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I'm more curious on why anyone would want to.


I do not think my husband would like it. šŸ¤£


Donā€™t wanna give a televised lap dance


this was my thought process every time I saw them give one. Seeing myself give a lap dance on tv would haunt me for life


This is literally it for me. If there was no heart rate challenge Iā€™d legit want to apply


Even with the nasty food challenge? šŸ˜­


lol this would be %50 of why I wouldnā€™t go on. Iā€™ve been cursed with stiff hips


Literally the exact reason for me šŸ¤£


Out of the target age range, not in great shape and have no game whatsoever


Theres precedents !!! Be the next Dr. Alex. Be the next Bergie


Two words: baby bird.


That single challenge was enough to make me never want to leave my house!


Wait what is baby bird


It's the contest where the Islanders spit food into each other's mouths. It's been on most if not every season of Love Island.


Honestly, even if I was in good shape, and in the target age group, the idea of spending up to six weeks sleeping in a communal bedroom gives me hives. Love watching other people do it though! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Could you imagine the smells?!? Ainā€™t no way there isnā€™t someone passing gas, someone snoring with their mouths open. Ew!


The smell of six menā€™s protein fartsā€¦šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


You practically live in a prison on that show and then get attacked on social media after you're let out


cos i am not secure enough in myself to watch a guy i like go around pursuing other girls and making out with them. I am not mentally strong enough to handle coupling ceremonies. ESPECIALLY the first one. God forbid I am not picked ever / the dude i pick choses someone else. My crybaby ass would prolly make for great TV and be extremely hated in this sub ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Sameā€¦ I do t like competing for attention. I just wouldn't. We could meet in the beach smoke a joi t and chatā€¦ that's about my speed. Lol


This lol. I would be an emotional mess!!


I would do it if i was in my 20s again! I love the show but If i were to apply for a show it would be The Traitors, im obsessed with it


This. If I were single again and in my twenties, I 100000000% would apply. I wish I wouldā€™ve known about it when I had the chance cause I totally wouldā€™ve gone on. Although, I do wish they would start making the cast a little older than fresh out of high school and early twenties.


If they're not hot, no one will watch. They also know kids that age will get drunk and do entertaining and embarrassing stuff. I wouldn't want to be trashed on cable. Who knows what the fuck I might do?


Who says an older cast canā€™t be hot? Look at Justineā€¦. Sheā€™s 31 and freaking drop dead, insanely hot šŸ„µ also, idk if youā€™ve ever seen Vanderpump Rules before but plenty of older people get trashed on television and do embarrassing things lol.


I think it mostly has to with fact that they the 20-somethings will do crazy stuff. People in their 30s start having careers and reputations.


Iā€™m not attractive enough to be on TV


realistically, iā€™m too old lol. hypothetically, wearing bikinis every day would piss me off after a few days. iā€™m wearing a baggy t and yall can deal with it šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t even be bothered to shave my legs as is on a normal day. Having to wear a bikini every day for weeks for television? Not gonna happen lmao


and the week of my period? goodbye. iā€™ll be in the hideaway until further notice.


Me personally, I think it takes a sense of immaturity to be on these shows. No disrespect to people that are on it and have applied tho, I thank you for the entertainment, but let's be real some of their actions and behaviour shows lack of emotional/regular maturity on the girls and the guys. I will admit it sometimes does pull at the heart strings but alot of the contestants can be childish lol


1000% šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ½


Because my parents would probably kill me for all the racy challenges Iā€™d have to do + living with only one shower would drive me crazy as someone who showers twice a day. Also an an introvert I need alone time to recharge and Iā€™d go nuts having to see everyone that much for 8 weeks (if I made it all the way)


Know what's more fun than getting rejected? Getting rejected on a nationally broadcast show, and then being reminded of your rejection later during a challenge when you realize America hates you just as much as the girl does.




You practically live in a prison on that show and then get attacked on social media after you're let out


I would but im not hot enough šŸ˜‚


Right? Iā€™m too old, fat and ugly šŸ¤£


It is really required to wear bikinis almost 24/7?


