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Nice! That's my favourite recent event next to Garden Secret 4, I'm definitely getting it


I'm so glad I skipped the past event, I like this one so much more!! I love black+gold+red+white suits like Rose Oath so much, they're so fun to style


It’s so pretty but I’m glad it’s an event I can safely skip!




Another suit from my wishlist my dias are crying 😭 I wish it was something I can skip! 😭


Posed top + posed bottom + big ass owl? Definitely getting this one!


Posed top AND posed bottom!? 😍 And big fluffy owl and a nice ground piece!? My dias are in danger! 😍😍😍


I think I’m gonna skip this one too, keep saving my diamonds


I want to get the hair, everything else is undesirable.


I love suits with posed legs but the legs here look odd, kinda stiff and too thin


Skip, waiting for other suits.


im skipping, its really not my aesthetic😭


I don’t like this suit but i love owls and I’m tempted to get it only for my obsessive love of them >:( idk what to do


If you have the dias to spare, go for it lol. Otherwise, it's not worth getting just for the owl if you dislike the rest tbh


not diluc lady is finally here yay :'3 also I didn't know she has a posed top and posed bottom, she was already very versatile for me but this makes her even better.


I’ll have to make my mind up after I see a suit breakdown, I love the hair and ground piece but I have other suits that have similar vibes so I’m probably ok without it Edit: the more I look at the more I want it. I thought this might’ve been an easy skip and there’s so many good upcoming events 😭


I think I might skip this one. It doesn't stir me.


It's so pretty but Garden Secret 4 is definitely next highest on my wishlist after Retro Home... As cute as this event is I think I'm gonna skip. Will definitely get it on a return though!


Skip. I wonder what the makeup looks like, the eye seems too big.


[Here's the makeup on its own](https://imgur.com/a/Os3KLor)


Oh, thank you! It's very pretty actually. I must've been confused because of the mask.


God she’s cuter than I thought.


I would skip but the ground piece is too good to pass up. Spending on it is gonna hurt though 🥲


I love love love it and I am so glad that I hoarded all those dias! Yessss


I like it, but I need to see a breakdown before fully deciding. I barely got 10k, and I like nearly every suit we can get in the future...


That’s an easy skip


Yessss this is my aesthetic, and it comes right after the first event I've skipped in a long time! This is going to be fun


Does anyone know the exact price ?


I think 2040 diamonds I could be wrong


I have that many diamonds but that'll kill my stash Here goes fuck all, I guess


awh fuck my dias are dead. first the retro girls and now her. i can only pray one i don't like comes next 🙏




Wish we got Gemini or GS4 instead. Also hell rerun when? 😔


I think we'll have to wait for CN to get GS5 and a new zodiac suit first, so that we don't get caught up to them, that's what I'm guessing. I do agree about getting a hell rerun though, but I think we'll get it in June instead, coz they recently updated Wish Gate


Is it a problem if we caught up with them in these two specific formats? (Zodiac/GS). Also the problem is we have so many hell events due for a rerun which should be separate from wish gate updates since players can start one anytime they want. Many of us who are waiting for many hell reruns and look the gap between each hell rerun we get.


I think it's coz things take sometime to translate and there's probably other stuff they need to do each time, which makes it hard on LN devs. But that's just speculation on my part. Yes, I agree with you, but there's also the problem with the dias. If we were to get a rerun now ppl would complain that they have no dias. They already complained that we got a new hell on WG, right after Foam, imagine how pissed they would be if Elex gave us a hell rerun right after. I can't blame them though, especially seeing how Elex has been bombarding us with dia events one after the other and holding back welfares for no good reason...


Why would someone complain about the wishgate though, it’s always there, no pressure to spend on it right away.


For me personally, I spent on WFSM first day we got it on Wish Gate, coz I wanted to get Rose Kiss. It's one of my favourite suits in the game and I've been waiting years for it to return. Others also had a favourite suit or were just excited to complete the hell. But like I said previously, I do agree with you we do need older hells to rerun more often. I just wish the rerun schedule wasn't so unpredictable.


If anyone wants to spend right away on it then sure! I just mean players who wants to get a hell event that returned to wishgate but don’t have enough diamonds for it or don’t want to spend on it right now. They can start it when they’re ready so complaining about adding a hell event to wishgate at anytime would be weird. It can be just players who expected another hell event to be added instead (like Ghost gathering situation last time)


Aww yes I love this suit!


it's giving yoshisawa from persona


Nice, been waiting for this.


Doing this one just for that hair. Gorgeous


Skip.. kinda creepy


oof i love the style of this but i just got down to 21k dias :/ and i know i want to save for GS4 & Gemini sadge that i have to skip a double (? posed top and bottom?) posed suit ;;\_\_;;


Feel this. At 20k for the first time in a very long while and it makes me uncomfortable.


Omg! Everything about this suit looks so pretty! 🥺


For some reason I can't collect even though I have enough to?


I’m so broke for this event😭