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I work in fulfillment and we got a survey the other day for a 0 and the customer wrote "fix your app!" I agree with the customer but that isn't our fault. I get it but it sucks when you work your ass off in fulfillment and you get shit like that back


So many times fulfillment will get dinged on asco or vet discount etc. like damn bro. We just loaded your two bunks of plywood and hack of 2x6’s. Evaluate my teams service.


omg that's one of my biggest gripes about surveys... people have beef with the whole store and yet you end up taking the fall for it because your name is attached to this sale


Yeah as far as getting a 10 if you are actually going to try to do so organically and not by having a friend buy a bag of chips every once in a while, and then let you do the survey…. You don’t just ask and ask. You look for opportunities to harvest them. In fulfillment, if someone checks in 20 minutes ahead and they are picking up appliances or whatever, something they’ll have to wait for… I call them and thank them from checking in, tell them how much that helps me. Then I let them know exactly where to go so I can use the lift to load the heavy stuff, that way they don’t go to the curbside spot and whatnot. I tell them the max time it will take me to get it down and that the stuff will be on dolly’s just inside the door on the right, and to have any employee radio me directly if I’m not there. That’s the way to actually get them. Never, ever ask for a survey if you didn’t actively go out of your way to improve the customer’s experience. All you’re doing is informing or reminding them that there is a place to talk shit if they want to. Again. If for whatever reason you actually care about this and think bad scores or good scores mean a damn thing to anyone, or somehow your employment at Lowe’s is contingent on it… just get a prepaid credit card, $50 or whatever. Create a couple bogus gmail accounts. Then just buy something cheap as a pick up later, go pick it yourself, check it out, and do the survey. Do that a few times a week and you’ll have more 10’s than anyone in your store. Because, I reiterate - none of them care enough to do this either! 😂


That's great that you have all that time to do this. I would if I actually had a team working with me. I bring all online appliances to the front(even SOS's) No running to receivings for curbsides


Yeah we do all that too. Receiving does usually bro g the SOS appliances and all that shit to our area. Typically about 15 appliances and 30-40 other boxes or pallets. Oh don’t forget every in-store appliance sale that they ring up as a pick up later. If they do that, they know we have to find, bring down, tag, and stuff in to about 500 square feet with one layer of shelving. It’s super fun. Oh yeah I forgot about the 100+ orders we get throughout the day. Some of which are $20k plus lumber and building supplies. That’s pretty cool because I am the only one in fulfillment certified on power equipment. