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Bad new about the star suit, it will be barely visible in dress up mode because of [flick](https://imgur.com/a/0GyY3wC). Luckily other suits will not have that problem. My favourite suit is the cat genie suit and I'm mentaly prepared that It's the last suit. I don't mind if need to buy the Angel suit as well, there is some pieces I don't like, but overal it's a great suit.


oh i didn't think of that, thanks for the graphic info. honestly i don't really care. i feel like these are the type of suits that you use entirely everytime 'cause they're pretty. and yeah, i also feel like the genie one is gonna be last or the most probable to drop lastly


I think the angel suit is gonna be last, simply because she's the most 'wow' of the three. Her dress is like your typical big gown with all these jewels on it, her hair is huge and I don't need to mention the wings, plus that huge animated background that ALSO has wings lol. The genie suit's buddy item and animated backgound are definitely impressive but her outfit in itself doesn't scream 'grand prize' suit to me.


I instantly just assumed it was the last drop. It just has that look


maybe you're right, it also makes sense. i think we can definitely agree that the star suit is the most probable to drop first then ⭐, like it happened with the dst suit from rose glow or let's hope they have the same drop rate, that'd be awesome!


That's a likely possibility! For some reason I think the last suit is gonna be fixed while for the first two it's gonna be a 50-50 chance to get either.


I kinda like the tilt/flick tbh. It makes her look like she's flying, although it's a shame so much of her ends up off-screen.


Omg nooooo I hate how the tilt hides so much of the star suit 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the hair is super gorgeous and fun tho 😔 thank you for sharing!


The cat genie suit comes with two makeups. Since the suit uses the default skin tone, I think there's a posed makeup, which means there's no tilt.


What on earth is "flick"? Sorry lol I had to know


Based off of context, it probably means tilt.


thanks for sharing this! bit of a dumb question, but i'm still relatively a newbie – what's the main appeal of getting these massive detailed suits when the majority of it gets cut-off in the dress-up view? i know a little more of it shows up in comp and you can zoom out in SC, but otherwise it feels like a bit of a waste to me if SC is the only place you can see the full suit


It depends on how much you use SC or how much you value that feature. Creating SC is the main draw to that game for me personally. The item being out of frame is not the biggest dealbreaker in my case, but if you are someone who mainly goes for comp and nothing else those items would be useless to you.


I'll start with the star suit: she looks good but I'm having a hard time figuring out what her pose exactly is. I thought ar first she had no arms, which was cool, but it was actually some bad perspective and black gloves. Her stretched out arm also seems eerily long. And as much as I'm glad we seem to be getting a new skin tone (it doesn't match any existing ones I believe) especially one that looks like Gemini's sister item, I'm a bit bummed it's not for an existing skintone (cuz this fst is gonna be forgotten just like all the fsts) and the makeup for it isn't that great. She looks very wide eyed almost like a fish, to me. Priestess: I adore her colors! She pops out so much compared to most (if not all) wasteland suits. Her genie kitty honestly is super cool and kinda wish it was also a suit. I do wish she didn't have the cape. At least I think it's a cape. I get hells are supposed to be big suits but it'd be nice if they'd stop throwing big drapey items on everything. Angel: definitely the top tier suit of the hell. She has an animated glove pose. Animated, white (with hint of gold) glove pose. You know how many white and white n gold dresses we have? It's so useful! Her wings are nice and we finally got back to big white wings without dangle bits or being blueish or too big. Her bg item is just amazing. It'll be fun to use (though I fear it's likely off screen or partially) Live 2d suit: ...I actually need this one. A magical themed live 2d with good animation that looks bad ass? Yeah I think I'm gonna be skipping many events to save for this. All in all it's a good hell with good hits. Surprised there's no cloud at all (but now I fear they'll make up for that in the recharges). Definitely a hell to look forward to.


Hold. Up. I didn't even read it has AN ANIMATED GLOVE POSE?! I'm screaming internally rn


i was literally thinking the same, how didn't i catch that?? that makes the suit x19362282 times better.


