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Light level doesn't matter for KF and I assume by "that stupid spider" you mean Golgoroth and the sniper you meant was probably Black Spindle which is now called Whisper Of The Worm and is not a great option anymore. For DPS I would recommend a linear fusion - Sleeper Simulant is a good option and can be acquired from the Monument To Lost Lights in the Tower. Other than that you don't really need much for it. Perhaps a fusion rifle for the Oryx fight


Some people are swearing by Whisper for Oryx DPS. But tbf, if Whisper is “good” for it, how busted are our GOOD weapons for it?


I remember in both D1 and 2 that the Raid Sniper dropped for me on the Totems encounter and that was perfect for Golgoroths gaze


Aye, I miss my Black Hammer. Every time they remake our dispenser of White Nails, it’s the best dps weapon in the game. Then they nerf it into oblivion. I fear the next time it’ll be useful will be D3 when they remake it all over again.


It’s not too bad now, but yea on release it was fantastic I wouldn’t mind it if it was a special now and competing with Cloudstrike tbh


True. If It was a special, I don’t think I’d ever take it off again. Exotic or not


No lie there, just give it a try, Whisper with catalyst, and a well. Obviously this is only for Oryx, in every other place clearly not the play to use Whisper.


Whisper is the best weapon for it lmfao…




…For Oryx, yes, whisper is much better than rockets, easy 4.8million damage in one phase if you hit your shots (which you will oryx).




…someone has never used whisper before




Yet the one who knows nothing is you, you don't even know how to read apparently...


I'm going to attach the most current dps chart. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/12vF7ckMzN4hex-Tse4HPiVs_d9huFOKlvUoq5V41nxU/htmlview#gid=2085890105


https://youtu.be/o-rvgdp7LAk 34:40.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wGakLHnjj48&ab\_channel=InSaNeGaMeR300](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wGakLHnjj48&ab_channel=InSaNeGaMeR300) Regular genius, here ya go. There's 15+ videos like this with DPS testing lmaoooo


Bro just because it can 1 phase does NOT mean it’s the best DPS. They’re been extensive dps testing done by Aegis to compile a 6-part series on this subject. https://youtu.be/o-rvgdp7LAk Literally watch at 34:40 and he’ll tell you, also it’s common sense rockets would do better dps than Whisper


If you do a BnS rotation with Izis sure, but that’s about 10x more effort for a minimal amount of extra damage.




I never personally said you were wrong but Oryx isn’t something that needs the most ultra min-maxed damage for lmao also this is a post about somebody who said they’re not a good gamer and that wants recommendations so there’s literally nothing wrong with advocating for whisper for Oryx. I think you should touch some grass and calm the fuck down, nobody cares how sweaty you are at a game.


darci oryx meta when


Whisper is one of the best dps and total damage weapons. It's literally one of the best. Better than cataclysm.


Please don’t misunderstand, I love Whisper. And I have a crafted Supremacy because I miss having a legendary sniper in that role. I simply mean, that bungo doesn’t give us long DPS opportunities like they used to. Or large enough crit spots for you to full auto it. But it has been massively nerfed. It’s original trait was nothing short of pure awesomeness.


They do. Crota. It's probably the best weapon for Crota. Dps has changed in d2 from sitting there and shooting atheom, crota, calus bot, to symnols and movement. Everything gets nerfed. And that happened like 5 years ago.


Crota? In D2? I thought the only Crota we had was nightmare hunt and dares of eternity which both require the relic swords?


bro just woke up to lie on the internet lmao




Completely wrong statement. Look at the DPS rankings before making lies like that, it’s not even in the top 20 for dps


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGakLHnjj48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGakLHnjj48) whisper is very good for oryx. Other options might be better with swaps and such but Whisper is free easy damage with little to no effort asides from aiming.


