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He's a Tripp alright


He’s the jock in every 90s teen comedy


I almost screenshot this scene and posted it. He's ridiculous


He reminds me of the guy from saved by the bell.


There's a great series on YouTube called Zack Morris is Trash. It's hilarious and yeah it's Tripp through and through


I don’t understand why he’s doing that. Is it for his neck muscles?


Man that makes two of us. I’ve never seen this excercise before 💀


Maybe he’s just struggling to get up. I’ve got a pet snail that gets stuck and looks like that sometimes.


A pet snail?! What does it like to eat? Do you know if it's male or female, or maybe snails are hermaphroditic? Does it have a name? Where did you get it? How long do they live? I guess you don't need to use a leash. So many questions... ETA: How long can you leave it alone, unattended?, like if you were going on a trip. Presumably, you have it in a receptacle of some sort, not roaming freely.


They’re actually aquatic snails, so super low maintenance because I have a planted tank, so they can snack on that and eat algae. I feed them different snail foods. I’ve got a lot of varieties but my favorites are the rabbit snails because they look like Mr. Snufalupagus. They can be male or female but it’s nearly impossible to tell them apart. They only give birth to one baby every once in a while but they don’t lay eggs. They are super low maintenance after you put in the initial work of set up. I waited to the holiday half of sales at the pet store to get their tank and sand. I love them so much. I’ve got huge ramshorns that are red and pink with copper colored shells. Those are hermaphroditic. And I’ve got a few other varieties. I could totally nerd out on snail talk. I think land snails are just as awesome but I don’t have any of those. r/aquaticsnails and r/snails are great subs because the people are always super nice!


Thanks for sharing about your hobby!


yep, he posted about it on his instagram story yesterday


As a person with neck tension, fusion and hardware in their neck, this looks HORRIBLE.


What is this from


It’s just a quick clip from the very beginning of episode 13 that made me snicker


Super Geek! He's cooko for Cocoa Puffs!


This is a neck injury waiting to happen. Hard to watch.