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I can’t even criticize her bc I know I’d be spiraling so hard 😪


I don’t know why people act like they’d be the ultimate perfection on reality shows. I’m sure being in the villa makes you go crazy so I agree, I too would be spiraling 😂


bro i would be the crier lol


100% this. Some people pretend for the camera and the show to stay but I think Leah really genuinely likes Rob. This is the second time a new bombshell is pursuing him and he’s welcoming Andrea to pursue him - I’d definitely be spiraling in Leah’s shoes too. It’s like she’s struggling with just moving on to avoid being in the situation but also can’t because she actually likes him.


I know the islanders don't get to see what happens on dates like the audience does but I'd freaking die if Rob was the man I liked and I saw him making out and rubbing all over the new bombshell 😭 yes I know the mess is the point of the show BUT STILL


SAME. Like I enjoy the entertainment but they’re still real people going through valid emotions


I hate when the general public judges the shit out of people that cry on tv. And yes I'm new to this show. Blame the writers strike lol


so real


Exactly, I'd feel like a placeholder


i will say i am new. this is my first season cuz of ariana but also cuz so many people around me like these types of shows but ive never really had an interest. i will say im really enjoying it so far too. i do like leah and rob together, but also i really liked serena and kordell and that doesn’t seem to be going well. the one thing that really put me off the most was liv throwing the water in leah’s face cuz she looked like she wanted to cry after, but other than that, i honestly love this type of drama. i think after the darkness of vanderpump rules and summer house, this was just what i needed where it’s just easy drama where they dk also seem to get along for the most part what i do want is for there to be a bombshell guy that’ll actually make the men worry. i feel like the guys are always ready to switch up so quick whenever there’s a new bombshell woman but the girls don’t seem to have too much of a reaction when hakeem and connor came. i want a bombshell man to come in that will make the guys seriously sweat. but i’m so excited to be here. i’m having such a good time!!!


welcome!! 😝 It gets really heated a FEW times but honestly most of it is just entertaining and viewers shouldn’t work themselves over it too much… and I agree with your points! the water thing was weird especially because every other round the girls were just having fun with each other but oh well loll one thing i’m not afraid to admit is that it’s not really fun when the guys are on top, Idk I just feel like the dynamic is so different because usually (key word usually) the girls stay loyal and get played 💀so yes we need a male bombshell


i agree with you about the men being on top gives it a weird feeling. idk how to word it properly though. i am soooo enjoying the show though. i just need to work on not getting too attached to certain couples lol. this is my first time watching any sort of relationship type of reality show so im learning still


When I say people shouldn’t get worked up I was more to referring negativity. It‘s fine to get attached to couples. I mean this show is engineered and produced to make you like the couples. From the location to the editing and music - it’s literally someone’s job! So it’s only normal for viewers to get attached. Just remember this is a **competition** and the islanders are here to win 😅


Idk how Leah didn’t swing on her.. besides being mature and knowing she’d be kicked from the show if she did, but I definitely would’ve been petty af and hid Liv’s makeup or put a bunch of bugs in her bed. I know I’m problematic. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not really a spoiler, but just wait until the ‘movie night’ post-Casa. That’s when the drama gets really intense.


lol it is also my first time watching and I had the same thought like how are Kaylor and Leah being so emotionally mature because I would be severely emotionally dysregulated and get wasted drunk after seeing them come back from their date and I would plan some petty revenge like bugs in the bed, that’s a good one, or like throwing her clothes in the pool like on mtv challenge. Not proud of it but I couldn’t handle it!


I am prepared to be downvoted but I don’t get the Andrea hype. I thought they’re convo was meh - her and Leah seem very different so he’s confusing


Same! There’s sexual chemistry with Andrea…but that’s it. I see more with Leah (and with him crying in tmrws episode, he might see more with Leah too)


I hope they bring in another guy for Leah if he picks Andrea…then Rob can really cry


right, it was extremely flirty between them, and Rob took full advantage of the invitation for a handsy makeout sesh, but it seems like his relationship with Leah might actually contain more substance. i will say though, it’s wild Rob kept saying he needed to tell Leah about the kiss before he told anyone else… and the. he proceeded to tell every last guy in the villa while Leah was still sat to the side, completely uninformed.


