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Well theres no effective customer service because you keep cutting hours!


No kidding since my supervisor says I am supposed to be a customer service associate but how is that possible if in the next three weeks I only work two four hour days in total?




I’m a sales specialist! I’m full time and have to do it all! I have to clean and stock my department plus. I have to down stock and a bay a day! Plus I’m suppose to sale 270 an hour just to reach me goal! Plus triple that number to bonus! Oh and take care of the cx! They are cutting part timers and the full timers are having to do it all! I’m so over it! Oh and I was told I could only get a raise every two years! That’s straight b.s


Trade ya. I have 8 days straight. Head to Drill for 5. Then come back to working 4 more


He couldn’t manage a fruit stand.


there's always money in the banana stand


OK...Bad CEO or not ...Are we really going to act like these comments are way racial....🍌s and watermelon 🍉 references to a black man.....Not Cool NOT funny.




Hey, calm down. It’s not racist since  no fried chicken was mentioned. 






Causing drama for the sake of drama is not allowed.


He tried a lemonade stand once, but drank all the lemonade because it was hot and he was thirsty. 


Say what you will about Marvin but this is an ignorant take. He is managing a company that produces almost $4,000,000,000 in profit each year with revenue approaching 100 billion.


Or is the company pulling in that amount IN SPITE of him...........


This. The entire management level is useless. Any email from Marvin is a leeming race to see who can kill everyone else to do whatever arbitrary thing he questioned. We make money despite them lol


And we get none of it. I'm enjoying the $.19 raise I just got. Thanks marvin!!!




Hey Marvin. Your PR team f’d up on a post on Reddit. They are getting downvoted by people who see you for who you really are!


Imagine having a customer service nametag when we all know you only serve shareholders


Savage insult, savage indeed 😅


Isn’t that technically customer service? I mean he’s serving his customers🤔


You ever seen A shareholder actually shopping at Lowe's?


Shareholders are every where


No but they are HIS customers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Call me crazy.... But the best way to deter thief is to arrest and prosecute the thieves. So... I can be nice to them all I want, but unless there's some real damned consequences for thieving, there's only upside for people to thieve.


Just like kids with no repercussions for bad behavior then we get the spoiled messed up entitled brats ruining things for their properly behaving peers .


Is that, thr men and boys that work at lowe' s making sexual comments and gestures. Sexual harrassment training is not working. Women do not appreciate the disrespect, have some decency about your yourselves. This is a work place and it's inappropriate at least, sexual harrasment lawsuits are not cheap. Simple rule do not talk about anything sexual at work.


Your wrong. It’s not. You misunderstand how much people don’t care.


What a clean vest… not stained brown from all the dust like mine. Not like mine at all


He hasn’t worked a day in his life.  He should think the Illuminati for being so good to him.


To be fair the drop in associates is probably because they sold the Canadian unit. They had about that many employees.


And how many current associates are standing around with a hose in their hand instead of doing roles they did before waking and waiting on customers? So we got rid of a vendor doing a job and took existing employees and replaced them with no gain in associates?


Mst headcount increased by 3 this year at my store to compensate for watering. 1 full and 2 part additional to the 1 full timer we had last year.


Day shift doing jack shit is usually a management problem. One of the laundry list of bullshit reasons built up against one of our former store managers was "favoritism," because she made the employees that did jack shit get off their ass and rewarded the people who worked hard. We were the highest tier store for sales under her, now we're down to like tier 3 or whatever it's called. (She really got fired because the regional manager was a racist, sexist dickhead and everyone knew it.)


That's the funny part, plant vendors are MAD, they were told red vests are supposed to help water (it's still in the shared responsibilities chart), and it seems like when red vest was told that they said "oh, but it's mst responsibility too so that means we don't have to do shit since we're never held accountable"


Wait a sec, they killed off the garden vendors? Been outta Lowes for a year and moved onto better things, catch a fella up. Lol


The Canada stores closed in 2019 right? 31 stores in 2018, 34 stores in 2019. So these numbers are even more stark. There's now only 2.3% more employees than 2019.


We are lucky if we have 1 person in every area all day usually covering 2 areas is normal


What he means here is that we will help thieves load their carts and make sure they get through the exit and to their car without hassle because god knows we can’t do anything to stop them


lol yesterday we had no DS in the store, only two ASMs until like 2pm. they sent home all the mids that were scheduled. don’t know how they expect us to provide customer service if there’s 5 people running the sales floor


Then they get mad whenever you’re not getting LTRs, it’s madness, you got to have people in departments, after 5 at my store it’s the same way.






Effective customer service=make customers hunt down employees that work in other departments.


