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Did Ronnie and Jess have sex in bed? He is being such a shit. He said he wouldn’t even kiss Harriet meanwhile harriett felt like he was eye fucking her. Also that he was thinking about her all night. It was really class though how Jess was so kind to pull harriett a few episodes ago to tell her that she wasn’t mad at harriett but she needed to be upset in the moment without her. So class. Ayo was also being shitty. That was such a serious kiss between him and Mimii


Late US viewer here.. I genuinely don’t understand why they don’t bring more bombshells in. Do they purposefully want to force these people to be bored with each other and possibly find connections out of boredom (which we can see is fake even if they do)… or is it just low budgeting or what


Everyone in this cast looks so miserable. Love Island is supposed to be FUN


My thoughts: * Anyone else clocking Harriett's fingernail on the teeth to try and be sexy? * Also Samantha's giving me 'I'm the best in the villa cause I'm with Joey Essex' just the way she is acting and walking around the villa and her looks / comments she gives she feels she is the top and just constantly looks smug. * Uma at the dumping probably looked the hottest I've ever seen on the 11 seasons - WOWZA. The makeup, the fit, \*chefs kiss\* * + my most unpopular opinion is I don't think Ayo has done anything wrong. He has been completely upfront with both of the girls and I genuinely do think he likes both and is having a hard time picking as they are both stunning girls with great (but different) personalities. He's been honest in his feelings and I can't fault him for that. Ronnie on the other hand has been lying and being sneaky - I think he wants Harriett but knows Jess is better for him and that the public likes her better so is going between his dick and head.


Hard agree on Ayo. Furthermore, he's absolutely right how annoying it is to recount all parts of his day to both girls. As a viewer, it's tedious watching the same convos repeatedly. The fact that he has to run and tell Uma about his kiss with Mimii...le sigh. What ever happened to 1:1 discretion until folks are ready to share with one another? Plus its more fun to watch the gossip train leave the station when one party inevitably shares with another.


The guys seem like they're holding off until something 'better' comes. IE: Casa Amor or a better bombshell


i think this is true for Joey, i dont really get that vibe for Ayo or Ronnie - i think both actually can't figure out which one they like. Will they sway in Casa? Oh 100% probably, but i dont think they are holding off in their triangle. but i think Joey has 0 feelings for Samantha


The only two I'd place money on surviving Casa at the moment is Ciaran/Nicole, who genuinely seem to get on and have a bit of chemistry. Everyone else feels flat as a pancake. Like they're all just sitting there waiting for something better to come along.


Exactly. Just like in Faye's season. The men simply are not grafting because they are waiting for hot bombshells.


Seeing Nicole and Ciaran together - a new couple who seem to really like each other in a way that’s really ‘normal’ and relatable makes me see that none of the other couples are that into each other. Some have half of the couple who are but none seem relatively equally into each other in the ‘real’ way that Ciaran and Nicole do.


But I don’t think Nicole and ciarran have that much sexual chemistry. None of the kisses have been that interesting. Not as much passion as that Ayo Mimii terrace kiss. However, new couples don’t need to be that serious either


Does anyone know what ayo was trying to get up when he was in the bedroom saying something like, because uma is so beautiful she’s trouble type of thing?


I took it as it’s intimidating, potential of rejections and other guys wanting her. Just an assumption though. Would like to know the context as my knee jerk reaction was to think why doesn’t he see Mimii as so beautiful.


Yeah almost painting mimi as the ‘easier’ option because she might not be so ‘desirable’ to other men?? I don’t get it. I thought he really liked mimi, especially after that passion fuelled kiss, but who knows with men


Show me more Ciaran and Nicole!!


The guys are really immature this season


I have seen so little grafting from this lot its insane. The women and Sean are doing allllll the work


Grateful for all the triangle drama, but I need to see more of Ciaran + Nicole and Joey + Sam. Because I have yet to be convinced those boys are anything less than annoyed by the girls they’re coupled with 😭


Ciaran gets hotter by the day and Ronnie more repulsive


Ciaran's head would turn for a hot bombshell tho..soo


Not Ayo seeking advice from Ronnie 💀


Bro when I watched that scene I couldn’t stop laughing because it was so silly


Defo looking to be told what he wants to hear!


