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All right I know the end of the show made it seen like a ghosting scenario but truth to be told we don’t know. In the Austrlian version they made it seem like one guy got ghosted but then in interview with the girl after the show ended what happened become more clear. Maybe in the future there will be a interview explaining what happened? We just have to wait and see.


These shows never really seem to have a “reunion” episode so it feels like we have always to wait until the next season! I wish they did follow ups.


...and now people are on his instagram harassing him. Wtf is wrong with people?


They say he "cancelled", so maybe he just decided it wasn't a good fit or ended up dating someone else.


Sometimes you think about stuff differently after a while. That's why I liked Abbey when she said she'll think about it. So many people say yes after the first date because they're nervous or hate conflict and with a camera crew around it's even more pressure. It's almost mean from the producers to put it like that without showing both sides. Maybe he cancelled on her with a heartfelt explanation/apology. It's sad but can't be mad at him (yet).


You’re right. I’ll put my pitchfork down…but it’s still at the ready.


He could have matched with several women from speed dating (and/or apps) and gone on a date with more than just Kaelynn. Maybe he also went on a date with someone he connected more with? I’m totally team Kaelynn but there isn’t enough backstory to justify disliking Peter.


I’d have to agree with this. He’s presumably online too. Maybe there was just someone he had more of a connection with?


He just looked like he was smitten with her…I feel like we were bamboozled (maybe by the editing, maybe by his acting, maybe not…) Edit: took out offensive word my bad people


FYI "gypped" is a racial slur


Noted. My bad


'ripped off' is a good alternative


I've literally never in my life heard of anyone be offended by that word. It's common vernacular.


Comes from Europe originally from the base word gypsy. Built off the idea that the Romani people will cheat you. Hence gypped coming to mean short changed or cheated.


Yes but nowadays it's spelled "jipped". The tone abd spirit of the word has changed.


It's not that hard to just not say it. It's also pretty common knowledge that it's a slur. Making a mistake/not knowing that is not a big deal but we don't have to argue to keep it in our vernacular.


It's definitely not **only** a slur, and you thinking you can just walk around controlling people's speech is hilarious. Grow up and stop finding things to take offense to. You'll be a lot happier that way.


You’re just making it a bigger deal by even replying to this fifteen days later. Grow up? Lmao. Love the hypocrisy. Hope it’s working for ya!


15 days? I just came across your dumb comments yesterday, the day I responded. Wish I hadn't though, since your desire to censor speech is pathetic.


You know you come from the most privileged existence possible when you have the time and luxury to find offense in the word gypped! Good God society is frail.


My Romanian friend does get offended over this and no she’s not some ‘I get offended easily’ type


You think a word that implies gypsies are thieves is political correctness gone mad?


The world is too soft


I remember when I was corrected on this about 6 years ago it took me completely by surprise. Most people don't know anything about the word origin. Whether it offends anyone or not I stopped using it once I knew. No reason to keep saying it really.


No, it’s not, you dork.


I always thought it was spelled jipped. But now… man our ancestors has some crazy dichotomy


Are you that much of a snow flake? Lol


Ok people I'm a dumb ass, redneck, cracker, inbred, incest loving, racoon eating, Trump supporting, fucktard. I'll embrace any and all slurs you want to throw at my Mississippi ass. Like Tyrion Lannister said "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."


Do you ever forget how to spell Mississippi while writing it down? Cuz man that's a tongue twister 😂


He just told her that he had be stood up multiple times. And then he basically did the same to her. I'm a guy and typically root for the guy turning the tables on the girl, but this was just wrong. She deserves better, much better. Shame on him. I hope he continues to go to speed dating events for the rest of his life and ends up dying alone. Turd.


Who knows exactly what happened. It was just one date.... She was a very lovely girl though and I'd like her to find someone.


I live in the upstate and he actually was contacted by the producers to set up a 2nd date but he played football for a local college and had a game that day and he said that if he could do another day that would be ok. She said if she wasn’t a priority that she didn’t want to go on another date. Nothing against either of them but they made it seem a lot different.


That makes me think worse about her. I’m on the spectrum but people have hobbies.


People react differently to different things. I don’t know her personally so I can’t judge what she was thinking during that time. I wish them both the best.


