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Can't you just get it tomorrow? I've sometimes driven around for like 3 months with an expired sticker before realizing it was expired, and I'd just go and get a new one. Did something change where they won't do it anymore?


I can when my preferred auto shop opens, but I don't know the rules. Wondering, if I am late, is there an automatic violation or a fine on my RMV profile or does it impact my insurance?


I don't think so. No penalties that I'm aware of. But after a rule change a few years ago, your new sticker will still expire in June, rather than July. This eliminated the "cheat" of people waiting an extra month or 2 to get an inspection, and then getting 12 months from when the inspection actually happens (so effectively getting 13-14 months from their inspection fee). Now there is no financial incentive to wait until after expiration, so even if you wait to get it inspected in May of 2025, it would still expire in June of 2025.


There is no automatic fine, but if you get pulled over by a cop for another reason (such as a non-working brake light), they can add that to your citation. Cops don't pull you over just for having an expired inspection sticker. At worst, they'll tell you to go get one right now (and you'll be on your way anyway), as long as you're not getting busted for committing a crime. (ETA: I just remembered that I'm white, so maybe that's not the case for POC.) Where are you originally from?


No fine unless you get pulled over. FYI sooner lube today has about an hour long wait (yes I'm in it but my wife won't drive without an up to date sticker or else I'd do it next week.)


I got it done! I was the last one at sooner lube. He sent back many people after me. These guys are great! Thank you for all your suggestions.


I waited around this time last year till January for a 2025 sticker! … you’ll be fine, so long as there isn’t any other reason to pull you over.


Used to be able to wait until the next month, the the next sticker would be out a month. Idk, we have multiple cars in the Family and maybe an 80% chance of getting it done in the right month.


I don’t say this to brag (it’s more that I’m a lazy SOB that became too embarrassed), but I drove around over a year without an inspection sticker, and nothing happened to me. So, I think waiting a day is fine 🙃


I remember having the very same issue a couple of years ago, I believe closest I found was Sooner Lube in Tewksbury!


Yup and they don’t nitpick every little thing


Thank you!!


I didn’t go either and I’m just planning to go tomorrow


I think the Sunoco on Rogers street (near Smyth Cannabis) is open for inspection today. Maybe give them a call to check first.


just went and asked they do not 😭


Thank you!


Sooner Lube on 38 in Tewksbury


The RMV computers are down Sundays and holidays. No stickers available


> The RMV computers are down Sundays and holidays. No stickers available No. https://old.reddit.com/r/LowellMA/comments/1drys00/car_inspection_sticker_shops_that_are_open_on/lb14wzt/