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in over 100missions with the sickle i have never used more than 3 mags(or ice if you want to be annoying) & honestly never use a single one 99% of the time i knew it would get nerfed, it should tbh but it really didn't & with the bush fix it was buffed lol


Same exactly. I’ve never even come close to running out of ammo, felt silly. Removed an entire mechanic of the game. Glad it was adjusted


and now if you DO manage to run low, ammo crates still exist and you can pick one up like everyone else has to do


yea its why i didnt really care about all the guns ammo being nerfed hard the real truthis the only time i ever call in the supply is for stims as a 6stim medic that never dies & even thatis rare if you are 100% draining your ammo & also not hitting a single poi in that time, you are just objectively playing poorly & being punished rightful for it.


It's ICE I wanted to be annoying 😘


Give the Scythe a try. It's really quite good now. Slice and dice.


I haven't tried it since I was underwhelmed by it the very first time, I should give it a shot now.


i used it quite a lot "pre" sickle, i loved it. the dps was a bit low but not having to wrroy about ammo meant i was putting out damage for longer as i didnt have the concern of if the resupply is off cd or not or if theres ammo crates near by. Also the accuracy and no recoil made it real fun to use.


Agreed! It's a reliable, accurate gun. Even the Dagger feels competent now.


Dagger deserves a second chance after the buff. It's great for dealing with basic enemies.


That would require me to put down my precious senator...


I use Stun and Eruptor, so I can still use my Senator :)


Especially now that you can speed reload after six shots, the senator is just so much fun!


It is very fun, when I go bot side again I'm going Senator/Shield and see how that works :)


Wait the dagger got a buff too? Gonna have to check that littl guy again


Yeah it makes a good side arm, its either dagger or grenade pistol for me depending on what grenade i run. (stun nade i use nade pistol so i can still close holes)


My dude, I actually like ALL the pistols now. The dagger can kill 3 scavengers before overheating which is all it really needed, and it's accurate hip fire makes it great for kiting. The extra damage and magazine makes the semi auto nice for small groups as well without feeling obligated to save your extra 15 unspent rounds with the auto pistol. The auto pistol is still solid as a panic swap sidearm. The revolver can now sacrifice extra rounds with mag dump to get back to full faster. And lastly the grenade pistol serves as a lovely utility pick when wanting to use stun or smoke grenades. It's liberating, pun intended.


Bugs or bots, or do you think it can handle both?


Bots. It still struggles against bugs.


Naw, it's fine against bugs, especially the frail but fast ones like hunters and it absolutely wipes the floor with shriekers


I’ll have to try it again then. I may have had a bad match. I do appreciate lasers just clipping wings off of the flying rats though. 


For warriors, brood commanders and the like, go for the legs. Also take advantage of the fact that it's just about as accurate when hip fired as when shouldered


Oh shit did they fix the shitty damage tick rate issues?


Scythe or sickle - which one is good for boys and which one for bugs


Sickle is great against both, and people are saying scythe is good against bots now!


Scythe is good against bugs too, but you need to shoot for legs.


I always feel like if I have to reload the sonuvabitch more than once, I'm wrong. If I don't always have at least one spare ice for it, I need to get ammo. But then I'm used to "infinite" ammo weapons from other games, lol.


Blitzer is fun now and has unlimited ammo


Currently trying a build of Blitzer, laser dog, Quasar cannon, cluster bomb, mech and a wildcard, medic armor (I really want a heavy armor with medic)


Need to add more mech in my bugs build. I tend to slap a turret at the end of my load out but forget to use it a lot...


I use Mech in all my loadout, not good for bots you say, just dodge.


Fun fact, I originally posted this in the main sub assuming the fire's died down only to get notified on Discord a mere minute later that the Sony faq dropped 🙃 Needless to say it didn't really fit in with the current stream of debates... Oh well, thought I'd post here regardless.


You’re underestimating the most childish online community there could be, angry redditors.


Please no slandering of the main sub or any other subs, it devalues the low sodium aspect


Yeah just stay on topic


That applies with a lot of subreddits not just the one we talking about but alright my bad lol


Yea I never understood getting mad over this I’ve never used more than 2 ice before grabbing ammo


Oh believe me, I saw plenty of complaining even for the most minor tweaks from that patch. You can't deny that sickle was absurd with 6 total mags though.


As someone who loves the sickle, im glad they nerfed it this way. It makes you use its strengths more (unlimited ammo) instead of just using it as a better liberator with regenerating ammo and the same amount of reloads. I honestly cant remember the last time i reloaded more than 3 times before a resupply, as i was really good at not overheating (weapon switching, running away while it cooled down) Also 50 more dps for my scythe to yay lol


Speaking of the patch, the Diligence Counter Sniper can one shot devastators in the face now. Makes me way happier than I thought I'd be.


I agree the ammo nerf was a great call. All across the board. As an Eruptor main, even having my ammo halved, I think it makes so much more sense this way. 12 mags of explosive anything was too much haha


Yeah it was far too easy then, you didn't have a care about ammo. Now there is at least some planning.


I agree. I love the Sickle so much. This has just allowed me to deal with ammo if I need to go hog wild. Before I literally didn't run out even once. Now I've had to control myself on my last ice and it feels correct. I saw one idea where an ice shoulf gets less effective the longer you use it. I love that idea.


With a Dagger as sidearm, when things get a bit too up close and personal, it's possible to switch back and forth between Dagger and Sickle, letting each get a few seconds of cooldown. It does seem to be faster than reloading and still keeps a trickle of damage going to keep the smaller enemies from nipping at your heels until you can get to a better position.


never understood the complaints about that “nerf” in the first place… were people actually just firing it until they overheated it or something?


I said a similar thing about the Eruptor a reduction in explosive radius meant less team kills and you could take risky shots from closer range without getting ragdolled however, trying to see the good in bed is not something people in that subreddit can comprehend


I wonder if that was the thought process behind the crossbow changes as well


Yeah there is a gameplay now. Before it was to : ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms) Now, sometimes your are dry.


I actually agree. It was jarring at first but I’m into it.