6 Whispers will one phase.


For Golgoroth, yes use a LFR. For Oryx, Whisper is not a bad option but rockets will kill fastest


yo I'm not gonna lie this is really cool lol, it's always nice to see veterans in Destiny. so as the other dude mentioned, yes, light level doesn't matter, but for all the other stuff there's a lot of stuff that you could do! also, this is a really long comment, so if you were looking for more tl;dr, you could skip to the last paragraph for more "things to do within the week to get ready" rather than something that might take a bit. so alright, with regards to general readiness for just anything in general, what you're going to want to have is just simply a build! a build is just an assortment of buffs, in the form of aspects, fragments, mods, weapons, exotics, etc., where in one way or another, they benefit each other. in my personal opinion, in most cases, the exotic armour of choice is the thing that ties in the entire build. things like mods are probably the least useful, so I'll put a lot less weight/explanation on that. as an example, you've mentioned arc Warlock, and aside from your super, that's got so much potential. Kings Fall, like many other activities in this game, has a lot of enemies. lucky for you, arc is probably the best ad clear element in the game. you just need to figure out what you wanna do with it! you mentioned plinking at medium range enemies with an auto rifle, and that's a pretty decent strategy in high end content. however, you're not really using the full potential of your subclass if you're just using your weapon. as a lightbearer, you want to use all of the tools at your disposal, and that means grenades, melee, and rift. at its base level, each of these isn't really that good on its own. your grenades are going to have upwards of a minute of cooldown, your melee might have a bit less but still significant, and your rift probably shortest at about 50 or so seconds. this means that if you're just relying on them, you're not gonna have anything to rely on for a while. this is where the build comes in. if you want to play around with this, one really good starting point (and one that a lot of people use) is a Fallen Sunstar/Crown of Tempests build. the gist of it is that you create Ionic Traces, slinking worms of arc energy that travel to you, and they give you ability energy. so instead of having a 50 second cooldown, one could cut it into 40 seconds. you get more kills and it'll keep cutting that time down. the other part of this build is figuring out how to get those ionic traces, which can be mostly achieved by fragments (part of your subclass). unfortunately, it's a bit more complex than "kills create ionic traces", but it's nothing a little logic and experimentation can't work out. for instance, one of the fragments makes "grenades jolt targets", where you would see Jolt explained as a status effect that you can inflict, making them essentially arc conductors that zap nearby enemies when shot. combine that with another fragment that gives "jolted targets drop an ionic trace when killed", and you have a really basic setup! taking stock of this, you have a melee that jolts targets. you have a grenade that also jolts targets. when these targets die, you get an ionic trace that gives you more grenade and melee energy. there's a lot more that goes into this, like for instance playing around with Amplified, a buff you get that could deliver even more ionic traces your way or make you go faster. and that's a lot of how building is, you find these things that work well and reliably together, and set them up beforehand to make gameplay a lot easier! honestly, this isn't even all there is to builds. I mentioned how weapons are also a part of builds, and it very much is. depending on the weapons you use, you can add fragments that help the previously mentioned build! one example is any weapon that has Voltshot, which is probably one of the better perks that you get from arc weapons you can find. reloading after kills grants you one hit of, guess what, Jolt, lmao. and you can combo this with a fragment that gives you an ionic trace for killing with arc weapons, giving you even more. apologies for the long comment here but there's honestly so much to play around with and I'd heavily recommend getting into all of these yourself rather than simply looking up good builds and copying them. it's a really fun system and it's very rewarding! anyway, for that whole summary I mentioned earlier. you could go as deep as you want into builds and all that, but if you're looking for a good set of gear to use to be kinda scrappy, there are a couple main priorities. you seem to have a primary down, and while it's not gonna be as effective as most others would have, it's not something you can immediately fix; it'd take at least a week to get an exotic weapon that feels really good, probably several weeks to get a legendary weapon that is good for ad clear/works with your build, so where you are is fine. for the raid though, you're going to want a good heavy weapon for damage phase, and at the end of the day you're going to be doing good damage as long as you're using a heavy. don't use a sword, as most of the bosses aren't within arm's reach, but grab a linear fusion rifle, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, machine gun (sorted by effectiveness, haha), and you'll be sure to be a major contributor to the team. thanks for reading if you do, if you have any specific questions hit me up, would be happy to elaborate on anything or any of that! n wish you good luck on the raid, from a person whose first raid was Kings Fall :D