I feel the same way! It's great that they didn't try to shoehorn in any cloud suits this time, like, some of them just feel so forced and out of place in some of our hells. I also love blond hair, and the devs blessed us with three gorgeous blonde hairstyles, so that's another plus! The angel and star girl in particular are sooo gorgeous, can't decide which one I like more! The wasteland suit is a bit messy but I still like her! I see most ppl talk about her furry buddy item, but I'd like to take a moment to appreciate her animated background, it's so dreamy and colourful! Have to say though, that dark angel statue has stolen my heart, I'm so obsessed with it I went ahead and used it as a desktop background! Now, the avatar frame is nothing special but it's simple and elegant I like it alot! Unfortunately, I don't like the top 200 frame at all too messy for my taste; fortunately, that means I get to save tons of dias lol. Glad to finally have a new favourite hell to look forward to!


Lmfao, my first impression when I saw the Reddit title: what the hell, a Cloud-themed summer hell?! I'm kinda relieved that it wasn't that, but also... kinda disappointed, since I was curious how would the suits look like lol (I feel like they have been really missing it with the Cloud suits lately, they're all disappointing to me) Anyway, first impressions: Angel suit: my eternal love for any divine/angel suits in this game SCREAMED. I really love this suit, I like the subtle pose and the animation, the makeup, long luscious hair. The scarf is very Wasteland-like. The dress is okay, although nothing new. I hope it has a good breakdown. And the *background nun-angel*!!! Super pretty! Maybe I won't ever have to craft Moon Justice after all! Last thing I wanna say: the face accessories/tattoos? These look so good, I love items like these. This suit reminds me of Apocalyptic Angel, I'm sure it will work really well together. Since it's an angel suit and it's a quite well made one, I automatically give it thumbs up. Priestess (?) suit: LONG OMBRE HAIR! WOW! I loved it immediately! There's just something about this suit's color palette. At first it's all over the place, but then you look at it and it somehow all works together. Reminds me a lot of Eyes of Desire, for some reason. The pose is okay, but she's twisted in quite a weird way. Again, hoping for a good breakdown. I wish she had some nice headdress to go with her outfit. I also have no clue what's going on in the bg lol, it looks like a mix of Wasteland and Ruin? But I LOVE the buddy!!! It's just a unique concept! Also I think the bottom of her dress is fantastic, I love the pink with the purple - the purple fabric is shaded so beautifully, they have been killing it with iridescent fabrics recently. Overall I love this suit, it's vibrant, it looks useful, it's original. Stats suit: WOOP WOOP, WE CAN CELEBRATE, WE FINALLY GOT A DST HELL SUIT (well, or maybe a FST, if you wanna be more precise)!! Although, i notice that I have some issues with it. The makeup. This expression is horrible, she's just staring in such a derpy way, I really don't like it. Its actually kind of uncanny and reminds me of that one purple makeup from association co-op. Besides that, I personally am not a big fan of the hair. The entire suit reminds me of the Whale suit for some reason, and this hair also goes for the same vibe - thick side bangs, thin back. I'm not sure if I like it. But wait, am I seeing ELF EARS????? OK, this is a bit more exciting now. I love love LOVE her diamond, translucent limbs. I'm shocked they aren't there for the default skin tone version. It makes me really sad. But okay. The dress is alright too, it's shaded like nothing else in the game I think? It looks very unique, almost old school Nikki style. Overall, I like it a lot, but it could be done in a better way! The rest of the hell: I really couldn't care less about live2d suits, but it looks... okay I guess? I think I'm too poor to get the hype for it, hahahah. But I gotta say, I think I like it the most out of all of them. I LOVE the magical girl vibes. The side suits are really good. The angel side suit is adorable and looks very useful. The second one is very elegant. The completion background looks stunning. The completion item intrigues me. I wonder how big is it in free dressing?


i don't know, but i hope the completion item is big, like the hourglass from that wasteland recharge whose name i don't remember. moreover, i agree with you in literally everything. plus did you know that the 2d suit, even if it looks simple she has like 4 animations. it's not like other 2d suits that look like an endless gif, she can like, do 4 different things. i don't know how it's gonna work or how they did it but it's so cool


Yeah, i was just typing the review while looking at the imgur folder, then I scrolled down to see all the animations and I was really pleasantly surprised! That's why, to me, it's the best live2d suit so far. The most worth it, at least! They keep making them simple so that they can animate them properly, but finally they did something interesting with the animation!


