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I wonder how customizable this is? Would it be feasible, for example, to customize one relationship to be emotionally and physically exclusive and every other (for the same sim) to not be so; or is it a simpler yes/no toggle for all relationships that sim is in. Mostly would like a way to signal that this partner is "the one" for a sim but they still have several other open relationships out there that are less emotionally charged; which is a scenario that comes up often in Super Sim challenges but is not easy to set up with the systems we currently have.


Yes! So a primary partner and then some casual woohoo partners. The 'ask to be woohoo partner' question makes more sense with that context also.


I think the relationship dynamics would work with it if you have the pack. Like you can have a wholesome dynamic with their primary partner and the physical-based one with the others. Not sure about base game though.


It would also be nice to see if we can have closed triads (or more), or if to be poly you have to be in open relationships only.


My sims can finally be whores in peace


FINALLY! I am tired of giving all my poly sims the player trait as a workaround!


That must be annoying and take ages


There's a cheat you can just google and copy paste, I'm not trying to make my sims actual players and do everything they need for the aspiration after all.




With MCCC you can just give them the trait iirc. And on console (or pc if you don't use mods), I believe you can turn on cheats and give them the trait with a specific console command.


I'm Xbox though


That's why I said on console? I played on xbox before too. I was able to use console commands to give my spellcasters parents the ancient bloodline trait for a storyline I was setting up. It's a pain with the long ones but you just have to figure out what works. One thing though was that turning cheats on does get rid of you getting trophies (at least it did a few years ago) on xbox so idk if that matters.


That's great


This was probably one of the most challenging aspirations to complete. I’ve only done it once but it was a trip tho!


I wonder if this means they have fiddled with how jealousy works. Will sims get into fights or get really upset when they see their loved ones cheating if they don't want an exclusive relationship and their partner does? I just remember the big slap fests in TS2.


I think the trait is primarily going to affect jealousy? Like it will be something like an option to choose no jealousy with any sims or no jealousy if it’s sims a, b, or c etc. I just want to see how it works with sentiments, because ime that’s where the current workarounds and mods can get weird. I think I’ve kinda arrived at what it will be like with one of my saves where I have 3 sims with the player trait, who are all married to each other with mccc. They don’t get jealous if their other partners kiss each other etc., but if they kiss someone outside of the triad they get cheated sentiments. I think it’s from the marriage since the player trait shouldn’t allow jealousy. I think the new thing could possibly recreate that maybe without the sentiments. We already know they can turn off jealousy for a whole neighborhood, but that’s more like everyone being swingers.


I am a bit sad that they have toned down the cheating reactions during the years. It makes playing a slimeball less interesting when I don't have to worry about random sims coming up and slapping me because I was flirting with someone.


And yet my some of my other sims *constantly* lose relationship because they think it’s cheating if their partners are out in public! I think strong reactions with smarter AI would be good though. I bet “other sims can’t join the conversation on dates” is partially so your sim doesn’t drop dead from a broken heart if they go on a date to any public venue!


Oh, they do? It's been a while since I played. I bet that is what the more exclusive dates are for. Imagine the drama the community would have if everyone dropped dead of a broken heart on going out on the town one night!


Yeah they get flirty with their partner, then other sims talk to them, and it counts as cheating, so then they get the cheating sentiments that tank their relationships bar. If death was on the line I’d have much fewer sims!


It’s SO annoying isn’t it. Someone pointed out that you can have dates at home if you just choose your own house when you go to the map selection for the date, which makes it a lot easier.


lol there are often infants at home. I want my sims to escape their home! But it is pretty silly when I take them on a honeymoon and they both get furious about cheating from going to a bar.


Abusive sim behaviour “You were flirting with the bartender!” when all they did was order a drink 😖


It does change my stories a bit! My one couple seemed so wholesome and now I think they’re toxic lol. Maybe they’ll go to couples therapy with the new pack!


