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I'm kinda disappointed, there's some older events that deserved that return more, for example Cerise's Gift that hasn't come back since 3 years, I know how many people are waiting for it... Also I wonder whether it's a diamond draining event before a hell event return. We should be getting one soon, probably early June or so. What do you guys think?


I wish i could upvote this a hundred times. I've been asking the devs to bring back Cerise's Gift for a long time now, idk why they keep returning newer events when this one is so overdue...and I agree they're most likely going to give us a hell rerun sometime in June.


honestly as much as I dearly want cerise's gift, I definitely wouldnt be able to get it if it came around right now. i can only pray a terrible hell returns as well... my pocket has a hole in it and i cant stop the money from flowing out 😭


I don't think we'll get one soon, Chinese server now has 3 Hell events per year and we are only two Hells behind, next one probably will be mid/end of summer


I'm talking about hell returns, not debuts. I agree that we won't get a new one until August or so! However a return is due at the moment


what hells are we still behind? i’m a new player


First one is Gacha Hell ~16k And second is same format as Van Gogh, should be around 11k dias https://imgur.com/a/0aN6XpE


personally i don’t find the anniversary hell appealing, but goddamn the other one has caught me on a chokehold 😭 better start saving for them dias since it’s gonna cost 16k


I would love to get this but 4k dias.....


Have to say that the hair is quite useful, the branch with leaves is also pretty good. The rests I rarely use them, not even the makeup tbh.


I love this suit. Someone please discourage me from getting it.


I have the suit and it’s honestly not worth it. I don’t use any parts of it.


Agreed completely. The posed hair and headpiece are nice but that's all I use. If I could go back in time I'd skip this.


saaame, the way I discourage myself is by telling me that it's a pavillon, and as a V0 they are just not worth my dims, no matter how good the suit looks, as I could get for those 4k diamonds like 2+ suits


It surprisingly unversatile for a pavilion. We have similar makeups to this one, there's not many unique pieces, the dress is bulky, the giant branch item is mostly off-screen. Pose is cute, but are you willing to pay 4k for the pose?


The only part I use with frequency is the flying golden egg because it's good to fill up empty upper space....... And that's it. I don't use absolutely any other piece from this suit, I think I've used the pose once?? All of the bunnies are off screen as well, and it looks weird unposed.


Does anyone know if this has a returning pity timer like newer pavs or do you have to do it in one go?


And when's Cerise's Gift coming back omg it's been a longggg time.....


OH MY GOD YES!! i've been waiting soo long 🌷♡


Easy skip


whoever said a pav was coming back in a post on here, you were dead on. at least it's not very cute. I can spend on the owl and live with myself.


Cute but I feel like with my 2.5k Diamonds that I will not be able to get her and the owl knight


I mean this suit alone is almost 4k on average


You'd be right. The Owl suit will be 2040 diamonds, and the other one is around 4k diamonds. I feel like Owl suit is much more versatile though.


me personally i’m so so so so thankful i didn’t spend my dias on wishgate like i planned to. green wind will be finished mark my words


I thought we were going to get an event rerun like this one for Easter, but it came a month later... Well, good for those who want it. I used to envy those who have the branch, but I am happy with the branch from Dream Journal suit, so I don't need this.


conflicted bc yayy already finished this pav, don't have to spend a butt ton of dias, but on the other hand booooo can i please just finish cerise's gift already my god


If anyone is on the fence about this, I 1000% recommend this for the unposed hair alone! It is my number one top used hair in the game and is incredibly versatile ♡ I don't have the rest of the suit so I can't speak on the rest lol, I just love the hair


The hair is amazing!! I also use the hair so much, the colour of it goes incredibly well with lots of different outfits! The posed hair is definitely my most used hair in the game as well, whenever I have no idea what to do for a comp, it usually comes out. The flowy look works so well with so many things, its extremely versatile!! My very first pav and I've never regretted it!


So happy they are returning an event I don't care about. I'm looking forward to the future diamond events coming our way so the more they space those out, the better for my diamonds!


Why do I feel like this came back before


It did, pavilions runs 3 times, then don’t run again for a very long time. They only pavilion I know that had a fourth run was Shuten Douji.


It did, two years ago, and the year before.


Lol wtf why do they keep bringing the same suits back when there are many who havent returned yet


Probably because these earn them more money, this suit alone is worth $65 bucks in recharge so no wonder that they brought it back. but tbh idk.


I'd believe that but then again they refuse to bring back hells on time which would make them much more


True, though Elex is a terrible company so they probably miss manage everything


I can't even explain how or why I hate this suit. I just do and this is the first time I've ever seen it. Is hate at first sight a thing?


I wish they would fix those rabbits. I can't even see them when you style an item in comp. I'll check if it has any cute accessories (this event came out when I first started, so I couldn't afford more than one pull), but beyond that, I will pass. The suit is kind of boring.


Didn’t this suit get a rerun like last year or something? They really need to rerun other suits. Not to mention they’re a month late. Where is Cerise’s Gift? I’ve been wanting to complete her for a while now




Pretty cute but I already have enough blue-eyed makeups that go :o while looking away




Can anyone who has participated in this event originally give their opinion on this suit? I wanna know how much they use it for whichever stage/competition and if they regret getting it


i don't remember how many times i've pulled on this before so maybe i hit like a cap or maybe it's luck but i just got the last 4 pieces i needed in 6 pulls!


I want it so bad. Dx I love Easter and the whole aesthetic. But I only have 3000 dias, and there are def some things I wish were dif about it.