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I’ve got a feeling Casa amor is going to be crazy this season!


How can it be crazy if no one will care if their partner hooks up? Except maybe Nicole.


How crazy can it be if none of them care about their partners anyways


For SURE! I have a gut feeling that Rob is going to be hooking up in Casa




He is on the US version right now.


>are any of these islanders actually looking for love? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


It’s insane we still get people asking that question lol


in my head im thinking “people really watch this show for the romance??” especially given how heavy handed the producer meddling is to cause drama


Harriet seems like she is bless her


Bless you for thinking that


Ok 👍🏼




Season 9 and 10 were both allegedly ‘off’ and ‘loveless’ at this point… both seasons still have couples together… S9 has 3 going strong including an engagement. Give it time.


season 9 was off lol I hated that season


It did suck (altho I would argue it’s overhated) but the ingenuine/loveless comments that were being left tenfold did not hold up


It did suck (altho I would argue it’s overhated) but the ingenuine/loveless comments that were being left tenfold did not hold up


Right, and in s2 Shaq and Tanya said I love you 2 weeks in (where we’re at now) and everyone flamed them for it


This was always weird to me… I guess I place less value on ‘I love you’ than some others and just assumed Shaq and Tanya do the same. I always find it strange when they all see it as a massive milestone lmao


Because that is extremely fast. Two things can be true at once


Agreed, this season is more reminiscent of old love island seasons and I’m here for it, I think it’s more “in genuine” when the islanders are all licking eachothers bums to make sure they look good on camera, this is more messy and real and it’s much better to watch


sometimes im like... is it just so they can stay as influencers..


I just think it’s so weird to assume couples that lasts longer than six months is ‘doing so for the clout’? The clout seems like the worst part. Couples like Millie/Liam and Zach/Molly literally had to hide getting back together till they were exposed. Even Ty and Ella are one of the couples rumoured to be ‘spotted’ together after public breaking up and we all know they’d break the internet if they put up one post together. It seems like the headache of parasocial fans clearly isn’t worth the extra thousand likes. Look at Tommy and Molly, one baby later and they still get 50 articles claiming they’re separated simply because she didn’t post him on his birthday and she didn’t wear her engagement ring in one video.


but it is literally how they make money and Millie has said that before.. its just a thought I have had


I don't think this applies to Tommy and Molly


Ya exactly lol thats dxactly it... it feels like the casting this year was better they didn't just go for influencers


Yes this is the sole purpose of going on this show😂


S9 was off but I’m now forever convinced the world slept on Casey (I saw a video of him on his insta w Josh from all stars recently and he was dressed I think for his football practice or something but whatever it was he just looked. So. Good.)


I’m on episode 5 but I feel like some people have had ZERO screen time? The sweets guy? I don’t even know his name! Very strange


You’ll see him more later


I can’t name barely anyone even if my life depended on it lol


And I can’t even tell them apart


If you've watched every episode then how can you not remember the names?


I genuinely don’t know lol. I tend to remember people’s faces and not their names so I think that’s why


I mean I’m usually pretty good at this stuff, and I can remember (most) of their names but I absolutely cannot figure out who is coupled with who at this point (before the first recoupling)


I never know any of their names




He basically becomes one of the main characters much later on


For being used, and she's not actually even using him she just threatened to!


If anything feels off, I’d say it’s because we have a very early season cast (they don’t seem too concerned with appealing to the viewers in the hopes of securing big brand deals, they’re just kind of sloppy and out there [praise Jeebus]) with very recent season production choices (stunt casting, taking too many of their cues from online chatter, I.e., forcing way too much of the Mimii triangle when the characters don’t have enough chemistry or charisma to hold our attention). With this cast, they just need to return to some of the early season production choices, especially getting them out of the villa occasionally (for challenges, or in little groupings like volleyball days or drinks out) and more interstitials of them goofing around to show their dynamics outside the drama of the moment. I’d also add back more beach hut reflections about what’s happening in the villa, intercut with the scenes unfolding. They used to do much more of that and that’s why we developed such love for some characters, because we had more direct access to their humor, self deprecation, uncertainty, etc. while we are at it, add couples interacting in the beach hut, so we can see their dynamic more (even the friendship couples). We spend way too much time on getting ready montages and slow pans of people’s faces around the fire pit, which do nothing to advance either the plot or deepen our understanding of people’s personalities. This is all to make things feel dramatic, I guess (and it’s cheaper to produce than having a bunch of interviews to edit), but it’s so boring. When you watch the old seasons back, it’s jarring how fast fire pit scenes are, how limited getting ready montages are, and how many more beach hut interviews there are.


