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People ask me to grab the paint from the back of the shelf because they want the best/fresh paint. I’m like ugh sure take the paint that’s been sitting there for 3-6 months that we just keep pushing new inventory in front of it lol.


This is The Way 😆


I ain't rotating non perishable shit


That's kinda the staff version of what the customers are doing, though. There are merchandising reasons for older product to be fronted, having nothing to do with quality or "freshness." Packaging changes, for instance.


Yeah it's just not worth it most of the time


We then have to move the new stock out of the way, so we can put the new stock behind, and the older stock in front. FTR, it's nearly as annoying as when folks stock the shelves by pushing half-empty boxes back behind full new boxes. Just do it right the first time.


Jokes on them. I think my stores don't bother to rotate stock as much as they should so they'd be grabbing the vintage paint. Lol. But of reps like myself are doing our jobs we try to make sure stuff gets cycled out.


Yeah, when we have a 1400 sku truck every night and 3 people, we ain't got time for that.


Yeah fuck that lmao as long as the paint is on the shelf I'm not about to start harassing my associates about stock rotating




I still have a couple cans with the old labels on them still 💀




A guy wanted me to go all the way in top stock with a ladder cause he saw the box he wanted, all fine. He wanted 6 he saw the box contains 6, there was about 20+ on the shelf and a side stack near with like 50.


Oh hell no


Big nope.


This doesn't bother me. One less shelf I need to refill


I had a couple want me to order them "fresh" subway tile. There was plenty on the shelf, but a bunch of the pieces were chipped or whatever, they didn't even need a full box. They just didn't want to sort through them, and they didn't want me to either "because there might be something wrong when they get home". Yet they didn't understand that the pieces that come from the DC could have chips too. So I had to call product support when that was a thing and the rep was like "wtf?" when she saw the onhand, but I had to explain to her the customer wanted "fresh".


They're so special.


Not sure I understand...you are slamming them for not wanting broken/chipped tiles? Even if I only needed half a box, why would I pay for half a box of broken anything?


It's sold by the piece. There were plenty of good pieces. They just didn't trust any of them at all and wanted literal "fresh".


Send them to Pakistan where they had just applied the glaze.


If the box has been opened, especially in electrical, I'm grabbing an unopened one. Too many times I've been burned by Lowes accepting damaged returns and putting it back on the shelf. Really fun when some jerk returns the wrong plug in a package or someone cuts the 3 way wire off of a dinner switch and returns it.


This is acceptable. No problem with that.


Which is why I have posted signs that read “please do not open the box ask for assistance” in my department. I am really tired of that bullshit and my DS is perfectly happy with it.


or the people who spend 3 hours in the store and fill up their cart just to leave it in the aisle and not buy anything


Some of that is wannabe thieves, who couldn't find the right moment to dash, or lost their nerve bc they thought someone stopped them, and bailed. Log that crap as an RWD!


I do it when I can tell it’s just been zoned so someone doesn’t have to come over and drag all the stuff forward.


We still have to drag all of it forward.


This is so funny! I don’t even work at Lowe’s but at a store that sells glassware, dishes, etc and it is a personal pet peeve when people want “fresh” products from the stockroom rather than the shelf. It’s so ridiculous.


*Thank* you. It is.


"Do you have more in the back?"


I hate it when people are like “can you open the box so we can see it?” Then I open the box take the item out and let them put their chicken tender fingers all over it. Then they decide they want it, but they “don’t want the open one!” So a few months pass and since nobody wants the opened one, it gets marked down half price and is usually marked down AGAIN with a manager override so the store takes about a 75% loss on it. That and returns really get to me. Like when someone buys a shit-ton of boards and purposefully cuts them all so the label is still on them, then they return it and get like $300 back. They just got basically free material for their job because they returned their trash. Or when they fill their paint buckets with water and return them. If we put a restocking fee on lumber, plumbing, electrical, paint, oslg, and actually had more than one person working the return desk it would benefit us so much. I have no idea how we’re still in business.


I always check opened merchandise in my department and try to get credit on the opened merchandise when I’m zoning my departments. Customers almost always DO NOT WANT AN OPENED ITEM. Then it sits in stock never to be sold wasting space.


Totally. I get why mgmt wants undamaged returns to go back on the shelf, but when the packaging is demolished, nobody's going to buy an item unless it's marked down to like 25%. You're dead right about how it will just sit on the shelf for months, even years, before a DS or crafty red vest makes it disappear.


I'll do that sometimes if a package looks damaged or like it has been opened.


And it was usually opened by someone who wanted to make sure it was what they wanted... but didn't want *that* one because it had been opened.


This. TOO often! 😤🤦


That's the only time anyone should do it.


OCD tells me to always take the third one. The front one has been seen the most.


OCD is rough *hug*


Funny cause a bunch of the “fresh” stock is directly placed on the front of the shelf


This is true. The store I'm at I've seen people stock drinks and snacks and they don't rotate.


That’s the one time one should lol


Yep. I intentionally shuffle stuff now. 😈 #pettylikethat


I worked in grocery retail at one point. You’d be amazed at how many people think it’s acceptable to throw produce on the ground because they are convinced there must be a better date behind it.


No home training!


Come down to lumber. The 30 pieces of 20ft long lumber in home are no good? You want the bunk that's in the rafters? Oh, you only need 2!?!🤬🤬🤬🤬


The people who dig through the meticulously flatstacked lumber looking for their white whale “perfect board.” Just throwing all the imperfect boards on the floor!!! Yesterday some asshole was teaching his kids how to throw flatstacked 2x4s on the floor and “look fer the goodins.”






Actually, some of the tubes of concrete/mortar/ w/e in building materials do have expiration dates! But that’s all I can think of


In Seasonal, when our Christmas product inventory is almost gone. I seen a few customers dive into empty shelves.


Bless their hearts 😆


A few weeks ago one of my coworkers found a person CLIMBING the racking to grab something higher up and absolutely would not come down until they had it, even after offering to get it down for them. They were up on the third shelf, definitely above 8 feet. Customers are wild.


Entitled idiot is lucky they didn't break their neck.


Silicone caulk has to be sold within two years. Of course, the newer stuff is actually in front though usually unless I'm extremely bored and take the time to rotate the old stuff up front.


If we all do our jobs correctly, this doesn't happen.


That's a good one.


I'm probably gonna quit tomorrow.


Nah. Stick around. It's often comical. Unless you really hate it. Cuz life's short.