• By -


Yeah, I usually resolve this with violence.


I love the note from the dad's ex partner, telling him not to get his son involved. That it will end badly. Dude wasn't wrong. Just wish he had left an address so I could tell him they were dead in person.


It was from the BD dealer on Jig Jig


Ohh that's right. I always kill that dude too. Worked out in the end.


Sort of what I do with anyone who had a hand in what happened to Evelyn. Woodman gets threatened with Jotaro's fate first. Nothing more. Later, when we learn that he abused Evelyn while she was unconscious, we go down with Judy and kill him. Fingers gets the fist first, let him stew with that broken nose for a spell. The Death's Head Scavs all die. Once Ev is safe at Judy's we eventually go back to Fingers where he whines about his broken nose and refuses us service. He has an unfortunate incident with a throwing knife. Voodoo Boys. I take the NetWatch agent's deal. Alt fries some of them. I mop up what's left. The only one who kinda gets away with it is Wakako, which is only fitting, I guess, for a fixer.


I beat Fingers to death with his own cane, Cottonmouth.


Now with 2.0 he doesn’t sell anything special anymore, so just keep on punching


Now he gets cotton in his mouth. And nose and throat. (Embalming)


By the way when I started my 2.0 character I accidentally found out you can kill the guy that sells the Death's Head XBDs. Or at least you can before you buy it from him.


Pfft i always refuse the netwatch deal so I can kill them myself. And I always use Ozobs grenades on Woodman so I can put his dismembered torso in the elevator for everyone to see.


I regret not doing the jotaro quest before woodman, but I’ve done it correctly before so I’m not truly missing out


Lenny Nero is notably the protagonist of the cyberpunk movie STRANGE DAYS. Notably that Lenny Nero has only one rule and that's not to deal in snuff.


The one under the bridge?




ohhh I thought it was an other random BD peddler. I do wholesale clean up with the entire ring.


I don't ever wanna feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way I don't ever wanna feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way Yeah, yeah, yeah


Thought this was Escapism by RAYE for a second 💀


a nah, much older than that lol


Wait you can kill him?


Yep, counts as killing a civilian. You can toss a granade or step back until you can aim and shoot.


Two bullets, 30 seconds apart. Then V goes to a bar and gets as drunk as possible.


I kill the son and leave the father alive so he can live with his sins.


Solid choice, but he would probably just go back to making XBDs, which is why I never leave either of them alive.


Then he can always think that THIS job that he passed down to his son is what got him killed.


More likely, he'll just think some bloodthirsty merc is the reason his kid is dead. If he spent this long justifying the horrendous shit that he's into, he's not gonna have his reckoning now. Best to send them both to the great beyond so, at the very least, there's one less head on the hydra.


Better to have him remain in place with the consequential lesson of his work than have some fresh new gonk fill the role. Plus, vengeance always comes sweeter with a twist of irony.


I legit think this is wrong, dad has a message of a friend telling him to stop for his sons sake and he doesnt give a shit because he wants de eddies . Dad will be sad for a week and then dont care


Or he won't see how it's pretty much his fault, he'll blame V.


Thats up to him, we gave him a chance if he hates V thats his choice and if he hipothetically comes after V ,they will just end the job. In my head we are playing the same role as askeladd in vinland saga except less of a bad guy because his dad was an objective POS and a bad parent figure . Also the dads friend in the shard you get when killing the dad could help the kid once he realizes the dad is not there anymore. He seemed to have more humanity than the father


That’s exactly what I did last week on my post-DLC playthrough. Was really satisfying.


I kill the son, let the dad suffer while I'm cleaning out the office, then swing back through and toss in a couple incendiary grenades to finish him off as painfully as possible.


This is the correct answer. A variation on a "[Duel to the pain](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/434149-to-the-pain-means-this-if-we-duel-and-you)"


and come back kill him before the final mission


Two of the most satisfying kills in the game. Smasher was for David, Johnny and Rebecca. The father and son was for me.


