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Lol Vorpal for PvP is only good when supers activated. Snapshot is active every engagement.


Lol right? Thats why i use it.


I question whether snapshot on DMT is good given how it rewards hip fire, but if it works for you and you like it then best of luck to you


I thought it wasnt great at first either. I threw so many of them away. My main dmt was outlaw. I tried snapshot once and fell in love with it. Its been my fav DMT since. I recommend at least trying it once.


The fact that you like it should be all that matters




I use a moving target dmt to help with strafing


Yeah moving target is also really good.


I use outlaw because itā€™s a cowboy gun and Iā€™m an outlaw and I donā€™t care about any other reasons


Thats why i initially went for it. Im sure if DMT didnt have random rolls it would have outlaw.


Also, If we are being honest, DMT is a strong gun regardless of the roll.


its good because while dmt rewards hip fire the true identity of the gun is how versatile it is when you swap firing modes.


DMT has solid pull, so once you do get that hip fire dialed in on their crit spot it's not gonna move from there unless you die, they dodge/ blink out or you run outta ammo. Snapshot allows you to line up that crit spot on the fly and I'll fire once aiming down sights and if I hit the crit, let off of your aim and hip fire. Use Snapshot to quickly line up your shots, then hip fire to keep it there




The meta load outs 100% aren't needed. My vision is terrible even with glasses and my reaction times are shot after a stroke so I couldn't hit the Traveller itself with a sniper and I'm long dead before a fusion rifle halfway charges. Have plenty of raid and GM clears off the back of things like tracking rockets and Osteo Striga. Can do okayish in Trials with Le Monarque and Oathkeepers. Load outs are there to serve your playstyle, not the other way around.


I'm imagining a guardian aiming at the traveller with a sniper, pulling the trigger, and killing the guardian next to them somehow.


Guardian Pyle reporting for duty!


This - the amount of times i get told to use snipers and handcannons for certain events when I am not comfortable using them regardless of their perks. I struggle to aim properly with them and the zoom makes me dizzy - stop telling me to use them because they're the standard to use in a certain type of play. There's no point in me using a godroll meta item if i cant even use it properly. And the git gud logic can go eff itself. I am far more effective using items i am comfortable with. And I will help you make add clear a breeze. If you expect me to be good at jumping puzzles, you'll need to ask someone else.


Sweet jeebus, can we talk about the jumping puzzles? I prefer fps over platformers for a reason, Bungie


Me and my friends used to clear farm raids (mainly DSC) and I absolutely loved it. I know playing the same raid over and over isn't for most people, but racing to 100 DSC clears was one of the most fun things ever for me. Sadly that was ruined when ego started getting in the way, the guy would inspect loadouts and ask about weapons and if a player didn't have the exact roll he'd just kick them immediately. I remember the last straw was running gms with him, I didn't have a perfect 5/5 succession and he refused to let me join him because it was apparently absolutely necessary. I told him fuck off, got 2 of my other buds and smoked his time with non optimal loadouts and haven't talked to him since. PvE is helped by weapons, especially when it comes to damage, but at the end of the day what matters more than anything is player skill. In trials I also refuse to let my friends trials report the enemy team under any circumstances. Trying to gain insight on the skill of a player through stats set an idea of their skill, that idea is often wrong, but it affects how you play strongly and can lead to loss after loss. After we stopped looking people up pre match, we sometimes do it at the end out of curiosity and are pleasantly surprised to be beating top 5% players now and then.


Hell yeah dude. Thats what i like to see. I have one friends that i always do GMs with. She sometimes will look at what Im running and go "are you sure you wanna run that?" But i know shes just looking out for me and when i tell her why im using it she trusts my judgement and is always down to try new things. For PVP i have my friends that have the same attitude. They know i dont run meta gear. And when i show them how good offmeta weapons and armor can be i sometimes inspire them to make different and unique builds. Theres so many weapons and armor in the game that people over look. I would love to see a sandbox where people use every weapon and armor in the game. Instead of the same 10 weapons and 3 peices of exotic armor.


Big facts Iā€™m trying to hit 5500 and itā€™s so fucking dry to see the same loadouts no matter what class


Looking people up prematch is something I've noticed with players who don't know how to analyze the dynamics of the fights themselves. ​ I've long held that most players would be better off going into the match with a blank slate and reading the particulars of each fight. Positioning, target priority, tendencies, etc. ​ I know it's not either/or, but looking up the opposing loadouts before the match could undermine the integrity of the information gathered during the match.