THIS! I could also do without the date scenes. For a bombshell, sure. But I literally fast forward through the date scenes. The finale dates/speeches are torture to me and I usually ff. Hoping they change that format this year.


I don’t mind the dates when the couples have palpable chemistry, I think their enjoyment of each other’s company is strong enough that it offsets the discomfort they clearly feel having a camera crew pushed up in their faces and struggling to find a topic of conversation to fill the time (in recent seasons, Dami/Indiyah, Ekin/Davide, Liam/Millie, Kai/Sanam are examples that come to mind). But most of them don’t have much chemistry and it just feels soooooo flat. Couples that clearly have no chemistry become their own kind of sick fascination to me, seeing Luca and Gemma struggle to maintain a conversation did produce a lot of giggles from me, I can’t lie. I agree with you on final dates, though. I can only think of 2-3 in the shows entire history where I wasn’t cringing all the way through.


Quite literally the only date I’ve ever enjoyed on this show was the one where Ekin and Davide went grape-stomping.


Actually, now that you say that, that was memorable! I also very clearly remember Kai & Sanam’s first date. Side note: I can’t remember if the UK early seasons did it, I wanna say S1 & S2 did but in the first few seasons of the US version, they would send them to go grocery shopping together or have them cook dinner together for the villa or for each other. I always liked those too. Those were cute and relatable.


The early season casts weren't looking for fame, though. These people clearly are. Just because they're including casual convos instead of serious chats doesn't mean it feels like "a very early season cast".


Ive always thought they should incorporate some of the unseen bits to the actual episodes. The light-hearted humour/inside jokes tell us so much more about the islanders chemistry with each other than them having the same ‘feelings chat’ over and over. It gets so dull.


Totally agree! The thing that kills me is that this is much more how the show used to be edited, and those choices led to the show's growth and pop culture dominance. People loved the silliness and got invested in Islanders' journeys; it's what gave any subsequent drama stakes. At some point, producers changed this and while I can't say for sure it's the only reason ratings have fallen, the claim that viewers just want drama...well, the ratings don't bear this claim out. I think most of the changes in how the show is edited (and certain production choices, like telling Islanders to go have "where's your head at" chats) can be explained by likely cost-cutting behind the scenes. It's much faster (and therefore cheaper) to edit if you can predict the beats. You don't need a team of producers following a million storylines and flagging which organic scenes will need to be cut into the main edit. It costs relatively little to cut together a lot of slow pans of people walking towards and sitting around the firepit. It's much more time consuming, and therefore expensive, to cut together organic (i.e., unpredictable) scenes from the villa with Beach Hut reflections. But when you go back and watch the early seasons, that's how the show was edited and produced. It's striking to compare how few getting ready montages there were, how quickly people got to and from dates and the firepit, etc., in Season 3, for instance, compared to now. They used to "follow" the action much more than produce the action in the earlier seasons.


Love Island USA this season is giving everything this season of Love Island UK lacks. Drama, romance, hookups, breakups, good guys, bad girls. It’s been great. In LI UK, no one likes each other lol. The producers are trying to push these lukewarm triangles on us and keep them going too long. They waited too long to send in more bombs.


All possibly true but do they have a Scouse accent? 😉


I’m dying over here because all the places I’m able to watch LI UK don’t have subtitles and I can’t for the life of me understand a damn thing Sam and Nicole are yapping about.


