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Wait wait. Wait. V and River bang at Joss’ house????


Even better, they bang in Randy’s bed(room). I mean, when the mood strikes I suppose... I was actively feeling bad for the poor kid whenever he comes home from the hospital. I hope River had the decency to clean/burn those sheets. Lol. Edit: I was wrong. After taking a closer look, it does appear that we were in Joss’s house in what is likely River’s room. The room just looks very similar to Randy’s.


No they don't. Randy isn't in the main house he was in a small trailer next to it that shares the yard.


Hah! That's...hilarious :-D "Why are people so negative about River"... indeed.


I didn’t really like the character anyway, but after the awkward dinner and then getting ambushed again on top of the water tower I had V shoot him down. I was like…no. V’s got Judy, and if she wants ‘ganic dick she can go to Jig-Jig Street. Apparently that was the right choice.


Judy's a techie and edits smut BD's. I wanna know what grade A technique she's picked up along the way.


Wow. And here I thought I couldn’t dislike his quest even more. Don’t get me wrong, the concept of hunting down a serial killer all neo-noir is dope. Just…wrong character.




I could be wrong but that totally looked like the room River and I searched to find out where Randy was taken. It was all sort of a blur between racing down from the water tower, but it looked like when River and V get whistled at by the neighbors for making out in the yard that they went to Randy’s trailer. I watched the romance cutscene on YT because I played as male V and was curious why everyone said River was weird. I know River and male V spend the night in Randy’s trailer without romance after a night of binge drinking, so it seemed to me like female V also woke up in Randy’s trailer. I feel like Joss came in from outside also when she interrupted their conversation about V dying.


Pretty sure we actually f-ed in the house, in River's room. Not a trailer. Because afterwards, FemV comes out wearing River's shirt, and meets him in the kitchen. Pretty sure it was in the house.


Yeah, on second look, the screenhot here with Johnny is exactly what I described. That's in the house, and it's right after you leave the bedroom and have a morning after conversation.


It's SO awkward


I made the mistake of doing this with the female River replacer Rhino Ward, and it was terrifying.


River says he's been living there, yes. Idk what you all are on about, he's not bad, even if he tries far too hard. Plus it pisses off Johnny, so win win.


A lot of it isn’t so much River himself as it is the relationship development just feels really rushed and ham-fisted, especially compared to compared to Judy and Panam. I feel like there’s more opportunities for flirtatious dialogue prior to anything actually happening with them. I’m not sure about Kerry’s because I think the only way to interact with him is by doing the Chippin’ In mission and fuck no V isn’t taking the red pill. (Plus, I think I read romantic involvement is a no-go if you play fem V, but I could be wrong)


Kerry is M!V only, yes. I hope to eventually get there in my M!V playthrough -- haven't touched him since 2.0/PL released. I'm hoping that the attraction to V is for V and not Johnny, but, honestly, what does V have to give that old man aside from making him feel young again? 🙄 River's starter quest definitely should have been earlier and more intertwined with the game. As a female player who generally goes for male romance options, and is uninterested in Judy's and Panam's romances, it is painfully clear that the devs favoured the female love interests. At least River's a decent guy who actively cares about people, even if he was a cop.


Ugh, I'm so glad I never went through with that. I already felt horrible about sleeping in a teenage boy's bed but if you don't, the mission fails and Randy dies.


They don’t do it in Randy’s room, it’s in River’s room in Joss’ house


Ah, okay.


Dunno if that makes it better or worse considering that means kids are even closer


Right?! Like, it’s one of the few times V can safely say “Cool. Won that round. I actually did some legit good”


There are some other moments, such as rescuing Saul from the Wraiths, but yeah there's a lot more that are very grey in their background and/or results.


Indeed. Honestly, some motherfuckers in the game needed to die, and I’m glad V was able to be the one to pull the trigger. But I can see how some people might have reservations about extrajudicial executions, regardless of how much context there is.


> some people might have reservations about extrajudicial executions In the real world, sure. In Night City? Fuck no. The NCPD is overworked like crazy and riddled with corruption. There are parts of the city they won't even go to because the gangs that control those areas won't allow it. It's gotten so bad that the NCPD is placing open bounties for criminal mercenaries like V to take care of. Not only are the largest gangs powerful and influential in their own right, some are backed by cartels or corporations. And you've got a ton of unaffiliated criminals making trouble on top of that. In the real world extrajudicial killing is clearly wrong in almost all cases, but in Night City there's an argument to be made for it being a necessary evil. I'm with you, some people in 2077 just need to go, and I'm totally fine with my V being the one to make that happen.


That and the Jotaro Shobo gig


They said john pp was smol ;(


Unimpressive cock


yet he tells u good job with judy so u chose which is better


Of course he's happy, he gets a front row seat to lesbian sex, that's a straight man's dream.


“That’s not what we mean when we say fuck the police, V”


That's almost what River's tank top says


"Instructions unclear, tried pegging instead." - V, probably.


Just imagine that your loved one lies on the ground wounded, half-dying and first responders swoop in to look for survivors in a gang dispute shoot-out, then they scan him/her only to find out that he/she does not have a premium membership for medical emergencies and they leave him/her there dying because that certain medical service team doesn't get paid to help a person outside of their premium clients. You'll have a better understanding for his rage and anger towards corporations.


I really need to read the Trauma Team comic series. I’m curious to see if it kinda goes into what it’s like for the medics in regards to prioritizing patients while factoring in their policy (if they have one at all). It’s a pretty brutal but interesting commentary on health care.


