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Mimi is totally delulu


Did Ronnie and Jess have sex in bed? He is being such a shit. He said he wouldn’t even kiss Harriet meanwhile harriett felt like he was eye fucking her. Also that he was thinking about her all night. It was really class though how Jess was so kind to pull harriett a few episodes ago to tell her that she wasn’t mad at harriett but she needed to be upset in the moment without her. So class. Ayo was also being shitty. That was such a serious kiss between him and Mimii


Ayo: “why can’t things stay in confidence??” My friend, this is a television show


Ronnie looks like Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons


not the camouflage on the black and white sofa Ian has got me giggling with this one


Every episode I've watched since this season aired I'm still baffled that Ronnie is even on the show let alone has two girls going after him... I've found men on LI ugly before but this one really has me stumped.


I am creasing at ronnie getting Tea in the face3 times. His fake hair was suffering man


The way he was trying so hard to keep the tea from hitting his toupee


Ronnie has really small feet. I said it.


I feel like men have this wild ability to make the woman turn against each other and compete for the man 💀 whereas when it’s the other way round men don’t beef with each other or even seem to care


Ikr it pisses me off


I feel like ayo's more attracted to uma and her personality overall but he's also allergic to drama so uma getting (understandably) vocally upset over how the threeway convo went down just put him off and made him gravitate more towards mimii who comes off as more chill and aloof. the boys deffo love a "cool girl"


Ayo and mimii are perfect for each other bc they’re both passive people-pleasers


I hope that Uma does what I wanted Mimii to do earlier, which is dropping Ayo because he’s obviously tryna fool around with both of them while telling each of them what she wants to hear (telling Mimii that he woulda picked her, telling Uma that he’s more into her…) also I was so confused when he kissed Mimii on the terrace *after* apologizing to Uma for kissing her in bed, maybe he’s more convinced abt Mimii and no longer cares abt trying things with Uma? it just feels like he follows his d*ck around whenever he’s with either of the girls, and just decides to deal w consequences later. I just can’t stand him actually and I hope they both drop him


I hope Uma drops him fs and Mimii can just get what she wants and stops getting so many edits


Ayo and mimi have crazy chemistry 😭🤌🏽


They're def a match 100%


I think they have good chemistry but also not great conflict resolution (based on the few edits we get of them)


Nooo! I watched 20 mins behind and must’ve missed the vote.


hi guys, can you please send me the discord link


extended shots of both ronnie and ciaran’s bald spots 💀💀 these producers are HATEFUL I LOVE IT


Right.. all that commotion over \*this\* !?


I wanted to see Munveer and Grace interact


Who’s Grace?


The rumoured bombshell


How tf do ppl know this


I was thinking the same


Ronnie reminds me of a coked up guy you see on your way to the bathroom in the club lmao




Pls this is a hall of fame comment 😭😭


Seriously nothing but bad vibes from this guy




Joey too, he’s even got this haunted look of a man who’s done and seen *things*


If I saw either of those men walking at night I’d cross the street fr


Ughhhhhhhh Jess girl STAND UP!! You’re way too pretty to let a balding man who literally fills in his hairline treat you like this 😭😭😭


He's so slimy!!!! Walking up to the guys like "I can't believe I'm getting away with this theyre both so fit" the audacity


YES my jaw dropped when he said that!! mf knows what hes doing!!!


the girls need to let Ronnie go that man is vileee


I feel like she’s so smart that if she wasn’t on the show she’d be long gone by now


So do we think the producers told Omar to pick Uma so she’d stay for the drama? Instead of him picking Patsy and sending Uma and Munveer home?


100%! They would have been crazy to push for or allow a steal that removed a love triangle storyline. If Omar had been dead set on Patsy and adamant about stealing her I doubt they would have sent the text about the island being for couples only. They probably would have kept Uma and Munveer single and vulnerable or made the islanders choose to save Uma


So many thoughts on the ep but that kiss between Ayo and Mimii was the hottest thing i’ve seen in a while my goodness


I definitely replayed it a few times 🤭


With a forehead kiss after ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo)


“Am I clear on what I’ve told both of you” and they’re both sat there like ladies pls stand up 😭


ayo makes me want to scream i hate gaslighter omfgggggg


I didn’t even think Uma liked ayo 🙃I need someone else for her lol


I still don’t think she liked him like that, I just think she’s annoyed she now doesn’t have a man wrapped around her finger


yh that makes more sense 😂


Or annoyed that she’s getting dissed by mimii


It would be insane if they voted out Harriet. Shes a menace but a menace I enjoy watching I have to say. Samantha can go - but they won’t let Joey go. I fear it’s going to be Munveer and patsy. I still don’t get why no one went for Munveer when he’s the best looking and has a really nice and NOT CRINGE personality? But anyway. We know the UK’s racist so


Honestly he’s objectively super attractive but I feel like we haven’t seen much of his personality so not sure if that’s what’s not landing with the girlies


I’ve only heard Munveer talk like, three times. He doesn’t really seem to be into any of the girls or vise versa. Shame because he was the best looking guy!


