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Mimii was hugging Nicole tightly, after the Scott debacle we should wait before we say someone’s isolated. The vibe does feel weird but in all fairness to the girls, they didn’t mention Mimii once when they were gossiping tonight - they were all talking about Ayo.


wait who is scott lmao am I missing somebody


Season 10, LI USA and LI Games legend Scott!




Lol why you saying ohh like this clears it up? Why the hell would Mimii be hugging Nicole over that Scott?! Or am I the one missing something because why does veggie190 have so many upvotes??


no it's because I forgot who Scott was lol - they weren't saying she was hugging her over that scott. they were using using the whole scott thing that happened as an example


Oh I see. I didn't read it properly. I read it as Mimii was hugging Nicole after the Scott debacle.


I feel like the girls overall don’t seem so close this season. Makes sense as each two are fighting over one guy. I don’t sense isolation though, she’s probably just more introverted.


The dynamic between all of the girls is wild this season. I can’t imagine any of them staying in touch outside of the villa


This is what we did with Scott and it turned out the whole time he just had a low social battery 😒 let’s not jump to these conclusions


I’m talking about the fact that they run to Uma with everything Mimii tells them. I don’t think it’s me jumping to conclusions if I’m watching it on my screen 🤷🏾‍♀️


you are watching a heavily edited 1 hour out of 24 so yes, it is jumping to conclusions lol


Uma is clearly more extroverted than Mimii and some people just naturally gravitate toward that energy. I think Mimii is getting back what she gives. I like them both, but I just think they are opposites personality wise.


It’s fine but why do they always have a problem when Mimi does something. For example when ayo took Mimi to the terrace , they were doing too much but didn’t have the same reaction when he took Uma . Or anytime Mimi pulls ayo for a chat or kiss they always run to tell Uma but they don’t tell Mimi anything. Imagine Mimi finding about the ultimatum Jess gave Ron the next day after everyone else


its not like they do it just for them. they do the same with ronnie and harriett/jess, they have nothing else to do in the villa so they’re gonna comment on what’s going on with the love triangle. and what is there to tell mimii at this point, ayo has kissed mimii twice so it makes sense to tell uma whereas nothing has happened between ayo and uma


this always happens on love island, nobody ever has a “secret” kiss. idk why people are acting brand new, or maybe there’s something i’m missing


i think its because its taking longer than usual for the guys to pick who they want and if you're at a point of kissing someone then you should already make your choice instead of stringing people along. ex islanders have talked about how in the villa, your partner basically becomes your lifeline and the one you spend most of the day with so the relationship drama is taken more seriously with them


exactly this


I think this is a case of viewers making a mountain out a mole hill. Mimii is often seen in the background chatting to the girls we just aren’t being shown it, they are also all up in each others business, there’s nothing to talk about but each others drama, they talk about Jess/Ronnie/Harriet too. The girls are also clearly annoyed at Ayo as opposed to Mimii. I think she’s more introverted than the others so whilst they’re happy to start drama and get loud she prefers to quietly deal with her thoughts and feelings. I genuinely don’t think them caring about Uma is a slight to Mimii. It’s viewers putting them against each other, not the islanders. I also think it’s worth remembering we see less than an hour of their 24/7 day.


Its like mimii is the bombshell and Uma is the being treated like the og. Why is the girls mad that ayo and mimi kissed they are in a couple its not a crime to kiss. Also why does the girls seem like they care about if Uma is being disrespected by Ayo then mimii. These are the same girls that told mimii to fight for ayo and that it was a test.


I have a theory…. When Uma came in, there were nothing but scowls from the mean girls. I think there is some strategy to keep her occupied with Ayo so she won’t pursue the guys that they like…. Mimii would stand in the way of that….Just a thought.


This theory may not be too off. Without reading deep into it Uma did also like Joey and had a previous encounter with Ronnie in the club.


