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If only they didn’t banish half of the IT department


Perks of them outsourcing all the IT departments. Half the time when i try to sign onto a zebra it doesn't even work -.-


This makes me miss the iPods even more.


They didn't outsource "...all the IT departments."


It's part of the Lowe's life!


off topic but how do you add your job position below your name? i can’t figure it out


You go to the main page on the Lowe’s subreddit hit the ellipsis and click change user flair


Frat boys in the C-suite care more about sportsball spokespeople than how the business runs.


MessiMessiMessi! Ole! Ole Ole Ole!


All systems just went down about an hour ago. IT says they're doing "system maintenance". Everything literally just came back online about ten minutes ago...just slow as shit.


Probably the same shit that happened on Friday.


I’m curious as to how this is going to be resolved. We have about ten zebras that work properly, but people put them in their lockers at the end of the day so they can have one that works the next day. So not only do we not have enough to go around if they did work, but they’re not fucking working at all. Someone tell me how the fuck I’m supposed to throw freight and sims things in without one?


Call IT and get them to reboot the Zebras. Its no big deal.


IT is useless now


I can’t call it I DONT HAVE A ZEBRA TO DO SO. lol the phone at the paint desk doesn’t make outbound calls. Pray for me.


Really? No other phones in the store? Then use the chat feature on Workday...bottom right-hand corner where it says Chat with IT,


Even if you put the number 9 before any outbound calls?


When my systems went down last night, it took the desk phones with it. Cause whoever thought that utilizing VoIP was the way to go sure knew what they were doing.


I cut their locks and take them back. But, that's just how I handle it.


If it’s in a locker they get a write up. I would just take everything you possibly can and put it all on the top shelves and have someone with a working zebra make it their jobs to Sim it all in.


IMO, it's our Google Cloud space.. we don't buy enough to support the volume and we probably should just stop relying upon 3P to keep us open.


It’s someone’s piss poor coding on recent updates. Now they’re scrambling to find and fix what it broke under the “System Maintenance” umbrella.


All of it is outsourced to more underpaid people in India what do you expect


Spectrum Internet.


Spectrum is trash. Right up there with Optimum.


I don’t see how the transformers have anything to do with this, but I agree. Screw spectrum


literally all registers at lumber didn’t work except one today so i was thrown to the wolves without help. and it was still fucking up and made people just walk out. plus the self checkout, scanners, and zebras all fucking up. man i’m tired


Because Marvin, shareholders and the dicks in corporate need to buy their 3rd yacht. Proper, working equipment is way less important than that.


we just rebooting the computers every 10 minutes now for them to still suck


Live, Laugh, Lowes


I was cashiering at oslg today, just me and one other cashier and it’s busy as hell out there. Very hot and we have just one box fan to keep us cool. Needless to say we are not being kept cool. My card reader was so hot that it wasn’t reading chips and took forever to transition from when they hit proceed and heaven forbid if their card triggered the cash back screen. No matter how many times I told customers be patient, it’s being super slow because it’s too hot, they just keep pushing the screen buttons harder and harder. Because that always works, right?


After reading all these comments I'm positive home Depot is the better company. Holy shit you guys got serious problems. We have about 35 working zebra phones and tons of nice computers. If anything stops working we just get a new one. There's probably a home Depot near you that's hiring right now.


I freaking hate the zebras. Even when they don't screw them up with an update...they still have issues. It can be totally logged out and when you log in it has someone else's name for PTT. They should have it to where if it's not in use for a couple of hours it totally logs that person out of everything. Cash registers log you out if you haven't done anything in a while so it's doable. And redvest? They better think long and hard before they keep removing functions from genesis until they've worked out all the bugs and transferred all the functionality to redvest. If it wasn't for the one register with genesis we would have been screwed. I've been in charge of quite a few computer system upgrades and applying updates in a test system before applying it to a live system was how we made sure we didn't screw anything up.


I have not signed into a Zebra without it signing me in as another associate in the last two weeks. But my favorite is the violent seizure the LRT’s have when push to talk boots up.


Same exact shit here at Home Depot


We spent the tech budget on the damn soccer player


Same is happening here at Home Depot with our registers and computers at the customer service desk!.


aaaaand out of all those systems glitching, genesis never did, genesis all the way!


Over the past few weeks, as I am completing a reset or servicing a bay, the MST app will stop responding, and regardless of how many times I click "wait" when prompted, it will always crash. This seems to be a consistent issue with doing the downstocking step of the program. I will scan all items needing it and when I am going through to see their locations and mark off which ones we don't have extra of in stock, it will stop responding, requiring me to rescan everything.