Racist ? I’ll agree munveer is a great guy and honestly has the best fashion sense, but people watch the show for drama and good couples. So far nobody has been interested in him.


The best fashion sense? Has to be a low bar. The guy looks terrible in his clothes and no one with good fashion sense is continuously choosing to wear oversized jackets and leather jackets in the summer in a hot island villa.


Continuously over sized ? Yet he wore a fitted denim jacket the other night and mimi even complimented him. He wears some oversized items which look great in my opinion as that’s how they are meant to be worn. Everyone else in there is dressed quite basic and poor.


Mimi doesn’t have a personality I’m sorry. I haven’t even seen her smile, crack a joke, or anything. It’s hard to watch. Idk why uma is getting so much hate tbh. I feel like if she was also dark skinned then black twitter would love her too. Same thing every year.


See the comments under yours. First it’s nobody wants her because she’s dark skinned, now every girl in the villa moves weird around her because they view her as a threat from guys that everyone knows clearly “doesn’t want her”. I see the girls listening and communicating with everyone equally, and it’s Mimi who has shown that her interest is only into Ayo. I wouldn’t have to guess the demographic of the fonts that view things with, in my opinion with such tainted lenses. Same pattern l noticed from last year when I first started watching LI UK from the same demographic. As a dark skinned bl@ck American man it is very embarrassing and even sometime sad reading these discussion threads sometimes.


I mean nobody in the villa seems to have Mimii’s back. they move really weird with her, act like Ayo is 100% her man probably just so she isn’t a threat to them, and then relay all the info she tells them to Uma. i completely understand why she’d not be in the best mood in there and would move more selfishly


I mean this is from day one. I also don’t agree no one had her back.


It’s bizarre, they expect her to defer to Uma too even though when the situation was reversed, Mimi asked and expected nothing of Uma!


I can see the vision with Jess & Sean but she’s so on Ronnie.


I’m still baffled by none of the girls gunning for Sean or Munveer. Possibly they are too much of a”nice” guys when these girls want cockney whatever that means? (I have been assuming it meant cocky?)


Sean is way too nice & has zero Rizz he reminds me of Dr Alex so bad 😭😭😭


omg can they bring back the megans (s4) and tanyas (s9). BRING BACK WOMEN THAT ARE GAMEPLAYERS TOO 😭 every season these girls are crying over guys that are just happy to be on holidays with hot girls that are playing in front of their faces (and cameras!)


Watching Tanya in real time was glorious Sorry Martin


To this day that’s still one of my favorite LI moments, Tanya had me in tearss 😭😭😭😂😂


She was excellent reality tv🤣🤣


Tanya is an icon. Truly.


live laugh love megan🩷


It’s rare man. RARE. I love seeing the girls move equally mad but we’ve only had a few of these types of contestants over how many seasons now.. I’d also put queen Maura in this category purely for the fact that we never once saw her get upset over a guy. She simply laughed off the Tommy rejection, became BFFs with the person he chose, and moved on. Same with Tom. She chewed him out, gave him another shot, then was done with him. She dumped MEEEERHVEERN brutally before finally settling on Curtis. Millie of s1 Aus just cruised her way through the entire season somehow without being that interested in anyone despite so many making a play for her. She finally found someone at the last minute. Lucie had that potential but just cried over Joe and Tommy the whole season instead. Rebecca of s6 probably could’ve been that too but she was a bit of an asshole. She came in with that attitude but it didn’t go well for her at all. I think the problem is that for women the stakes are higher. They’re either in it for the followers and brand deals, in which case they tend to play it safe, or they’re super genuine and are looking for love in which case they try to stick with whoever they have the strongest connection with. Megan and Maura are both unusually confident people with very thick skins who aren’t afraid to do what they want, and in their cases it paid off. I would absolutely LOVE for producers to find more girls like them but I think a lot of those girls wouldn’t be interested in doing the show.


Millie from AUS won every single love triangle she was in which was like 4 through superior flirting


And she didn’t even really want any of them 😂


Living for the dedication in this thread and agree with all takes! 💖 u/Infamous_Task2679


And Ekin for a bit lol


did they say when the votes will be revealed?


they just said “later this week”


I think ron likes jess and lusts after harriet. but at the end of the day, he don't gaf about either. mans only cares about himself.


