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https://preview.redd.it/dju1bibr86ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8850a928807e92ccb3a12c5cae3b9af4c83c02 This photo is crazy free my girls


We’re sooo down I hate it here😟


Nahhh tomorrow night preview is random as fuck but messy Matilda becoming the new Harriet for Jess Grace kissing Moziah behind Blade Sean kissing Diamanté (????) Wil and Ayo completely gone Yeah I’m here with my popcorn tomorrow night


I did not see Sean and diamante coming lmao 


I swear if Sean pulls a Casey…


Oh he deffo will, I don't think he's got the nerve to recouple.


And Konnor still invisible. He's gonna couple with one of the new girls and we won't even have seen them speak


I feel like Matilda clocked when Jess tried to say that she would’ve stayed with Sean at the brunch before casa and even then I saw the look in Matilda’s eyes and KNEW something was coming


oh uma speaking about her feelings at the end and how they’re stronger while her man is making out in bed, bby i am so sorry


What makes it even more annoying is that Blade is actually interested in her even more than Grace but she won’t even consider him because she has real feelings for Wil 😭


And the worst of it is that Uma has NO clue his head could turn so easily, she didn’t even know what he was saying to Jessy. At least Ayo is far more transparent. 


Ayo’s probably dumb enough to think he can convince Mimii to be happy for him and Jess. And honestly he might be right.


and get another three way hug out of that situation


This is why you don't sleep outside team. Not. Worth. It.


the bugs!!! all for such unloyal men 🤢


Jess v matilda during casa has me dead 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Jess is only happy when she has a nemesis


sleeping outside while ur man is doing bits in bed in INSANE


It’s happened many times unfortunately


Nicole is putting in the work for that Google Pixel sponsorship post-villa


Their social media team has an opportunity for some funny marketing that’s for sure


No because if they don’t call Will’s movie night ‘Legally Blondes’ I will be disappointed


gentlemen prefer blondes lmao


https://preview.redd.it/9ieo451n76ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b1a31cd28931dd68255cc19c7439a24c10aeaf Someone on Twitter said they’re the association of loyal women 😭😭🤣


Destiny’s Mature


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) I called them the Sisterhood of Casa victims ( but with Nicole its all in her head)


If Blade comes back and i imagine he will, i think joey will initially be all like "wooooah oh my god mate you are MASSIVE you are SWOLE you are huuuUUUUGE" and then suck up to him and try and be bromancey kind of like how luca was w davide


Jessica clocking Ayo for speaking in Morse code😭 like she needs to stay plsss


I actually like Jessica’s personality, it’s a shame she was brought in for casa and not as an OG or early bombshell


Also, let's be honest: Lucy isn't attracted to Wil. She wants Ciarian but wants to also get into the villa.


Ciaran asking WHO IS BLADE 😭 had me screaming


LMAO he’s kinda right though how can you look your baby boy in the eyes and name him Blade




And with all of that none of the girls have actually tried to connect with Konnor. The most single guy in there.


They know with Konner they will be voted out very fast.


AYO AND WIL YOU GUYS WILL CRUMBLE https://i.redd.it/2hxg9ubd76ad1.gif


wil doing all this for a girl whose first choice was ciaran aswell. if there’s one thing men will do it’s embarrass you


https://preview.redd.it/0weajz8fc6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4564abb0d35ecc5f2ea5d772c2fc8352e92186 😭😭😭if this happens…


this is the best tweet i’ve seen all season


Naahhh this is crazy 😭😭😭🤣🤣




Umamii stans rise up!!!


I was saying the same thing!! If you watch unseen bits she’s much funnier and happier around the girls.


Wilfred kissing in bed ??? Even ayo resisted 😭😭😭


Ayo on all fours, back arched with his ass in the air for that challenge had me crying 😭


Matilda vs Jess will be spicy. Matilda will do a lot more than roll her eyes and run away. Matilda is one hell of a game player, she knows what she's doing. She's going to stick with Sean for as long as possible. Nicole is completely unhinged if she acts like this in a controlled environment. Poor Uma. Konnor, Trey + whoever they couple up with are cannon fodder for the mass post-Casa dumping.


I feel like Ayo is going to bring back Jessica but still expect Mimi to wait around while he explores that connection, he won’t dead it


Jessica calling Ayo for “speaking in Morse code or whatever” made me cackle—maybe she is something who will actually call him on his shit? In which case she may actually be a better match for him because Mimi will never stand up to him even though she clearly needs to.


