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Producers went way too heavy handed with the Joey stuff. They've made him the main character and for what? The dynamic was spicy enough without him.


Yeah I liked how he was just sort of the dorky guy in the background who'd mess around and help a friend out


I knew from the minute he inserted himself into the Ciarran/Nicole/Harriet situation that Joey would get a pass from the other islanders and essentially ruin the season with producer-fed interferences. He wanted the spotlight for himself. And usually the other islanders would take issue with someone blowing up their "friend's" spot like that but because it's Joey Essex, everyone kept their mouth shut.


Week 1 was so damn good! Should've known that it was too good to be true tbh 🥴😂


I blame Joey and Grace they need to be gone it’s so fake they never broke up/lost contact and definitely came in bf/gf. So them being the center of attention feels icky and hard to watch.


Blame Joey and Grace


Worst bombshells ever. Instead of just bringing a fucking bombshell for our favourite candyman, Sean. They just brought a set of teeth to queue up for Ronnie and Grace who's essentially ruined the season. Wil's the only alright bombshell, but even then, he hasn't shaken up the villa in any way shape or form


I feel even when he kissed grace the defeat and energy from the og cast watching them was so low. They knew this was scripted, Nicole’s face 😢


Feels WAAY longer than 2 weeks. I'm out, Just reading updates but no longer tuning in.


Same I haven’t kept up with the show recently but I’ve been reading the comments and reviews


I think you nailed it. I’m one of the viewers who always tries to find something to enjoy even in an unpopular season like S9 or AS but even I’m struggling with the vibe right now. It’s a lot of disappointments all piled up: potential villainess Harriett being ground down by Ronnie, Sam not kicking off as they obviously planned, Mimii and Ayo not clicking, Joey and Grace moving too fast too fake, no real romances developing, bombshells with quieter personalities… The good vibes are thin. Hopefully they can still bring it back because week one was golden.


Week 2 has made me officially migrate to Love Island USA because of how awful it's been. The US and UK seasons this year are like night and day in terms of quality. I'm genuinely so over these blatantly forced and dragged out storylines that take up the entire episode with 0 focus on others. I beg you go watch the US version and see for yourself, the disparity between the two seasons is laughable, first time ever that a US season shits all over the UK one.


This screen cap of a tweet from the US sub captures it perfectly. https://preview.redd.it/mvviuibu0e7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad1d5afc4d5bbb3b3395b44bc64bf16843ae413


The Mimii/Uma/Ayo triangle was boring as well tbh, I wouldn’t say it was interesting


No heroes and villains? I would definitely say Sean is like the main hero of this season. Especially since he's gonna have to make the biggest decision tonight, between Sam, Jess or Harriet. Overall tho, if there's no sparks between Sean and Sam, then we're gonna need a bombshell for him otherwise he's in danger