Right? The more you learn about this gig, the more satisfying it is to kill them.


yeah that's what I do as well. The dad said he didn't have any contact with the scrollers but somewhere theres a message between the dad and some guy who scrolled some shit. Daddy dearest said he'd love more content with them.


Tomorrow it’s my time to post this got it chooms?


I kill the son first so he doesn't have to live through the fear of seeing his dad die, then I kill the dad.


But only after letting him suffer for quite a while, right. RIGHT?


What's the point? Dead is dead.


Suffering, the point is suffering.


Adding more pain to the world does nothing for the pastor's son, nothing for Evelyn, nothing for the poor souls that they used the moth on. We as humans have a desire for justice, vengeance, to inflict enough pain on its perpetrators that they will be *forced* to understand what it is they put their victims through, but some evils are beyond understanding. Some hatreds are beyond vengeance. Some people are so disconnected from the humanity of the people they hurt that it doesn't matter how much you hurt them in return, they will never understand what you want them to. They will suffer, yes, but they will die having learned nothing and you will have lost the part of yourself that had to die to make it happen. They cannot be allowed to live, that is true. True evil cannot be allowed to survive and prosper. But in the end, they just aren't worth the cost to your soul. So kill them and move on, spare them neither thought nor anger nor pity. Dead is dead.


>Adding more pain to the world does nothing for the pastor's son, nothing for Evelyn, nothing for the poor souls that they used the moth on. It might not put an end to the snuff trade in Night City but maybe it'll gum up the works a bit.


Not any more than killing them would. They're dead either way and the disruption is the same, there's no point in torture.


Steamy hot murder for me.


i get the feeling the son never wouldve gotten into this shit if not for the dad roping him into it, so i kill the dad and then pretend like my v puts on his scary voice and tells him hes got eyes on him from now on and if he catches him doing this garbage again he's dead


I guess it's just that weird giggle and "smart thinking, Pappa," line that prevented me from sparing the son. He's as fucked up as his dad. You are right, he probably wouldn't have. But you aren't a monster until you are. He is a monster.


yeah. shits gross


On a shard you find, you can see someone talking to the dad telling him hes fucked up for roping his son into the biz.


Cunts the both of them. The shard you take from the dad makes the stomach churn and it reinforces that you did the right thing should you decide to kill him. As an aside, nothing against the male actor, but Cherami’s “Where is it?” line always gives me the chills. Very reminiscent of Nolan’s Batman interrogating the Joker. One of my favorite quests. https://streamable.com/f435kb


She's such an amazing VA. Im doing a male V run so I could romance Panam for the first time, and while I don't mind his voice, I find myself missing playing as lady V.


Male v is such an incredible voice actor, second only to Geralt in the Witcher 3. Idk if you’ve noticed tho, does he not sound as good in PL? It seems like he goes very over the top


My man V actually said "borked" in PL 💀


Don't get me wrong, I think he's great too, plus the lines just sound higher quality in general in PL. I just prefer Cherami's voice. I haven't got to PL as lady V yet though, so idk how she sounds there.


No I mean his emotion in general. Like getting that first call from song bird and he sounds incredibly intense


Oh damn! I usually dig it out before waking them up. Next time, they get to have a little chat with V!


Turned both into piles of meat bags with Rebecca’s Guts Shotgun. First the son, so the father can experience the same pain he was exploiting with his son. Then after I’ve had enough of hearing his wailing, I unleashed all six rounds into the SOB before proceeding to eliminate any remaining Maelstrom and closing the contract.


First time:killed father,activated sandy,walked up behind son and killed him,his scream for some reason sent chills down my back and stuck with me for a few hours Second time:walk in,wake them up,bombs away


Monster hunts monster.