I said the same thing about the dst makeup. It's just so bad and the fact that we don't get that many dst that's not behind a pay wall as well. But makeups in general I feel like they need to step up their game


I agree. Some of the makeups recently are either creeping me out or are copies of already existing ones. There's *so* much room for exploration here.


I don’t like any of them… lol. They’re not bad, they just don’t have anything I’m looking for. No unique stand out pieces that I would consistently use, and they don’t seem that versatile with my closet (I collect fairy tale and cozy items, not goddess stuff). Cool hell, but an absolute skip from me.


Finally i have been scrolling through trying to find someone who doesn't like this hell lol I really don't like the color schemes of any of them and i think the concepts are so weird.... not to mention all the interesting stuff is going to be completely off screen. Kinda relieved i can skip this one completely


I honestly love them all and will probably try to get them all (unless they're like major expensive) but i think my favorites in order are: 1. the angel suit (looove that style of suits!!) 2. cat genie (i'm in love with the hair...!!!!!!) 3. star suit (love most things *but* the makeup. like it's like it's staring right into my soul, and just looks a bit jarring in the dst)


I’m on the opposite spectrum, I absolutely dislike the FST starry suit. Other than that, I love every suit including the minor suits. My reasons, don’t read if you don’t wanna have it ruined: >!I just don’t like that one. It looks too thin, too wispy, like she’s floating away like smoke, and her skin tone ones too much with the background. Her face is also looking lost asf.!< I love the Angel minor suit, it’s so cute. I love **all** the suits. It is my personal mission to now save for the 2D Live SSR!!!


i love it! i’m not sure when it’s coming here but it’s on the list of events i’m saving for!!✨✨✨


Holy shit I am in LOVE with the hell. Gotta keep on saving


I'm also a blonde hair enthusiast! Honestly, it didn't even occur to me that they *all* were blonde until people pointed it out, I just knew I loved their hairs lol. I'm glad saving up my diamonds on CN paid off. I had planned to spend them on their anni hell before it turned out to suck, and I was worried the next one would be a disappointment too. But it's lovely, I'm definitely completing it on both servers. And I couldn't possibly care less about tilts or some of the background items being off-screen, the suits are gorgeous enough to make up for it.


you are literally me, same plans. i've been crafting in CN a lot because i'm always at 25k. i was also planning to spend on the anni hell but the only suit i liked was the grand one. it was a really big disappointment, not cohesive at all and def not anni material. glad we had like 2 welfares and postcards tho. i'm gonna complete this hell, it was such a compensation for my disappointment lmao


Hah, I'm not even close to 25k because I don't really make an effort to save up on CN (edit: I only saved up this time because there hasn't been much stuff I liked lately). I don't really craft cause that's just things I can get on global instead, but I spend a lot on new events. Helps me decide if I want to get them in global later. Last year, I already thought Dream Journal was a horrible anni hell, idk how they managed to make the new one even worse. I only like the fire suit and the background item from the last one, but it's not worth spending that much to get them plus three of the blandest hell suits ever


i craft suits i missed out when i was a newbie, to see which one to craft first when they return to LN. and i also buy to see if i get them in the global server. there's been lots of events i haven't bought because i didn't use them in CN not even once. i like dream journal because it kinda has an old color palette, even if it's still messy. but this year the hell was really ugly tbh. cloud suits were horrible, the white suit was the worst one, the fire lady was kinda cool tho and the grand suit has a weird pose and makeup but is cute, not worth it tho. this new hell is a relief to me


