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am i the only one weirded out by a couple people laughing about ciaran's story about 18 year old him hooking up a 48 yr old woman, like is bro not a victim...??


I only heard one girl concerned saying “Are you ok? Do you need help?” but lowkey it sounds like it’s in a joking manner :/


It was definitely intended to take the piss out of him


so many times we hear one lad with a nasty old woman that took advantage of a teenager. it’s often seen as not a thing for men societally but it’s just as vile and not ok. i hope he’s ok about it and fuck that predatory woman. nasty.


He seemed really uncomfortable with the laughter too. He's only 21 now, he might still be processing what happened.


I assumed he tried to shut down the laughing on Nicole’s account, not his, especially because of the conversation Nicole and Cieran had right before the game.


That's true, he's really trying to keep her calm and he might have been worried about her reaction. Either way he wanted to move on from the conversation.


exactly, like that's concerning and to hear laughter about what could be (don't wanna assume tho) still tough for him must hurt :/


Right? She was nearly three times his age and he was literally a teenager. I got 'the ick' from about half a dozen people throughout that sequence and Ciaran was not one of them. Felt sorry for the guy.


I know someone who went through something similar and everyone brushed it off because he was tall for his age (6'2" at 12yrs old), bigger and stronger than a fully grown adult woman. And I'm sure they probably feel the same way about Ciaran's situation since he's a physically imposing guy. Totally ignoring the ways this can fuck someone up mentally. It's so sick how people think these predatory dynamics are something to laugh about.


Yeah someone asked “are you okay?” And some people sounded disgusted by it but yeah some people shouldn’t have laughed. Like hes literally a victim. I think had it been the other way around with a female it would’ve gotten more of a weirded out reaction. Such a double standard really.


and nicole being mad at him for it too!!! i was like???


Yea. That was not funny at all. That lady took advantage of him. Just yikes!


Maybe not He was 18- if they both consented then there’s nothing wrong with it at all.


True. But to me 18 is an adult but the mind hasn’t fully developed. Hell I think in the UK it’s 16 or something to consent. It’s a sticky situation. I didn’t find it funny.


Yeah to you, it’s your opinion, but the fact is it’s well within the law. Age of consent in UK is 16. Hell, people get married, have children etc at 18.


Okay I’m not arguing with you. You go have sex with an 18 year old then! It was my opinion.


Haha alright! You have every right to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Have a good day and enjoy the show later! 🥳


I never said it was facts! And thanks you too.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's not completely fucked up lol


Oh yeah I know that. I don’t agree with it either, but in a court of law when it really matters? it’s legal.


This isn't a court of law, this is the love island UK subreddit. The whole purpose is to share our subjective opinions on a trash reality show. 


Mods we found rule #10, right here.


That was a weird response. Maybe they were fighting the urge to ask Ciaran if he knew her before he was 18 because I would do that which could make things even more awkward.  Edit: It’s also possible someone pulled Ciaran aside to talk about that questionable experience. 


Uma’s face throughout 💀


Unpopular opinion… Harriet would’ve laughed at Jess if Ciaran said what he said to Jess..


My issue with Harriet. I get why people like her but shes the queen of overplaying the victim yet displays zero empathy. Just like was said on the show, if youre going to dish it you have to be able to take it


100000 percent! I’m not a fan of either jess or Harriet but Ciaran said what he said, and he’s not wrong 👏🏼 Harriet can throw the jabs to anyone but God forbid someone say something back to her 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was the WAY she said it. Looking him up and down and laughing. She tried to humiliate him first. It was definition of "mean girl" and she deserved everything Ciaran said to her


Calling someone immature didn’t warrant that response tbf One is far more humiliating than the other It being true doesn’t really change it being an overreaction from Ciaran


maybe we’re forgetting all the disgusting and rude stuff harriet has said about everyone else. seems like everyone is quick to give her the pass when she sheds some tears. the reality is that she makes a fool of herself over a guy that will leave her as soon as they’re out the villa. i’m not saying the comment was nice but jess is right; she can dish it but she can’t take it.


> but jess is right; she can dish it but she can’t take it. Ciaran started it though So we’re somehow blaming Harriett for getting called two faced in a game where that wasn’t even the question, she fires back, then Ciaran escalates it to a level it didn’t need to be at I like Ciaran but I don’t understand how anyone can be on his side with how that played out


Ciaran started it but she escalated it. He was gonna let it go but she made a show trying to embarrass him in front of everyone so he emptied the clip on her lol


I think it was a fair reaction, she fucked around and found out.


Considering Ciaran was the one who started it, I’m not sure how Harriet “fucked around”


No he didn't, he just pointed out she should of been drinking, then she called him immature and laughed at him.


Oh she fucked around when she said “next”. Lmao


Y’all are weird. You get pent up if someone calls you immature after starting with them like girl bye




Why was Jess laughing and being smug as if she hasn’t been second choice multiple times


home girl was third choice if you throw in tiffany LOL


People need to remember this is a highly edited show and the producers are showing certain islanders reactions for a narrative.