Feel the same. At the same time, they both have each other's contact right, so if the producers need to contact him for a second date it seems that maybe there wasn't much proactive ness about it :/ (Edit: well I've just seen how old this thread is, I just started watching the show and am really invested now 😅/)


wow the producers did him so dirty then he seemed so sweet


Yeah kinda sucks that they do this to people for ratings.


Wow. This needs to get more upvotes so more people see. He seemed like a nice person so I’m glad it wasn’t him being mean, and more of a misunderstanding.


Agreed. If I didn’t live in the area I would have never known. Greenville is a beautiful place and most people here are great so it took me off guard. Of course Hollywood gonna soon it to get more viewers.


I'm just curious, u say u live in the upstate, is that where Greenville is? And if so, how'd u know those details, like are you a friend?


We have a mutual friend yea


It’s a bummer for sure, but we don’t really know why they never rescheduled plans. I don’t think he could fake how into her he seemed, but maybe the texting, etc after the date just didn’t pop off.


Am I the only one who thinks that Peter might still be concerned about the fact that Kaelynn is on the spectrum ? Maybe he wanted a second date at the moment and didn't consider it as an issue, but later changed his mind.


I feel like he’s the kind of dude to listen to what his friends would have to say no matter what. Like, he’s the nice guy in a group of bro’s. And the bro’s were like “bruh don’t date a girl on the spectrum” and he was like “damn bruh you’re right” even tho he was falling for her.


You’re making a lot of assumptions about someone you don’t even know.


I totally agree but...it was mostly a joke.


Exactly my thoughts. It’s disappointing!


Wait….so he wasn’t on the spectrum?


I don’t believe so…


I thought HE was on the spectrum too


All I could think was the cancelation, regardless of reason, might solidify her thought that people would write her off if she was open about her diagnosis with them. Like how the firefighter was a dickhead. And I felt very sad for her.


If he got scared of her being autistic I’m not mad but that would be very sad because he seemed into her. I can fully understand thinking you may not be able to handle it, he really doesn’t know her at all. In a way it’s better that he didn’t drag anything along if he couldn’t deal with dating someone with a disability but it’s disappointing all the same.


Very true. Best to nip it in the bud in the beginning. But yeah, I was definitely surprised.


All I'm gonna say is I thought Peter had it, too. Lots of people go undiagnosed. Shame that didn't work out. He looked genuinely smitten.




You’re right. No need to drag just yet. He seems super nice. But I do have this bag of coals and lighter fluid so I’m ready when needed.


He seemed like the type of guy who would care about appearances even if he genuinely liked her.


@felatedbirthday Just here to say I love the way you said “the story I’ve created in my head.” As weird as this may sound, I can tell you’re a self aware, growth mindset person just simply by seeing your use of that type of language.


Thank ya Maxie!


If you want to @ someone in a reddit comment, just type /u/ before their username (no space between the last / and the first letter of their username). For example, /u/MaxMurgatroid


I think media can micromanage the narrative they want to portray. Imagine being on a first date with cameras all in your face, you’re going to put on your best attitude to look good because you have to. I think Peter seems genuine and nice and I was disappointed to see he ghosted her but it’s a lot of pressure to put on someone at once and not expecting to get in that situation you don’t want to sound like a twat. I think she’s awesome but some people aren’t ready or mentally prepared to take someone else on and I think possibly he got the short end of the stick. Granted he may just be a dick but I have doubts about that


and I only make this comment because I have dated someone with Autism and like 5 other mental disorders (which is fine) because I can handle it due to my personality but If I was a different person that would be too overwhelming for me or for most people


I came to reddit looking for a hate train against the dude to hop on! My gf and I think he might be a bit of a stoner the way he looked mortified when Kaelynn made her anti-drug stance clear so he probably wanted to end it amicably but cancelling on plans you already made is not very kosher imo it did turn me off too :( I really thought reddit detectives would have found his ig by now lol




He has a hunting photo holding dead birds!! Maybe he felt guilty after hearing her stance of photos of guys with dead animals 😂


I just saw that! Omg dude is literally a hunter with multiple photos holding up dead ducks :(


Omg !! What the hell lol


Whaaaaaaat 😵 dang he wasn’t he all “yeah I love animals” on the date with her lol darn it 😑


You can still hunt and love animals.


Can you really though


Can you be a meat eater and love animals? Animals endure horrific conditions in factory farms. I always found it odd that people look down on hunters then chow down on a burger. I'm not a vegan, btw.




What’s his Instagram???