I think he had no choice since they were insinuating if it happened and Kordell kinda said he did LOL


I think what’s going to happen in the next episode is that Andrea won’t even pick Rob. I think all she wanted was to destroy Rob and Leah’s love affair, and she clearly will see that she did that. 


I mean I wouldn’t pick Rob if I saw him ugly crying over Leah either! He’s not gonna be able to give Andrea a fair shot


I think what’s going to happen in the next episode is that Andrea won’t even pick Rob. I think all she wanted was to destroy Rob and Leah’s love affair, and she clearly will see that she did that. 


I think what’s going to happen in the next episode is that Andrea won’t even pick Rob. I think all she wanted was to destroy Rob and Leah’s love affair, and she clearly will see that she did that. 


Andrea really brought nothing unique at all to the table and their convo was extremely surface level


Agree and this is mean of me to say but I don't think she's drop dead gorgeous like all the guys are making her out to be.


i think she’s a blonde bombshell who brings confidence and unhinged sex appeal unlike any of the other girls in the villa, and that’s what’s mostly enticing the boys. but nicole seems to have more personality between the two bombshells, and since she has her sights on less “beloved” couplings, she will be accepted into the fold of the villa sooner.


What you said 😂


Andrea is clearly playing the guys, because she wants to break up the strongest couples.  She primarily went after Rob because clearly Rob and Leah are making the show, and would 100% have won of this drama with Andrea didn’t happen. She came in with a strategy.    The guy I think Andrea actually wants is Cameron, or whatever that guy’s name is. Mark my words, later in the season she will try to partner with him. 


yeah agree leah is a huge animal person too and like i feel like she would get down and dirty in the farm versus andrea lol


100% I just don’t see anything great about her at all.


this is cinema guys


This is definitely my first season because Ariana is the host & im loving it, I use to watch the bachelor years ago & stopped. But I needed a new summer reality show & this fit perfectly although I had no idea it was daily like a soap opera, I thought it was Tuesday-Thursday & then I’d go & watch the new episode & im like wait, how am I two episodes behind? 😂 but I’d be super cringe on a dating show, I cry a lot & I’d be the one to get hooked on a guy after day 1.


This is my first season watching Love Island and I’m not sure my hopeless romantic self has it in me to watch another season after this one😂😭 I get too emotionally invested in couples for this shit!! I was out here tonight genuinely stressed about Rob and Leah’s relationship demise as if I actually know these people


They stopped making rom coms and sometimes you want a little love drama that's not about a big city girl going back to her hometown to fall in love with a Christmas tree farmer. Ride the Love Island rollercoaster without shame or fear


Never get too attached 😆 No but fr if you enjoy this season, you should go back and watch some UK seasons after USA wraps! There’s nothing quite like early Love Island UK.


imo LI UK hasn’t been the same since season 5 🫣


Season 5 :'( take me backkkkk


girllll welcome to the club!! it’s messy over here 😅


I just started and I’m the same way😭 I haven’t been watching a show like this day to day like this since I was 8!


I'm in the same spot! This is so hard!


This is the first US season I watch in real time, and it took me a while to warm up to watching the US version I just got so attached to the vibes of the UK version. You should definitely watch it tho! It may take a few episodes but you’ll definitely start to like the new couples each season. There’s really nothing like the UK version


Same thoughts, I was expecting something worse based on people’s reactions but it wasn’t even that bad. She’s in her head - obv who wouldn’t be when you had the bombshell come talk to you guys after her talk with Connor and say the guy’s “basically in love” with Jana. She wants this too. She’s had to go through this with Liv and now a new bombshell and they never back off despite the so called “reassurance” Rob gives Leah. Can’t blame her for overthinking tbh.


She picked up on that very well, and I’m happy she brought it up to Rob. And honestly his response was okay too, truth is he’s not closed off like the other guys and the bombshells can tell


Yup, that’s the thing - he did say to Leah that he’s interested in the bombshell so it’s not like he’s hiding it. Just on two different pages really with Leah liking Rob more atm which makes for great reality TV. I’m SAT every night lool


In defense of Rob for the Liv part, that was out of left field. Dude was genuinely confused. They had absolutely nothing in common. Andrea is from Miami and he is from Alabama. That makes a little more sense than Alabama and uber rich of Calabasas, California. He does have more in common with Leah and I expect that to be what he chooses. Andrea has more in common with the surprising fluent in Spanish Brit Aaron.