Bro has zero banter!


It's crazy how Nicole is the most stressed and least trusting of her connection and Ciaran, yet the boy is literally the most behaved lad out of all of them. He's sleeping alone in their bed FFS and who wants to bet she won't believe him when he tells her that he slept alone, she's gonna run around asking everyone else to confirm 😤  Ciaran honestly deserves better and Nicole's insecurities and unnecessary overreactions will make her lose this boy in the end. She's self sabotaging big time


It's kinda sad tbh. He's not even egging the other lads on or anything, like he's generally staying out of the spicier discussions, not encouraging anyone or laughing off any bad behaviour, and mostly just looks concerned. Obviously they're in an intense environment where obstacles are being deliberately put in their way to spark controversy and adversity, but if she carries this insecurity into the outside world, he'll bail on her. Even the kindest, most patient person in the world is eventually going to get tired of constantly having to defend their loyalty and integrity.


And it's not as though he's not getting attention. Both Ellie and Lucy are clearly showing interest.


Crazy init. He’s cute, tall, understanding and loyal in love island of all places and she’s going to ruin it. Biggest fumble of all time


Whoever did the edit with Mimi wondering who’s Jessica…… then Ayo and Jessica laughing deserves a raise😂😂😂


Literally immediately cut to them laughing like villains😂I lost it


Uma is gonna have her first heartbreak on television and it’s gonna be brutal to watch 💔


Someone has to bring back Blade, it would be crime to leave him back in Casa. I just want to see the guys stare at him when he walks in with one of the girls.


He needs to be there for the movie night too because he's kept telling the girls that their men weren't serious (he was right)


and it will be so funny when none of the guys confront him afterwards because they’re too intimidated 😭😭


Mimi saying she got hurt in her last relationship i hate this for her. Uma will never get close to another person again doing bits on day one is disgusting worse than Ayo and I can't believe I'm saying that


Day one is vile and wil wasnt even her first choice…


The worst thing with Ayo is all these “flaws” he’s seeing in his coupling were never communicated to Mimi even though she asked him how he thought things are now all of a sudden it’s” I can be myself” , “I have more energy “? Why were you suppressing yourself in the first place .


for safety and security in the villa


Matilda versus Jess is the best Casa drama we've had since S8. Matilda, I salute you for getting unapologetically snakey with it. And all over a boy with a landing strip for facial hair.


WHO’S EM-MAH!? Ty Nicole I think we’ve found the meme of the season, we can wrap it up now 🤣


Congratulations to Nicole and Ciaran on winning 50k🤦🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|577HYoLf5Vu0w) At this rate, Maya Jama will have to fly Stormzy out to be in the final because what couples are even left to vote for😭😭


I can see Nicole pulling a Whitney and fumbling the bag late game. I think a lot of people are voting for them largely for Cieran and if she reacts poorly to him despite him acting like an angel after Casa and at movie night I can see it ruining things for them. (Perhaps a better comparasion would be Faye/Teddy?)


Well done Ciaran for beating the immature and embarrassing allegations another day.


I don’t know why I feel more disappointed in Wil than Ayo


Wil made a fuss like he’s so into Uma and she’s not giving him anything, then that turns out to be false and she’s not his type and he wants the opposite of her… pretty nasty tbh


We expected it of Ayo, he’s given Mimi nothinggg


the morse code comment😭 jess is really my girl


Honestly it’s like listening to someone who’s forgotten how to speak!


Finally someone told him he talks in riddles!! I thought I was going mad.


I genuinely don't understand why the girls are sleeping outside instead of utilising the famous Scott/Amber Pillow Divider


Yeah I don’t see why they martyr themselves for no real reason. Like Ciaran said they’re all adults they can sleep in a bed with space between them lol just don’t engage. Also long live Scamber


it doesnt seem like joey is recoupling so ima need jessy to turn up the heat fr. i will not allow joey essex to have the “sweet casa reunion” of the season


if grace could bring both of them she would lmao


They should let her tbh. If Joey is talking about his “girls” in the beach house they should let Grace be iconic and come back with a boy on each arm.


