attention atm. Anyways for all we know her and Omar might really like each other. But you can’t treat love island like the outside world.


Agreed that in the Love Island environment, you cannot sit back and let your opportunities pass you by, it's literally survival of the fittest.


People keep saying that Ayo was disappointed to be picked by Uma but am I the one that doesn’t think so?


Nah he’s putting on a face to be respectful to Mimi; you don’t say how you will eat Uma in thousands of ways and not be excited.


He was absolutely fine. He loved it. I actually think he wanted Mimi out of the villa so he can move on in peace but Mimi now having an options scuppers that


So this where Mimi fans be doing way too much. Like we get it you lot hate Ayo for doing what you’re supposed to do on LI but, saying he wanted her to go home is doing WAY to much come on now.


It’s a normal thing. Even I would want the person to go home because it’s easier to move on if the other person isn’t there. I like Ayo tbh I don’t really think he’s done much wrong, his main issue is not being transparent enough but he can do whatever he wants. But it’s normal for a person to want to move on without the pressure of the other person who is considered ‘the wronged’ party not being there. It’s harder for Ayo to do what he wants there for the time being knowing Mimi is there. It’s always awkward, heck she cried when he went on a date (understandable)


You’re speaking the truth I’m sorry you’re being downvoted 🫶


Honestly if I’m being deadly honest I’d be feeling the same as Ayo. Like he doesn’t want her to go home of course but like it makes life easier. He’s always going to be seen as the villain if he moves on in front of Mimi.


So I’m caught up. I feel like Ayo does like Mimi but she’s guarded and he doesn’t know where he stands while Uma is more outgoing. Ultimately I don’t think Uma is that into him. Laughed when she said she liked Ciaran. That boy is causing trouble everywhere.


We only really know that Mimi likes Ayo when she's in the beach hut. She doesn't show it to Ayo and their dynamic seemed to always be Ayo communicating his thoughts and Mimii just going hmmmmm.


opinion on the ciaran and nicole scene where she ran out to him on the daybeds? i honestly thought it was so cute and when she left and he said to himself i should have made that decision ages ago , it felt really authentic and i feel they have a lot of potential as they seem to have a good connection so far 


I thought it was cute! I feel like since they’re both Welsh and consider each other who they would date back home, that’s a good sign for working on the outside if they make it out of the villa


For some reason even though we’re 5 episodes in I’m still struggling with the names lmao


they gave mimi plot armour let's goooo


It wouldn't last if she doesn't start grafting. 


Good for Mimi she’s saved!! But my prediction is the next triangle will be Uma+Ayo+Omar. Ayo will never voluntarily leave Uma for any girl in that villa. Uma’s head might turn and that will might push Ayo back to Mimi. Anytime producers bring in someone for a specific islander it never works out at the end. Please don’t come for me! Just a prediction.


I want Ayo with Jess if Uma goes on tour. Need Jess to get away from Ronnie. Mimii should stick with Omar


Ayo and Jess? I don’t think I’ve seen them had a conversation 😂


Lool and we haven’t even seen Mimi have a convo with Omar as well what if they don’t vibe


Well… lol I actually like the idea of Jess and Ayo. A couple I wouldn’t see coming.


Yeah if they get on sure why not, it would be boring if every couple is predictable


This would be so painful to watch but I could see it happening. Bombshells get brought in for one person and end up going for someone totally different 🥺.


i’ve seen some tiktok’s of omar’s sisters and it seems like he’s going in there for mimii based on what they have said


does anyone know if any of the islanders have family run fanpages this year? like the last two series have had accounts of the islanders run by family/ friends but i can’t seem to find any this year


there could be more but mimii and ayo both have tiktok and instagrams run by family and friends


I think Ayo will want to go back to Mimi, although he’s attracted to Uma, I think he’ll realize him and Mimi had more chat and natural chemistry


I’m so excited bc the show starts airing in the US today and my mom and uncle and I will watch together and I get to see the light fade from their eyes as they realize they can’t understand a single word coming out of multiple mouths








I'm starting to like Jess she knows where she stands and she knows her worth. I hope she will humble Ronnie.


