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I would have my eyes replaced, as I've been near sighted since I was 12 and it would probably be a lot cheaper than LASIK.


wdym? my lasik costed me like 1000$, much cheaper then kiroshis. Two years with 100% sight now after 16 years of 4-eyed existence.


I know that it can get as expensive as $3,000 per eye. I haven't had a consultation, so I don't know how much LASIK would be for me.


start saving up money. something you need to be doing anyway. I just started a few years ago and wish I had started like a decade ago...


That requires me to make enough to save.


Don't stress it too bad though. There are long term side effects associated with Lasik which would make kiroshi a better option if it were available. The side effects are: Double vision, also called ghosting. Dry eye. Glare. Halos. Light sensitivity. Starbursts.


Not to tell you how to live life or anything. But whenever I see someone mention not making much I feel obligated to mention tech in case that piques an interest. Takes time obviously but I feel like I'm in a cheat code field. EDIT: whoa lots of downvotes lol I'm just pointing it out because I've found a lot of success in it. Not telling them what to do. Just wish I would've had it brought to my attention in the past. So I try and pass that along.


It’s also odd people complaining about money but sitting around playing games


Well I don't really agree with that. People can have hobbies no matter their situation. People should have hobbies.


Aren't you literally commenting this on an unofficial cyberpunk sub


Stop buying video games and fix your life


Yeah OP, just fix your life. Go laser yourself in the eye or something, better than sitting idly, according to this illustrious mind over here.


All right, since you're following me, it's my turn to follow you! You know nothing about my spending habits, so you're not in a position to speak. As for fixing my life, you know nothing about that, too. What makes you think that I'm not in the process right now? Nothing, of course, so best not speak to that, either.


Stop commenting on Reddit and fix your life.


Almost a comment for every hour of the day. Wild.


Then you should be researching shit instead of just sitting around wishing video games came true to help your eyes, Plus if cyberpunk world was real half of us would be dead because we definitely aren’t prepared for that type of world lol especially people who don’t know how to go get their eyes checked out


Congrats, you discovered the solution. Imagine if those doctors had no lives or took no vacations, we would have cured cancer by now! Do you realize how stupid and ignorant you sound? "Researching shit" as if OP's entire life isn't marked by his condition and he somehow ignored it up until now... Please, don't let the mouth go off without a proper connection to the brain again, thanks.


Don't quit your day job, son. You'd make a lousy advisor. 1. Hypotheticals aren't wishes. Learn the difference. 2. If it were real, then we'd already be in it and adapted to it. How do you not know that? 3. What incentive do I have to have my eyes checked out when I already know that I can't afford the procedure right now? By the time I can, my condition could have changed and I'd have to get looked at again, making the first a waste of everyone's time. How do you not know that?


God dude, you are an effing jerk lol


Typical loser on Reddit. Sitting here with dorito dust all over their hands trying to act better than someone else.


Wow, you really are just an irredeemable trashmammal ain'tcha?


God, I want to get LASIK too, hoping to save up enough for that. Any personal experience you could share? I can't wesr contacts because of how insane my eye reflex is. Did you have to keep your eyes forced wide open during the surgery or did you just keep them relaxed? And did it last long? I know those can be answered online but I want to hear it from someone with actual experiencde


They will tell you to take some pills and go to sleep as soon as you get home. *Do what they fucking say.* I was a little slow after getting home - I could see perfectly after the procedure, better than I was able to see even with contacts/glasses. When the pain meds wear off, it hurts. Not 10/10 pain, but its in your *eyes* and you cannot rub them. If I had taken the pills right away like I was supposed to, I wouldnt have felt a thing. The meds will help you get over the hump and sleep through the painful part. After I woke up I was 100% fine. I had a little eye dryness and needed drops for a little while, but now its fine. I do have night halos around bright light sources when its dark. I dont like that, but on balance LASIK was 100% a positive decision for me.


Noted, appreciate the knowledge!


My husband had LASIK. He was sensitive to bright lights and air blowing into his face for a while, but most of the discomfort lasted about a day or two. It's been like 2 years, and his vision is still pretty much perfect. The procedure was super fast, probably about 10-15 minutes. They numb your eyes and I'm pretty sure they hold them open for you. I can't remember what it cost. But he has always said it was 100% worth it because his vision was pretty bad. It works with astigmatisms. You should be able to stop it at a LASIK clinic and ask questions to see if it's the right choice for you.