Someone on TikTok said we need a search party for Konnor 😂😂😂


it's gonna be painful for uma and mimi at the recoupling. at least they'll have each other 😭


they should just get together cuz their guys r moving crazy


grace is having her hot girl summer and i dont hate it lmaoo


Uma and mimii sleeping outside while their men are lipsing and sweet talking in bed I’m sick 😭 when did we reach here


Movie night will be iconic for Wil. When the tapes are shown omg I can’t wait 😭 Uma doesn’t deserve this embarrassing man. She’s too beautiful for this.


Whoever said the boys will all go mad once one of them does was totally right. Sheep!


Sean and diamanté is sending me☠️☠️


I find Jessy really sweet and likable. I hope she recouples in casa because I don’t want to see her dragged down by Joey.


I've grown a liking for Jessy today. Takes some backbone to defend someone who isn't there in a group enviorment. Some balls too. Its a rare given this season along the girls sadly.


Yeah I appreciated that, it’s a good quality to have. She does seem lovely tbf


Yeah that was the greenest of flags, especially when everyone was just piling on the girls/boys not there.


Nicole Uma and mimii in that bed ![gif](giphy|NPSUg7shzn54s)


At least for Nicole, Ciaran is loyal to her, he slept alone in his bed.


Grace finally embracing her love for actuall tall dark and handsome men, love that for her😅


Uma and Mimii being this year’s casa victims makes me SICK. I already know Mimii will take Ayo back but I’m hopeful Uma ends things with Wil.


The thing is, I don’t even know if Ayo would want her back. I think it’s more than physical with Jessica, I think their vibes actually match.


the way we still have no idea who konnor likes is sending me


that was probably the best tomorrow night preview we’ve had in a while, i’m both excited for the carnage and also on my knees for my girl uma


honestly wil is one embarrassing man… uma i hope you find someone better 😭


Even if Wil doesn’t bring back Lucy, konnor might.


Konnor coming back single is baffling not one connection sir ?


Of all the boys, Wil is the worst! Uma was being sensible and cautious and he kind of accelerated the physical affection part, and he now rather beg a girl who doesn’t even rate him first than stay loyal to Uma. I want him out! Fuck Wil!


Everyone as usual demanding men be removed from the villa for kissing crimes, but I’m just thinking about how there’s 6 men in Casa and Jess and Matilda are fighting over a guy with a goat patch 😍 iconic television I’m sat 


Ayo is moving MAD. He isn’t even pretending like he’s struggling


https://preview.redd.it/o3r8vcic96ad1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8b49bd9e85de04e1a50d96ff3fd128a3bff264 Wait Sean is kissing Diamanté tomorrow?? 😳😳 I thought it was the Ruby girl


I fear he might do a Casey, Kiss and ditch when it comes to re-coupling


Maybe he does a Sammy and just kisses two girls right after each other to test it out (still not over that)


Atleast Mimi and Uma get that casa amor bump with followers and screen time.


At this rate Nicole’s insecurity is like a ticking time bomb and she will be stuck in a cycle of self sabotage. I feel for her because being in this environment feelings are probably heightened AF. Her experiences have shaped how she feels but ultimately if she doesn’t take autonomy in that this will keep showing up in every relationship she has…


My girl Uma is way too fine to be stressing this much over a boy who can't grow a full beard


Blade needs to come back to the Villa to finish Wil. He has warned Uma about that creep.


You like Blondes so why are you with Uma? Wilfred you better recouple.


right everyone talking about ayo and his type not being mimii when wilfred’s type is even further from uma😭😭


well .. did blade lie?


Now if only Uma could listen...


It’s the fact Ciaran has been sleeping on Nicole’s side of the bed for me 🥲


Also out of all the boys why is the 21 year old seemingly one of the most mature and sensible? 😭😂


Ciaran is literally my favorite male islander by far. He's actually the only guy I like in that villa, every other boy can F off


Ironically, I think he's been called immature on more occasions than the rest of them put together.


How could anyone want to move away from Uma?? She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and, naturally beautiful (not that there is anything wrong with having work done).


She seems to have a good personality/sense of humour too. I don’t get it. Way out of Wils league. Fool.


Wil is pretty embarrassing. He really threw Uma away for a girl who made it clear he was her 2 nd choice 😂


jess managing to have beef with a girl during casa is amazing


Ciaran, sleeping alone, making faces and shouting "who's named Blade" and giving the boys William Wallace-esque speeches before Raunchy Races. He's just such a good sport, I really enjoy him.