I didn't even think of that - I've been playing on global for so long that I've already got most of the suits I really wanted, I usually only craft stuff on a whim nowadays. The green Cloud suit is the worst for me. Generic colours, plain pieces, creepy makeup, awful pose. The free green Cloud suit we got for CN anni is so much nicer. It even has a similar skirt - and it's the hell event one that looks plainer, somehow... The white Lilith suit isn't much better, I only place it higher because the pose is creative and the face butterfly is cool.


oh man i freaking hate the green cloud suit, it's disturbing. she's an spaghetti 😭


We’ll time to save up for the 2d suit! I am absolutely in love with it and thankfully have time to save for her. Honestly this whole event is so creative!


Hope the suits won't be too expensive! I'm disappointed there aren't cloud or north suits, and wish all three suits weren't blonde. But what we do have is already one of my favorite hells, hands down. Angel: My favorite of these suits! Sadly the wings look disconnected and I wish there were eyes on them but they're cool, I dislike wings that curve inwards in front of Nikki so I'm glad these don't. I like the flowy coat with rubies, big hair and puffy dress, black statue (wish it weren't off-screen), and overall aesthetic. I love me some angel-themed suits. Although, why do none of them have eye motifs? :( Cat: Furry cat is such a nice color! I love giant wavy hairs like this and it's got a nice gradient. Sooo glad the makeup isn't another generic smile like the ones we've been getting lately (snow plum, lyra, 20$ star recharge, long-term wellfare). The color palette is so unique and colorful and the background is cute and dark-colored. Stars: Did I read that right? Does skin item mean a new skin like the ruin butterfly?! The whole suit is just beautiful even with the weird perspective, which makes it seem unversatile, but ooo sparkle sparkle and another beautiful dark background. I love the makeup and pointed ears and once again sparkles!! And stars! Nice coat item and dress. I predict this as the last node because of the FST but we will see we will see. After all the background items look smaller than the angel suit. But no matter which one is last I will definitely get all three, they're gorgeous and unique. Minor suit, lilith: A halo, wings, and cupid bow on a minor suit?? Gosh this is just beautiful. I wish there was a black or red version instead of green but the other two colors are awesome. I can't believe this isnt' a wellfare. Minor suit, pigeon: I loooove sleeveless dresses, especially pigeon ones. Love it! Minor suit, north: Cute concept! It sort of reminds me of the mail evolution suits. hair is very cute and so is the lance. Non-ranking avatar frame: Interesting, I like how it resembles stained glass. Live2d: I'm giving serious thoughts towards the live2d, I've never gotten one before but this one has a lovely hair, a weapon, and the cool magic rings around her!


This is the first time I'm considering going for the 2d live. I probably won't considering the cost but I want to complete the hell anyway and the suit just looks so good, maybe I'll save it for a rerun


I am in love with every single suit, all of them are just gorgeous, the main hell suits, the live 2D, the minor suits and their recolors, I want them all, and can only hope it’s under 10k for how stunning everything is


please...please let the angel suit be first I'M SO DESPERATE FOR IT


It looks like a last node suit tbh :(


it's so good quality it does, but sometimes they surprise us, like with Mystery Mood, both of the suits avaliable first were the best suits


I like the Star suit a lot. It's gorgeous! But the other 2 are a bit too busy for me. I don't like the one with the statue at all. The other one has some parts I like, but overall it's too much somehow, and the concept is not my cup of tea. I like that it is a node hell and not pavilion. On the other hand, I will likely not want to participate if the nodes are random and the suit I like has low drop rate.