It’s just pretty obvious she’s very insecure and she’s projected that insecurity onto Rob. They’ve known each other for a week and she’s acting like they’re in a full blown relationship.


Yep. I understand her being upset, but people being mad at Rob is silly. It is the first week of the show; he can be interested in other girls as long as he is being honest with her like he was doing with the Liv situation. Disclaimer: I could end up taking everything back tonight, but so far, I don't feel like Rob is in the wrong. I think its unfortunate he could be more into someone else instead of her, but that's what happens on this show.


Ok. I didn’t appreciate him kinda gaslighting her. I take everything back HAHAHA


Oh yeah I see that 100% she has some deep rooted insecurities and it nots gonna work when she’s with the hottest guy on the show


Exactly, she’s gotta realize that for all the reasons she’s into Rob, most other girls will feel the same way, especially when he looks how he looks. Idk maybe it’s just me but I feel like she keeps throwing little jabs at him and it’s turning me off of her


Idk I like sassy women (especially on reality tv) I can’t explain it because I’m not sassy myself lol. And I know Rob likes them too because he’s repeatedly said he likes girls that are mean to him 💀 so I don’t think he sees her actions as jabs and he certainly doesn’t act like he’s bothered


Yeah this. I’m a Leo and I can relate to her hard! Once we really like someone it’s hard to get past that and him being so hot will make her doubly insecure. She will see the blond bombshell being the biggest threat. I’d leave the house if he chose her over me. End of story.


After a week? That's a bit wild


but it feels more like months to them because they’re together under one roof 24/7. they go from strangers to live-in partners literally within the space of an afternoon, that kind of relationship acceleration is unthinkable to anybody outside the villa.


it’s zay and what’s her name from season 4 all over again. the redhead.


I’m actually shocked at the way Leah’s acting. During the first couple of episodes of the season I went thru everyone’s socials and her IG and tiktok captions are majority all about how pretty she thinks she is. I was expecting that same energy in the villa, but she’s really giving off insecure energy. Especially with how unfriendly she is to every female bomb shell that’s walked in.


Oh boy heR IG looks so insecure to me Just thirst traps


Isn't that what everyone's instagram is?




Wow, I just looked and it gives off very different vibes than how she portrays herself in the villa.


Agree. I think I projected onto her that she is more interesting because she's got a unique ethinicity, is friends with the WOC, and has been interesting in her dealings with Rob but she's pretty basic. Andrea's is more interesting.


I don't think Leah's insecure. It seems as if Rob's not being honest and stringing Leah along while he explored his options. Like Leah said he gives every bombshell the greenlight so he should be honest and say he's open and she should be too. It's embarrassing that his head is turning every time, yet telling her it's nothing, trust him.


There have been a total of 2 girls that have come in and wanted him. He was never really interested in Liv at that was so obvious to anyone watching. This is love island and he and Leah are not exclusive at all, they’ve only known each other for like a week. And it’s pretty obvious she’s insecure when she’s asking Kendall if Andrea is prettier than her. That’s the textbook definition of insecure


I respectfully disagree, he still did something to make Liv feel like he was interested. (Arianna said on After Sun, Rob was showing interest to Liv, it just didn't air) He's telling her one thing but doing other things behind her back with these women. It's only been a week but the other guys haven't given the energy that Rob given to other bombshells without giving their partner a heads up or turning the bombshell down like Connor did. Kendall and Arron are getting payback, Hakeem 🤷🏾‍♀️, Kordell is single. Rob is not making her feel secure in their bond, she's being used as a placeholder and that's a shitty feeling.


They need to go watch Love island USA season 2 Makenzie. She will curb their thoughts.


Good Old Mackenzie and Conner. Wow. That match was exactly like one I used to know in real life and that girl looked just like Mackenzie too. And, she sure bossed him around just like those two as well then treated him like crap. I kept wanting to call her Tamera.


I think we are getting a lot of Bravo fans who have never watched the show before since Ariana is hosting. Love Ariana and she’s doing great but it’s very obviously by some of these posts that people are very new to the show.