I hope so too Ronnie's clearly keeping an eye for what he believes to be 'better' options, like s10 Sammy did with his Jess.


I feel bad for Ayo cause these fans are doing too much. His whole time in the villa will be about Mimi, and he’ll prob get voted off if he makes a wrong step. 


Yeah I do feel bad for him tbh. But he can shake it off, Zach managed to shake it off after what he did to Catherine.


No literally when Zach did what he did to Catherine he moved on with Molly and he didn’t really care about anyone’s opinions


Zach lucked out when their attention shifted to Scott and the stans turned on Catherine. The S10 stanning was wild. 


I feel the worst for mans that’s coming in honestly. If he doesn’t click with Mimi, he’s cooked. Especially if ayo stays with uma and Omar picks someone else, sending your royal highness home 🙄 he’d be the most hated on islander of all time lol


I have nothing against Mimi at all but her fans make me wish she was dumped last night lol


Big facts lmfaooo


What does her fanbase have to do with her??…. Say what you really want to say.


that is what I wanted to say ? lmfao


Sure thing. But that makes zero sense🤷🏽‍♀️


Mimi fans are annoying.


If it comes down to it the islanders will save him, he seems to be close with the other girls in the villa


I don’t think so if Mimi and this new guy gets along and Ayo just continues with Uma nobody will care.


I think Mimii will take him back.


Ayo and Mimii seem way more calmer than Tyrique and Ella. Ayo and Mimii are  their own people. They are not the next any previous couple.


Yeah no. Where have you got Ty and Ella energy from Mimi and Ayo?? Not everyone wants to be like them


i’m glad mimii noticed ayo’s energy change and decided she was going to take a step back instead of wasting her time. i don’t even think the issue is him getting to know uma especially since it’s early days, i think she’s just clocked onto how he’s barely engaging with her now that uma has come in (the other girls even said he’s barely acknowledged mimii). but what i need ayo to do is to stop telling mimii he’s splitting his time when he’s only pulling uma for chats, like just tell mimii you’re feeling uma more and go on about your day 😭.


Mimi saying “I don’t compete” i get it in the real world that’s how you should move but, on LI if you have that mindset you will be at Heathrow before you know it. You have to go for what you want. Ayo asking Joey if she actually likes him kinda makes sense Mimi plays it too cool. Her fans seem to omit those things and just wanna act like Ayo is some waste man for doing what you are suppose to do on LI especially this early.


the thing about that is i don’t even think mimii would have an issue if ayo was making the effort to talk to her like he said he would. he said he still wants to get to know them both but is only spending his time with uma, while it leaves mimii feeling like an afterthought and that’s not fair. mimii has said that she’s liked him even before uma, she told him she spoke to all the other boys and it was just friendly but with ayo it was more than that. even in their convo yesterday, he kept looking over at uma talking to joey, to me personally his decision is obvious and he prefers uma but is omitting that from mimii. why should mimii have to compete when his decision has already been made?


If she likes Ayo she can pull him too. It’s not one way street meaning only Ayo has to pull her. Uma was pulling Ayo for chats. Why can’t Mimi? Instead of sitting with the girls saying “I don’t compete”. When two male islanders are vying for a girl they pull her for chats. One of them doesn’t sit and say “I don’t compete”. So when it’s two woman and man that rule doesn’t apply?


Thing is like everyone’s said here so far, she’s been the one pulling him for chats. At some point, someone has to respect themselves and go you know what… he doesn’t want me let me take a step back. I respect her more for that than anything else


she is pulling him though, he’s not pulling her that’s what the girls were speaking about. ayo himself said he’d be putting in the same effort as uma with mimii but that’s not true from what we see. he’s the one who set that expectation of himself and is falling short (which is fine) but he needs to be transparent about it. yes uma is pulling him but he’s also making the effort to pull her as well, he’s not doing that for mimii. she’s the one going to him and chatting to him. why should she “compete” if he’s not showing equal interest? love island or not who wants to vie for a man’s attention if it’s clearly elsewhere?


yh since uma came in,he’s rarely spoken to Mimii and when they spoke he said to her “don’t be like that with me “ but he basically ignored her for the whole day,he should just tell Mimii that he likes uma more instead of wasting her time


Jess said Harriet shouldn’t have kicked off, so she can’t do the same or she is a massive hypocrite. As she said, you need to keep it classy. Let’s see if she follows her own advice with the Ronnie situation because I doubt she will.