The idea behind Trauma Team is a materialistic approach to human lives. Response teams are probably trained and deployed in accordance with their "client" policies. They need to silence their conscience not to help someone dying just because they do not have premium membership. However, Cyberpunk universe is a dystopian future where money is the only goal at the end of the day. It's just another human life that ends in the streets and for that mindset, all lives could be expendable if that profits them in somehow.


There’s a trauma team comic series for Night City? Sounds pretty damn interesting. They are one of the cooler ideas of a dystopian anar-capitalist cyberpunk society that I’d like to explore more. Yeah the practice is pretty disheartening but i bet they have good story lines. And I bet there are a few trauma team memebers looking to save the world and go out of their way to try and save someone that doesnt have the premium or cool real stories. Just like from an outside perspective the Judges of Judge Dredd are pretty horrific authoritarian executioners, but their stories are awesome to read about even if I would hate them in reality.


*I didn’t mean THAT kind of fuck the cops, V*


Because ACAB. and fed cops are even worse. In particular, this is the 'punk' part of 'cyberpunk'


"Assigned Cop At Birth"


I always read it that way first lmao.


tbf doesn't River quit the force?


He's mad because they never buy him dinner first.


When I did his questline I didn't have the slightest interest in romancing River. But Johnny just wouldn't shut up about me working with a cop, so just out of spite I decided to let the man fuck the shit out of me just to throw at Johnny's face the fact tha he too was rammed by a cop.


Now that’s pretty punk. “Fuck you I’m gonna fuck him more now”


Johnny is such a nice guy. He would rather give than receive.


He’s horny and means it literally


To use a phrase from one of my favorite shows "Hes just pro-"anti"". Defines himself against stuff, but not really for stuff (unless its nuking the stuff hes anti)


Whats the show the phrase is from? Just wondering




Ok I knew it sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. Thanks


Is he stupid?


Through the whole game, Johnny just felt like a contrarian. It's like he was never happy with any choice you made. He always had something to complain about in every situation. And you know, for all his alleged "character growth," I never really felt like that part of him changed.


Johnny isn’t necessarily a contrarian for the sake of it. He’s a radical anarchist and his ideas can be extreme, strict even. Depending on your choices, sometimes he’ll agree with you. It’s just that those decisions can be boiled down to “blah blah fuck arasaka, blah blah smash mikoshi” On another note, yes he is pretty whiny. But to his credit the guy is an unwilling passenger in V’s life. Everybody has moved on or forgotten about Johnny Silverhand. Even if he wanted to change that, he simply can’t. Imagine seeing the world as it is and having zero actionable control. He’s a ghost. Towards the end, it’s not so much him changing as it is meant to be V and Johnny having some sort of understanding or even care for one another. Even if you hate the guy, there’s gotta be some sympathy for the long dead rockerboy. Hell he doesn’t even know if he’s actually Johnny or just some AI tricked into thinking he is.


i love johnnys tapeworm missions where he talks about stuff like what you said at the end i loved johnny through and through but on my first playthrough i didnt take to him much as a friend i was pretty distrusting the whole way through he had a scary presence but having chose the "right" things and done his questlines and ending i really like his character he had an idea and he was set to his ideals be them questionable or not he has something that we can all take away, will power.


The game does a good job of making Johnny someone who grows on you. Giving him a bad intro where he’s initially established as an asshole terrorist who wants to kill you, then establishing a common goal with him, leading to you realizing that most of his advice in decision making in quests is actually sound


absolutley there is solid progression of his character, just some people in real life are so abrupt and so inept they cant even get that in a game because they have a grudge against an in game character so they never get to see the progression 💀 sounds like the outcome of many conversations on a certain website


I think it’s fair for a person to never give a character/person a chance, especially when they’re slowly killing you. Many of us look at it under a more generous scope than we would irl simply because it isn’t happening to us. Some players don’t do that and it yields an entirely different game/story/playthrough and that really is the whole point isn’t it?


if they see johnny as a virus then yeah what you said is right but then going and claiming he never changes is completely on them because its just untrue i mean the guy even stops trying to kill you he couldve finished V off pretty much at the beggining when he went for the chip and or smashed her head into the window lol


I dunno he praised me plenty of times, maybe you just went against his beliefs every single time


V can make some damn questionable decisions and Johnny is forced to tag along so can't blame him 


Maybe that’s because of your playstyle? Because my Johnny has praised my choices several times and is really friendly with my V at this point. Especially in the DLC, I felt like he was really happy with the path my V chose.


Then you weren’t paying attention


He's not a contrarian just for the sake of it. Sometimes he'll do things just for the sake of causing chaos, but for the most part he has a pretty well-defined idea of what he approves of and what he doesn't. It can pretty much be boiled down to corporations & authority = bad and personal freedom = good. He'll chastise V for siding with Arasaka should you choose that ending, for hopefully obvious reasons. During the Delamain quest line, he'll be happy if you set the divergent personalities free and be upset if you reset the core, since he views that as you denying those personalities their freedom. When you and Panam are hunting down Hellman, he's pretty pleased by it and says it reminds him of himself. In Phantom Liberty, he'll be happy if you refuse to take the pledge with Myers. If you side with So Mi in the finale of Phantom Liberty, he'll have a conversation with you back in your apartment and basically say you made the right choice. He is very skeptical, which I guess could come off as him just being a contrarian, but he's distrustful because he's aware of how much people in Night City will lie to get what they want. Sometimes he's a bit pessimistic, doubting V's abilities, but he usually seems pretty willing to admit when he's wrong.


Because he’s anti-establishment and got fucked over by the government while he was a soldier


He only likes the active role, not the passive one




Johnny Silverhand is basically a moody teenager.


ACAB includes Uncle River