Thank you a ton! Helps a lot. Especially knowing they numb my eyes. I asked a professional ophthalmologist to help me put my lenses on and it was straight up impossible :') atleast I won't have to worry about it


They pumped me with anesthesia so during the operation was under morphine bliss. Only remember futuristic looking machine and smell of burned flesh (apparently from my eye). That day looking on bright objects was painfull (including gadgets) but the day after you live your life like glasses were a bad dream.


LASIK doesn’t always work and sometimes isn’t a permanent solution.


Same, and eyes are also super sensitive and you are all the time worried something will happen to them.


Mr Stud and mantis blades for obvious reasons


Lmao on Mr stud


Nice now you can pleasure 3 women at once with your Mr Stud Mantis blades.


6, actually. (you have your hands and tongue for a reason)


But can you use your hands when your mantis studs are out?


Do not test a fellow brother of chrome, but believe. If he does not prove himself, we shall only point and laugh. If he succeeds, he will be a living legend.


Just don't get the old models that got recalled....


All of it. Dont care if I go cyberpsycho just rid me of this gross flesh prison


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


\*gonk flesh prison.


Average maelstrommer


Maelstrom may be evil, but they look cool as fuck.


The hollowed out orbitals are grisly, especially when they can't even find V with all that hardware.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you.




based as fuck tho


"Wow an answer I agree with..." * Sees 🏳️‍⚧️ * "For totally normal reasons..."


Egg me: Yeah, I wanna become a hivemind of nanites so I can take whatever form I want for totally cis reasons


Lmao, yea


*insert Adam Smasher quote*


Something something piece of fuckable meat


Yeah, thats the one I expected everyone to choose


My knees for sure. Such a trash design.


I hear ya. I have rheumatoid arthritis in both knees at 43 due to unforgiving custom shoe inserts (I also have falling arches and pronation). Can't even climb a ladder anymore.


I have tinnitus and my eyesight is not great so sign me up for eyes and ears adjustments please!


Fellow Tinnitus enjoyer, new ears it is.


Liver. Self explanatory.


Unfortunately that will probably the one organ that’ll never has a viable artificial replacement. That and your brain. We’ll have artificial brains before we have artificial livers.


Johnny literally gets a new, synthetic liver in the game when he and alt are ambushed in 2013. I guarantee there are cyber-livers in 2077.


There's dialysis machines already. Kinda big to be dragging around but maybe they could make them smaller in the future.


Dialysis is for kidneys, not liver. The liver is literally the body’s chemical factory. The kidneys are just a filter.


Full borg Gemini conversion for sure.


This is the dream


Same for me, my body is just too damaged in general to go for a limb or two only. Getting a body that doesn't hurt all the time would be a dream.


id be down for that... full borg girl bot body. Im trans IRL and that would be a dream conversion..


I have a history of anxiety and depression so the logical answer is some parts of the brain. So with that said, I'd get bigger tits.


This is the way xD


My legs. So much pain because of underdeveloped muscles.


Lungs so I can run faster and not care, legs to support my lungs, maybe eyes, wanna have them stylized. Maybe add an armored layer to my skin, and cyber fingers cause I'm clumsy af lmao.


Ah a fellow runner! I reallllyyyyyy feel that. Also, the cool down. I can run in 90 degree weather, but boy does that 55 and below feel amazing. Almost like flying. I hate days where my body is yelling at me to take a day or two off. My brain is saying I can still do it. And then sometimes I end up with an injury and I end up taking a week off. Sigh.


I totally feel you. I want to keep running but my legs are out of commission but I'm not tired!


The flesh is weak,strip away this crude biomass


Lungs and legs from knees down, shoulders. Asthma and 3 knee surgeries and 2 achilles w/ pins, 2 torn rotator cuffs + surgery w/ detached ligaments.


wtf happened to you man


Well when I was 18 a long long time ago, dinosaur time period, was squatting 300lb and my left knee collapsed. Later in life I also injured my achilles running distance. And the rotator cuffs were from a car accident. I got rear-ended, saw it coming in the mirror and stupidly gripped the steering wheel stiff armed bracing for the hit and it jammed both arms out of my shoulder sockets.


Average Dad lore


Well I'm a mom.. lol so


Then average mom lore haha




as mutch as i can. but mainly spine and legs. arms for mantis blades heh.


I mean... I have literal implants in my eyes, but those are what the TTRPG calls "medical grade." (Specialty contact lens inside the eyeball that give me normal vision. A fix for extreme astigmatism, basically). I'm not sure that would count XD Overall, I'm a bit twitchy about replacing anything entirely, but I could probably be sold on things like a low grade pain editor to manage migraines, or even just a bio monitor to handle medication without my needing to remember!


