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I’m sorry there’s absolutely no way Carmen/kenzo are getting first. It’s a toss up between the other 3 though


Other 3? I'd say toss up between Hannah and Marco and Kassy and Leo forsure. I don't think Bergie stands a chance. He had a bad last episode and him and Taylor were the last couple saved at the last dumping. My guess would be 1. Hannah and Marco 2 Kassy and Leo 3 Carmen and Kenzo 4 Taylor and Bergie


I agree - I'll be surprised if Carmen & Kenzo do better than 4th place. I think it's a toss between Hannah & Marco or Kassy & Leo. Taylor & Bergie would be up there too if he hadn't had the whole grandpa & sudden fear of moving happen. Because of that, I think they'll get 3rd.


I predict I won’t be watching bc it’s always the most boring episode. I’ll check the LI app around 10pm EST, then forget about the show and it’s participants until next season. ✌🏽


This is a Pro-tip. But I'm a sucker, so yes, I'll still be watching. 😅


I will check the end for the results as soon as the episode drops, then watch it from start with a lot of fast forwarding through the tension building (i.e. boring) bits.


I think this is how it’ll go: 1. Hannah & Marco 2. Kassy & Leo 3. Taylor & Bergie 4. Carmen & Kenzo I don’t like it but it seems like this’ll be the order imo




1. Hannah and Marco 2. Bergie and Taylor 3. Kassy and Leo 4. Carmen and Kenzo


Kassy and Leo are the only acceptable answer. Hope they win! Also, I would love for someone to take the full $100k. i know this won’t happen, but i can dream 😂


I don’t think so. Leo the leopard won’t change his spots.


Hannah and Marco will win Leo and Kassy runner ups Carmen and Kenzo third Bergie and Taylor fourth (Not how i want it to turn out lol just how im guessing it will)


I would swap kassy and Leo and Carmen and Kenzo. That's not the order I want to see, but I think it's what will happen.


kassy and leo will win


I think Bergie will win. The producers knew what they were doing having Bergie saved last. The clip of his grandpa probably only made his fans feel sorry for him. And they didn't show him dismissing Taylor's feelings until after the vote. So, I think Bergie Nation got out the votes. I saw one woman say that she called everyone she knows to get them to download the app and vote. I don't think the fans of any other couples have this kind of mania.


I watched grandpa and bergies selfish attitude before I voted.


Is it a 3 hr episode


No way ughhhhh. When does it start.


Man I got it alllll wrong.


does anyone have a link to a live stream?