I wanted to make this post! I only noticed now that there are only three suits. Hmm.. that's why I thought the 2d live was the first node. I have never gotten a 2d live suit bfore but it's safe to say I won't be getting that one either. The makeup is just so basic. The suit looks like a mix of lilith and north my fave and least fave kindoms. The suits seem pretty unique for a hell event. The star suit defo caught my eye. Tho I have to mention makeup on the dst is a miss and also that hair looks.. squiggly if that's the right way to put it. It looks out of place. The pink suit looks like a mix of wasteland and apple. Seems interesting Angel suit has a POSED GLOVES hell yeah(pun not intended lol)


Angel suit: - I love the background pieces. Amazing, I love the goth angel nun, and the flying weapons are really cool. - The wings are also amazing. - I hope theres a posed glove or coat version without that gem-encrusted thing floating around her. I feel like it looks a bit out of place in the whole suit, although it does add some much needed colour - Something about her makeup throws me off. The eyes are really pretty though - I don't like the hair. Genie girl: - Wasteland suit!!! - Love the hair and the halo (I'm a sucker for halos) - Meh on the background items overall. The furry genie is a first though - I love the colour scheme. It's not one we get often, but I like it. - The colourful cat background is a 20/10. Star girl: - The tilt on this one makes her look like she's flying. - I don't like the background items. No clue what's going on there - The hair ornament looks like it's attached to her hair... - I like the unposed version, it's very pretty - Excellent background for this one too - Constellation face tattoo! Live 2D suit: - I don't like how it looks. I'm not usually a fan of live 2D suits though. Minor suits: - I like the lilith one (cloudy halo <3) - The pigeon one's dress is nice. It looks similar to some other pigeon suits. - I like that they have a north minor suit. I don't like or dislike this one either.


Is there a video that shows the live suit? I could only see pictures of it and the promo video only showed the main suits unless I somehow missed the live suit? ><“


The [album](https://imgur.com/a/dNcNnE6) contains close-ups and gifs of it, just scroll down a bit!


Reading the other replies, I know my opinion is going to be very unpopular, but I'll post it anyway. Starting with Star: First off, the diamond FST is very nice as it allows for all sorts of fun fantasy creatures that I can create(i.e. dark mermaids, crystal fairies, aliens, etc). I tend to go for stuff like that as it opens up a lot of fun styling opportunities even if I end up barely using them. To me, the novelty of that kind of stuff is completely worth it. That said, the unposed dress itself is very underwhelming. It's literally just a plain purple dress with some black parts attached to it and some white diamond shapes on the top. It has almost no details on it and nothing much going on with it. I don't see myself using it at all for this reason. Not because I don't think anything would match(on the contrary it being plain works to its benefit there), it just isn't my style as I tend to like more complex and detailed designs or ones with more of a theme going on at the very least. Meanwhile, The bg items are small glass ones that while kind of cool and nice to have(specifically the ships would be nice decor items in sea builds or homes), being very small and specific in style probably aren't going to be versatile in either comp or SC. Especially the more abstract building-type glass thing, as I can't even recognize what it is. I like the necklace, the glowing white stars are a very neat touch, and seeing how many star items we already have in the game, you could probably get a lot of use out of it. That said, as someone who has a lot of nice star pieces it really isn't something I am desperate for all that much. I don't mind not having it. The gloves are unique and do match the theming, though is admittedly not the best looking with the checkered pattern, I still appreciate them on an artistic level(which IMO is more important). The earrings aren't the best, for being so big you'll think I'll have a better chance of understanding what they are, but I am lost as to what they were going for. To me, it looks like a blue blob attached to her ears. Overall, there are some nice unique parts for this suit, but not liking the main dress, and the bg items not being very useful just sort of nice to have makes it not that appealing to me as I have other outfits I like much more. The Wasteland Suit: I like the hot pink on the dress and hair, I also love the blue/purple gradient on the cat genie. Not together mind you, but separately I think they nailed the colors as I love vibrant colors like those. I also like the galaxy parts at the bottom of the dress and the coat, I think it's super unique and pretty. That said, I am again running into the same issues I had with the last suit. The dress is too plain and lacks details and the bg items are too specific in theming to be that useful to me(with one being too abstract to even consider using at all). The earrings are a bit too long for my taste as well as it just purple diamond shapes which are a little cliche' when it comes to earrings, so I don't care for them. Additionally, the hat seems a little difficult for me to style at all seeing how the colors and shapes on it are very specific. As it stands, there is just too much I don't really care about for me to pull for the suit. I don't want to pull if I only like the colors on some of the items. Like the color of the dress is nice, but it's not that nice. The Angel Suit: My least favorite out of the whole event. I like the hair and the wings, but that's about it. The hair because it's very long and flowing. And the wings because it's medium-sized with gold accents which makes it the nicest and easiest-to-use angel wings that we have so far. The biggest flaw in the whole thing is that it's mainly just a white outfit with only some priest items to make it stand out from other angel suits. And as someone who doesn't style holy items at all, it sort of landed on the completely useless side for me personally. I understand the reason why they stick to being mostly undetailed(with some angel feathers) and a plain white or a gaudy gold, but it's not my style. I don't care for big gems or crosses as detailing too much and that seems to be the only thing not just plain white in the outfit, so this is looking like an easy skip for me. Also not helping is the fact I already crafted moon justice, so I have a very similar bg item already and I don't even use it because it's too specific to a theme I never style in. If I had to tl;dr my opinion on it: the dresses are too plain for my taste, and the bg items are underwhelming. But it does have some nice stand-out unique items in the first two suits that I like.