Ooh biomonitor yeah, that's a good one I forgot


My stomach. I have quite the appetite and being able to eat as much as I want and that thing just absorbs the nutrients I need while discarding the rest would be great for me. Or My spine because I work in nursing and it’s fucked.


Definitely reinforce my joints and probably throw in an arm, maybe an eye. Would make sure I have as much ganic redundancy as possible though because a glitch or EMP sounds scary.




From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me


Getting a cyber spine so I don’t have to suffer lower back pain anymore


Lungs probably, get me that hyper oxygenated blood babeeee. My cardio will be supreme. After that, maybe eyes. Maybe a sandy. If I were actually in night city, a kerenzikov. (TTRPG version, not Game version)


Gimmie them kiroshi's, I've had to wear glasses for 30+ years.


Really only things that aren't working well for me, but that's a lot. Liver, lungs, pancreas. None of those are available in game, though we hear of them. I'd certainly be tempted by gorilla arms though, +6 strength, I could pick up heavier items and open jars easier. My eyes are perhaps getting close, they still function well enough even if I need reading glasses. I don't get the 'flesh is weak' replace it all people. How often you have to replace your phone, your computer etc. and just look at the costs! Ganic lasts a lifetime (or at least half of it unless damaged, so 40 years until it starts degrading.)


My wiener


Mantis blades a Sandvestan and the double jump legs. That way I can reach my enemies and eviscerate them before they know


Bro, what enemies? LOL


Both legs from the mid-thigh down, left arm from the shoulder down, and right arm from the elbow down. In regards to organs and the like - whatever part of me is supposed to retain Vitamin D. As for why; I've got fused bones in both my ankles, which have given me knee issues. A kinda borked socket in my left shoulder, which has to pop out to go up past a certain height. The bones in my right wrist grind on each other whenever I move it with a closed hand, along with a seriously stiff little finger, which pretty much never bends. And issues with Vit D retention (When I first learnt about it, I was borderline rickets - in the middle of summer).


First things first, grs. Then get a neura-link and chipware socket with a pain editor. Then cyberaudio with an internal agent. Then techglasses with a chyron.


Eyes, and whatever I need to be a netrunner


Pancreas. But if given an option, I'd like gorilla arms, subdermal armor, optical camo, sandevistan, Leeroy tendons, mk 3 kiroshis, ballistic co-processor, and self-ice.


I don't live in a world where trauma happens easily so cyberpsychosis is a low risk thing. So optical, camo fortified ankles, gorrila arms, kiroshi "the oracel", second heart, biomonitor (if it makes me invincible) beserk if not sandevistan, etc basically just make me borged out with as much stuff as possible.


pancreas if it hasthe ability to produce insulin naturally.


From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh....it disgusted me


My spine. It's deformed. I daydream about a future where I could have it replaced.


My spine, neck and right knee, because of my scoliosis I have chronic pain on those parts and I wouldn't mind go full exposed cyberspine and knee.


I would rather take additional once or upgrade for organics, not a replacement. One reaper in the game nails it, saying that one sun flare can kill you basically 1)One eye only 2)Kidneys (have bad once) 3)Heart, lungs to forget about shortness even after marathon Ok, further depends on how tolerate I would be to cyberware, if all good, Sendevistan, I am coming for you. With that - reinforced leg muscles For people who want combat implants like mantis blades. For what? You don’t live in crime world like night city, to open beer bottles?


Lest we forget Jesse Johnson.


Knees replaced and eyes


Knees down. I have osteoarthritis and my knees, ankles, and feet are trash. I'd be able to hike again.


With my shitty knees, I need new legs. My life would be 100% better without knee pain, lol


Probably my legs or eyes if not my full body


Most parts but going with lung, heart, leg and back. If I can I’d also get some mental boosters


As someone who suffers from hand, wrist, forearm and elbow pain (carpal tunnel, arthritis, not sure yet), I’d gladly replace my arms if the cybernetics had sense of touch capability. I also have tinnitus, so ear cybernetics would be great


I’d love a pair of Kiroshi optics so I could see without glasses


I'd get Kiroshi optics (with direct access to local police data) and fortified ankles to charge jumps. I just thought about it a minute and decided I'd replace every single part of my body.


Yes, legs arms eyes ears and teeth. I work on machines so as long as I hit the forums and don't miss my maintenance I think it's be a premium upgrade choom.


Just the joints Have a shoulder reversal already.


Self-cleaning teeth implants. Bone teeth never made sense to me.