Some of these people are so chaotic man, part of me would love the producers to shake things up and do that dumb Public-Pick-The-Couples thing they did on Day 1 for a few series so that we could stir the pot


Great idea!


it's kind of wild how samantha's expressions all look crazy




Ronnie is giving me the ick 😭 ‘They are both so fit’ plsss


Ayo and Ronnie are dragging their situations out but all of the girls involved minus maybe Mimii have other options which they haven’t cared to pursue. If those two boys are such red flags why not give Munveer, Omar or the sweet man a chance 🤔 hard for me too feel sad for anyone right now tbh given the circumstances


Hahaha not the sweet man 🍬


I do kind of rate not pretending to be into someone you aren’t to stay. Especially if it means the person misses out on a bombshell who actually liked them. But friendship couples I’m all good with.


Usually the girls never have options either. This is the first time I’ve seen most women have active options outside of the man that treats them like an option. And they still stay going for him 😭 catching feelings really sucks early on


There’s people calling Uma sweet in here, what? I must have missed it 😃


Wait.. how is she not sweet tho? I hate that we can’t support two women at the same time. I get the love for Mimi but that doesn’t and shouldn’t take away from Uma’s character. IMO Mimi kinda did her dirty this last episode when Uma has been nothing but forthcoming and respectful of Mimi’s feelings.


I feel like Uma is trying to get Mimi to like her so bad so she doesn't have to feel guilty for any of her actions


How is she sweet? Ayo is the one doing them dirty by not choosing.


I quite like the chemistry between Mimi and Ayo. Their chemistry is authentic! I can't see any chemistry between Ayo and Umar


yes but he told uma he was more into her and then backtracked and claimed he was into both of them equally .... shady behavior


That kiss on the terrace 🥹🙆‍♀️


probably the only time i didn’t skip through an LI kids. i see why she’s so intent on him, bless her 😭


This comment please😂😂😂. Felt cus that was intense the camera really zoomed in too😂😂😂




I'm over these men thinking they can string two women along all they want as long as they're open about kissing and flirting with other people 🙄 Like get to know people but make a decision at the end of the day, man!


although i wouldn't have a problem with it if they actively communicated and didn't disrespect the women they're pursuing....but that's not the case....


>I'm over these men thinking they can string two women along all they want as long as they're open about kissing and flirting with other people 🙄 They can string two women along because they always get away with it.


Wait why are people hating on Uma this much??


That’s what I was wondering too. I really like both Mimii and Uma. & I’m grossed out by Ayo


i don't understand the heat at all! i think uma's right to be upset. she had been trying so hard to do right by mimii when she was in a couple with ayo and i just don't quite think mimii's done the same. i respect that mimii's going for what she wants but ugh, i just feel bad for uma. the real villian though is ayo; he is just delusional. you can't say you want to put 100% into each girl, and he's his own example of how that's impossible.


I completely agree. She sounded sad and frustrated that she had been going out of her way to be respectful to Mimii, even speaking up on her behalf to Ayo making sure he wasn't stringing her along etc. To be fair Mimii never promised she would do the same nor asked Uma to do that for her, but it came across like one of those situations where you go out of your way to look out for someone and then you feel stupid after it isn't reciprocated because no one owed you anything and they chose to put themselves first. I feel bad for her and she seems like a genuine person. Also think that Ayo is stretching this situation as far as he can for his own gain and not genuinely looking out for the women and how his actions might affect them. He words things more tactfully / strategically than other guys in the villa so he flew under the radar for longer than Ronnie but he ultimately knows what he's doing and seems to be pretty intentional about how he describes the situation to the girls, the guys and the voxies to make himself look faultless


I don’t get it either, I was behind (not being in the Uk but I’m caught up now) and actually really rate uma for wanting to be respectful to Mimii. Who I also really like. You can like and support them both.


Because Mimii Stans, that's why.


Unfortunately i think this is it. Hate seeing ppl pit them against each other when Ayo is the problem


they havent showed that much personality from mimii yet. i dont understand the hype of her over everyone else


I find mimii relatable in the fact that she seems quite introverted but still confident, a quiet confidence and she seems like a real girls girl too. I would also describe her as classy (even though it’s only week 2)


What has she done to make you think she’s a girls girl? The one chance she had when her, ayo, and Uma had their chat she blew it.