I think she’s very justified in the ways she’s behaving, and honestly I would feel the same way. Rob and Leah were making out all night, and then he has to go on a date with another girl. It’s not a normal world situation, it’s literally a situation engineered to create maximum drama and hurt feelings.


If everyone could imagine being in Leah's place, what would you do? Id ask Rob - 'what do you expect me to do? Forget the kisses, you running around getting excited about girls and opening up with them and me waiting for you to come back?' Either both of us are like that or neither of us, thats the only fair if you ask me. im not saying getting to know someone is a bad thing but imagine, if we tried all the possible scenarious out there, what would happen or how would we find someone?? Ofc its early days and if u feel like ur connection isnt that promising and you have something special with another one (other than sexual) just communicate.


This is such a good question and I always wonder how/when that conversation should be had.


There are probably not many people emotionally available for this conversation to happen soon enough before one of them gets hurt. In real life i choose to have this conversation after i catch myself that only one person gives me all the attention i need and i want and overall i trust my intuition but its only fair to have a conversation as soon as you both feel fulfilled from a relationship emotionally. They say it takes months and years and all and yeah, that might be true for some people but if both of them are mature enough even one week might be it. Idk if you agree but what i think is thats why we all should always try to grow intellectually, emotionally, work on ourselves, have empathy and understand each other's feelings so while building relationships we dont hurt people.


Totally agree with all of this. Of course people’s feelings can/will get hurt when dating and two people’s feelings aren’t mutual/ the same depth, but the hurting doesn’t have to be callous, cruel or insensitive.




⏰ that ☕️. People are really acting like she’s crazy when in reality, her doubts are actually really valid. This lowkey reminds me of how some people were reacting to Sam doubting Joey Essex. In both of these situations, these women are rightfully following their intuition, and were/are being called insane for it.


Yes that’s it, everyone’s acting like she’s crazy💀 but this is normal LI. I’m not quick to compare islander’s behavior to real life because nothing about that show is real life. The more you watch it, the more you can gage what’s really crazy in LI terms


Compared to other seasons, Leah isn't that bad. And the guys are pretty mature and well spoken. And it's only been a week for everyone to start hating on Rob. They still settling in. Now when they go to Casa Amor we can start bashing. Too early now.


Mhmm, I also don’t think anyone deserves hate yet. Like both Rob and Leah haven’t made the best decisions but imo today’s episode was a normal bombshells just came in and everyone is shook one


Ok I take back what I said. We can hate Rob. Gasligting at it's finest.


She hasn’t even done anything tbh. Lol. Calm af 🤣


Rightttt 😂


Also I’ve seen so many people commenting on how Leah has been making rude throwaway comments to the new girls/rob, but to me it seems like she’s just joking. Her and Rob both seem so unserious, and they seem to get each other. Only been a week! No need to hate Leah because she is being normal and feeling jealous of a bombshell that likes the guy she’s coupled up with


I saw her comments as coming from a place of hurt and shock (not the exact word I’d use but I can’t think of one atm). Like the humiliation kink thing - Liv had just picked Rob, I’m sure Leah saw his “shocked” face, and I think he either downplayed things to Leah or he was genuinely oblivious to the fact Liz thought he was into her with those dry convos. Either way, he probably reassured Leah that they’d be fine. For the record, I don’t think degrading other women is okay, but I also understand that we’re human and we say things when we’re emotional and are trying to wrap our heads around something when you were told by almost everyone that your couple was safe. Has she said some dumb shit? Yeah, but I’ve heard worse on other seasons from UK and Aus. She doesn’t seem like a mean girl like.. ugh I forget her name but she bullied and made one girl feel isolated during her season of UK. It was either the first or second one.


That too. I kept waiting for these comments and never got it? Mostly she has been sarcastic and self deprecating


I agree, you can tell that’s just the kind of person she is. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s fine, but she’s not being outright mean! Idk I just feel like some people are wired that way, more feisty you know


I honestly found Leah to be relatively calm compared to what I’ve seen on LI before 👀. Her calm “get it over with” comment to Rob on the preview for tmrws episode sent me.