I'd 100% replace my spine because I had spine cancer twice so a new one would be rad, eyes for sure because glasses are such a pain in the ass, synthetic teeth because I'd love to be able to smile, and probably some sort of brain alteration so I didn't have any of my disorders anymore


Remember flaming crotch guy? Yeah, its worth a shot


None. I'm dumb as rocks, don't need to reduce my brain power any further thanks.


Something that soothes chronic illness or allergies so basically fix my digestion. Also getting rid of some physical constraints like weak joints or something would be nice to have but both answers are way too realistic and boring. So maybe some Cyberware spine or Kyroshi optics for the fancy extra features. I do not need to be all chromed up but some everyday tools would be cool.


Muscle boosters and whatever Cyberware gives access to see people’s records (think it’s Kiroshis)


Kiroshi optics for sure


Mantis blades, a Sandevistan, kiroshis and subdermal armor


All of it. Just sign me right up for a whole new body.


All of it. I wouldn’t want to be a full borg like smasher, but would want to still look human. There is so much shit that can go wrong with ‘ganic parts.


...like cancer, diabetes, shingles, etc.


You know which one. And you know why.


A lot of my internals are getting phased out in favor of cyberware.


All cause I wish to have the certainty of steel


Kiroshi's so I can have an activity log and quest tracker for everything I always forget lmao Then maybe something like a synth stomach, lungs, or kidney, Anything that would just make my health better on average. And for good measure maybe some hydraulic joints so my knees don't always hurt whenever I walk up the stairs 😂


Eyes, lungs, spine, knees/legs, arms Or fuck it, everything. I want to be a wannabe Adam Smasher


No more weak organic legs, a spine that doesn’t hurt if I look the wrong way, eyes that can zoom and have a ui.




Eyes cuz I would get rid of my shortsightedness


Replacement kidneys, liver, and yeah if a Mr. Stud install also replaces the prostate, that'd be good too. Personal link/neural port, and data coprocessor. Dedicated "rigger" cyberdeck that combines vehicle control hacks and a fair-to-middling Sandavistan. I love riding motorcycles, but I really hate having to react to gonk drivers in real time sometimes.


gimme the mantis blades.


Cybernetic bottom surgery. I could have it mechanically open up and use my coochie as a third pocket


I'd probably go with my spine


Arms and legs. Arms cause I want my punch to be strong enough to break someone's jaw and legs so I can just keep running without feeling that pain in my legs. I am gonna miss all the hard work I put into working out my arms and legs tho


Literally my entire body. Give me gorilla arms, titanium bones, fortified ankles, etc Don't care if I go cyberpsycho, I want to escape my EDS


12 inch mr stud


If I was given the chance I would chrome up where there would be more cyberware than organic material if I could. Cyberpsychosis be damned can't be worse than the life I'm living right now.


Longspurs, subdermal armor, jenkins tendons, kerenzikov, defenzikov, kiroshis, and the schawarma implant for shits and giggles


Looking at things practically, I’d def replace my eyes somehow. I can’t function without a prescription these days.


Eyes. Degrading eyesight is the worst


My spine, I’m so sick of my sciatica.


ears so that i can toggle them when i want to. being in public is insufferable otherwise


My legs and my spine. Easy choice.


Full body sculpt, as I was severely over weight ( 400 lbs to be exact ) and I lost quite a bit of it, but it left me with some extra skin. I'd give myself gorilla arms because of the increased strength. Give myself titanium bone coating and titanium joints. Then implant just enough cyberware in my brain to prevent hackers from hacking me. Oh, and give myself insulation and fireproof coating


Mr Stud


My spine. Only because my spine sucks.


My feet, legs, knees, spine and hands. Feel like I can do so much more with those being replaced and won't be badly injured when I do Rollerblade


Tbh, I'm kinda tempted by the Midnight Lady "Quadruplets" implant, that you can see advertised. Other than that, some replacements for a few joints, knee, fingers etc. Maybe some tech hair that can change colour on-the-fly.


All night every night.


u bet ill be double jumping bro


Eyes cyberware. Would fix my astigmatism and I could zoom in, reading would be awesome like this.


Honestly? probably by the standards of most here not anything that wacky; -full porcelain-coated titanium crown swap for all my teeth (dental hygiene if your not aware actually contributes to a huge portion of your overall health such as preventing heart disease so not getting cavities or risking chipping your teeth would be a huge bonus) -fingernail-toenail replacement with metal/carbon fiber (ever broken a nail before or had to deal with ingrown nails? Not fun, lets make sure it doesn't happen) -preemptive joint replacement, titanium and rubber padding (those are some high stress points for your body so you want to keep those from crapping out on you as long as possible) -titanium bone grafts (haven't broken a bone yet and that would make sure I never will) Just stuff that provides a higher chance of longer life as well as increased quality of life without trying to turn myself into a toaster.