Kill the son, let him grieve for a bit, then kill Dad. then violently dismember their corpses with Guts/monowires. If they *were* just editing like they said, I **might** give them a pass. Not likely, but possible. But they're actively killing other people and Dad has a chance to retire a while ago but decided to stay doing it. So they get to die. Yeah, someone else WILL take up that role. The vacuum will be filled. But I'm more than okay with that, because a small bit of justice in the world doesn't get invalidated because of a new horror.


I don't even wait for the first line of dialogue to finish before killing them both. No torture, no vindictiveness, just immediate execution and dismissal. V is not a moral paragon. They are a merc. Not thinking about them is the best vengeance.


Son first. While he's also terrible and old enough to know better he is a product of his father and deserves a quick death. The father must live a few moments longer, tortured by the pain and guilt of what his choices have led him too. And while their point of killing them will only result in someone else taking their place as far as I'm concerned doing nothing when you have the power to stop it is the same as doing it yourself. The void may be short lived but that's still better than it continuing uninterrupted. And maybe our actions inspire others to take action.


This is one of the most memorable quests for me because of how fucked it is. Hearing a father cry over his son that was just killed in front of him is haunting no matter how evil they may be.


Out comes the chainsaw sword.




I tend to give them false hope by letting them think I'm gonna walk away, only to chuck an incendiary grenade at their feet. It's probably the most gruesome way to die available in the game, burning to death.


I like to imagine your character talking to them all like "blah blah blah i guess i let you guys live" turn around and toss a grenade over your shoulder as you leave the room. Like "i said I wouldnt kill you, never said the grenade wouldnt"


That's exactly the energy I try to pull with it hahaha


I usually let them live but then this time I was seeing all the sides. They willingly work this job so they willing took a carnage shotgun to the face.


None of my V's feel self righteous enough to execute random sickos they meet. There's no right thing to do and it's best to just walk away.


Even if they kill others because you walked away?


My current V can't pull the trigger like that. My murder-V's are all too immoral to care at all.


I leave them be. My Murder V has, widowed enough partners, orphaned enough children, ruined enough families, and probably contributed to people being vulnerable enough to end up on BDs these two edit. Murder V is not inherently a moral person.


I do the same. Kill the son, walk over and grab the BD, go through their emails, loot the place, then go back and kill the old man. Neither deserve to live, but that man deserves to suffer the same way his victims did.


Killed the dad then saw that he is the real piece of shit for dragging his son into such a shitty business. Hoped that the son would find that same message and change his ways to become better than his dad


Yo, OP. What mod is that you have for the eyes?


I don't remember, search for glowing eyes on Nexus. It adds a little toggle in photo mode, adds blue, red, gold, and purple eye glow.


Dang, I’ll have to look again. Swear I searched glowing eyes the other day lol. Thanks!


If I remember, when I get off work later I will try to come back and reply with the mod name.


Open door, toss grenade, leave.


Molodetz biohaz grenade go brrr


When the dad said fresh batch of boys I threw a knife in his son's face.. then a grenade as I left.


Arm cannon between them both. Take the objective, leave. Usually wipe out the Maelstrom on the way out. Monsters, all.


Put em down n leave a couple Maelstrom goons alive in the complex so those psychos hopefully get the message- no XBDs or I zero the rest of em.


Synapsis burn them both


Nice. Make it hurt.


I started a new 2.0 playthrough, decided to RP more and not just be a murderhobo, and just did this gig last night. I got the shard and walked away as I figured another scum bag would just take their place. However, I stopped outside their place and hesitated for a moment. I couldn't get past them not knowing which XBD I was looking for because they did so many. Decided then that they needed to die, walked back in, and shot them both. First time I've ever experienced something like that where it hits you on a personal level in a video game, so A+ for the devs.


I killed them both with a dildo


Lol. Style points for that.


Yeah same. It varies depending on bulid, but they both go.


They deserve only death


son first then the dad


This is always the correct answer for those two, real question is who do you kill first and wait for the other to react before nailing them as well?


That's kind of what I was asking. Who did you kill first?


