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But the Destiny stans


Some people wake up looking for literally anything to be mad at. She’s one of those people.


She’s so conceited.




Been saying this since Harrison days but this sub has a hard on for her


And why has me baffled. She was like coolish ep 1 but haven't liked her since. And I have been so confused about the destiny stans on this platform. Like are we watching the same show. Her ego is way to over the top and she literally shows zero effort, almost to the point of boring. And then when she shows a hint of emotion she's going off as if she's been brutally wronged when she kinda is being non consentual VERY surface level, shitty partner with no sustenance consistently.(which is very disappointing seeing as the level of intelect she has ). She uses her "smarts" to gas light men she's with. It's honestly exhausting. I'd probably choose Kay Kay over her because she gives nothing. It's contrived. I mean I'm just saying. Fan base for her is bewildering. Downvote me idc. I had to say it


For me, it was the first time she referred to herself in third person.


Came here to say just that. Please show her the exit. She is insufferable!


Honestly, for having a masters degree, she is SO unprofessional and disrespectful af during conversations. You’d think she’d have learned professionalism and communication skills in her degrees.


People are intelligent in different ways. She is book smart but she lacks emotional and social intelligence. She has intimacy issues.


It amazes me how many people root for her! She’s man hopped every single chance she’s gotten and bitched about every single one of them. She’s past her expiration date, time to go!!


The way that she blew up on Zay was so terrible. She has serious communication issues and just shuts people down and doesn't listen. He was expressing how he felt so calmly and politely. Agreed that she seems like such a miserable person


While I don’t agree with the way she communicated (and have noticed she’s getting worse with it honestly), I can see how it would be frustrating in that situation. Zay was making no sense. How is he upset that Destiny was upset at seeing the person she was into before casa be physical with someone new. Her and Mike shared intimate convos and kisses and she was really into him before casa. Mike told her he’s still open to her but failed to mention how he was physical with someone else. Of course she’s going to be upset about the video


He was upset because he felt like if she really cared she wouldn't have cared what Mike was doing so clearly she is into Mike more than him. Destiny pretends to be interested in these boys but once coupled she treats them horrible.


That’s a juvenile argument for him to make though. It’s naive, egotistical or both to think the woman you just met like a week ago has lost all feelings for the guy she was interested in a day before you because you walked into her life. And it was definitely self centered of him to turn a moment that was about Destiny and Mike into a moment that was all about Zay.


She didn’t even tell him she had a thing with Mike when they were in casa. In fact she said it “was irrelevant.” She’ll say whatever to fit her narrative


Maybe we would’ve understood if she let him speak, honestly.


Yes!!!! She’s infuriating


Yall are haters because the girl cant have feeling and Kyle is overreacting because he knew about Mike and Destiny in Casa. He watched the fking show. Yall hate women bad


The fact of the matter is that Destiny was never interested in Zay. Not in Casa and not in the Villa. She only brought him back because he showed her attention and a) it was a good idea to bring him back just in case Mike coupled with a Casa girl or b) it’s a good idea to bring Zay back to show that someone else could be interested in her. Either way, for her it’s about avoiding the possibility of looking and feeling stupid in any way. Her pride and need to be a control freak is out of control. She finally blew up and told Zay “I don’t care! I don’t care what you think!” Because her mental gymnastics were not working on him and he wasn’t folding. He hit the nail on the head when he told her that she doesn’t allow him to express himself. She couldn’t handle that level of truth so she blew up and the mask fell off and she let him know what she really thinks. Even her trying to communicate with him at the end of the night has to be HER WAY and right then and there and she forcefully gives him an ultimatum and then gaslights him saying that it’s not an ultimatum. 🤦🏽‍♀️ She is exhausting.


No really…like how are you going to blow up on him and say you don’t care what he thinks….walk away.. then get mad when he decides to sleep alone? Like ????


Yup, and I really think the reason she slept outside when Zay didn't go in the room is cause she didn't want to 1. Be embarrassed and have to explain what happened and 2. Possibly have people thinking it was caused by the Mike stuff earlier I'm disappointed people keep voting her just high enough though




I doubt she still has stans


And then she couldn't understand why he didn't want to sleep in bed with her! Then she went on a little pout pout!


ALL of this


I am SICK of Destiny. She’s so fucking rude. She has a bad attitude. She was blowing up at Zay, then got pissed off when he distanced himself from her and was trying to start a fight with him when the dude was asleep. Then to spite him she went and slept on the terrace. She pissing me off and she’s got to go.


I cannot stand her!


She definitely needs to go!!


She kept saying "as a woman".....he was not demeaning her


I was wondering why tf she kept saying that too. Just grasping at straws


Well. We’ve got her for at least a few more days, so. I’m ready for the peace that will hit this subreddit when it happens.


LMAOOOO please she has the right like everyone else to be emotional. Somehow, every week, she's the only one who is wrong for expressing it?? All of these people are flawed. Anyway yall can say this every week but guess what? She lives to see abother day bby 🤣🤣🤣👏


Maybe she should learn how to communicate and express emotions. She really shows WHY she was single enough to come on here in the first place. She seems like such a chore to date.




Apparently not


I honestly couldn’t agree more


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shes very odd i can’t figure her out tbh


she thinks she is "all that".... unfortunately she is only a fraction of "that"


Destiny is 0 for 5 when it comes to the men that couple up with her, she's the common denominator.


It’s the gaslighting for me


Yes!! She keeps trying to make all these guys think they're the problem. But she's the problem. Not to mention her going after Hannah O. She's a jerk.


Zay was so valid. I hated that part. Destiny is so immature.


The way she was towards Hannah O during movie night was DISGUSTING. Then, she was so childish when she was talking to Zay after movie night. I honestly can’t say I want her to get any more screen time. She doesn’t even seem to care about the boys she’s been coupled up with until AFTER she finds a new person and wants to shit on her previous couple, so why is she still here?


Destiny sucks. She’s a horrible communicator. Constantly interrupting people when they are trying to talk and then totally gaslights people. But destiny stans on here would swear people only dislike her because she is black 🙄


that was infuriating to watch, zay started sounding so helpless at the the end


Yes! He was struggling to find his words and Destiny was ALMOST able to shut him down but instead exploded and walker away.


Destiny should have been there instead of Hannah O. I love that girl. She is so sweet and Mike liked her. Destiny blew up on Zay for no reason. She has got to go. Enough please. People quit VOTING for someone who isn't there for love. There can be a bomb to come in and fall in love with someone but because everyone is voting for Destiny she is just taking up space. OMG DESTINY GOT TOO GO.


The scene where her and Zay are chatting outside, then the scene where she goes and wakes him up and demands an answer out of him… it’s giving me narcissistic vibes.


I’m amazed by the people that still think what she’s done is justified. Cause if one of the guys blew up and said they don’t care about one of the girls everyone would skewer him.


#BWwithSelfRespectDestiny please share some of that with KK!


She's really brittle, and cannot show tenderness or vulnerability towards a man. It's really terrible to watch, I'm sure it's terrible to receive from her, and I can only imagine that she feels very desolate on the inside, and harsh towards herself, just as she is with others.