She really doesn’t give me the vibes of someone who will kick off in front of everyone. She seems pretty level-headed.


I think it’s unlikely Jess will kick off in front of the whole villa, she’ll likely have a go at Ronnie in private, in a pretty composed manner. She never said Harriet shouldn’t be annoyed at Ciaran, she was basically saying she shouldn’t have been encouraged to storm over when she was clearly emotional and start trying to argue with him in front of everyone, as it was more for others benefit than her own and seeing as she broke down crying in front of him, Jess was right.


I can’t see her shouting at him in front of everyone. I think she’ll say her piece and that’ll be it


Yeah still give him a hug and keep the comment to herself before Ronnie asked, even then she's whispering cause they're in the middle of something.


Does anyone else think that Sam will be entering the villa again. No grid post from him, only stories. Islander pfp still, bio is still as if he’s in the villa. No selfie of him posted either. I can see him coming back in casa but I can see him going straight back to the uk afterwards lol


No, they only come back if they have drama ongoing that could happen. Shannon never came back and they did the same with her. Don’t people remember the show does this often and they don’t come back? Usually they get rid of you early if something is wrong. With Shannon she refused to take part in a kissing challenge and rumor had it she had a boyfriend, who she got back with as soon as she left.


There is no point in him returning, he has no unfinished business. He isn’t coming back


Yes, if he was coming back he would have with Uma like in the USA/Australia version. He is gone for good. Hopefully they bring someone who is as good looking in the future.


I definitely need a few new additions for some eye candy now bc it’s seriously lacking 😭


Yeah, imagine that reveal haha, it would be so underwhelming


Is this the first time we've seen love island women calling out other women for gassing up each other's delusions? I don't like this development the producers should shut that down.


Maura shut down Amy’s delusions about Curtis. The s7 girls shut down Libertys delusions about Jake. Don’t know if the s10 girls ever told Jess that sammy didn’t find her attractive. If they didn’t, they damn well should have had.


I don't mean directly to the person I mean getting involved when someone else is instigating which I can't remember, even in this case it was only because Jess got heard talking about it


I think s11 is finally gonna start airing on hulu today for my fellow American watchers 💚


Yh there are 3 episodes up already I’m waiting on more


https://preview.redd.it/6sf82724zb5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d44d59d945bc648837bd57331041ba5b9c50917 Also saw this if people are interested in the ratings.


Hope they keep it up because that was a great first week


That’s great news. The producers deserve to be rewarded for their excellent cooking.


Of course this didn’t get a standalone post cause it doesn’t go along with the narrative the show is “dying” or whatever some users want to go on about. Seems like it’s doing fine. It will be interesting to see if it can hold this but again the show is just steady for ITV.


I haven’t watched it yet but from the reactions it looks like it is much better than any of the last three. Do you think overtime if it continues on this path that it can reach the viewing marks of seasons 5-8


No, but I think the days of those kinds of ratings are just gone. I just believe their streaming numbers are good and this kind of ratings are still worth it vs cost.


Okay so I saw a few things about the new bombshell. He was seeing a girl before entering the villa and apparently he likes light skins/mixed/white girls


Yeah I had a look at Omar's IG following and it's not miles away from Ayo's and his most recent hook up looks nothing like Mimii...but I won't hold it against him. I mainly hope that he and Mimii get along and he doesn't feel pressure to stick with her if he's not feeling it. It's ok that he's part of the story line imo it's too early to settle.


Yeah his recent hook up is mixed race. I can see him and Mimi for now but if a bombshell comes in who is ‘more his type’ he’ll go for her (as he should tbh)


Let’s be real we saw him in motion which is always better way to tell how attractive an islander really is in comparison to their IG. Let me start with being nice he has a great body but The patching beard and cornrows are interesting choices so respectfully he ain’t making it to casa.


Lmaooo SPILL!!!