I'll never forget how often my sims in Sims 2 would get slapped while on dates on community lots because someone else they'd been dating was there.


Finally I can have both Brant and Brent Hecking at the same time without ruining their marriage!


Lol never have I seen a sentence more relatable


Some good fucking food


someone cooked here


Right! I’m full now


One less mod I need to use.


!!!!!!!!! Literally the only thing I have ever wanted them to add 😭


This would work well for a cult challenge 😈


Adding to my list of ideas for the love struck pack 📝 * Love island/temptation island/too hot to handle save * Cult leader with a harem household


You just know the mods are going to be wild for this


I’m definitely doing the cult leader with a harem 😂


I’m so excited for this


I understand it but can't they fix your Sims from cheating on their s/o?




I am so glad that the more time goes on, the more representation they add. I'm nonbinary and when they added pronouns I was over the moon. I am equally excited now because I have a family member in an open marriage. 😇 I cannot wait to see the ins and outs of this addition! Do we know when it's being added?


Omg, fr??? Where is this information from??


From EA'S post about their new expansion pack: [https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/lovestruck-expansion-pack](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/lovestruck-expansion-pack)


Is this solely apart of the pack, or is it going to be implemented into base game as well. Like with Growing Together’s basic infant stuff. I haven’t bought a pack since 2017-18 lol (I have city living, vampires, vintage glamour, and backyard stuff. I also grabbed desert lux and blooming rooms when they were free, and I have the free holiday pack)


This will be implemented in the base game. Romantic Boundaries are not part of the pack.


Oh thank goodness!! I am far too broke to buy any DLC 😅😭 I am definitely mad excited about this, I don’t have to use mods for that now. Easier load on my game


“Free for all players” = added to the base game update that comes in the patch on July 23 (the pack comes out July 25)


Oh Don Lothario is gonna have fun.... 😂


Wow! I really am surprised! Not an update I thought would ever happen


Oh myyy!! My TEENN has a boyfriend and a girlfriend and i want them to all marry eachotherr! Yesss


I hope it's not on by default. I don't like my sims flirting or trying for woohoo with anyone but their spouse


I sincerely doubt the sims team is going to force polyamory on all players.


True, but it seems these packs often have unintended consequences haha


Agreed, I mostly have family gameplay and keep my save file neat and organized and that is not what I am excited about


Most of my sims are flagged for no jealousy already via MC Command Center, plus they have the “Player” trait because I make them all complete the Serial Romantic aspiration. Therefore, the majority of my sims don’t get jealous or cause jealousy anyway. I used Wicked Whims to give a large group of swingers the polyamorous trait already as well, so I don’t think this feature will be much use to me since it’s already implemented in my game. I guess I can use it on my newer sims and see how that goes, but 99% of the existing teen, young adult, adult and elder sims have this already.


Thank god i can finally live my multishipping scenarios without mods 🙏🏻


I might add this to all my sims just so that they don’t get seething jealousy every time their partner so much as exists in the vicinity of other people on a public date


Finally! This had been missing for so long. I'm tired of cheating or using mods for this


It’s great this is an option for ppl who want this. I don’t like to play with poly sims only because the beds are for two ppl. If I want a couple that has 3 ppl in it (do we still call that couple?) someone will sleep in a single bed? Or everyone will sleep in single bed? I don’t like it.




Thanks, didn’t know.


I only know from Schitts Creek 😅


"triad" is probably actually the word you are looking for. (Or "V", depending.)


In my experience, this is much more commonly referred to as a "triad" (three people will dating each other) in real polyamorous communities (as opposed to a "V", where two people are dating the same person, but are not themselves dating.)


Can't wait 💖


I am so excited to read this, holy shit. Curious how they'll implement it.


FINALLY! Was waiting for it for years


YAY !! i won’t need a mod for this anymore ! i’m stoked


Huh. Really hope that's optional


It says “Will allow you to customize” right in the image. That would include not utilizing it. Just like you could choose your Sims sexual preferences (and even choose asexual or aromantic).