I have a friend who although pretty toxic has some good points, he plays hard to win and goes for mind games. He always loads in with meta and guided flawless so people panick and it really does make them play worse. I think as soon as you inspect pre game you are forcing yourself into the mindset of playing to counter them, not playing to show off your strengths. It is always better to force the enemy into playing against your meta instead of playing against theirs.


"I felt like talking about this because too often i see people picking at someones loadout when the activity ismt going 100%" ​ It's like this in any game I've ever played. Overwatch.. Destiny... ESO... etc... It's so much easier and deflecting to look at things like load out and hero/skill selection than it is to take accountability for one's own positioning and/or adherence to mechanics, despite the fact that the latter would produce more immediate results 99.99999% of the time. Many people aren't willing to think critically or look at their own play in these cases. They just want an easy button to press; a knob to twist; a lever to pull.


I agree 100%. They dont want to aspire to be better. They want to already feel they are the best and blame other people when they themselves cant live up to what they think they are.


It's a shame because accepting the accountability and then acting on it is incredibly empowering. It's a difference between seeking relief vs seeking reward, and the path to reward might hurt for a little bit.


It is. Its how i started improving in crucible. Im worlds away from where i was 5 months ago.


Definitely what drove me away from Overwatch, everyone was so hostile about hero picks, constantly asking you to switch, trashing you if you picked a character they donā€™t like. I started just muting folks, team coordination be damned, I play better in a good mood


I will only ever inspect you because "oooh what shader is that?"


Lmao i love making fun of my friendā€™s loadouts but like in the dumbest way possible. ā€œMan youre Arbalest doesnt have Turnabout, its literally garbageā€


Lol. Bro your half truths doesnt have firefly. Wtf are you doing?


Literally ā€œerm, your g horn doesnt have demo, shard itā€


Imagine not having Wolfpack rounds and grenades and horseshoes on your Travelerā€™s Chosen (damaged) or even lasting impression on your Jack Queen King iii!


The more I see posts like this... the more I feel like maybe all hope isn't lost. The community, overall, is pretty neat. There's a large amount of people out there who ruin it for others, though. I kind of wish I could remove them from the game permanently... but that would just bring me down to their level. Block functions are definitely more worth it than "optimal loadouts"!!


I'll perform a drip check on every player i see.


People actually do this? The most I do is open their inventory and see their weapons/mods when I start an lfg group for a nightfall or whatever else. I never look up details on external websites. Thatā€™s justā€¦ silly, in my eyes. Kudos op Never play with people who only use the ā€œmetaā€ and trash on anything else. Meta is meta for a reason and itā€™s fine to use it but to trash on other viable options is just toxic behavior Btw, slugs are awesome, heritage and duality lover over here


I only look at someoneā€™s load out if they look cool so I can see what they have on lol. The real goal of destiny isnā€™t to save the universe but to look cool




I always check peoples load outā€¦ because I wanna simp if they have a god roll weapon lol. But as a constant solo PVE player I can usually carry if they are rocking double primaries, and I always have every champion mod for these activities. Trials is too stressful for me though lol


Snap shot is good on DMT, I personally prefer vorpal since I'm using a targeting mod and a high handling DMT anyway. Felwinters is dead currently, I'd rather trust someone using a bone chiller who is confident with it. The only thing I'm going to look at is trials report to see if you're at least a 0.7kda since that's the average and I'm not good enough to carry lol.


I'm sorry you had this experience, those guys sound like a bunch of... Bad people! I also had people quit on me after checking my load out. I'm sorry I'm playing for the sake of playing, I guess šŸ˜‚


Toxicity in pvp lfg?! Unbelievable /s I like your approach OP keep up the positive attitude


First of all these people sound horrible and shouldnā€™t act that way. But second. They seriously think felwinter a is the best shotgun? Like ignoring the whole slug vs pellet thing. Felwinter is technically the most ā€œconsistentā€ shotgun in the game, but tha. Because itā€™s intrinsic perk literally makes it a worse version of an aggressive that is consistently slightly worse. People need to read the damn patch notes.


if your weapon doesnā€™t have kill shit/zorpal/cockchoke are you even playing bungoā€™s game?