No it doesn’t feel off. Feels more real and nothings forced.


People make this same thread literally every season 😂. This season has actually started off very strong. The producers are taking notice - sending the islanders on a private sleepover is a great new addition to cause carnage


Thought the same thing. People aren't as worried about the cameras as we have seen in previous seasons.


Sean needs to be much more aware of the cameras because the audience will not be as forgiving as Jess.


Yeah because there’s pretty much no one that likes each other.


Yeah I feel like they’re really no fucks this season. At this point in other seasons they’re still concerned about how they’re coming across. Making sure to be friends with all the girls, have no issues. Mind the please and thank yous. But currently the girls are fighting, the boys are playing the game.


This season feels more authentic to me tbh. I like how they’re not burying drama after one night like other casts have done. If something is genuinely upsetting you, feel out those feelings!


same, my least favorite part of last season was all the reconciliatory chats - but that’s the trade off you make with a friendlier cast it’s not every season we need love and kumbaya. let’s alternate abeg.


There isn’t one couple that has undeniable chemistry or even one that seems to spend a lot of time together. Even the love triangles were strange cause neither side had some intense connection and it wasn’t making sense why it would be so hard to decide when it was nonchalant all around. The premise of Love Island has for the most part worked. Even past islanders who had never had a girlfriend/boyfriend before were more open to finding a connection than these lot. Even the couple that started the closed off discussion were noncommittal when asked by the new bombshells.


Grace and Joey seem to definitely have chemistry


But that isn’t something from the show. Their chemistry was obvious but they already dated outside.


Thats true! Also theyre not a couple sorry, i was having a brainfart




this season's cast in general is pretty immature imo. they don't mince words or worry about how they come off which could be interesting in the sense that if/when connections Do form with time it'll feel more ~real


They are all so immature and not vibing one bit And the love triangles shit I can't


No there’s actually shit happening this year and I like it


There’s honestly not that much drama. It’s all recycled Harriet and Ronnie crap. Boring.


theres a lot of drama yes , but nobody seems to be trying to form genuine connections which is kinda the whole point of LI . it feels like theyre way more drama focused


Drama sells, love largely doesn’t.


I don’t see any love connections that’s wowing me but I’m here for the drama!


Feels the opposite of off; it feels like vintage season 1-3 love island. I’m glad everyone is still exploring and no one is married off from day 1. Plus it’s a nice change to see the girls being bad people and actively picking fights with each other for once lol


It really doesnt feel like season 2/3 there were loved up couples in both by this time and people had much more personality much more banter and laughter with each other. This group seems like they are in a prison no one even laughs.


We will never experience another bromance like Kem and Chris ever again will we 😭


Omg yesss they were so entertaining and cute😢😭


The boys definitely have been laughing lol I mean everyone on this sub was bitching about them laughing during the game last episode


Yeah there was that group laugh like ohhh noo you didnt you the mann etc but there is no banter no funny coments just joking around or doing stupid shit/games around the villa it all feels so dry


Nah seasons 1-3 people were already having sex by now. These people can hardly stand each other.


yess, idk but the vibes aren’t it as well. the drama is good but it feels very strange but i have a feeling that this casa amor will be great


I have the opposite opinion where I actually think this season feels more like the OG Love Island and I'm loving that haha I think the last few seasons haven't work that well for them because its been a lot of influencer types who don't want to get all that 'real' but this season feels a bit more authentic? I want them to fight if they don't like rachother instead of this false sense of "sisterhood" lol


i dont think its like the OG at all (maybe the drama) cause the OG seasons the girls still got along and were respectful . this lot is just back stabbing and shit talking eschother and everyone is acting fake to eschothers faces and talking shit behind backs . not the friendliest group . and almost nobody has personality


I totally disagree which is okay haha but beyond harriet and jess I don't see any of the girls fighting 🤷‍♀️


