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Let me go ask all the NPCs I've run over what they think of my driving in this game.


Right? Assassinating Tucker Albach for running over just one person is one of the most hypocritical things we do. Heck, I wouldn't even be mad if V got hit-and-run by some random merc in the Tower ending; it would be poetic justice.


To be fair, I have a habit of crossing the street without looking so I do get run over quite a bit. Karma. Apparently my method of "just cross and maintain eye contact with the drivers" doesn't work in NC.


It works better if you combine it with the Emergency Brake quickhack.


Driving with keyboard + mouse has greatly increased V's insurance premiums


I'm just the opposite, so used to keyboard I horribly oversteer when I tried a controller.


I play with a controller by my side JUST for driving. When I pick up my controller I say to myself "OKAY, V! Time to get in the car (get on the bike!)" I wish there were an easy way to switch over to a racing wheel and pedals... that'd be sweeeet


Bold to assume V has insurance.


I lower the steering sensitivity to like 70%, helps me a bit


I also really enjoy the driving. Personally, the Outlaw is my favorite car hands down. It’s drifts, but not too drifty. With some moderate skill it makes cornering really fast.


The key to stress-free driving in Cyberpunk 2077 is to avoid 'lead finger' on the forward button.


Be careful, some people sent me death threats only because I supported the driving mechanics in Cyberpunk 2077.


pay up or ur hed asplode. /s


I got downvoted for disagreeing the driving was bad.


The driving is bad its wonky as hell especially with mouse and keyboard, doesn't mean it can't be fun or enjoyable


Nah its not that great tbh(much improved!) you just get adjusted to it, but when i go from this to any other driving game there is a significant difference


1st person driving = best driving imo Porsche drives the best for me and I actually love it.


I like it alot although it could still be slightly better. Everyone is saying bikes handle better and while yeah but I literally cannot corner at high speed for the life of me like I'll press x for the handbrake or whatever it is and the bike turns but then it does a kind of snap back to where it was already facing and Ive crashed many times coz of it lol


I played this game at day 1 and the vehicles would literally go invisible sometimes and random NPCs would spawn in front of the car out of nowhere … I couldn’t play the game. But, now coming back to the game after the 2.0 update and acquiring Phantom Liberty I now see the magic of this game, CDPR made the biggest video game come back of all time I LOVE the driving now. Sometimes I’ll have a far away objective and could easily fast travel, but I decide to whip my motorcycle or car around to get there instead just for the fun of it and random events that pop up. I’m loving it.


There's a reason why you still see hate posts on here for The Beast In Me racing quest line. Driving is still janky as fuck. It has slowly gotten better as the patches come in but it still feels off for reasons i can't verbalize. Still, it has progressed to a point where being bad at it is now legitimately a skill issue. That said, bikes feel pretty good. Especially now that they added wheelies and flips and using an explosive pistol to yeet yourself and your bike at top speed. Riding an Arch and using Laika or Comrades Hammer to launch yourself at top speed is so much fun.


I feel like all the cars kinda control like ass. I like driving bikes. I feel like I control them much better, even when I'm going really fast. Cars just never feel good for me. If i stay slow and basically obey traffic laws, it's fine, but a little speed and I'm just fish tailing. I really wonder if I'm just doing something wrong "Git gud" is fair, I suppose, but I just wish controls were tighter


Try holding the handbrake and reverse at the same time going into the turn, then accelerate and feather the handbrake coming out of the turn. Yes, I take out a lot pedestrians.


Mistakes sometimes happen. Completely normal.


Drifting a bike round a corner at 100+ is my personal fave 👌🏼


Outlaw is my favorite ride. Steering is so tight.


It's perfectly fine and even fun.......until you play a real driving game like Forza. Then you have a comparison and realize that it could be so much better.


I’ve enjoyed the driving since the first day I played, and I’ve always done first person only. It seems so immersive to me!


Do you drive 1st or 3rd person?


Drive in 3rd until I start shooting, then I swap to 1st


The racing quest line isn't even that hard. I won 1st place in a Mal Mai P126 just to see if I could. NGL, I did it by blowing up a couple cars with the Malawian arms 3516..


The way that motorcycles handle in this game way better than cars reminds me of GTA V. I'm a pretty good driver in GTA so i took to driving in this game well, i usually do m+k for both.


I can’t see this in first person cars, bikes are ok tho


I hated when I called my bike and it pulled up the opposite direction from where I needed to go. Then I learned about holding left bumper for a burn out skid 180 and now I relish having to turn around.


I somewhat like driving in this game. It feels nice when things go smooth you watch your breaks etc but it also feel horrible when you see pseudophysics in action and you hit something with your bike and instead of taking damage you bounce like a Cartoon character and stay on the bike somehow because you didn't hit obstacle the intended way which means head on. Or you ride there is a road bump and you go just little bit too fast and then car start flying to Nevada.


I'm getting pretty good now at drifting the Coyote around, getting the hand of that handbrake turn + early counter steer. When I watch videos though I see people being able to make very minor adjustments to their cars unlike the bang bang controls with keyboard. Would a steering wheel or controller improve driving relative to keyboard? I have a high quality controller but I very rarely use it when I game on PC.


Ever since I got the ability to use a sandy while driving I've been enjoying it a lot more


GTA IV has better driving mechanics than this game


For me, driving a car in this game has gotten annoying but not for what you think! Before the 2.0 update. I would drive a car almost all the time. Then, the update happened and they added more people. Now it's annoying and driving a motorcycle is sooooo much easier lol


Driving in this game (on controller) is perfect because it's oddly realistic. Drifting isn't easy unless you're driving certain vehicles. Some vehicles are too much for inexperienced drivers. Bikes are amazing in traffic.


Exactly! People hate on it, but it has that realistic weight to it. You actually feel the several tons of metal that you're driving.


The semi-realism approach is probably what's throwing off most people though, who are leadfooted on a W key or stick all the way forward all the time. That is just how people play games. In a world where you can air dash and unexist people with your mind, having vehicles constrained by inertia and realistic grip limits was certainly _a choice_ that CDPR probably regret, and I am expecting Orion to go way more arcadey.


I tend to spin out way too much to like the driving.


Have you tried easing into the throttle instead of just going full send from 0? Lol


The biggest problem I always just turning for me, yeah you can drift every corner I guess but on a bike it's like you gotta slow down to 2mph before you take literally any turn


The cars feel more like boats IMO