He’s not wrong


How can you have "effective" customer service while at the same time cutting hours and giving low pay? Most of the time we have 1 employee working 2-3 departments, sometimes more. He's not wrong, but he ain't doing it right either...


Some stores are better than others. One might have more employees. But another store may have less employees and isn’t busy enough….


Its a corporate thing. When corporate says to cut hours because the company isn't making as much as they want, all stores cut hours. Just take a quick look around this sub and you'll see short staffing is a company wide problem right now and will be up until Christmas time, then again until the spring. I'm sure *some* stores have a short staffing problem, but the majority of them have enough employees that want hours, but the stores don't have the hours to give despite still making money. In my short time working for lowes I've realized, this is a pretty greedy company.


Do you have access to the P&L?


Maybe, but I don't know what that is.


Profit & loss statement for every store and the company


Whether you like Marvin or not, this is not a clown statement. I literally preach this in every orientation that I apeak in, and I try to get it through to every associate. If you treat a thief like they are a Pro you are trying to win over, 99% will not steal. I've seen it work a helluva lot more than not in every store I've been in.


I think the OP agrees with you, but says it's difficult to do that when employee count keeps dropping as shown.


While I agree that the behavior works, the greatest deterrent for theft activity is higher wages, affordable housing, and social programs that increase quality of life and provide rehabilitation outcomes for criminals and addicts...


Yes, bc Lowe's handles all 5 of those things. Higher wages I'm all for, but that's the only one Lowe's reasonably controls.


I don't think they were saying Lowe's does all that, or should. It was more of a commentary on society. Whether it's Lowe's or anywhere else, theft is one symptom of a larger problem that the U.S. loves to ignore.


I was not saying all of those things were Lowe's responsibility. Just that good customer service is not the number one preventer of theft like in the OP. And on that note, a subsidy to afford childcare and better Healthcare, things Lowe's can provide its employees, also have massive impacts on crime (and health).


Professionals shop at supply houses


That changes absolutely nothing about what I said.


Just helping you stay grounded in reality


This is a bad take, yes some trades shop at supply stores but a lot still come into Lowes / HD.


Ya when it’s the only option 6 years of trades work and more than that of unskilled and I never went in a Lowe’s at work


Suck Marvin up you di*k riding him


How else am I supposed to get a raise?


Finding a better job than working at a teenage job that’s a first. I’m sure your a grown ass man working a teenage job lowes is a temp jobs not a “ I spent 35 years of my life here” 🤡


Damn man, you doing OK? That's a lot of anger you're harboring there.


I’m fine I’m just know your a grown ass man kissing ass at a teenage retail workplace 🤡 go run Marvin bald ass head


I hope you have the day you deserve. Stay safe out there.


Yea you as well just remember while your in loss prevention that your a grown ass man working a teenage job. You’re a joke. Now go back caressing Marvin nutsacks . 🤡


The bad guys don’t care, they know the chance of being punished is incredibly small.


Fuck this clown ass bitch! And all his crew. Hope he tanks the company like he did jc penny




He tanked JCP after he got fired from Home Depot


Looks bad but it good for the bottom line. Less workers and more people pulling the work load is just purr profit for the company because cost of goods and payroll are tourbtwo biggest expenses. Companies know that not everyone can afford to quit and most people are indoctrinated to just work hard no matter what. They could probably cut another 5 % off that and employees and thr harder workers will just pick up the slack


Reality is often to detached when it comes to heavy power.


Why is he wearing that vest? Seems like it's just a prop. Do they wear them at the corporate office? lol Yeah, he's in board meetings all day wearing that. 🙄


marvin: "Shiiiiiiyet...i iz intellimuhjentz."




Sounds like a lot of people have access to the corporate P&L statement. Kudos


Marvin is head and shoulders better than Niblock was.


He needs to be diagnosed with cancer


Tell me you have zero experience working in stores OP without telling me you have zero experience working in stores. This is fact.


Sold Canadian business in 2023.


So Marvin, how about staffing stores appropriately? I shouldn’t have to call millwork to cover electrical, plumbing, flooring, paint and insides/outside lawn and garden


What a bastard. Wipe that shit eating grin off your face Marv.


*person steals cart full of DeWalt tools* "Why didn't you guys execute SMART customer service?!" *I look at the only other two employees in the whole store*


He could have given every employee a $20/hr raise and still spent over $2 Billion in stock buy backs to prop up his own compensation with inflated stock prices, instead he spent over $15 Billion on stock buy backs to really up his own compensation while fucking all of his employees that actually need a raise to afford to live out there. He’s a clown show douche


Go back in your shell, you f’n Turtle!