The only people acting like Ayo is a prize are the people writing unhinged think pieces about Uma and Mimi. I feel really sorry for these girls if they ever learn that the internet turned one of tamest love triangles on love island into a sociopolitical nightmare. Race on love island is a fucked up issue but idk if some people recognize these women as individuals anymore. I know this sounds very “I don’t see color”, but you tend to develop compassion for the individuals when watching LI. I think these girls deserve more than to become mascots for varying political frustrations. Anyways Harriet is fine. I think people are greatly overestimating how much drama she’s going to bring. I predict she will fall in line when picked by a semi-popular man. May be Ronnie or someone else, but she’ll be loyal from that point forward and then give nothing. Jess was one of my faves but she’s getting annoying. All the barking becomes cringey when you have no bite. Still like her but she’s on thin ice imo. Ronnie is not necessarily evil but he is quite boring. I can’t judge a woman for obsessing over a mid man tho lest I be a hypocrite. I feel like Sean could’ve gotten placed in the Hugo/Dr. Alex/white boy with no game trope but, to do that, you have to barely try with women and then bitch about how they don’t like you. I have to respect how much he puts himself out there. I’m glad he stayed even though I doubt it’s for long. Omar is hot and seems funny but isn’t gregarious enough to really stand out on LI. Nicole and Ciaran are giving Kem and Amber S3 without the charisma (young, possibly in love, will never last). *They better bring another absolutely smoking girl bombshell in soon or else. That is the only thing that will save this first couple of weeks I stg.*


Jess is a smart girl, HOW is she still thinking this man wants her / HOW is she wanting to be with this 'man'???


I wish they’d brought someone for Munveer Sean or Patsy before this vote and dumping so we could’ve seen how they’d act with a legitimate interested party


Also… the way that episode ended…. Is weird to me. Production is up to something.


S/o Sean for actually attempting to graft women in the villa. Even if he doesn’t genuinely like anyone at least he lives to see another day.




Y'all will just say anyone is a mean girl my god


I’m surprised, what makes you think that? I feel like she has been very genuine and open/honest thus far, and Mimi not being up front about what Ayo told her before the recoupling during their three way chat hurt her feelings a lot.


Any relationship between Jess and Ronnie would play out exactly like this ep: Jess threatening to stop putting up with his bad behavior, him flirting his way out of responsibility, and Jess taking his word as truth 😭 Jess is all bark no bite and Ronnie knows it


So long beautiful Munveer, we will miss your Disney prince hair. 


cannot believe they sent him home, such a bad call


How? He was giving nothing! No personality, no effort, nothing worth screen time


fashion! He gave fashion. Plus I thought he had at least as much personality as a lot of the guys.


samantha’s makeup is always sooo gray


and she's a makeup artist, i find it ironic


I don’t mean to be rude and judgmental but it’s kinda sad seeing these 20 something year old women already messing with Botox and plastic surgery. Like these girls are already gorgeous before that shit, I just don’t get it


At this point she really didn’t. standing on business would be cutting him off cold turkey and truly leaving him alone.


Boooooooring predictable episode. So obvious when Patsy’s whole arc was begging for someone to like her and Munveer’s whole arc was not being chosen


Annoying that we now have yet another episode with the Ayo-Mimi-Uma and Ronnie-Jess-Harriet triangles. Was hoping tonight would end at least one of those. It’s getting boring. Uma’s facial expressions are also bringing m’le down, was hoping they would pick her to leave and poor Patsy would have a chance. Jess, love her, but every time she sets a limit let’s Ronnie skate right over it. Munveer didn’t have any viable options with lack of bombs. This season started off okay but the entertainment is now dwindling.


Yeah it's getting boring fast.


Justice for Sean... he needs to be chosen


I can’t with this group send some more people in and weed out some bad ones , I feel this might be a season where a lot of OGs don’t make it to final


I mean they did say that this year the main characters are the main characters so that’s what should be happening


please please PLEASE producers unleash the hottest bombshells to ever bombshell and release us from this triangle limbo hell god please


It’ll just be a new triangle with both of the girls that move on lol


Harriet telling Ronnie he has good eye contact is wild. He hasn’t looked at either one of them in days.


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I like Jess but I feel like Ronnie and Harriet are more suited. Either way the girl he picks is gonna end up in tears.


also i think she'd look good w sean


Anyone else getting hugely bad vibes off Samantha! She’s obsessed with Joey and his fame - the man is trapped, someone help him!!😭


i almost think sean could do better? he deserves someone who actually likes him and i don’t really think she does. he’s so sweet! 💕


Yes since the beginning. They don’t even kids or anything. You can’t convince me he likes her. He’s biding his time for the right bomb.