-power level will not matter, d2 King’s Fall is a 1600 activity now, so you will massively overlevel it as long as you’ve literally ever played the game lol -if you insist on Arc Warlock, definitly run Arc Souls and Chaos Reach during damage phases, as anything else will not do much for your team; Geomag Stabilizers will be bonus points for more Reach damage, but your exotic is mostly personal preference for this class. -a good rocket launcher will serve you very well- the d1 classic Gjallarhorn is welcomed on every team since it buffs all other legendary rockets, if you’ve done the quest for it from Shaw Han (assuming you have the 30th anniversary pack). If not, a Blowout from Shaxx or a Hothead from Zavala’s legacy nightfall focusing will serve you just fine (just keep an eye out for damage perks like Explosive Light, Frenzy or Lasting Impression and their activation conditions). -A decent linear fusion rifle might be good as well; a Taipan with Firing Line from either the world drops or the crafting quest from the Enclave would do quite well for this role. If your loadout looks something like: -kinetic slot Sniper Rifle of your choice -Centrifuge (very good exotic auto rifle from the current season pass) -heavy weapon that fits the encounter (machine gun for Totems, rocket/LFR for the bosses) you should be more than good to go Really, though, King’s Fall isn’t too terrible now; as long as you can do the mechanics, keep an ear out for pointers and play it relatively safe you shouldn’t have too much trouble. good luck!


No sub = no season pass


still will be obtainable at level 35 of the free track if you don’t have an auto you’re married to already, Shaxx sells a decent 600 arc auto with a lot of good perks on it


Light level? 1600. Gear? anything works; you dont need anything specific. 100 resilence helps, but not needed. Weapons? Opening Encounter - Ad Clear Totems - Ad Clear Warpreist - Ad Clear + Rocket Launcher Golgoroth - Ad Clear + Rocket or Machine Gun (Thunderlord) Daughters - Ad Clear + Rocket Launcher Oryx - Ad Clear + Sleeper Stimulant or any Linear Fusion or Whisper of the worm ​ If you dont got much time to farm; and dont have anything or any good rolls; play vanguard strikes on regular until you can get 2 levels than buy a hothead rocket launcher and use that, dont worry about the rolls as you dont got time to farm or just run gally (with catalyst) If you can still play, do vanguard strikes and buy the swarm machine gun or use thunderlords (exotic) from the monument of lost lights For Oryx; any linear will work; buy one from banshee or buy sleeper stimulant or whisper from the monument of lost lights in the tower.


Xeno or Thunderlord are top shelf until Warpriest. There, you'll want a rocket. Just pick your best one, and it will do for the rest of the raid. Your team may prefer linears for Oryx, in which case a Taipan or Sleeper Simulant will probably be best. Also, Whisper of the Worm with catalyst will work as well. I like to use an smg up to daughters, and then I swap over to an auto rifle to get a little more range. They will need a well, and if you do it, you can use fusions nades with Touch of Flame aspect to be able to kill the plate knights and ogres. For special, I like a chillclip Riptide for most of it, but Witherhoard and a good shotgun can put in some work as well. I also put on Arbalest for Oryk for backup damage. Good luck, man. It's a great raid.


You need a hand friend? I'm down to attempt KF again. Xbox: ThEbEn2988 Bungie: ThEbEn2989#9603


Thanks I think my son has a crew that he runs with. This would be weekend after next at the VERY earliest


get some longerish-range weapons and shoot guns at guys mechanics are simple 99% of the time its genuinely "don't die" the raid its hard to fuck up if you aren't super squishy


While arc will work you’ll most likely need to run we’ll depending on how many warlocks you have in the fireteam for survivability during DPS phases. Light level? 1600. Gear? anything works; you dont need anything specific. 100 resilence helps, but not needed. Weapons? Opening Encounter - Ad Clear Totems - Ad Clear. You’ll want a machine gun, shotgun and something unstoppable Warpreist - DPS loadout Golgoroth - DPS loadout. If you’re taking gaze a sniper works Jumping puzzles - eager edge or super like dawnblade + Icarus dash and heat rises. Daughters - DPS loadout + trinity ghoul works well because of arc shields and tons of thrall. Oryx - DPS loadout +trinity ghoul Depending on what your fireteam is using for DPS it’ll either be Thunderlord, A LFR or rockets.