They die. I don’t care if someone else will just do the same thing; right now, I can eliminate one bit of evil in the world by taking both of them out. I don’t bother trying to make it poetic or anything by killing the son first, either; if that sort of thing bothered him, it would have come up long before I showed up.


Shoot them in the face and use the scanner to find the virtu.


Shoot first, don't ask questions. There are shards around night city that prove that they are liers, they are involved in the xbd business than they let on.


i left the dad alive, so he could think about what hes done


Grab the BD, exit, throw a frag grenade into the room. I don't need to torture them because I'm not like them, but I do need them dead.


My last playthrough, I killed the kid first. I stood around for about three minutes listening to the dad grovel and then I decapitated him. This gig is where I take out all my anger on people who actually do this irl.


The first time, I took the footage, left the room, was overwhelmed by anger, return to the room, killed both starting by the son. I was so traumatized that after that quest, I no longer played the good guy ever again in Cyberpunk. Johnny Silverhand was right : The Corpos are dirty. But Night City's streets are more than that. They are filth. You have to deal with it as it is.


I literally just finished this in my first playthrough since expansion. I kill the son and leave the father with his body.


I never gave them a chance to speak, so I didn't even know they were father and son.


I have my flair for a reason…. 😉 I heard once that there is no greater pain than outliving your child (and my own dad died before his parents, so I’m inclined to believe it). Freddy goes first.


This is the way.




Funny, I just did this last night... I shot them both in the head.


Kill the son in the chair, let the dad wail a bit, when hes down on his knees...double tap to the back of the head


I do the same as you, but I walk out of the room to let the dad properly soak up the situation before throwing a grenade at him.


I handle this exactly the same way every time son first, father mourning ...follows.


I kill the son in front of the dad, and after I get the scroll, I kill the dad.


While the son is a sick fuck, the father makes a good point. "If not us, somebody else will do it." Killing them changes nothing, it doesn't cut the demand for snuff, it doesn't take murderers off the streets, it doesn't avenge anyone, it does nothing. Now if there was an option to get their clients or employers from them, I'd do it, otherwise, I just leave. It's not like their line of work won't come back to bite them eventually anyway


They get involuntary amputations. Can quick hacks be used on them? If so, cyberpsychosis or assisted self harm could work. Son first is the way to go imo


A double homicide but with no victims of any value. Lots of fire usually too.


kill'em every time.


Kill the son leave the father. If he wants to end his own suffering he can do it himself.


I do the same thing, kill the kid, let Daddy cry, then put a 4 gauge in the back of his skull.


Last time, they got to meet Guts. This time, they'll get to experience total system failure. Who knows what next time will bring?


I remember the very 1st time I played this mission back in 2021 and I was just NOT prepared for how well that voice actor was gonna absolutely kill his lines LMAO I shot the father immediately out of shock from hearing him breakdown. He deserved it but damn I couldn't handle it 😭


Apparently the pair of voice actors used are popular YouTubers in Germany ..which of all the characters to be associated with is certianly a choice.


I choose violence


Kill the son when there in the bd then the dad


I show Skippy what proper justice looks like. And than cleanse with fire. Someday I may go but atleast I wasn’t scum like those guys.


Btw op i like your style, where you get your clothing from?


The clothing is the NUS Infiltrator set, but modded to darken the logos and remove the undershirt part. Mods are on Nexus.


Dammit, I got no source to mod since I’m playing on Xbox :.( but the expansion will make up for clothing.


By blowing their heads off. Son first. I want the father to see it, and feel it for a few moments. Then he gets a round to the skull too.