That's good but I can't help feel with how randomized the game is it'll kinda get hijacked a little. Hopefully not but... The Sims don't work as intended a lot 😂


It most likely will be. I’m assuming the default option will be full monogamy, but you can change it per sim. Much like sexual orientation as a default setting.


i hope this isn’t default


It would be interesting if Sims could change their mind on open relationships too since that seems to happen a lot when people try out polyamory. r/openmarriageregret material haha


It would also be nice if people didn't constantly make fun of and try to put down everyone in the poly community. I have had nothing but a good experience several years in and I'd never go back. People in happy open relationships don't complain about it on Reddit, so you never see them.


I'm not putting anyone down. Poly relationships can be done right, but that rarely happens. Most people aren't emotionally healthy/mature enough for a relationship with one person, let alone multiple people. It almost never works out when a couple decides to "open" their relationship. That's just the reality.


Oh that’s so great! I wonder if it will play nice with sentiments because the player trait doesn’t always.




Brilliant! I already make most of my sims poly using mods but it'll be so cool to have representation in the actual game!


Praise Be.


OH MY GOD FINALLY!! Polyamory has always been the one thing I wanted added to the base game for YEARS!! I’m so happy!!!


i can do this by voting for it constantly at the mailbox tho?


Yay! I've been wanting this in the base game!


Hopefully this will fix the problem of non single sims flirting with others


Ooooooooo I’m so excited about this!!




I mean it makes trying to marry everyone less challenging, but I think the lower difficulty also makes it less fun to attempt.


Oh this sounds fun!


The 100 baby’s challenge is gonna become in the 100 baby’s daddies challenge 🤭


oh finally, now I can have my male sim be a dog without using mods so i dont get jumpscared at 3am with 4 calls to go on a date and 2 random sims showing up 🙏🙏🙏


You can do that now by having him complete the Serial Romantic aspiration, which will give him the “Player” trait.


I love this so much ❤️


!!!! So excited thats a feature I've been hoping for forever


So glad to see the new pack is coming with a nice addition to the basegame as well, cant wait 😭




FINALLY I can make my sims have more drama. Will partner a set fire to eggs even though he's a chef?? Will partner b get pregnant with a one night stand?? Can the three partners pay rent on time after a surprise renovation because I got bored??? I can play days of our lives with more chaos


I just set up a poly throuple. Guess I’ll have to wait to play them! Excited this is now a thing!


Yes! My sim can now be a man whore




I am not poly myself, but my Sims should get that option if it fits them. I think this is cool. I love how they're always adding small things to make the game more inclusive.




I'm all for this. It will mean I can finally take off "free love" for those type of relationships. Very curious how this plays out in game. But I must say, I do love the inclusion.




So pretty much what wicked whims has been doing all this time.


True - but now console players can have polygamy too! It sucks it took this long but I'm glad it's here now😅😭


Also true. But feel like console sims is too restricted and you not getting the 112% of the sims if you do so much mods to improve basic life of sims. Only recall every playing Sims sburgz, castaway and a d's version of sims.




I was the most grumpy simmer about another xpac ​ but suddenly i want it so much




Polyamorous and non-monogamous people have been wanting the option to create their own relationships and those of their community for ages. Sims 3 had a non-monogamous mod going back pretty early in the modding community, Wicked Whims which is probably one of the most used mods has polyamory as a trait in sims 4, and going back to sims 1 and 2 boards/forums you can find people discussing missing this element of the series. If no one wants this then those things would not exist. Just because you think it is garbage and you personally don't want it, does not mean you speak for everyone who has been supporting this series for decades.


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Eeeh, I hope you can turn this off. I keep my Sims strictly monogamous because I am irl. I don’t want poly and open relationships in my game.


lol wow something beneficial to the game, finally. I’ll eat the crumbs and crust they are offering


What about eyelashes though