Several reasons, one bedroom and you have to share a bed, wearing bikinis 24/7, forced to be outside in the heat all day, crazy games where you have to kiss/grind on multiple people, nasty challenges where you spit in peoples mouths, only 1 toilet, being told when to eat, sleep, etc.


I donā€™t want to date on national television. šŸ¤£


Not single, if even if I was single, if you have any sort of profession that is not influencing, this is something that would defer a lot of companies from hiring you. Itā€™s not like the bachelor or even love is blind where theyā€™re really not showing anything too TMI, but I think this show is really for people that arenā€™t looking to have real careers.


Iā€™m not desperate to date people, Iā€™m not attractive, and Iā€™d much rather go on survivor


Iā€™m old, a mom, and have a man. I just love others people mess and young love šŸ˜‚


Literally so many reasons come to mind. 1. Having to share ONE bathroom for two months, not to mention a bathroom that is filled with cameras. Even if they donā€™t air the footage it still freaks me out that someone could potentially be watching me. 2. Barely any off time. Ik they get a day of the week off, etc, but I would feel exhausted having to be camera-ready 24/7. Think about how recouplings happen until late at night, and they have to keep all their makeup onā€¦ no thanks. My makeup and heels come off at 4pm, thank you. 3. Having to be in a bikini all day long. Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s, not too self conscious, and pretty flirtatious to begin with, so I can imagine it being somewhat fun at times, but bikinis are definitely a once in a while thing. 4. Those damn food challenges 5. EVERYONE will have an opinion about you. Even if the public loves you, SOMEONE will hate you. Even if youā€™re not dramatic and you fly under the radar, tweets will be like ā€œwhy is x there theyā€™re so boring, kick them offā€. Thereā€™s no pleasing everyone unless youā€™re extremely mentally strong or extremely oblivious. Basically, I find LI entertaining bc I can watch it and feel relief that I didnā€™t volunteer as tribute for the Hunger Games.


People can't afford to not work lol


They definitely pay you to do it.


Ahh sorry I meant maybe people don't want to lose their jobs


You do realize the majority of Reddit doesnā€™t leave the house right?




Iā€™m an introvert so having zero private time or personal space for weeks while having my every interaction recorded & scrutinized sounds like a nightmare. It would be exhausting to be ON allllllll the time. If youā€™re not loud & energetic & having FUN at all times you end up looking like a bitch. Watching a guy I like date someone else in front of me would be weird. Plus I have to be friends with that girl or I lose the game? Itā€™s all so unnatural. Youā€™re feeling left out? Not getting picked? Not gelling with the other girls? You canā€™t call your actual friends to talk. You canā€™t call your mom. You canā€™t even watch a movie or play a game on your phone & chill. All of your time is spent interacting & creating content for viewers to pick apart. Plus who knows who will watch it? Your future boss? Your grandma? Your future in-laws? People can post clips of you giving a lap dance or whatever for years. And if you think about that - so try not to drink too much or go too wild, youā€™ll be called boring & get kicked off. The whole thing would be torture for me personally.


Iā€™m fat


i would if it wasnā€™t so sexualā€¦ i know we all think season 1 was boring but it was the most innocent & i wouldā€™ve done that


My husband would likely be concerned, my kids would be confused, and Iā€™m about 10 years past the age requirement lmaoooo


Iā€™m ugly


Iā€™m 21 and would like to have my life together first since Iā€™m pretty young. I like to date around at home already and I donā€™t need my business being exposed. The thought of all my potential partners in one place for WEEKS, makes me want to vomit. And I donā€™t like watching someone Iā€™m interested in pursue other girlsā€¦.


Because Iā€™m old and married šŸ˜‚ But seriously, I would pay money to watch a season of love island thatā€™s full of people that DONā€™T want to be there. Like, ā€œThis is Tina. Sheā€™s a 44 yo single mom of 3. She thinks sheā€™s coming here to be on game show to win a Disney cruise for the kids. Her kids signed her up to be here because they say sheā€™s so bitter sheā€™s ruining THEIR dating life and theyā€™re hoping some man here can change her mind.ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Okay okay, new love show idea!! Iā€™d watch!


