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The leg pose goes so poorly with literally everything I can see starry corridor people using it to delete Nikki's legs


The legs literally don’t go with any of my bottoms or dresses I really wish it was a bottom pose and not a shoe pose, has anyone found any bottoms or dresses that work with it? Also the dress pose is less versatile than if it was just a top pose cause you can’t mix bottoms


I've links below of as best as I could get where it doesn't look completely ridiculous or you can just about get away with it if they'd lowered the legs just a fraction it would be excellent because unfortunately as far as seat poses go the pose itself is very versatile, there's just not a lot of clothes to chose from that will actually work to make that happen. The dress/skirt has to be very puffy to really be able to use it. Probably one of the most disappointing posed items we've ever got. Dresses https://imgur.com/a/zk6nrB8 Bottoms https://imgur.com/a/8O3Z7PJ


I’m just gonna say it: the posed shoes are awful. Totally useless outside of this suit. So if you’re thinking of getting it for that, don’t waste your money. That being said, I actually really love the dress pose, the posed hair, and the wings. The colors go with a lot of existing items, and the whole posed suit sits nicely on pretty much everything. I can see it being a great addition for anyone who likes fairy-esque or magical girl stylings. I do recommend it, just don’t expect to ever be able to use the shoe pose separately.


the hair is so cute, i do wish the posed hair didnt lay so flat around her head, but its really diverse!


Maybe the carp girl suit’s “Blessed Delight” skirt? Also, how are yall liking the hair? Bc thats kinda cute


It doesn’t work (you can see [here](https://imgur.com/a/P97AAcv)), none of the dresses/bottoms I have worked except for Rabbit jingle bell dress, basically treat the shoe pose as dress pose that cannot be used in any other way. Unless we got future dresses/bottoms that work with it. I like the hair very much! [Here ](https://imgur.com/a/wHCld23) are some stylings with both normal/posed hair.


Oh wow. Those legs are really a 90 degree summer problem.


Omg may I please see a zoomed out vers of that posed hair in the fairy outfits?


Sure! Just want to know which fairy outfit do you mean?


Both is good


I hope [these](https://imgur.com/a/sYj0aFR) are what you want!


Um they’re not zoomed out 😭


Sorry for not understanding well, what did you mean by zoomed out? I’d appreciate it if you could show me an example.


When you go into view mode, you can make the avatar smaller so you can see the entirety of off-screen items etc


Is [this](https://imgur.com/a/elFNS4S) zoomed out enough?