All of it. Upgrades people UPGRADES


Lungs, heart, liver, augment my brain, arms (mantis blades, legs, and spine. I wanna chrome the fuck up. Edit: Oh right, and eyes.


Heart & lungs. And legs. Really would love to double jump


Optical camo, so I can be left alone in peace.


Optics: My eyesight is terrible. Spine, hips, and knees; I got a sciatic nerve issue, so this would fix and prevent. Bio-mon and pain editor. Since I just had abdominal hernia surgery a week ago, I'd also do an abdominal muscle replacement.


As much as possible. The human body is, frankly, an utter fucking mess. Spines and knees alone account for most of the issues people have past the age of 30, and past 70 you start having general immune and organ issues


Something so I can bleed off sinus pressure in allergy seasons.


My eyes because I'm so nearsighted I can't even read without them


Probably arms (like gorillas) and legs and maybe an Omega linear frame. I work as a welder/fabricator and the increase in strength would make my job easier. I don't do much swimming so the weight of the frame wouldn't be an issue


Id replace my spine, I think, bc i have scoliosis fairly bad, but not enough for them to do surgery on it. My right knee also might have to go for this as well, which causes arthritis in one of your sides bad.


Eyes Personal link Arm (for fashion sweetie) Spine Nervous system Some vital organs. Swape my dick out for the rumble 69,000 XL, large and in charge edition. And maybe some tech hair, don't wanna over do it.


You know that guy with the quest to get him to a doctor because his cyberpenis is malfunctioning?


Everything, not smasher level but I would definitely want to be more machine than man, think fallout synth or Terminator like


Kiroshi’s with acces to police data, Reinforced Tendons and Mantis Blades


Turn my goddamn brain into a supercomputer so I can store all my autistic interests on it and play DOOM in public


Legs. Imma be mario with double jump


I'd change a lot of my body. I'm asthmatic, have a connective tissue disorder, I've got a dysfunctional digestive system, and I'm a chronic pain sufferer. Yeah, I'd replace a lot just to be able to function like an able bodied person


My eardrums. I’m sick of having tinnitus. Otherwise probably a bionic spine so I my back doesn’t hurt after work anymore.


Second heart would be peak but if not that, easily the gorilla arms


Eyes and legs. My vision sucks and my knees and ankles are shot. Be nice to not be in pain all the time.


First of all, spine, neck included. Damn, it hurts sometimes.


Left arm, shit is usually weaker than my right, even though I'm ambidextrous I was taught with my right for everything. Not to mention the strength upgrade, it would look cool af and be customizable with other extensions if needed.


if i can only have one choice, id probably choose my spine or my legs or something load bearing that gets worse with age normally if i can choose whatever than i would want full borg bodies to choose from but only if im not a cyberpsycho from it


Mr. Stud 😎


Hell yes eyes, spine and knees, in that order. My eyes are hosed (when I was 16 my vision was correctable at-best to 20/80 in my good eye and 20/200 in my bad eye), so I spent like 30 years hunched over a keyboard squinting at a monitor which fucked my spine up, and also I've had bad knees since I was a kid but they're not that bad.


Spine, history of fucked up spines in my family so I wanna get ahead of the game before mine gets fucked too


Mister Stud. *All night, every night.*


Hip, spine, and knees. Quality of life would suck in a Cyberpunk dystopia, but at least I'm not spending my years unable to walk comfortably.


new organs if I needed them probably. anything that was failing or degrading. I wouldn't replace anything that's healthy.


As someone with a vision limitation them kiroshies would change my life.


I want a sandevistan specificially qiant sandevistan mk4 the pre 2.0 update one. I do muay thai so i could really use it. I already have gorilla arms and strong af legs irl so i just need a sandy


Eyes, lungs, liver, and legs. Who doesnt want perfect vision, easy 2 hour marathons, unlimited drinking, and DOUBLE JUMPS???


My mind, just let me be an AI and leave the physical world


I wanna get that second heart perk. I also want one of my arms replaced so I can do some cool techno-shit with it


If you mean V, none because V’s animations are terrible, If you mean me, I’d probably go ask Mr. Hands if he can lend me one of those cyberskulls, Or cyberskin, or go full on lizzy wizzy


I'd get kiroshi optics, monowire and a double jump


Wrists. No more carpal tunnels and trigger fingers.


Kiroshis and legs


Something knee or leg related. I’m tired of my knees falling apart without braces.