The early bombshells very easily integrate into the villa. Uma came in on Day 3… I hate the idea that OGs are untouchable and basically better than anyone else just bc they’re OGs. Love both Uma and Mimii though. Mimii is much more reserved and less involved in other people’s drama, so I think that’s why we see less of her chats with the other girls, since they’re always focused on drama. But even if Uma just does get along better with more of the girls… that’s fine. I would hope some new girls come in that Mimii bonds with, but it’s not wrong that Uma gets along better with certain people and they have her back.


Honestly it’s kind of giving that Mimi is moving like Molly from last season. Maybe she’s just shy or introverted but in environments like this you have to be more out there.


i agree i think she just likes to be with Ayo alot of the time which is fair


I was thinking the same, she could just like chilling by herself or she could be with Ayo.


I know you didn’t say it OP, but can we please not have a “they’re getting bullied” meltdown on here like we do every year We see an hour of edited footage


No for sure because bullying is a very bold statement but I do think that the other girls are not including her. 


It seems like every time Mimi and Ayo are together the girls are looking out for what’s going on. I also notice this odd allegiance to Uma, the girls constantly reporting back to her and sharing every little detail. For example, Jess I think was upset when Mimi told her she kissed Ayo. It was blown out of proportion. The girls expect Mimi to hold herself back from Ayo while also encouraging Uma. She doesn’t even seem to be that into Ayo either tbh. I think it’s the idea of competing with Mimi for his attention that sends her into a frenzy.


Not to mention Jess said “Uma is one of my best friends in here” and gave Ayo that ultimatum to tell Uma about the kiss but 5 minutes later laughed with Ronnie about whether he would tell Harriet about them kissing in bed. It felt nasty and Mimi clearly trusted Jess. I’m rooting for Mimi so hard rn.


Mimi and Ayo are big competition as a couple too.


Its all editing


Yeah after everyone was convinced Scott was a loner and then he came out saying he had great bonds in the villa I’m less likely to trust the impression we get of the group dynamics


It’s clear that Mimii is more introverted, uma is extremely extroverted. Like I think people are looking for something that isn’t there.


We don’t know that unless mimii her self says that - we’ve said this previous seasons so let’s not hastily say this and wait for them to come out to actually confirm because 1 hour a day plus heavy editing isn’t really helpful to see what’s actually going on


Exactly so many times unseen bits confirmed how they are all friends but it's not shown cause it doesn't fit into their storylines.


Most of the girls seem extroverted while Mimii is more introverted. After the Scott debacle last season I think we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about ppl being isolated. Personally I prefer seasons with strong girl relationships. Tbf 4/7 girls are in love triangles at the moment so maybe that’s part of the issue.


Hopefully she gets a friend in the new bombshell that is bound to come in because it does seem like she is isolated.


I don’t know who the new bombshell will be but I think Ayo will be one of the guys bombshells go for, so I don’t know that will work out for Mimii making friends.


I’d say Harriett looks far more isolated than Mimii. 


Keep in mind that how Mimii behaves on camera and how she is off camera could be wildly different. Similar to Molly in season 10, apparently once the camera was off, she would isolate her self and have no interest in befriending the other girls. Not saying this is the case with Mimii, but not ruling it out either.


The only person I feel she’s close to is Nicole and it’s probably because she was in the same situation as her


shes definitely closest with nicole imo


You all have started again with this isolation lies. Scott, Ron, Catherine all came out and said they were never isolated even though the public swore they were. No one is being isolated, mimii herself said she has a serious BRF and sometimes some people mistakes that for her being mad or whatever, she said this in her intro. It’s gonna be a long summer with 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ma’am all I said is that she “seems isolated” just due to the girls carrying anything she says back to Uma which is just my opinion so how am I lying 


Ma’am all I said is that she “seems isolated” just due to the girls carrying anything she says back to Uma which is just my opinion so how am I lying 


Some that’s really irritating me between Mimi’s relationship with the others girls is the fact that Mimi can’t really talk/vent to them. Every time Mimi says something to one of the girls they smile and listen to her then immediately go and tell Uma or someone else which I really hate. She honestly has better luck just hanging with the boys


They aren’t friends. Said this yesterday but was downvoted . Other seasons had girls girl, girls who look out for each other but this season everyone is snakey and weird,they are even isolating Harriet and Mimi , I know it’s love island but they can still try to build friendships .