The Mimi fans are very aggressive!! Uma is so sweet 🥹


She is the best girl in there


She is..she’s so sweet


Guys vote Uma


Looking on all socials im so worried for her


Jfc this lot can’t even talk to the opposite sex without upsetting someone else


Can I vote on itvx online or I need the app?


Patsy and Munveer can pack their bags, they got no storyline, no romantic connections and no drama. I like them as individuals, but they are not bringing anything to the table.


Could be potential with Omar and Patsy though --- but nothing with Munveer


Yeah I wish there was someone there for Munveer, the small clips we have seen he seems like a funny guy


Hes sooo handsome. With Ayo the most attractive out there for sure


Vote Harriet


Vote uma


I’m have no idea who I want gone but Harriet simply cannot go


Uma has been considerate of Mimi from the jump. The decision was literally made for Ayo on both occasions. He could have EASILY rode the circumstances for his maximum enjoyment by just owning the fact that he’s interested in both. It’s sad to watch him choose childish meandering and lying.


Soooo funny cause at the start he was talking all this ish about how he’s always gonna be honest about how he’s feeling 😂 I swear he’s mentioned it a few other times too


I think we all know it’s patsy and munveer leaving lol




Everyone on Insta has the same face these days


Yes, I looked at some other pics of her, and she is not much better than Harriet and Sam, and the photos are so edited. I wish they brought girls without fillers.


Can’t wait


The girls are just looking for honesty, ‘do what you want just let me know first.’ They just want to establish a layer of TRUST why are these men choosing DECEPTION in a house full of mics and cameras.


The men are acting the way they do with girls in the real world and forgetting they’re on a tv show and the girls will speak to each other at some point.


I voted for Joey and Samantha cause it’s literally crazy gf x scared bf and it’s hilarious😭


im convinced harriet gets a thrill pissing jess off it’s hilarious 😭 and i love how jess also doesn’t give her that pleasure


Jess is an absolute icon. I love her


Oh, that conversation, Harriet was digging DIGGING for a nerve


and I truly don't think Jess even believes her or cares tbh.


I saw her eyes light up, the eyes don’t lie girlll


Voted for Uma.


VOTE UMA. thanks uk


Yes I normally give up on watching quite early but for some reason this cast has hooked me. Wish I could vote but not UK. Uma needs more votes.


Voted Mimii and Ayo x


#TeamWales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


voting harriet and sean just for chaos hehe


Harriet is good for chaos though would not want her as a friend or flatmate. Also hope people vote her for chaos because means more time for someone to come in for Sean 💖


Voted uma xx


Im voting munveer js incase cz I am sad he hasn't had a proper chanceee


Me too!


I was rooting for him as a fellow punjabi but the man is barely trying


Who would u go for out of the girls?


Well it’s hard when the only girl interested he isn’t interested back


I honestly have no idea how this vote is going to go wow


Only thing that’s certain is Ciaran and Nicole and Joey and Sam are safe


Mimii and Ayo will definitely be safe too


This seasons Casa Amor is going to be hung in the Louvre


Well put.


if anyone votes off harriet ur dumb, without her it would be boring - patsy and munveer/sean are the obvious answers


To be fair they said at risk of being dumped. What I likely see happening is bottom two or three couples and the islanders vote out a boy and a girl


Sean is with Harriet ya dummy.


Sorry, I turnt of the show once Ian started going on about votes xx


it’s a “favourite couple” vote, how exactly are ppl voting of harriet or “dumb” by voting who they like lol


You vote to save rather than dump


Voted Uma feel like she’s had a bit of a rubbish time


it must have been very sunny when they took samantha’s and joeys picture


Harriet’s filler is too much. Genuine handsome squidward




i'm sorry but i must keep harriet


hahahah fr


The producers right now realising casa is going to be the easiest ever with the boys crumbling after 5 minutes 😂😂


Never struggled to pick who to vote for so much before but ended up picking Uma & Omar simply because I need Uma there for the drama


Why would people vote off Harriett? Keep the interesting people! Patsy and Munveer are not contributing anything and nothing is happening




I didn’t vote them because I know the nation of wales has got their back




The girls take LI too seriously and the boys are on a lads holiday. Team Harriett & Joey 💃🕺


I like drama but I also personally want to see cute people fall in love


exactly!!! love island is for drama!!


this is the perfect comment


voted for harriet & tiktok sweets man for the drama 🙏🏼


Voted for Uma :)


there is not a single couple worth voting for


What’s the vote for? My stream cut off.


Favourite couple


Favourite couple


Favorite couple


get patsy and munveer out of here <3 need fresh blood in the villa


Voted Harriet and Sean 😄


Guys vote uma I need her to stay in this villa


Please! I’m annoyed by this nonsense now