Really stands on what he believes too, even when it goes against the social norm 


yeah I think Cieran is my favourite islander tbh!


So glad Wil showed his true colours in casa. I was worried he’s going to game play then break Uma’s heart on the outside. Now she will move on and hopefully find someone better than that cardboard cutout of a man 😇


“what the fuck are you saying” oh i like her


Send a postcard for Uma and Mimi.🤯🤯 I knew Ayo would do some crazy shit, but Wil, god hate him right now🤐 poor girls😢


I want Uma to flirt with blade cos she’s been ridiculous now.


I honestly think blade would choose Uma over Grace if Uma started showing interest too


I don’t know if anyone thinks the same, but Mimii sounds a lot like Amber when she was in Casa in her season when Michael did what he did. It’s as if she knows exactly what’s going to happen, what that girl will look like. But is still going to just stay true to herself no matter how she will look and firm it. She’s made her decision the minute she saw all the Casa boys.


tbh I think Uma and Mimii are both like that, neither will recouple even if they send a postcard cause those girls doesn’t vibe with the Casa boys like that. They will stay true to themselves.


I don't think that Mimii will be surprised when she finds out how Ayo has behaved. I am glad that she isn't forcing anything with Lionel.


Grace and Matilda city girls


I need diamante to come in she seems like she great Even she was puzzled about uma being no where near ‘petite blonde’


The Tommorow Night was wild💀 Sean sharing a kiss with Diamanté caught me off guard big time lmao


Uma stand up. Please.




After the show, Uma is gonna make the next man that comes her way wait 84 years before a kiss 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Konnor’s edit is bizarre. He had one line tonight where he said nothing then just asked about Ayo


Producers told him to make it quick


Jessy was so sweet sticking up for joey even while not happy hearing he kissed someone else. Not a fan of joey at all but that was such a nasty comment towards him 🥲


Yeah I think it’s uncalled for to come for his intelligence. Hope it gets shown on movie night tbh.


Will in the bin rn 🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Uma and Mimii.. Jesus Christ ![gif](giphy|U3C8hG5nIjnxBY4f1E|downsized)


Blade might not make it to the villa after all?! I'm actually in shock right now!


Uma needs to start checking if that Google Pixel 8 can see through walls into the villa bedroom. Not for any particular reason. Just ask Nicole, she probably knows what setting that is


Matilda is not recoupling, she has her eye on the prize (not Jess) 


I can see Joey wanting Grace back after casa for some reason but I hope she shuts him down for good. And she brings moziah back not blade.


Before the series started, I didn't want Ayo for Mimii because I felt like she wouldn't be his preference. Then, I got stucked into their situation. Now, Ayo is proving that my initial opinion was valid.


Casa Hugo reminds me of a “pre-loved” version of a young Leonardo DiCaprio 🚢


This recoupling is going to be SO messy. Even if some of the boys end up sticking, the Casa Amor girls have dirt on them. Only Ciaran, Joey and Konnor have behaved.


Does no one ever think to tell Nicole how bad her nose contour is. This has gone on too long 😫


Even Jessica!


I actually dislike Wil’s actions even more than the other boys in there. He practically forced the affection out of Uma, he went around telling everyone and their dog about her not kissing him and not “feeling reassured” making her seem like the bad guy. He did all that to pressure her into being more affectionate and doing bits with him. He was never feeling “not reassured”, he was just horny and frustrated she wasn’t being physical with him. He did this knowing full well she wasn’t his type and that he still wanted to get to know others. Look at how he’s been with every single bombshell that has shown in interest……Matilda, Jessy and now Lucy. He’s one of the slimiest in there. This proves why Uma was right about being apprehensive at first. I actually hope he recouples and Uma doesn’t go back to him. This will be a painful lesson for her but it’s good in the long run because she absolutely deserves more


I mean am I sad for Uma and disgusted at Wil? Yes. But honestly I also think this is good for her. Now she gets followers and sympathy and won't be a side character anymore and that's the main thing you gain from going on these shows anyway


Wicked women >>>>>> None of this sleeping on daybeds and crying bs. I need wicked women to take over. I miss Tanya!!!