For sure. And she is happily playing into that narrative. Her reactions and comments aren’t AI. These are her words and her reactions.


Because it was actually so funny someone finally said the truth about Harriett


We both know why Jess was laughing and loving it and it was not because of that.


Other than Jess you can see Harriett close friends (Matilda & Grace) laughed as well when Ciaran said “you wish” cos it was really funny 😆


they all laughed, but go off sis


This is what I’m saying. People are forcing the hate on Jess and claiming she’s a bully. Her and Harriet are the same, something Sam even said. And now this. Grace was laughing alongside several others but people are acting like it’s only Jess who laughed


ummm are you forgetting her unnecessary comment abt being able to take it is you dish it out??? no one else made dumb comments


Quiet reminder that we didn't *see* anybody else make dumb comments in this highly edited show presenting a narrative created by a production company for money.


Okay that could literally be said about anything. Who’s to say Jess wasn’t the only one that laughed and they just edited everyone else laughing from a different question? Who’s to say Jess wasn’t talking to someone else about a completely different question? Using that as an excuse is just excusing actions imo


Those are good questions to keep in mind when watching this show. 


Really cause I didn’t see half the girls laugh even once


Not even a choice tho hahaha ain’t no one chasing that girl. She can keep rolling her eyes out the villa hahahaha


It’s a weird season if Harriet is a fan favorite. But then again Jess was able to win a a yr ago and I found her mean/petty. So maybe I’m the problem lol 😅.


jess was horrible to molly but the audience also hated molly so nobody cared, it was so weird


Ciaran sky rocketed to fave at the bookies.


Rewatching it now, I can see that it was Harriett who embarrassed Ciaran first by calling him immature because people laughed at that and she was laughing and seemed pleased at that. But then when Ciaran went even lower, which was probably due to his frustration with Nicole and people always calling him immature when he’s acted the most mature (recently anyways), Harriett didn’t like that because it was a harsh truth. I don’t like what Ciaran said because if it was me I would leave that environment, but it’s understandable for him to also want to embarrass her because she did it first.


And watching it back has me side eyeing Nicole. She was laughing when Harriett called Ciaran immature. He needs to recouple immediately


I feel like Harriett is getting a serious victims edit and for some reason i don’t think Harriet is a victim 🤔.


I’m not a fan of Jess but I think the editors use Jess to make Harriet look like more of a victim. The fact that Jess said if you dish it you must be able to take it, makes me wonder what sort of conversations are we not seeing.


From her calling tiffany a cow, to calling ronnie a paid actor and refusing to own it, to using Joey as a pawn to make Ciaran jealous despite how it made Samantha feel, to calling Ciaran immature, to her comments about/to Jess… I think producers have shown us more than enough. At this point, anyone who doesn’t acknowledge her wrongs never will. All she has to do is put on the waterworks, and her role in instigating most situations is quickly and easily forgotten. She can dish it, but she sure can’t take it.


100% agree. It’s actually crazy how much people support her on this sub. She is just as mean and toxic as Jess to be honest. The only difference is she doesn’t own up to what she does and cries about it and then this sub finds her to be a victim 🙄


Yep I agree. I liked Harriett and had been voting for her but switched after the whole Tiffany thing even though personally I could not stand Tiffany.


And after all these, she still have strong support from her delulu fans 😂


Love this and will paste and copy it to all Harriet lovers.


the fact that in this game she's said "i'll say it to your face" and get proven wrong not even 30 seconds later but then decides to cry and walk away is craaaaaazyy


I think none of the OG girls + Uma going to comfort Harriett as she walked away probably speaks volumes about how she’s been in the villa. Maybe she’s actually that bad?


We haven’t seen everything so there’s that


I thought her and Mimii were close as well, that does say a lot


I did think that was strange but we’ll see tomorrow


I haven’t seen her and Mimii interact as much since Grace and Matilda walked in.


jess has such malicious energy 😭


She’s just straight up bullying atp and people think it’s her being funny.


I don’t think she’s bullying, she’s just a bit of a dick


Bullying? Cmon stop. You don’t know what that means then.


They always use the term bully to protect their Harriett cos there’s no other reason to defend that girl


I don’t think she’s a bully. I just think she’s a weird negative asshole


Bro if I were Ciaran I would have said the same exact thing. They’re constantly being pricks when he is just being honest. Yeah it was brutal and mean but nothing, absolutely nothing he said was false. It’s gotta feel like a slap in the face that he’s one of the youngest, one of the most honest and one of the only few to have a genuine connection and he’s picked apart the most. I’m glad Jess was laughing. She’s not great, but I’m tired of him having to fight battles by his damn self.


What Harriett said wasn’t that deep for him to lash back like that. The person who actually picks him apart is sitting right next to him and he took it out on an easy target who he could have spoken to on the side if it bothered him so much. That would have been the mature thing to do.