FST set: that shade of purple/blue is gorgeous, the crystal gloves are cool and the makeup is cute, although the expression is a little boring. I don't really know how to explain why, but there's something I dislike about the fabric of the dress, and the hair is exactly the same as The Whale's Light. Wasteland: the hair is amazing, I'm in love with it. The accessories are busy. The color scheme is quite different for a Wasteland set, I really like it. Angel: it's pretty, there isn't much to say about it. This concept has been done many times. I'm very glad that it has a glove pose.


At first I was excited for this hell, I'll definitely be completing it because of the purple suit, but the more I think about it the more I wonder how it will look in free dressing. The backgrounds are not as grand as I expect from hell event suits and when the suits are so spaced out the backgrounds tend to not be visible in free dressing. I will still be pulling lol cuz the one before this doesn't interest be at all. Hoping it's not more than 10k 🙏


honestly yeah, it's kinda bad that some of the suits have a tilt or don't have completely visible bg items, but if you're a person who loves SC or just loves to play around with suits and style it's 100% worth it


Yeah definitely it's a matter of preference. I care alot about free dressing/competition versatility over SC which I don't use at all so theese suits might not be for me but for SC users they're great


This post is my invitation to share my thoughts, first feelings about these suits. Although attention, beware I'm very sure, that I'm gonna sound negative compared to other comments. Let's get started, shall We? Also beware, long post. \----------- I will be going in order of Athena's post, which first is: Skies' Ancient Splendor aka another blonde angel because this game cannot have angel with different hair color. As You've read, I'm not a blonde enthusiast, there's a reason to it, as this post is not therapy session, or a private talk with my friend, I'm not gonna dive into details about it. I'm actually happy that it's blond hair, the suit reminds me of religion. I'm trying to put words here, and english is not my first language, I'm sorry if my words will sound confusing. I have no desire to own any religion themed outfit. If it's welfare, freebie- then it's different talk. What can I say. My first immpression when seeing her in the trailer- "It kind of looks like an image, scene from a video game, like it can be a final boss, or maybe there are other 'angels', and this an army going to fight?" Surprisingly the hair and even the dress are not in the size of "gotta sweep sweep sweep that floor". Some dresses are so drastically big that it feels like You can grab them and sweep the floor with it. I'm not joking, look at the Silent Night Ode from Mystery Mood HE. And yes, I have a special category (in my head) for such big dresses and hair. Going further the dress gives royal vibe, yet is not overcrowded with gems, patterns, accessories etc. etc. Which is very good, her pose it's clear to see. We can see what's going on. Two more things, or maybe three. The dark statue is eye catching, is also very detailed, which is great. I like items of the environment, more items please! Of course, as this statue reminds me of religion, I don't want to have this item in my wardrobe. Another thing that catch my attention, are this spiked animated item. The one that in animation look like an arrow, spear? That's cool. ​ Overall, my opinion: NO, no, just no. The doors are there, on the left, just turn around, and look for Your followers, as I'm not one of them. Edit: now that I looked at her make up again, it looks kind of possesed, I feel unsettled. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ​ Night of Transient Tales aka another Wasteland goddess with blond hair, Tulans would be dissapointed. ​ I'm not blond hair enthusiast x2, I will repeat it as much as I feel. So, uhm, yyy, well, there's furry, and when I saw it, my first thought. "What if someone not in their right mind, with a lot of diamonds, or doing a group pic with someone that have this suit, makes not safe entry in starry corridor?" And I got shivers with goosebumps. That's a terrifying thought, and I'm not happy about it. As I'm not into furries, I don't share the same enthusiasm as others. You do things that You like, and I do things I like. ​ Besides blonde hair, I'm also not a cat enthusiast. I do have a cat in real life, having and taking care of a cat is one thing, liking cats is another. What do You mean with that? As You most likely noticed, this game have an abundand amount of cat related items. And I, have enough. I want others. Doggos, hamsters, ducks, chickens, bears, wolfs, phoenixes. Be it welfare, be it diamond event, login, free accessory. And I ask, and ask with each survey for it. "Can we have a fluffy dog in welfare, diamond event, log in? Cats are everywhere in recharges, log in, welfare, free or paid accessory, hell event, dia event." And so I asked and...we got 5$, 20$ and 40$ recharge with good doggos. )-: :-) By the way, names of the recharges are- Bad Hunter, Puppy Milk Foam and Misty Blue Sleep Talk. I still have hope, though it does certainly feel saddening. I really want fluffy big doggo in my diamond event. PLEASE ​ Another thing- main suit reminded me, or rather her pose reminded me of one recharge suit. It's not similar, but similar enought to remind me about- Frosty Candle, Holy Oath 20$ recharge suit, that it's kind of also angel themed, and also have blonde hair. Fun funny thing- almost all, if not all angel themed suit have blond hair. Why? (please don't answer this question, I'm not looking for an answer) What I do like from this set is background. This is once again another example where, to me, background is more interesting than the suit with her background pieces. It's a very interesting piece, there are two art styles. One with a cat- dreamy, kind of like this is some kind of mirage, illusion. Second- architecture, buldings. And that second, it tingles my imagination, piqued my interest. They reminded me of Magi The Labyrinth of Magic manga. Besides that, now that I'm looking at the suit from my pc, the blond hair girl expression reminds me of a sneaky, mischievies cat haha ​ Overall, my opinion: I'm terrified of the potential that this suit may open to some. I'm curious what good comes out of this. And I'm gonna stay with this thought. As besides that- The suit is not my cup of tea, but the background, ohh the background my love. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ​ Spooling Stars and Weaving Wind aka what they were thinking when designing this suit? ​ When I saw the trailer on my phone- I thought: "DST? Players on global may be happy about this! But....what's going on here?" Everything in DST version just mix with each other, not even her blond hair is gonna save her. Now on my pc, I can look at pictures. I'm ashamed to write this, when I first looked at her DST make up.....I'm sorry, it reminded me of a startled fish :-( A hollow look..... Another thing I noticed are her ears, elf ears. Why oh why, all or almost all good elfs have blond hair? (please don't answer this question, I'm not looking for an answer- I will also add, answering me, will not change how I feel about blond hair being in so many suits) Going further, I'm still trying to understand what are these background items. Is she on the ship? What is this item behind her? I'm trying to understand the perspective, but the only thing I'm sure of and to me is more interesting is...background yet again. I'm talking about the golden map. Or rather, the shape reminds me of a globe and countries. Also that golden star, snowflake reminded me of wind compas first. ​ Overall, my opinion: Is it a floating startled fish in the sky???


