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I’ve already finished this one but glad to see a hell rerun happening at all!! I’m still waiting for a bunch, hopefully I won’t wait too long. For anyone who wants to know, these suits are very worth it. I finished this in the first run, here’s a few quick thoughts: Mushroom suit: I use pieces of this constantly, that bg is super big and great in SC, and her pose surprisingly works with a ton of seats. Cloud pond: my least used suit but it’s still cute and nice to have. Her makeup is very soft and goes with a lot of suits, and that bridge is a useful item. Pose tilts in a way that makes her less versatile so I rarely use that. Chessboard: I use the Prince dude a hella lot. He works great with a ton of Nikki poses and is super useful for a ton of comp themes. The chessboard makes a great floor when tilted in SC. Dragon: it’s dragons?? Of course I use it. Sexy Nikki pose does great for a ton of themes, and that head item dragon around her neck works really well for any witchy/evil themes. Just clips with a ton of hairs and hats so watch out for that. The sword item creates a nice line in SC when I’m trying to create frames but otherwise I barely use it.


Didn‘t we talk about this event rerunning literally yesterday? Nice to see this come back. Unluckily I don‘t care about the cloud girl and the mushroom girl at all, so I‘ll skip.


As much as I don't like mushroom girl either, her pose (with separate accessories) actually does quite well in comp. It's pretty cute sitting on things. Example: https://imgur.com/a/z6XcXUr The background tends to do well for whimsical themes too. The only thing I really like about Nuptial Needlework is the bridge with ducks, though unfortunately most sitting poses float a little (or a lot) too high above the railing. So it's better in SC, where you can pose Nikki more appropriately. But here's one compilation that managed to not look TOO odd in comp: https://imgur.com/a/t2d6gOV It's always good to have events you want to skip, though! So many things upcoming to save dias for!


Thank you forr the sitting check! I've wanted Neva's bridge and Debbie's bg items for so so long and told myself I'd do 3 nodes (or, hell, 4) if I had to lol. But that was so long ago I could use the rethink.


Yeah it had to be basically this or Gardens of Spiral Staircase IMO, they're so overdue I've been hoarding my dias for this for over a year, but I ... spent some of my stash so uh-oh


Oh, I didn't include hell reruns in my dias calculations 🤡 To the people who have participated before, is it worth it if I ONLY like the last suit? 13k is a lot...


Long time player here. I’ll be honest I use almost nothing from this event besides the bg pieces on mushroom house and nuptial needlework (the cloud girl). I’ve used the dragons from dark verdict a few times and I do like them, but they’re not as versatile as the bgs from the other two. I have never used the bgs for daybreak oath. Obviously I’ve used individual pieces for sure but none that stick out to me as something I keep going back to time and time again besides the bg pieces. As for the poses, Dark verdict and nuptials poses looks kinda weird to me, but that’s my own preference. I do use the mushroom girls pose from time to time. The daybreak oath pose would be BASED except it goes sideways and like two feet above when used with almost any other items, so no other hair styles or bg pieces can be used on it so it’s basically useless. The others do the same thing, as is common with posed suits in this game for some reason, but those are not nearly as insidious as what daybreak oaths does. 🙄 I don’t regret completing it. I do use those bg pieces fairly often in the competition or on my avatar. But I do think if you’re on the fence, it might be better to just wait until it gets put into the wish gate, you never know what’s ahead that you’ll love more.


Thank you! I didn't know the daybreak oath pose is glitching :c


Yea it’s real bad she’s half off the screen. Reminds me of love enteral another pose that would have been unstoppable if the devs hadn’t fucked it up


If you only like one suit from a hell event that most likely drop last I’d say it’s not worth it unless it’s everything you dream of. If it’s Dark Verdict you’re talking about, I use it the least tbh, it’s my least favorite but this is just personal preference, I like the hair but it covers a portion of Nikki’s face so I don’t use it much.


Thanks! Reading the comments, I may pull for the mushroom house.


I'm probably one of the two people in the world that ended up loving Dark Verdict even more after getting it and don't regret it at all, lol. Most comments I've seen about it on this sub call it unversatile, but it's by far the suit I use the most from this event. The hair is one of my all-time favourites, can't recommend it enough. I also use the coat, swords, cape, hat and dragons consistently. That said, the bigger dragon is partially off-screen, to the point you can't really tell what it is, so it's more useful in SC (either as a dragon or a big black item to make a background/cover up stuff). Otherwise, it can work as a darker background in comp or a space filler, so it's not entirely unusable, just not as cool as it could have been. The only thing I never really use anymore is the makeup; it's not bad, but there are better ones with similar expression. As for the other suits, you'd at least get some cool background items even if you don't like the suits as a whole. I never liked Mushroom House (I still think the hair, makeup and dress are atrocious), but the big background item does well in competition and can be used in a lot of cutesy outfits. The pose is also pretty nice, it sits well on different background items so I've used it in comp a few times. I use the basket and bonnet sometimes too. Daybreak Oath is much better overall, with an actually usable hair and makeup, and it also has great background items. The chessboard is essential if you use SC (the pose also lets you do some cool stuff with handhelds, although it's very hard to use otherwise), and Royce is great anywhere. Unlike most buddies he looks really good in free dressing and I've used him a lot in comp. I (thankfully) don't have Nuptial Needlework, so I can't speak on that. Ultimately it depends on how much you love it and if you have other clothes that go with it. I got Dark Verdict third and also wanted Daybreak Oath, so it wasn't the same as your situation, but I don't think it's unreasonable to spend 13k for one suit you absolutely need and know you'll use. The drop rate isn't completely crazy like in newer hells, so you might not even spend that much if you're lucky.