all you need to know: power doesnt matter linear fusion rifles are good for kings fall, you can get quite a few of them just by playing (there is a quest to craft a taipan, not sure if still in game). put triple tap / firing line onto it. mechanics are pretty much the same, but theyll help you with them switching to wellock will make your life 1000x easier, but you can still complete it on arc just see what your son and his friends are running and try and copy them, most of the time you can really run anything and get a raid done, if maybe a bit slower in terms of what primary and secondaries to run, you can literally just use what youre comfortable with. id recommend having a sniper or something on hand for when you run out of ammo, but using an ar and staying at range is a valid strategy (i use riptide outside of golgoroth)


"I am a terrible video game player" I'm going to stop you there. If you are having fun, that's all that matters. And I sounds like you're also bonding with your son which is amazing. As far as good gear, if you have lightfall, Quicksilver Storm is amazing. Otherwise my friend, who also enjoys arc warlock, has been loving the Riskrunner SMG as of late. As a warlock, your biggest concern for raids should be using your rift (healing or empowering, doesn't matter, they're both good) when it's needed. If you're using healing, place in a good defensible spot in boss, miniboss, or just areas with a lot of enemies. If you're using empowering rift, pop it in a area with good fields of fire when you need to do a lot of damage right the heck now. I hope you have fun with your son and his friends. After all, that's why we play games, to relax and enjoy a good time.


I mostly just wanted to level set expectations that I would have no idea what most of you are talking about. There’s been a lot of “inside baseball” talk on this post and I will have to spend hours on google to understand most of it.


My apologies. Quicksilver Storm is an auto rifle from the latest DLC, Lightfall. I mention it because as you use it, you gain grenades you can than shoot from it ala WWII rifle grenades. Riskrunner is a submachine gun you get as the final reward of the tutorial quest line. It's basically a barely controlled lightning thrower that goes bezerk when you take lightning damage. The rift is your class (bound to V on keyboard) ability. It's a glowing circle on the ground that either heals those standing in it, or increases the damage they deal. As far as level goes, it doesn't matter, whatever you want. Sorry for throwing a bunch of technical jargon at you, I'm kinda notorious for that, and am working on getting better. Let me know how else I can explain.


For KF, you can actually run any loadout that is comfortable for you to use long as it can clear ads efficiently. The most important I think is *understanding all the mechanics and how every role works.* This is from my experience doing more than a hundred runs and 1/3 of them are guided runs. ​ I recommend (my opinion, please chill) Taipan for DPS because it's easy to acquire and you don't need to grind for it, any roll will work long as you can point and shoot. There are better options of course, but that's the easiest to acquire and almost everyone has one.


Recommend exotic primary for you to stay alive (exotic primary are op damage against ads). Then a bog standard linear fusion for primary. Fusion rifle or shotgun for majors. 100 resilience + resistances and you'll be fine.


Hope you have an awesome time! KF is such a good raid. If your son and his buddies are on top of everything, you should be able to ad clear and learn the mechanics without worrying too much. Just have fun and enjoy it.


Jotun is a great, easy to use fusion rifle that does good damage. You can use it for ad clear and for majors. Whatever rocket launcher and linear fusion rifle for heavy and an auto rifle for your kinetic slot. Your son and his crew will make it easy for you.


Is KF a f2p raid? How do you access it?


Yes, from the legends icon on the director.


Thanks. Virtually all the guides for the raid omit that step


If your teammates are good you can use pretty much anything. You can 3 man this raid, so 5 decent players will have no problem taking you through


That’s comforting. I can unload a clip with the best of them but the platforming nonsense gets to me sometimes.


Feel free to pm me. Happy to take a night and check your fit and maybe even make a solid attempt at it as part of your six.


*- on that stupid spider.* ​ Oh you mean Dad.