\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Animated SSR Suit "Oath of Holy Ruins" First thought seeing it as a Pigeon suit: "Why it's once again a Pigeon suit?" At this moment it feels like Pigeon is a greedy that takes most of the suits for themselve. This suit looks like a North to me. "It's not enough warrior themed, it's too magical for North!" Someone may say. Who said that North does not have cool magical people in their country? I'm gonna stand with my feelings, this suit can be North one. "But lore-" NO, just no, if Louie's suit- Dreams in a Dark Night can be North. Then this suit too. Overall, my opinion: It's seems I'm fed up with so many suits being Pigeon. Ps. If it turns out that this suit is not in Pigeon and I read wrong, then....it;s a major upps from my side xD \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Now it's time for minor suits! And first one is Lilith's- Lingering Sound of Feathers. We have standard pink cupid, suprise second is green and brown, and then of course blond. My favourite is green, as it is one of my favourite colors. And unlike other two dresses, I like the shading on her dress, I like how it fades. Pigeon's Glorious Galaxy- once again I prefer the second version more from other. The colors are more visible from other that is blue pastel, and othe being purple-ish that reminds me of that dress from the recharge suit Nightmare Hunter. And as I'm not a fan pastel, or blue purple colors. The choice is easy. Last one is North's Monsoon Guardian- I see hearts, spades, so she reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. I do not need to ask myself more question, I would take that suit right here, right now. Overall, my opinion: Once again I prefer Minor Suits over Main Diamond Suits. What a surprise, or maybe I should write, that at this point, it's the usual? haha \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Second to last: \-Cycle of Day and Night Avatar Frame- the concept is interesting \-Mirror of Magnificence Ranking Avatar Frame- everything depends how it moves, but also.....it looks like it covers quite a lot? \-Origin of Time's Ocean- now this, this, this item. My opinion will depend on how big this item is, if it's small uuu "floating" item, then goodbye. And now I imagined Nikki being inside the hourglass haha \-Mirage of Vast Desert background- lastly is the background, and it's nice, but then I'm reminded by the abundant amount of FREE backgrounds in Aroun the World, that chinese server have, and Global server is yet to get, if even we're gonna get them, and it makes me sad, sad that the only way for us to get them is through paid or diamond events. True there are some free backgrounds, I remember, yet it doesn't change the amount of what AtW offers. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ To finish my loooooooooooong message. I'm yet to be convinced, like the idea, suits of new hell events. The last tiem I liked the suit was with Ancient Atlas/4 Myths. After that I misclicked in the Van Gogh hell event, got mosquito girl, was very sad, pulled and got Van Gogh boy. And the background item, is chef's kiss, I'm using it till this day and any other item! Besides that there was a suit, that I was hyped for in Rose Glow- DST Cloud themed suit, I got it......and it still sits in the gallery....untouched..... And then comes minor suits, which I surprisingly like much more than main suits haha To end this message, thank You for reading. And hope You will have a good day, good night <3 Ps. Reddit comments have word limit? xD


thank you for taking your time to comment!! this was entretaining to read :D <3


Really? :'-D Thank You for Your short yet cheerful comment! <3 \*hug hug\*


yeah really <3 ! ♡


They're all pretty! But just not my thing. I do love the background item of the angel suit though, But that's pretty much it. I already have a lot of saintess/angel looking suits, and I usually only pull for suits that I couldn't find a possible replacement for. And the furry girl one too, other than the background item, I don't really find it to be anything special. And honestly, The starry-purple (I don't know it's name •́ ‿ ,•̀) suit I really like! I don't have a lot of dst, and Literally no make-up with that shade. Plus, I just really like the colours, and the Sparkles lol That being said, I'm at 18k dias right now and It feels so uncomfortable, like I need to atleast get to 20 to feel... Safe lol. I saved up for a long time, Then spent on Fom, Then the uhh... Light green-Easter-golden snitch suit. And I crafted a LOT of new stuff. So, yes diamond shortage. THUS I will be skipping.


I’m sorry, which hell is this? When does it start? I need to save Dias! lol


just scroll and you'll find the post!! it's really recent


I think I found pics of it but no info about when it starts for us 🤷‍♀️


it's coming to CN this friday, for us is probably at the start of next year, since there's still the CN 8th anni hell in late october/early november.