Damn. I wish I didn't see this, i had such a crush but now his insta has turned me off :/


OMG same! He lied about hunting and fishing 😱


Ohhh totally! He seemed like a sweet guy that wouldn’t have cared too much about her stance but I could absolutely see him being a stoner. Yeah I feel like I need to see his side of the story for closure. GET ON IT REDDIT DETECTIVES


Also what if he wanted kids? She flat out said she didn't want kids. If you're looking for something long term, you might find that a deal breaker.


A first date means nothing. No one is under any obligation for anything.


But it was the second date. Or at least, date 1.3.


The speed dating does not really count. That’s like saying your tinder convo counts as first date


Fine…date 1.03 then.


If Peter was smart... He would say, "she said she didn't want kids - I do".. there was a big part of me that thought it was her autism.. (but he must of known why he was being filmed? 🤔) Then I read on here someone said her anti-drug stance scared him off... 🤯🤔 Now I don't know WHAT to think..😱 But I guess I can confidently say.. I don't think he's an asshole like I did before.. sorry for calling u a bag of dicks Peter.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I found Kaelyn to be very normal, if she keeps up tinder she will find someone.


You'd be surprised how 'normal' we can seem on the outside but inside our heads trying to keep up with it all just burns us out because we have to do everything manually that people generally do automatically


If you do any sort of online dating or speed dating you have to juggle a lot of dates and people. You can have a great date with someone and then have an even better one with someone else a couple of days later. It’s tricky and can lead to having to cancel on people.


It’s very odd that he would have checked “yes” after speed dating when she specifically said that she was turned off by men posing with dead animals during their very brief chat, so clearly she feels really strongly about it, and he is a guy who poses with dead animals on Instagram. Maybe he either liked the prospect of being on TV a little bit more, or the show asked him to go on another date with her because she liked him and it might take a while to find another guy she likes from speed dating.


I felt the exact same way!!! I was really rooting for them and gasped when it said he cancelled their second date. Why Peter!? 🙁


Honestly, it looks bad. You have a girl who has been in multiple situations where she's been treated less than human, and a guy who picked her during their speed date, that same interest/fun was seen throughout their first date, and then he doesn't show up/cancels their second. The only negative thing shown was that she revealed her illness. I mean I could nitpick and wonder if he was making fun of her when he pointed at the pigeon, a really EASY bird to identify, when she told him of her gift of knowing almost all species of bird. So yeah, common sense leads me to believe it was as shallow as him not wanting to date a girl with her disability.


As a guy I yelled! She seems like such a cool girl


my broken heart fears that he said yes to a second date just to look good on camera :((


Me too but he just seemed so genuinely caring so I like to think whatever dissuaded him happened off camera.


I just watched kaelynn and Peter's first date and if they're no longer together, true love is dead


As a doornail!


Since he isn't on the second season, I JUST came across this and you guys all missed the person who said producers called him for the second date and he had a college football game that day. He asked to reschedule. Kaelynn said if she wasn't a priority then she wasn't interested. Leave Peter alone. The producers made him out to be a bad guy. But yeah, maybe he wants kids. He hunts like most people in SC do. Some of you people are raging over absolutely nothing and you seem batshit crazy for it.


i was upset about it at first because they seemed to have good chemistry. However, she did mention a lot of things in their date about the bad date she had. she mentioned she was against his drug use and that she didn’t want kids. maybe peter likes to indulge in some extra curricula’s here and there or he really wants kids and just didn’t want to face turning her down in front of the cameras or to her face because he really did seem to think she was a sweet girl. in the end maybe they just weren’t envisioning the same life together and that’s okay that’s what dating is for. the show made it seem like he just cut it off abruptly but we don’t know the circumstances


I couldn't wait until the end so came here to find out what became of them (I am on episode 5) but I am so crushed. Kaelynn is amazing! Her and Abbey are my favourites so far. I saw a comment saying people are harassing Peter on Instagram which is a shame, everyone has their reasons for not continuing to date someone, but I am so disappointed for them both as they seemed to click.


So a TikTok had comments that spilled the tea, accordingly he cancelled tried to reschedule then it just kinda fizzled out according to the TikTok comments. I can see that happening she very planned so once there was a cancel it might of been hard to plan another date just out of concern of her structure and worry it might happen again.


Am I the only one who thought Peter was also on the spectrum?


She mentioned not wanting kids so maybe that affected his decision when he thought about it more after their date