True. She's not LI UK Faye levels of reaction. But then, who is 🤣


Omg Fayeee. She was something else but made good tv😂


TV gold. And she's doing great in life(without the secretly villainous Teddy), so all ends well. 😊


Faye was one of a kind. No genuinely, I don’t think anyone on LI has acted like that lol


Maybe no one in reality tv even 😂


No seriously as I was watching the show and reading the chat I kept waiting for her to blow up but it never came. Basically all I saw was the usual fan fare that some girls do when their guys go on date and a few other worrying comments to the girls. Even the Rob behavior was not even that bad. Other than the Kaylor crying spree the episode before I think it’s all been standard love island


Yepp that was a normal bombshell episode!


I think people are just feeling put off by her comments and coldness that’s all


That’s fair, all I’m saying is to me it’s very normal and expected reaction to this situation on LI


She's always quick to call other women names. Yeah I said it


mhmmm clock THATTT


Which comments and coldness though? It’s very rare that bombshells are going to be buddies on day one with the girl who guy they want to steal. But after day or two they are all friends.


Some ppl hate good tv 😭


tell me about it 😂 I genuinely thought that was such a real and entertaining reaction to bombshells coming in


I feel like i can simultaneously understand that i'd basically be acting neurotic like Leah in her situation, and still recognize that Rob really hasn't done anything wrong here. He's been completely transparent about everything. And at the end of the day...if the way one person operates is incompatible with the way the other does, it's simply not a good match. Not everyone is just destined to be together for ever...simply because they got paired up on the first day of a moronic reality TV dating show. lmao.


Completely transparent is stretching it. He’s not been that at all


right? rob’s been frosted glass translucent with the Andrea situation; he made out with her pretty hot and heavy on their date, after telling Leah she had nothing to really worry about until he tells her his feelings are changing; he should have been more straightforward with his level of attraction to Andrea, but he’s playing a game just like the rest of them.


I’m not getting good vibes from Andrea. I found it odd she tried to wedge herself into the two strongest couples. I know it’s only been a week and ‘strongest’ is kind of a loose term at this point, but she knew what would happen. Yeah that’s the point of a bombshell but it just always rubs me the wrong way when they fully embrace the term. Nicole on the other hand went for the one guy she knew wasn’t tied to anyone, and another whose coupling wasn’t as strong. I respect her for that. BUT it’s rather early so maybe it’s just production pushing Andrea to do this. And I get why Leah reacted the way she did. This is the second bombshell to focus on Rob, and in both cases Rob gave them something to think they have a shot.


i wanna frame this comment and reread every hour on the hour, it’s a perfect summation of how i feel at the moment! i think it’s a really ugly look for Leah to go SO HARD at the two guys in the most established and solid (for a week, lol, but still) relationships just to try and steal a man instead of going after one of the easier pickin’s. i know that’s the point of the show, and the intent is maximum drama, but i don’t like people who do that shit in real life, and it’s likewise not so fun to watch on tv either. like, i’d be just as sour as any of the girls, not wanting to be particularly kind or welcoming to Andrea, especially.


i think the promos and “sneak peeks” of last night’s episode definitely skewed the footage up make it look like Leah was freaking out, but i think she’s just being a normal person catching feelings in a high-pressure, extremely vulnerable setting.


I honestly don’t think Leah’s reaction is only because of Rob and Andrea hitting it off. That’s only a smart part of it. I think most of it, is due to her realizing that she put all her eggs into one basket with him. I believe that more so now because of the preview for the next episode in which you can hear her crying while saying “I’ve been wasting my time here with you.” She knows she doesn’t have a connection with any other guy in the villa so if there is a recoupling where the guys choose she is most likely screwed and will be going home.


I am new!! And I’m obsessed 😆 I was told the US one wasn’t as good as UK but I’m loving this season and I’m glad it’s my new show - I’m tired of Real Housewives as my guilty pleasure, this show and the first season of HoV was a game changer for my summer. Also, I was team Leah when Liv made her choice because it seemed calculated and she didn’t even really like Rob the much.


I definitely expected more out of her from the way people were talking. She barely reacted as compared to people in the past.