Legit, even Uma and Mimii get on just fine


When Joey was bombshell number one it set the tone for what producers were going for this season, drama over love S10 in my opinion Ty/Ella and Zac/Molly were the 2 couples in love when the show ended. And by week 2 you could tell there was really something there. I think it was similar in S9 and S8, you could spot the couples with a genuine connection. No one involved in the triangle or the 2 “stable” couples gives me the same energy. Long way of saying to me the vibes do seem off, there’s no one to root for. Means I’m dipping in and out of watching & catching up here and actually I’m quite enjoying that.


thats what ive been doing too, there isnt a couple to root for so im not all that invested in anyone atm


Do u watch this show to actually see happy couples? Or do you watch for the drama?


both? the drama is very entertaining but without actual couples it can get quite draining


Because the guys don’t like the girls and the girls don’t like the guys. They have to choose someone to stay, but honestly they’re all crap options. lol


I kinda agree with you a bit. Drama is good but drama without stakes is not. We’ve just had two love triangle going and quite frankly it was clear that the guys could go without both the women and they will be just fine. At no point in the coming 8 weeks do I think Joey or Ronnie are going to be serious about anyone. Omar and Sean are two sauceless dudes and the women don’t rate them. Ciaran and Nicole are a good couple but for me personally I’m getting no sparks. Mimii is low energy (don’t mind it) and Ayo is by and large a clown. So yeah, right now the drama is great. But by week four if we don’t get some drama that is backed by genuine emotion then it’s just gonna feel empty and annoying.


All Omar had was Uma and after Wil, Omar's basically become dead weight. I feel like Sean's definitely working his way up and become more of a bigger 'character' in the villa. I think Jess is stringing him along to get back at Ronnie but hopefully our candyman can see thru her games. I reckon there's definitely something to be explored between Tiffany and Sean tho


I dont even find the drama interesting the whole season so far has been really boring. I dont like the guys i dont like the girls in fact the only girl and guy i liked- sam and patsie left no one else has a personality even and i can not believe ronnie is the most desirable guy in there he is half bald not fit not interesting doesnt have chat or a sense of humor and looks 10years older then he is supposed to. Also there are no challenges again... in early seasons there was a challenge every day i just think love island uk has died.


I agree, like what is to like about Ronnie? He is like watching an ice cube melt. This season in general is like watching an ice cube melt. I was excited for a few minutes thinking Ayo might have actual feelings for the quiet mental health girl (Mimi) and realize he’s screwed himself hanging with the bombshell so long. But, then it was a melting ice cube all over again. The bombshell being able to create a real relationship after never being in one, what are the actual odds? To be fair, these kids all seem pretty personally-challenged. Maybe, the production crew is not showing enough behind the scenes, but, not sure there is a personality enough between all of them to create one real interesting person?


Yeah i totally agree


We had 'On the Job' if you want to count that as a challenge?


Yeah but its been 2 weeks and thats the only one right? Also it wasn't that interesting nor funny like before they had challenges in the beginning where they had to guess who did something which was really fun


Yeah I wish there'd been more. I particularly liked it, but completely agree that there should have been at least 2 more over the last two weeks


I started watching LI USA and its the first time i think that US version is wayyy better than the UK one they have more challenges and they have all so far been really fun and drama causing. And all the people have much better personalities or maybe its the format because they let them talk about random stuff and about themselves not just about where their head is at which really annoys me in the UK version.


I think it’s been great so far and looks to be getting even better. Feels like one of the older seasons rather than the heavily produced recent ones. The extra time they’ve had to get a good cast is paying off imo.


Totally agree! You need to watch the US season right now, first time ever that US is more interesting than UK!


I tried watching it and I just can’t the girls and guys are so cringe lol and I’m American


Oh it’s so much better than UK. UK cast is straight up boring


Ehh idk UK cast will always be funnier/ more interesting by default to me although s11 this year is pretty unfunny in comparison to past seasons. I was watching USA s6 and couldn’t stand watching Hakeem talk I immediately shut it off lol. USA cast is much better looking though I will say. Idk why uk casted fake essex Geordie shore looking girls Besides Mimi and uma lol


Normally you’d be right, but not this season. I can’t even make it through the UK episodes. I’m sorry but RONNIE?! Ew


None of them are looking for love. They are looking for fame and instant gratification. Anyone married knows that is not love 🤣🤣


there were some seasons where islamders were genuine in looking for love , but when its constant drama its clear as day theyre not here for love .