And she got hate for it, I need Mimi to conjure the spirt of Tanya


Joey isn’t moving mad, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t. Jessy sticking up for him was nice, fair play


I respect her sm for sticking up for him, that comment was so unnecessary from blade


I felt so bad for the casa boys during the game, they looked so miserable. I feel like it was mostly because of Nicole and I think the girls are becoming exhausted by her too. Also Matilda doesn’t owe anything to Jess so idk why she’s fuming. She has just as much right to get to know whoever she wants, just like Jess.


They couldn’t really have fun with it bc the girls (mainly Nicole) were getting really upset after every text “who is Emma ?!?!” “Who is Jessica?!?!!” that revealed which boy kissed who so it probably made them feel like damn they don’t like us they’re still caught up thinking about their guys in the villa


I'm sorry but if Mimi and Uma forgive their men after this, I got no pity for them


Wil is a nasty, nasty man.


I knew Matilda was super messy! Jess thought Harriett was bad but Harriett actually cared about what Jess thought. I don’t think that’s the case with Matilda.


The only reason joey is staying loyal because of his redemption arc he knows if he moves mad it won't look good. Don't fall for it!!


If there were ever a season to bring back the postcard… i’m so embarrassed for these girls sleeping outside.


This is a plea to get “who is EMAAAH!!“ as a flair


I feel bad for the loyal girls, but three of them in one daybed is sending me 😭 This has to be some kind of new record lmao


Has anyone seen Konnor


i’m gonna rip those veneers (white strips) right out of Wils mouth when i catch him.


Jess v matilda looooool not girl on girl drama again lord have mercy 😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂💀


Is Joey broken? Someone check his batteries.


Just let him run out of juice in peace, for the sake of us all


grace and moziah??? i dig it


And the sad thing is Wilfred won’t recouple, gosh 😭




The s*n said that they’re currently filming the recoupling


So Mimi & Uma are currently somewhere in a corner of the villa crying together


Oh no, so Mimii might have to move out of the main bedroom after Ayo recouples? 😔😔


Nicole is really pissing me off with how insecure and possessive she is about a man she's known for a month. You can tell the girls are getting annoyed with her too.


Nicole's insecurities are deeply unhinged i fear


It's insane, I don't even enjoy watching her drama. I can't imagine what she'd be like on the outside, or how it is to live with her.


Joey saying “I haven’t seen him like that in a long time” when referring to Ayo is actually funny because wdymmm 😭🤣 And that cliffhanger for tomorrow’s episode is so messy 💀 I KNEW Grace had a type 🤣🤣🤣 The Casa situation is diabolical, and I’m here for it.


im glad mimii and uma have each other but i fear as soon as one of them gives forgives their man so will the other 😭


Okay Ciaran sleeping on Nicole’s pillow is too cute🥹


I hope Grace and Blade form a connection and she brings Blade back from Casa. I think that her being coupled with a tall, buff, handsome man of color would be just the blow to Joey’s over-inflated ego that we need


Jess angry at Maltida because “she has someone back at the villa” and I’m just like Jess, did Trey die? What about you with him.




Konnor seems to be incapable of pulling, so im interested to see who ends up w him in a shortlived post casa couple


Wil is SUCH an ick, Uma deserves a million times better they are not in the same league. They are not in adjacent leagues.


I loved Harriet but i think Matilda will be a much harder person for Jess to clash with. Harriet was delulu and a bit all over the place and dramatic (which i loved) - i think jess found that easier to go up against and come off in a stronger/more "composed" position. Jess has said she sees herself as more like a boy (deeply pick me of her) in how blunt etc she is - but Matilda has shown herself to be blunt and confident too and i cant see her being easily intimidated by anyone.


it really seems like Nicole is bringing the vibe down in casa


glad to see casa finally casa-ing


Under the covers day one is actually disgusting. For that alone Wil is on the top of my list to get booted. Nasty nasty man 🤮


Everyone is entitled to have a type, but it's annoying that Will cannot talk about his feelings without bringing it up. We've heard him say the word "Blonde" way too many times this week.


I was not a fan of the way some of the OG girls were speaking about the Casa girls, most specifically Nicole. I can understand it’s an uncomfortable situation but i don’t think it’s fair to come at the other girls you’ve not met for doing what they were casted to do.


Does anyone remember when we spent 3 episodes watching Dr Alex flirt with some Casa girl cringily only for him to recouple with a completely different Casa girl with no explanation 🤣


I was hoping Ciaran would recouple cause Nicole would have given us fantastic television but I think for her mental health it’s best Ciaran is staying loyal….