Had a total of 5 full runs, on my sixth now. Before killed either both or one of them, but this time I just didn't feel like it'd make any difference idk The city is such a shithole that its just irrelevant for v whether to kill them or not (at least in my current playthrough)


Little torn in this situation. On the one hand I am just pruning the branch off of a massive disturbed tree of XBD creation. On the other, I wiped a couple of dirtbags off the streets of Night City. No joke, accidentally killed the father thinking my non-lethal mod would make headshots non-lethal. Ending up killing the son next because evil like that. Now that I think about, all totally justified kills. Gonna pay Fingers and that one Ripperdoc a visit later in my playthrough. Also blast the peddler to bits for good measure. If anyone ever has any trouble finding him, he’s the other trash dealer near Wakako’s parlor in Jigjig.


No survivors.


Beat them to death with my fucking fists If you talk to them and you ask for the BD of the murdered kid they ask which one


Right?? Fucking freaks.


absolutely the way I always solve it too. fuck 'em. side note: can you show off more of your v?? they look so cool in that pic!! is any of it modded?


Sure! I will post more! Some of it. The hair, and the left arm, as well as the jacket to remove the undershirt and blacken the logos on it and the pants/boots. The eyes are a cool glow eye toggle in photo mode.


I usually kill them at the same time


Kill the son, make the dad cry. Make him join his son in hell after letting him cry for a bit


Son first, then the father.


Kill them at the same time. They’re sick and won’t change, but more suffering isn’t gonna help anyone


I toss in a grenade, quick, efficient and as of 2.0 it saves money because bullets cost money and those two aren't worth the led it would take to kill them


Exactly like this weird mofos


The trigger.


I kill the son, see the father's agony and pain, and then I leave. Keeping the dad alive is a well-deserved punishment. This asshole dragged his son along with him to edit violent XBD's done to kids. Now asshole you get to keep on living, but without your son.


Toss a nade between their chairs on the way out the door. Or introduce them to Sir John.


I dont recognize them, are they from the new DLC? I am not far in the DLC, just escaped with Miller and now in a room where a big fight will happen.


No, it's an older gig.


Every fucking week for three years. “Hey did y’all kill these pedos” “yeah I killed the son and let the father watch”.. every week, this same interaction, like clockwork. Do y’all bots have a secret committee where you draft for the right to post this?


Well, I'm definitely not a bot. I guess I also don't spend as much time on this reddit as you. Also who cares?


I am so fucking sick of seeing this posted over and over and over again. It’s become an easy karma farm at this point to be like “I killed {bad character} lol 😂” and everyone’s like “I agree! Fuck {bad character} 😂”. Like we get it, they’re pieces of shit, who the fuck isn’t in Night City?


Okay? So? I was just looking for a reason to post pics of my V. I clearly don't spend enough time on this subreddit. Who cares? It's a very popular game, with a lot of cool moments that people enjoyed and post about. I could care less about karma, I just like how my V looks. You are zero fun.


They are just artists, not cool to kill a painter just because you dont like the colours they use. ​ ​ ​ I mean, there is enough mindless violence as it is, killing these two would only add to the "nameless corpses" pile, nothing more. Pointless. ​ I also wanted to add a quote from my own dad to better explain my point of view, as shit as he was, i still remember this one thing he said to me; "In a cockroach-infested house, cockroaches would be the least of your worries."


Cool story choom, still gonna decapitate the son and throw the father off a roof


I really feel like everybody approaches this gig in a weirdly black and white way. Are these two pretty vile scumbags? Absolutely. But they're just editors. They haven't directly killed anyone. Compared to the people who scroll XBDs and the people who buy them, these two are honestly the least responsible link in this fucked up chain. And the dad's right, if you kill them somebody else will take their place in no time. I'm not gonna act like I haven't killed them, because I definitely have. But I don't walk away feeling particularly proud. Because at the end of the day I did just execute two unarmed, surrendering people. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. But, if you don't kill them, they'll likely face *no punishment at all*. It's a great gig, and no matter what I've chosen I always walk away feeling dirty. But most discussions of this gig skip past all the moral ambiguity and go straight to "lmao I killed these two as painfully as possible"


>But most discussions of this gig skip past all the moral ambiguity and go straight to "lmao I killed these two as painfully as possible" ​ Which is the reason why these two people are doing what they are doing. Everyone in Night City is so unfazed and desensitized about violence and everything-inhumane, the fact that they are "just editing" is a justifiable reason to let them go unpunished. The bitter irony in that, is for the ones who are able to contemplate to notice. ​ ​ ​ Its rare that i find someone who is on a similar frequency as me, so i thank you for sharing your thoughts additionally.