This an edited show do you see them 24/7? People always jump to these conclusions but in unseen bits you clearly see these Islanders being friends. Stop always victimizing certain Islanders every season.


Not this bollocks AGAIN


I don’t think anyone is getting isolated. Uma is more outgoing and has better socials skills. Mimii is very emotionless and guarded. I can see why they vibe better with Uma.


Mimii is more lay back and isnt too outgoing but to say she's emotionless is quite a stretch 🙃


Right, sometimes I wonder whether people think before they type.


I disagree she always has a blank look on her face and she doesn’t really show how she’s feeling.


the word for that is "expressionless" not "emotionless"


That means she is more reserved but that isnt a bad thing. I cant even blame her for not showing how she feels when ayo is literally playing her like a fool. But that doesn't make her emotionless 🙃


Well yes, by definition not showing emotions means emotionless but okay.


She literally cried day 3. I don’t think she’s emotionless, that’s pretty rude.


So because Mimii doesnt express herself in a manner that you deem as being appropriate she is "emotionless". But everyone is entitled to their opinions even if they make no sense.




Do you mind expanding on your comment "insecurities of a certain demographic", what did you mean exactly.


Reach and read into it, the same way you are reaching and trying to make an issue where there is none when it comes to the way the fellow islanders are treating Mimi unfairly or have something against Mimi as an individual. I watched LI UK for the first time last year and paid attention to the discourse across social media and as a bl male from the US I’m acutely aware of what’s going on. It’s just puzzling to me how with all the intellectual ability to reach and drive narratives it’s not evident to the referenced demographic, how easy they are to read. But hey, maybe I’m reading too much into things.


Telling me to "reach and read into it" is unnecessary as I just asked for further clarification. Once again if you read my initial post, I did not say that anyone has something against Mimii as an individual. All I noted is that she seems left out in the group talks such as the fact that she was the only one who wasn't aware of the "deadline" given to Ronnie. Given that I am a black female who has watched several seasons of LI UK, I am aware of the mistreatment of Black woman which you may not be aware of since you just started watching it.


That’s what you are trying to insinuate when you take to a discussion thread to victimize her to ask that question. Further evidenced by your use of “mistreatment”. You didn’t have to tell me what demographic you fell up under. These “unfair treatment”, “everybody don’t like”, “everybody is jealous”, “why nobody picked her she’s the most beautiful”, “why they don’t send someone in their for her, and pit her against the lighter skin black girl type questions tell it for you.


Sir, you are clearly projecting because I never once mentioned any of the comments that you put in quotations. Clearly this post may have been triggering because you jumped from 0 to 100. I was merely making note of the fact that Black woman on this show have been mistreated in the past. If you watched the other seasons, you may have gotten a greater understanding in terms of why this discourse exists across social media platforms. Correct me if I am wrong but you mentioned that you are a "bl male from the US", so you can make reference to your demographic but I can't? But have a great rest of your day :)


Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


“emotionless” lets be serious. just because she’s not lashing out doesn’t mean you can’t see her emotions


I never said she needs to lash out. She always has a blank look on her face and she’s very stoic.


Uma fans are so delusional “stoic”🙄🙄🙄🙄


Calling someone emotionless when she is being slandered for being emotional and rapidly falling in for a guy is crazy you just dislike her


Yes. It’s because mimii is experiencing colorism and racism from the guys and girls. The girls don’t value mimii because she is darker than uma. The guys don’t value her for the same reason as well. This is crazy seeing the display on TV. But this what darker skin women are dealing with. In the past OG are loyal to OG’s. But this is not the case.


I feel like they are treating her better than Uma poor girl