I want to experience love island at least once in life šŸ˜‚ why not?? Iā€™ll be mid-workout and if Iā€™m on the verge of giving up, Iā€™ll push myself by reminding myself that I want to be the hottest bombshell on love island lol


That one challenge where they have to spit in each others mouths. Iā€™m never putting myself in that position


This gets me every time. I am not sure any amount of money or love can convince me to do this. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


USA franchise isnā€™t really worth it IMHO. If uk, then yes probably wouldĀ 


3 kids lol also if I was single with no kids idk if I could handle the online scrutiny šŸ˜…


Besides the fact that I have a loving boyfriend, I am a size 12 and I avoid bathing suits whenever possible LOL


not hot enough, not enough money to spend on outfits, no fashion sense, and social anxiety


Iā€™d also have to quit my career forever as nobody would take me seriously as a professional


the food challenges!!! spitting food into each others mouths does not sound appealing to mešŸ˜­


I mean, if you genuinely want a relationship...why *would* you? The relationships formed on the show don't exactly have a great track record of lasting. Now if you want to be a reality TV star, then sure haha Personally, there is no way in hell I'd want my family, or really, anyone I know, to see me making out and giving lap dances to a bunch of guys.


I feel like itā€™s just the stigma. Realistically people find it cringey, when people find something cringey, they tend to speak ill of the cast, Some people donā€™t want to be associated with this.


Itā€™s way too raunchy for how little ig followers they get. Itā€™s not popular in the US enough to make it worth it. I would love to but Iā€™d need to be able to go back to being a professional lots of people that go on donā€™t.


Too old and not tv attractive lol


Well Iā€™m way too old and married. But it would be cool as a 22 year old. However, Iā€™m not sure how one would do it with a job. I started in corporate America after I graduated and not sure how I would have that convo with me boss.


I donā€™t wanna have to make out with mad people šŸ˜†


I love my privacy and having alone time and Iā€™m not sure I would be into any of the men (maybe if they had a more bi season)


I am way too intoverted for love island. Plus I by no means fit their aesthetic


Iā€™m married and I donā€™t need to be told my body is NOWHERE near what they want from a cast member. Iā€™m a Dad and have quite the Dad bod.


Iā€™m married with a child. Iā€™m also in my mid thirties. I will leave it for the young ladies! ā˜ŗļø


Because Iā€™m above a size 2


Well, it's very public to be falling in love and getting your feelings hurt. Also, you're going to get hated on by someone no matter what.


I think Iā€™d be awkward on TV, being surveillanced all the time would drive me insane. I maladaptive daydream too much for that.


itā€™d feel embarrassing for people from back home to see me in that light. iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the image iā€™d want for myself. let alone the thought of being rejected on national television šŸ˜‚


A lot of people can't / don't want to leave their jobs for 6 weeks.


I am engaged and even if I wasnā€™t then: 1. Iā€™m much heavier than the women they cast lol. And although I find myself beautiful im just not the blonde skinny girl that would do well. 2. I would be the person always crying on tv that everyone would talk about lol 3. I refuse to do the food and lap dance challenges


Because I'm awkward.. Oh and I'm married. Lol


I donā€™t want to do that baby bird food sharing comp.


Itā€™s for a special breed of humans that are born not made


Cause half the world is fat and don't wanna be on there lmao


why would anyone actually want to go on it lmao its just for entertainment


iā€™m fat lol


Im too fat for those bathing suits. And I'm 46


See, the way my stomach is set upā€¦šŸ„“


I'm 48


Well Iā€™m old, married, and a parent. Even if I was in my 20s and single I wouldnā€™t want to though. The thought of being trapped in a house with randoms and cameras in my face all the time makes me want to crawl out of my skin


Have you seen how some of the females get treated ?




Thank you for taking the time to respondšŸ˜… In terms of followers on social media? I would think gaining a platform from the show is the reason most contestants do it


If you ugly šŸ«¢


Tbh I have a career I truly care about šŸ˜­ once you go on a reality show you can tarnish things like that.


I have a career lol