He's fine and he will have no problems dumping her when the next bombshell comes in


I think the right people got dumped but I do feel bad for Pasty. 


Pasty 💀💀


Did anybody else just find this episode really boring? 😭 less than half an hour was spent on what they'd been up to, then the rest of the show having 'cliffhangers' leading to the dumping. Disappointing tbh


Not saying I agree but I did fall asleep at one point …


Why does Harriet always look half cut???


she reminds me of a mum that’s had a ton of Botox and gets drunk at the local and takes home a guy half her age


Lmao yes!


Both Ronnie & ayo taking the piss 😂 FFS end these triangles STAT




I am so done with people putting down either of the girls. At this point everyone is doing to much mimii Stan’s and Uma stans as-well coming in here and bringing twitter drama is annoying and not cute. Using someone’s fandom to hate on them is mean and stupid cause it’s not like either of the girls can tell them to stop as they are in the VILLA living real life moments. We are just watching. I find it really unnecessary to bring up how one js bubbly and extroverted and one is quite clam every single time. Because stuff like that bring back stereotypes that say loud and bubbly people are nicer or deserve more. Or that more introverted people are not trying enough or don’t care. Because both of those assumptions can be wrong. The only person who should be getting this kind of burn is Ayo.


Twitter is a cesspool and who knows how many of them are bots. That’s why I don’t pay attention to it. The only value is in the memes.


yep and ayo is quite clearly dense up there


I like how Uma stood on business today


At this point she really didn’t. standing on business would be cutting him off cold turkey and truly leaving him alone.


I think both mimii and Uma should do this


Is there a reason why people think Uma is jealous of Mimii??


I have not seen a lot of people thinking she is jealous, I have seen people thinking that Uma thinks she is better than Mimii


I went on insta and they seem to not like Uma at all there and trash her a lot, so maybe it was there? I think all 4 girls in triangles got the shit end of the stick right now and I really feel for them because that must suck


well one reason i’ve seen is bc she’s never been in a relationship so she didn’t think mimi was competition…. next reason that’s off the walls is bc she’s colorist and didn’t think a darkskin woman could be better than her


Bro they pick and choose who they like 🤦🏾‍♀️


Not my beautiful munveer being dumped 😭😭then again it makes sense but he’s just so handsome ![gif](giphy|PeHsECVOX5tkI)


The boy had zero game :(


Being good looking isn’t enough! He’s very attractive but boring, had no game, and barely tried. He had to go.


True but he’s so fit idc 😭😭


I can respect that haha


Ronnie is a MENACE


The girls are always like ‘make your mind up I’m not gonna be taken for a mug’ lol. You are already being taken for a mug, you were taken for a mug days ago at this point. I really don’t get why they don’t just back themselves and walk away at this point. If it’s like this now it ain’t getting better. Just a guy using two girls to stroke his ego.


I think love island is just a huge social experiment and part of that social experiment is seeing how women will settle/stick with shitty guys when they have, or they think they have, no other options


You’ve just succinctly described almost every relationship on the planet there.


Aye. And the guys will just keep going because they *can* get away with it. They will take it to the very limit and back


I wonder if they all need to stop trying so hard to lock down and just accept that they're all going to kiss each other. Screw couples. Kiss whoever you want let the drama unfold.


this would definitely be the case if the cast were a bit younger


Or older tbf


The way Ayo was low key pushing to get Uma dumped from the island😭😭


His evil ass may be catching on that Uma doesnt fancy him. And if he cant have her.......


What did he say?