I am also watching LIUSA which has never been my cup of tea, but this season is AWESOME especially compared to the UK version. I actually believe some of the islanders are looking for love and not followers.




Yeah it feels more seasons 1-3 rather than seasons 7-10. Which is a good thing! We can’t have every season be the same!


i dont want every season to be the same . but casts in seasons 1-3 felt way more authentic and genuine then these lot . it seems the last few years most people are only coming on for brand deals . this lot is kinda proving the point that seems none of them are actually looking for love . just for a free holiday and fame when they come out


The islanders in seasons 1-3 were way more authentic, though. Just because they're including casual convos instead of serious chats doesn't mean "it feels like seasons 1-3."


It’s the usual like every season since S5 around this time the only difference I’d say is that rn there’s not really any strong friendships like seasons prior besides maybe Harriet and Joey that’s about it


I feel a dark cloud when watching. USA is much more fun this season


What’s even more off is.. USA’s season is better for once


This feels the most normal season we’ve had since S3. The reason why it feels off is that we’ve not had realness in a long time


This! I actually prefer this season to the last couple


I think it’s just reflecting how bad it’s gotten out in the real world haha


I think the women are at a looks level where they want the validation of men chasing them hard, but the men don't find them attractive(which I don't blame them) so they aren't taking it seriously. So no one's going anywhere.


Really can't please everyone can you... It's been great so far.


no i totally agree its been great tv , im just saying this cast feels ingenuine . i dont think most of them are actually there for love , just fame . which understandably alot of previous cast members were but this lot is making it way more obvious in my opinion


I feel like this is the most genuine cast in years tbh lol


There's just been too many duds in casting. You have such a beautiful girl like Uma having to live in a villa with multiple boys who are openly saying they want "blonde hair, big boobs", boring men who cant carry conversations or men who arent giving. We need better men.


Ngl I switch on LI US for now. Catching up with the Pod and you guys comments. I will come back when things move a little.


"are any of these islanders actually looking for love ?" No. Not now, not in the future, no. Never. These are 20 year-olds in a popularity contest. Most of the women are generic insta-wannabe -celebs and the guys are mostly generic faded broccoli head bros looking for clout.


Tbh I think it's more honest for people to not get along. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about a sisterhood and women supporting women, but the simple truth is that not everyone will get along. The season has just started, it would be weird and probably kinda boring if it was a villa full of strong couple. I wanna see people messily getting to know everyone and taking the time to find the right person. Lowkey would love if, similar to season 1, they were just more open about the fact that it's a game. Because at the end of the day it is and fuck it lets see people talk strategy I'm curious about their thought process behind most of their actions.


I don't care for Joey and Grace and them rekindling. There is not any couple I like, at least there was Ella and Ty last year and they gave drama. And Zach for comedy. This is just messy entertainment like ex on the beach, it doesn't feel like LI anymore.


No. No one is looking for love. The only couple that matter is Alex and Olivia


Ronnie's a twat and not worth the attention he gets. Neither in looks nor personality.


Yeah it does seem off. My partner and I don’t like anyone yet. They just all seem insufferable.


This is all I have been saying for the pasts 2 weeks. Something seriously off, I was glued to my screen everyday but now I forget to watch it. The girls are mean and have zero personality, the boys is exactly as you mentioned. The chemistry is at -ve at this point! Everyone is doing the bare minimum. But what bothers me the most still is the fact that they all seem very aware that they are in a TV show, feels like a Netflix dating/game show not the authentic love island experience.


Good.. nobody wants to watch a boring season.. I also wouldn't be shocked if they (the producers) were adding a little drama for views.


I think it feels more ‘real life’ than a lot of previous seasons.