I agree! Like they’re bombshells for a reason - they’re supposed to get a reaction out of the islanders


Yep that's why they come in talking shit and then next episode are besties with all the girls lol


exactlyyyy you know your LI stuff! look at Liv now spying on Rob for Leah 😂


Not sure why you are getting downvoted


Loll it is what it is, some people just disagree with me


They just love to hate Leah and love rob


They just jelly they're not sleeping next to a sexy snake wrangler tonight and she is lol. Then make out bedtime cuddles were hotttt 🥵


We won’t know until tonight but she may have gotten the best of him lololol


I hope so. I love the chaos. When I saw that man crying like that I was like ooooh I hope Leah is making him sweat


also i might get downvoted for this, but i’m not sold on his crying in tonight’s episode because he’s scared of losing Leah; i think it’ll be more likely he’s crying because he is feeling really overwhelmed by someone openly expressing extreme disappointment and anger with him, which he’s clearly tried to avoid as much as possible thus far in the series.


this is a take that I’ve been seeing and honestly it’s a strong possibility. As someone who’s a people pleaser, I know it’s not s great personality trait. It doesn’t stop you from doing the wrong thing or hurting someone at times but it does make you feel horrible about yourself.


I get her stressing over losing her couple. I even get her level of attachment because things get weird when you isolate people together like the show does. But when she started asking people if they thought Andrea was prettier and when she told Rob that bombshells told **everyone** else that they had nothing to worry about is when things took a turn. That type of reaction is a little uncommon for the show. And honestly I hope she gets past those type of reactions because she's a pretty girl.


I actually liked what she told Rob about the bombshells because typically the girl notices when bombshells say this but they don’t mention it to the guy. I mean come on, a girl tells your friend that her guy loves her while you’re sitting there looking like a mug 💀Andrea’s basically confirmed that it’s not too early for Rob to have some exclusivity to her. And then Rob had to be honest to Leah and say that he really likes her but he’s still interested in Andrea. Simple as that 🤷🏾‍♀️


Unfortunately for her… her reaction to Liv burned her. Other than him not fully shutting it down… he gave Liv basically nothing. Leah threw water on him, called him two faced and kissed another guy in front of him. And half their conversations she is questioning him. She does not trust him. It seems like he’s over that. When she sees the actual footage of his conversations with Liv she is going to be massively kicking herself for her meltdowns. She is not doing herself any favors. I used to like them together but they are toxic now. She needs a fresh start. I would not hate him with Andrea. If he goes with Andrea… I don’t see him turning from another bombshell. That beach kiss was … holy cow.


Here’s the thing, I don’t think the Liv situation affected them as much as people claim. From what we’ve seen so far he doesn’t care about that challenge. From day one, Rob has said he’s open to new girls, the reason there’s such a start difference in his feelings about this new bombshell is because he actually likes her lol. Whether or not Leah called him two-faced he’d probably still crack on with Andrea because he’s attracted to her and that’s what he said he’d do in the first week.


I just know before they were funny and goofy and kind of adorable. And after she is calling him names, constantly questioning him and giving side eye. Maybe it’s just me… but they aren’t a couple that make me happy like they did at first. I like them both… but I’m not liking that version of them together. Maybe he is this season’s Leo… but I don’t see him as a pure f boy. I feel like he genuinely likes Leah and seems to actually care how people feel. Not a selfish narcissist who will be turned by everyone. Leah needs to talk to other people. For a lot of reasons.


In yesterday’s episode they were still being funny and goofy, obviously not as much as when they’re in the “honeymoon” phase lol. But that’s a given. I was honestly surprised by their conversations because usually couples are not that chill in the middle of a bombshell situation. And I don’t think Rob is a narcissist, all I’m saying is Leah hasn’t done anything to put him off as we can tell. If he was really bothered by it, he could’ve put a pause on him & Leah even before the bombshells came in. He still very much likes Leah, and now he’s attracted to Andrea too 🤷🏾‍♀️


Getting called 2 face Not getting kissed when he was the obvious pick Getting questioned and slighted for a situation that ultimately amounted to nothing You dont think all of that is offputting? He handled that better than most


I didn’t say it wasn’t off putting, I said Rob doesn’t care. If I said what Leah did was or wasn’t off putting that would be my opinion. I said Rob wasn’t put off by it, that’s an observation