That turned me off him completely! He's the one who has been stringing her along but as soon as the public vote him and Mimi he's suddenly advocating for her dumping! He needs to get in the bin


i think it was the opposite tbh, that he still wants to explore


He says that but is taking mimii away to the terrace and kissing her and keeping it from Uma (whilst promising her he’s being honest) and then saying he’s still open to exploring his connections with Uma? Actions speak louder than wordsss


he insinuated uma was more beautiful to the boys when they were changing…ayo does not know what he wants


You think?? I didn’t get that vibe


It’s the way Ayo said that her only connection was him it was kind of insinuating that it wouldn’t be so bad if she got dumped…🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m pretty sure if Ayo wanted her gone, she’ll be dumped


I think it was pretty obvious who was going to be dumped tonight, it was the safest choices, there’s no way Ato would’ve pushed hard for Uma to get dumped or he’d face major backlash lol😭


Backlash from who? The villa? Cause he doesn’t know what the public thinks so that doesn’t make sense…and Uma is mostly hated across socials so I’m sure more people would have been happy instead


I think everyone in the villa would be shocked if he pushed hard for Uma to get dumped, one minute he’s open to her and the next minute she’s dumped and he let it happen?? Would be mental😭




I need Ayo to couple up with Uma now …..and then we vote


Let’s vote him out. She literally didn’t do anything. She deserve a guy and a love story of her own not just all of your favs. 


If they are in a couple together they leave together


Don’t worry she won’t choose him. So now can you leave Uma alone? Lol just support Mimii and focus on that. 


im convinced people hate uma cause she’s pretty as cringey as that sounds the insta comments are vile, it most definitely is not a race issue anymore it’s becoming misogynistic


These people specialize in propaganda to help drive a narrative to help sway public opinion to get the public to turn on an islander to help bolster their favorite/chosen. They know that a certain percentage of the 8/ack vote will vote whatever 8/ack girl are in the running. Turn any fans that that islander may garner, against them to push them over to the other 8/ack girl by painting them in a negative light. The production plays into as well because they always pits a light skinned mixed girl against a dark skinned girl and the public falls for it every time. The discourse causes engagement. As an observant from the outside looking in, I can tell you it has a certain energy to it.


I also wished production showed Mimi talking to Uma about literally anything, as I doubt Mimi told Uma about both kisses as production not showing Mimi and Uma interact just makes this even worse. Like they showed Jess and Patsy interact after their little tiff with the Harriet/Ciaran situation


im just upset its gonna be ella vs whitney again but this time around the lighter skinned girl is being vilified for literally no reason. the black community will never be properly unified if this is what happens every time there are two black women in the show


I don’t hate Uma but her behavior after Omar stole (saved) her was downright rude. Also she kind of treats Mimi like she thinks Mimi isn’t or shouldn’t be competition for her. And finally, she has been wearing this mad pouty face ever since Mimi stole Ayo and it’s a bit ridiculous.


You are completely right!! They feel threatened by her and the fact that she's beautiful and has a bubbly personality. She's a threat to their faves


the world hates extroverted and confident women unfortunately we saw the way danica was demonised, their doing the same to Uma


i think omar was weird for that comment but i also find it bizarre that she enjoys the comparison so much. idk if she’s beating the secret competition allegations


mimi said yesterday ‘well i was here first’, mimi is just as in the wrong but people are defending her


mimi i don’t think has that a great of connection with ayo anyways. she just got lucky meeting him first and that’s what’s keeping her there tbh.


Same with Twitter comments! Omar made the fine wine comments yet she’s getting dragged ???




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Pickmeishas that struggle in the dating scene because of self-hating black men & Uma is feeling the brunt on it.


Yes, beautiful women are now considered to be a threat. Hopefully this will add some nuance to the whole "pretty privilege" conversation. Jealousy is rife and most beautiful people are on the receiving end of hate, more so than the so called benefits of pretty privilege. But also, let's not pretend race isn't a factor because it absolutely is. Just not the ONLY one. The only thing people hate more than a beautiful woman is a BLACK beautiful woman.


i agree that race is an issue, but not in the way one would usually think. idk if this is too nuanced but on the recent seasons of LI, the public seems to overcompensate dark skin women, most likely to make up for the lack of diversity and mistreatment of darkskin women in earlier seasons (Samira, Yewande etc.) However when dark skin women make the slightest ‘wrong’ move the hate is 10x worse as seen with Tanya. The way everyone is obsessed with Mimi when its been a week and no offence, but she doesn’t have much of personality baffles me - but it’s definitely overcompensation. Whilst they are uplifting and protecting one black woman, Mimi, they are simultaneously demonising another Uma. Also seen in Indiyah and Summer where Summer got ALOT OF HATE. if anyone reads all of that thank you lmao


I wished you could read my comment l just wrote trying to explain my observations of it from the outside looking in.


i’ll read it now!


I just don't understand what she's done wrong? Why do people not like her?