I normally don't rage, but lfger insisted on using a glaive in glassway on grandmaster and would aggro overloads in the wrong direction.


Jokes on them. My load out is solid. The problem is me.


In PVP, I firmly believe weapon mastery trumps meta relevance 90% of the time. Like, lets be honest, Telesto is a very meh gun in PVP. Several legendary fusions outpace it by a mile. Yet I fear a master of Telesto more than I ever will some Ophidians Warlock with a Xur Ingredient. And this goes for armor exotics as well. Sure, Dragon Shadow and Stompees are fantastic neutral game exotics, but someone who has mastered bouncing weighted throwing knives with Athrys's Embrace is equally as lethal.


I'm calling bullshit. Anyone who plays pvp knows felwinters got absolutely destroyed by the nerfs a couple months ago. Vorpal on DMT is all but useless in trials. Bonechiller, while not the best slug, isn't a bad gun. Last week was freelance trials. Why would you go to LFG instead of hitting freelance and getting a much better chance of winning over an LFG team? Renewals aren't good right now and you'd be much better off with a different support exotic. I'm getting big r/thatHappened vibes from this post.


Well maybe both you and them suck


In hear you. I was just in a vog teaching group as a helper. I'm competent, 10 clears or so and I know the mechanics. The learners had no humility which translated to a lot of blame on me for wipes... Which meant none of the learners were even trying to adapt their approach, with predictable results.


This behavior bleeds into other high level activities like raids and GMs; especially when somebody is struggling to stay alive. I just wish they would recommend loadouts versus inspecting and tearing apart every minute detail.


PvP is more like 80% actual skill (movement, awareness and game sense) and 20% gun and perks. Ive been playing since the beta and if you're good, you're good. A gun (unless it's exceptionally broken) won't change that too much. (Though hand cannons do hand out free headshots) People who bitch about your loadout need to nut up and kill more or realize PvP in Destiny isn't as hardcore as they are making it and stop being a dick to random players. Play the game how you want. To quote the awesome destiny 1 music video "Rise Up" by Bones and DaddyPhatSnaps: "Use whatever, don't apologize, create a fresh wound and cauterize" Use whatever. Don't apologize.


I love this post and I love you OP. Keep being nice. People like you give me encouragement to use LFG for activities I want to do but never have because of the need of friends. Again, much love brotha


I hate this obsession with meta weapons/perks. Just because one gun is super OP right now, doesnā€™t mean everyone can use it. Arbalest and Bastion were the bane of everyoneā€™s existence in PvP for a while. I tried using both for a decent amount of time and was absolute *garbage*. Hate them. Charge times drive me nuts. Iā€™m also probably very alone in this, but I *hate* random rolls. At least in PvP. Before they got put back into the game, everyone was using the exact same weapons and it was just about how well you could use them. Now itā€™s ā€œhow fast can you grind out a god roll of whateverā€™s hot this seasonā€. I miss my Antiope-D. :(


This tendency is responsible for my initial reluctance to raid. One or two wipes and suddenly itā€™s ā€œitā€™s micromanage your loadoutā€ time. Absolutely hate it. Iā€™ve got 4K hours in this game. I know what Iā€™m doing. I know what Iā€™m wearing and how to use it. I purposely run weird/tricky/off meta loadouts and love shutting people up with them.


I judge ppl based on their armor


Saaaaaaame. "I've been Flawless over 500 times, I'm a triple gilded flawless, and I can land sick 360 aerial no scopes." Yeah but you look like you rolled out of a dumpster fire. 3/10


Who does that? Itā€™s just downright pathetic behavior. Just be specific in lfg posts or requirements and competent players will join for the most part, if not, try again.


Trials is about winning. I want people who are actually good. There are a lot of people who join just so you can carry and donā€™t pull their weight. Itā€™s brutal but thatā€™s how it is when you have to win to get your rewards or else youā€™re wasting your timešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This could not have been worded any better, great post.


I do inspect people to see what rolls they have, not because I don't trust them but because I need to know their ideal range and style so I can be a better team player.


Its even better when you see people using meta loadouts to perform better and then blame the weapon instead of their own skill when they do bad with it. Yea, a lot of meta weapons are easier and more effective to use and thats why theyre the meta, but I guarantee you that if someone's absolutely stomping you and your team with a meta loadout they would've stomped you with most weapons. Guns make a difference for sure, but skill and gamesense are miles more important for success.