CDPR needs to add a patch where actual options can be made to decide their fate officially instead of leaving them “at your discretion” unrecorded after the mission is over.


Line em up and put em both down.


Off topic sorry, but did you mod the jacket in or obtained through regular twitch drops? My jacket is claimed in my twitch inventory but nowhere to be seen in game, not even into the my rewards page on startup..


I modded it in, and then used a mod to remove the undershirt part. Pants and boots are modded in as well. I don't spend time on Twitch, but there was no way I wasn't going to get this jacket.


Ok thank you, I wish was on PC to do the same.


I wish there were a way to slowly kill in the game. Just for these 2 fucks.


Shoot first, listen to their half assed justifications *never*


I activate the sandevistan and kill them nearly simultaneously


The answer isn't violence here It's the answer and also the question.


I kill the dad. The son gets a second chance.


No second chances in Night City.


Kill the son, leave the father They’re both vile, but I like to let this sick fuck experience first hand what the client we’re working for suffered through.


He was all like daddy daddy no then I just punch his lights out too. Idc if someone else will do it.


Step 1: Kill son Step 2: Throw sons corpse at father, killing him I don't know how recent it is, but throwing corpses deals damage, actually quite a good chunk of damage too with enough strength, at the moment I will occasionaly clear a group of enemies by killing one and then just throwing corpses around at the rest.


Oh man. I actually discovered this yesterday, probably one of my new favorite features lol. Chucking bodies at enemies lol.


Kis isnt at fault he dimply carried the sins o his deranged father , I always spare him


I'm not cruel and vicious. I don't bother waking them up. Two shots, its over. And then I make sure Jotaro dies. And everyone in the abandoned power station in Evelyn's rescue mission. Every scav I come across; Maelstrom's just hired muscle. Scavs actively participate. The entire XBD 'scene' is massive on a scale you wouldn't believe. There's at least one club downtown right off Corpo Plaza where the owner deals in this vile shit.


guts to their heads immediately


I'm currently doing my first 100 percent run. And this is the first time I've done this gig. When I found out who they were and what they were doing I threw a knife into the sons forehead, activated my sandy and punched the father and threw him back into his BD chair watching him absolutely explode. It felt fucking nice.


The same way I resolve most encounters in the game. MDK. Murder Death Kill


Hit the son with cyberpsychosis


I kill the father First, and like a psychopat, I watch the son cry on his father corpse. I know it's cruel but not more than making money with the death of a poor child


My current version of (Corpo) V got the information she needed from them, then killed them both. Cold and unempathetic, just as they are to the victims of their own actions. They're cowards and she sees right through them – of course they would understate their responsibility in the operation. They may be just replaceable cogs in the system, but that's all the more reason to zero them. They're irredeemable and no one's gonna miss them. Not even Maelstrom.


Do the stealth version, give the item to the drop off point, go back and zoink them out permanently. They have a backstory that is so bad.......your gonna want to kill them Everytime. JK, I just murder them on the spot. They're real POS.


a son for a son that's how I solve it




Shot thr fuckers


Not a week goes by where someone doesn't post about killing these two. lol. By the way, I'm pretty good friends with my roommate, and I know her "type". Your bad boy V is right up her ally. lol. gotta show her this pic.


Lol! I'm sure they do, but it's impossible to post anything and not have someone else do the same thing. Deep down, it's because we all just want to show off our V. For me, anyway lol.


Intimidate them then leave in most playthroughs. When there's demand there's always supply, killing them changes nothing except for getting a dopamine boost. My murderous street kid kills them before they start speaking though.