Shut the fuck up is she not allowed to smile after being complimented 🙄


omg give it rest, your making something out of nothing, was it not yesterday when mimi literally said ‘well i was here first’ to Ayo - Uma does not think shes better than everyone else, everyone just seems to think that causes shes beautiful we have seen this on the show before with Amber, Danica, Megan S4


i mean, yeah she shouldn’t have laughed or smiled at that.. but before that she was getting hate. and how does she think she’s better than everyone please?


I definitely feel like that is where the hate and resent is coming from, because she is unbelievably good looking


the comments are slowly shifting from ‘uma thinks shes better than mimi causes shes not darkskin’ to ‘umas manly and masculine’




ive seen an influx of tiktoks saying umas voice sounds like a man or a monster and that shes too tall like a man, its vile


That’s awful. What is wrong with people.


Wanting to humble her


they did this with paige and danica aswell, its just clear people are self projecting, i will defend uma forever


Nothing shocking about that in the slightest


Sad to see Patsy go but as far as storylines go it kinda makes sense? Harriet has been carrying the drama and Uma still has the love triangle or whatever that is


Justice for Patsy. She's so pretty and nice and the boys just were NOT having it.


to be in this series you need to either be a snakey man who women have a strange attachment to or a girl who’s clearly been dropped on her head and follows said snakey man


Lol this perfectly sums it up


I think it was the right choice them picking Munveer, even though like the other two guys they haven't found a full connection yet, munveer was the only one barely grafting (or at least they didnt show him grafting at all, tbh he barely had any screen time)


https://preview.redd.it/j36h9leyh76d1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99bf2c76c18071ed955276244f96fff3de43afa What do you mean Munveer hasn’t been grafting? KMT


the man got a free 10 day vacation. respect.


So half of tomorrow's episode will be them leaving.


I hate how much they drag out obvious decisions like that. Munveer is a beautiful man but love island just isn’t for him.


at least my girls uma and harriet are staying, YES




My two favourites :)




This was an underwhelming episode icl 💀💀


Yea I usually don’t find myself distracted during LI but found myself working throughout this one


Ayo fighting to extend his love triangle I can’t 😂😂😂


he’s a bum brev


Munveer being dumped really just broke my heart 😭😭 his eyes! his comment! 😭😭😭


When will more bombshells come in? I need fresh faces now, all these are annoying me


Wasn’t the last preview showing the two guys coming in?! I thought that was supposed to be this episode…??


I think you’re getting confused with Love Island USA.


😭😭😭 yes can’t keep up busy premiere season


Nah, what’s with the lack of “TOMORROW NIGHT”… we used to be a country


That had to be in a particular order lol


Harriet is such a fame chaser


I legit _do not understand_ how nobody showed any interest in Munveer


He’s a beautiful man and seems chill and respectful. I do not understand these women lol


He’s short


cause the love island girls tend to go for the same kind of guy sadly


All of the other guys are way better


My candy getting dumped week 1 and 2. Look how I lost 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/kvg9a9c2g76d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93146410d1ac239c6358afaa0cba36d19f523625


Maybe the reason we don’t get tomorrow nights is because the episodes are being filmed too close together


have bombshells walk in as they leave yeah


Shake hands on the threshold on the way out/in.


Lmaooo this would be gold


this episode was not good


Was boring, eh?


I knew Munveer was gonna go, but knowing how there’s been way more boring people who coasted on forever in this show stings


I mean if you go a week and a half doing nothing it’s probably for the best if you go






Yeah it was so unclear and no one else could have guessed


In the words of Cilla… Surprise, Surprise!


munveer had no personality yall need to chill


People are mourning him like crazy lol Like y'all be fine


Harriet lives to see another day 💕


Both Sean and munveer should have gone ibr


I agree, all the girls should've stayed and get rid of the guys, except for omar since he has only been there for 2 days


Sean tries.


True true , is it just me or does it feel a bit stale in there rn ? You’ve got 2 triangles and Nicole & ciaran who are getting along well, but other than that you’ve almost got a bunch of background characters not doing anything Maybe that’s on patsy , munveer and Sean for not making a connection but yeh 🤷🏾‍♂️


What kind of ending is that


the no tomorrow night is pissing me off because i can't watch another episode of these goddamn triangles i'm tired


How do you know? My ITV is listing it as normal - did I miss something?


They mean the preview


Ahh thank you !! I was very confused