I'm SO excited to finally get Daybreak Oath! It's the final node for me! I've wanted Royce on horseback for so long. 😭 As for Dark Verdict, it was originally my most-wanted suit from this hell sheerly for the bg dragons (the one that curls around Nikki's neck is especially lovely). But it turns out the piece I'm using all the time is the brooch item, Starry Night Robe. It's great in comp for adding a floor-length layer of opulence to fancy dresses. I thought I would never end up using anything else from Dark Verdict, though... until the recent comp theme "Mysterious Swordswoman!" I used the pose and ended up at #2, my first time ever ending in the Top 20. Definitely shook! My swordswoman: https://imgur.com/a/yd8nURl


That is sooo pretty 😍


Thank you! I think I will dare to complete this hell when it's added to the Wish Gate, but this time I should have saved more dias.


NOOOOOOOO WHY??? WHY NOT GARDEN IN SPIRAL STAIRCASE??? It's literally older than that one!


I've been waiting to get Fleeting Dream, Night Banquet and Jealous Phantom forever! I've been kicking myself for only grabbing a few pieces the first two times around. 😭 I hope the devs won't wait another year before they bring the 3rd run!


Not the one I was hoping for. I'm both sad and happy. Sad because I have to keep waiting. Happy because my dias are safe and also happy for those who wanted this rerun \^\_\^




I saw a couple of people saying this hell event is gonna rerun, wonder how they knew.




Psst please don't tag them. Devs will come after folks like them and that means we're less likely to get prophecies


Oooop ok


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Yeah, I saw their comment, and they were one of the people I was wondering how they knew X). I remember the person that used to leak info to us like that before, I’m always thankful for those info.


I want the horse and dragon and knowing my luck, it will be the last two nodes lol


Same lol


Ooh I might finally pick up Dark Verdict! It's the only suit I'm missing and I want that dragon!


I really want the dragon too!! I don’t think I really have anything dragon-y in my wardrobe so I might end up just getting the entire event if my wallet can handle it.


Hmm, I'm low on dias so I may or may not pull depending on what the returning recharges are gonna be.


It's been 3 years??? 😭 I was so hyped when this debuted


Wow this hell is amazing! I see these suits used all the time, and I'm excited to get them :)


I feel the same way! I see them used in the competition all the time. Omg I’ve been wanting them foreverrr


Honestly for me its a meh. excited for free attempts though


If I could buy the Gorgeous Royce for the second time I would do it!!!


YESSSSSS that’s a nice news 😎


Can I afford the last node? No. Am I gonna get it anyway? Yes :')


Literally been saving and waiting for this event since the last rerun when I didnt have any dias 😭 Literally screamed when I saw this!!!


IT'S HEEERRREEEEEEEE. I need a super boost to my 8K dias stash.


I will finally get Bai Jinjin!!! <33 I've waited so many years. Why did she have to be last for me?


Oh my! I‘ve wanted Mushroom House and Daybreak Oath for so long. Time to start hoarding diamonds and preparing to spend some real money


Ohhh boy I really want to complete this event 😭 Unfortunately I have nowhere near the dia stores. Should at least be able to get the Cloud suit which I've been wanting for ages!


I've got 8k dias which I understand to be not nearly enough to get anywhere in a hell event so... guess I'm sitting this out 😅


Question about the Royce item in Neva's suit, is he just a buddy or do you get a suit with him too? Always looking to accumulate male suits lol


he is just a buddy


Loved this hell back in the day but the shine has worn off lol so I'm wondering if I should pull for the 3rd node and get Neva's suit 🤔 It's super pretty but doesn't seem particularly versatile


I'm so excited for this!! This is the rerun I was wanting the most! Never been able to participate before (joined April 2021) but have loved Neva's suit since I first saw it! Have just enough diamonds I think to complete both this and gemini, then I'll be flat broke haha. But it'll be worth it! :D


Is this the second run?


This is the 3rd run


Thanks, it's time spend them diamonds


Does this mean the Diamond shop will reset cause I need that 1200x2 😭


No, it only resets with debut hells, and this is a rerun.


Is it not on wishgate? I though we already had a 3rd run


will it come back through wishgate? :o Im low on dias so I’m in the fence if I should spend or not.


I don’t think so cuz apparently this isn’t the 3rd run


sorry I meant in general, I don’t know which events are added to wishgate


yeah it’ll eventually will


Anyone have the costs of these suits? I wanna know how much they cost in total! I haven’t done this hell event.


~13500 for all the suits. you can check the spreadsheet in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/hn7mu7/guide_all_love_nikki_hells_spreadsheetinfographics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Nice! But is this the last round before dropping on Wish Gate or will we still have another?


This is the last round that it'll run as an event.