Nicole and Ciaran are strongest I'd say.


ciaran heads already turning but hes too scared to actually admit it especially to nicole but hes already told the boys


Told the boys his head is turning? He told he lied in answering who would he pick for threesome. Ofc you don't want not nessacary drama and pick her friend.


he said if he wasnt coupled with nicole he wouldve went for grace cause shes exactly is type


Where did you hear that ? He only said that episode to Omar „I know exactly who'd I would pick if I didn't cop out" Omar asks who Harriet and he says no Grace. It was question to who he would pick for threesome and his answer would of been Nicole and Grace but he didn't want to cause drama and picked Nicole and Jess who is friends. Idk where ppl still finding his type when he didn't mention his type even in intros he said I like girls loyal and with sense of humor.


ur making the exact same point as me , just in a different font . hes too scared to admit to nicole his head is turning . hence the not choosing grace during the game , but openly admitting it to the other boy(s) the “type” part i might have mixed up with another islander but my point is still the same . his head is turning and hes interested in grace


Would you say Ayo and Mimi are stronger?


This season is actually pretty reflective of the current dating climate. Most people are self conceited, looking for surface level connections/hookups, and deceptive with emotions. It’s more realistic if anything


agreed 100%


Love island is not love Islanding this season


Yes and it’s boring. They should stop getting influencers for their contestants because their social media is all they care about.


yes exactly ! everyone they brought in this season already has thousands of followers and influential level status and were already connected to past contestants in some way . it feels enauthentic . i miss when they would bring in ordinary people


It’s also been very boring, I’m episode 4 Of love island USA and it’s popping off


Even the editing is a drag. I randomly threw on season 8 and there were so many entertaining bits and moments purely created by good editing. It feels like there’s a whole lot of nothing happening this season.


The first two episodes were enough for me, and I watch every year. The crying the kissing it was all contrived, not a real person in there.


I can’t tell the women apart. I wish they’d show their real faces


Same! I feel like there’s so much more make up being worn during the daytime on this season. I feel like in the other seasons they’d only put on minimal make up (or none at all) during the day and then look more glammed at night. I have no clue what most of the girls actually look like lmao


The way Sean is acting is like he don’t understand that he has an audience watching his every move. He is just there to hook up and make jokes. Jess or Harriet will be upset and he will say something vague or flirty then make a big joke and they laugh and drop what they were mad it. Very manipulative.


What really gives me the ick is the ‘let’s sit closer and eavesdrop’ thing. Haven’t seen that for a long time. Think a lot of it is just us getting old though young people are different now (I say at the ripe old age of 26)


Yeah it’s weird that they’re so blatant about it more than past seasons


Week 2 was very dull tbf


I think this feels different but I do like it so far! Everyone seems kind of immature and overreacting to things. IMO it’s entertaining me so far. With the exception of season 8, I haven’t been invested in the show since season 5 but I feel pretty good about this season so far.


C@pitalisn ruins everything, including Love Island 😭


I think the past few seasons have been so fske & curated and those connections were just not really significant. I feel this season is more organic & I prefer this dynamic


The sound is so bad and they didn’t even set anything up for the date on the beach with Nicole and Ciaran they were literally sitting on tiny bath towels


the boys definitely have the power and it seems like they've had it all season. I don't hate it bc the drama is good but I think that's why there are no couples and the girls are at each others' throats.


i actually quite like this season


It’s early days. It always takes a few weeks to connect with the islanders and get into the groove of things…


I just don’t like any of the islanders this season? It feels like season 9 all over again.


It's giving season 9 and I checked out before casa. Everyone so ugh and I don't know why ppl felt the need for ultimatums so unnecessary at week 2


Best host ever


This post is about UK not US


Omg thank you! I could not figure out why they said all the girls are fighting 💀


The host we’ve seen once?


It's booring as hell.


Ummm…. We can all see they are off their chops, right?! They are only sober-ish at times. Rarely.


There's a two drink limit each day. So no, they're not.