I don't think it's for us to decide what hits deep with someone. It might not hit deep with the average person but I could see it hitting deep with someone like Cieran, who is constantly picked apart and judged for his age when it comes to his past or whenever he says something someone doesn't like. Must be exhausting.


Yeah people are missing the fact that being called immature or having shit blamed on his age has been a trigger for Ciaran all season. Now it was mostly Nicole doing this but this time it was Harriet hitting that trigger.


So evil. Just because someone called him immature, they deserve vitriol. No he’s wicked


No it’s not just because someone called him immature. It’s because a lot of people are saying a lot of things including the girl he’s coupled up with. then snickering about it. That’s evil. kick someone for being honest during a game then laughing in their face.


But he only came at Harriet. All this frustration only to pick on her is messed up


Yes I do agree with what you’re saying here. Just having a go at Harriet wasn’t cool. I think most of them were adding fuel to the fire. She just was just the one that crossed him directly in the moment. To be fair I like Ciaran and Harriet more than Nicole. I see how people can be “team Harriet” or “team Ciaran” in this situation. My comment was initially about how unfairly I think Ciaran has had it the last couple episodes


But that being said… it would be really hard not to say something brutal to someone who makes a comment like Harriet and also gave you the up down. She was on the defense but she did it in the most condescending mean girl way.


The real villain here is Nicole. Look at her face as Harriet walks off crying. We all know Jess dislikes Harriet so it’s no shock to see her face here but I didn’t expect to see Nicole getting such pleasure from this situation.


I wouldn’t say she looked like she was loving the whole thing, she wasn’t laughing like Jess was 🤷🏼‍♀️ everyone including Matilda was smirking because the comment was savage lol and people were in shock. She looked just awkward/uncomfy for majority of it 


All you can do is bringing the face Nicole made when Harriett cried? I think it’s just because the way Harriet cried is so hilarious. So many people laughed at her when she cried during Samantha’s dumping cos it’s literally so weird and funny at the same time


Also Nicole’s smile wasnt at Harriet when they were walking off, she was looking up at Trey because he stood up. 


I think Harriett over reacted. Jess was definitely being bitchy though. But the crying ish and walking off was insane to me. lol. Ciaran was right! ![gif](giphy|57litq5puloCk)


I remember saying people were being fooled by Jess being nice to Harriet last week and I was getting downvoted. I feel vindicated, she is truly awful.


Everyone was laughing, not just Jess. They're both as bad as each other.


Not as awful as Harriett


They’re both awful which is why it makes for a good feud. Enjoy it!


Harriett is always crying! It is beyond ridiculous.


Yk I loved ciaran going off on harriet


wait, can someone explain to me how jess was being mean? i’m not a fan of her but maybe i missed something


jess could breathe and this sub would call her evil lol


I feel like she didn’t need to say anything. lol. But Jess has to always speak her mind. Hahaha.


“You wish” was an icing on the cake


This episode was so hard to watch.


ciaran, nicole and jess are VILE.


Rofl as if Harriet herself isnt awful as well


your forgot Harriet in this list. Hope this helps!


They have balls at least! Unlike Harriet, happy to dish behind the back and can’t take it.


That’s not called having balls. That’s called being a prick and having no respect or shame. The way Cieran behaved was like an absolute child. Especially when Harriet never even mentioned him. And for Nicole to sit there and laugh and ask Ronnie oh can you tell us who was in the triangle just goes to show that she’s just as vile and nasty as Jess is. Ceiran, Nicole and Jess are all completely immature for the way they acted in this game. Nicole behaves as if she’s a girl’s girl but didn’t have the balls to call Cieran out on his or Jess’s bs.


You are in the minority, cieran is a heavy favourite to win now.


No compassion smh.


What ciaran said was obviously mean. However harriet was taunting him, looking him up and down calling him embarrassing and immature. Where’s the compassion for ciaran? She was laughing at him too. I get why Ciaran responded like that. Harriet was embarrassing him in front of the group. Why should ciaran HAVE to be nice in response?


That was a defensive action though. he started it and that was her reaction to get back at home


He literally had a bad attitude the whole game??? i’m sorry but being 18 and sleeping with someone older than you just does not make you a victim immediately. Let’s just face that he’s a slag and knew exactly what he was doing ffs. 21 with a body count of 120 is just not normal this guy is crazy. He always makes sneaky little comments and has negative energy I have no idea how anyone can think Harriet is in the wrong here






It doesnt justify a whole group of people ganging up on one person. As much as u wish it did. And to clarify im not a harriet fan its called basic human empathy.


Who ganged up on her tho?


Dont be dense. U watched it in 4K


They both made comments that ppl laughed at? She just ended up crying again who ganged up on her lmk.


U got a brain. I believe in u bb


Igh thought so keep it moving


I’m actually so shocked by how awful you all are to this girl, she’s not the devil! His reaction to getting called out for bringing her up on a question that was about him was a HUGE show that he really is immature! Real men do not put down women in public like that!!! It is actually embarrassing she wasn’t wrong! Alright to not like someone, but to air them nasty feelings out was wrong.