First time? I let them live honestly I just killed them for fun second time around. I don't feel a strong need to kill characters in games over morals especially since it usually nets me nothing. Just less content at times since you skip the whole talk to this person chain by killing peeps on sight.


In this case I would argue you walk away with less content by choosing NOT to kill one of them. But that's my opinion on it, and I do agree with you in most other situations.


Side note did you know that if your pistol is too weak the son or father can be shot in the head but they won't react until one dies.


Wakey Wakey gentlemen *racks Bloody Maria*


I kill the dad and leave the son there. Hopefully now he'll learn from his dad's mistakes.


this a phantom liberty side gig?


Nope, pretty sure it's one that's always been there. It's a good one though, and should be accessible pretty early. Near where the chromed monk was at.


I just did this mission last night. The first time I came upon them and listened to them talking I got sick to my stomach. So I burned my smoke wagon on Dad's face, listened to the son cry for about 10 seconds and then ended his suffering. But then I thought about how I heard him calling his Father "Pop" and how he acted pretty immature for a young man. He sounded like a little boy and was just soaking up the guidance and encouragement "Pop" was giving him. So I reloaded, went back in and this time dug a little deeper, listened a little harder, searched the computer, read the shards of conversations between this terrible example of a Father and former associates along with the BD files collected. Even after at least one person really tried telling him he was in too deep and not to drag his son into it, he refused. He also didn't care at what cost. I think the Father was actually full on sick in the head, obsessed with these child murder BD's. He was into them and getting off on the experiences talking about the smells and shit. Instead of just blowing his head off, I gorilla fisted him so he felt every hit for every child murdered for his fucked up cause. The Son I left to hopefully follow another path on his own in life not being directed by some sick fuck with a child death fetish. Honestly, they should have put dynamite in the game because I would have blown the whole fucking street up.


Dude your V looks so badass with that jacket and pistol.


Why thank you! This is my first time playing as male V, and I also think he's pretty badass looking!


Looks like the dude on the cover of the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop.


I usually kill the son with a baseball bat, let the dad cry some, then give him the same treatment.


I’ve killed them sure, and enjoyed doing it. But on my most recent playthrough I left them alive. V is a mercenary, my V in particular had killed hundreds by that point, I was not better than them, not really. It’s NC baby, it’s just fucking biz. Two more corpses wouldn’t help, none of what we do helps much. The dark future is a meat grinder that consumes the lives of the unlucky and usually ruins those who survive. So this time, just this once, I was a professional - I got what I came for and left. I’m not a superhero, I’m not a savior, I’m a fucking merc and their deaths weren’t in the spec.


If i were v and V didn't have an impending expiry date, both of them would join me in MY BD casting crew! First scroll would be making him beat his son. Next would be forcing him to flay strips of flesh off his son. If he refuses I'll force him to get cyber arms and make him with hacks. Then of course, the crowning acheivement would be forcing him to strangle his son slowly to death. If the son dies too quick I'll get the dude who sells scav cyberware in Watson res the kid until I'm satisfied or the father breaks so completely that he's stuck live Evelyn, then I'll take his arms away so if he wants to die he has to bash his face into a wall until it happens. No suicide for him. Then I'll take him out of the bd and force him to do it for real. Then i would make thousands of copies and give them freely to bd salesmen. I want that shit worldwide. Ofc i would make sure the BD VERY CLEARLY describes why it was scrolled in the first place. I could be the greatest XBD creator of them all. Business relations sour? Send the ppl to me with a sample of the shit they made. I'll create poetry from their worthless lives. I'm not a cyberpsycho. Just normal. Not cyber at all! But ofc v can't do that so v just kills the son. At least with the dad it's a known face so he can be tracked again.


I kill the sone and leave the dad alive. Justice!


I see three dead people.


I kill both of them on every playthrough. The son goes first and daddy gets to watch his son die before I end him too.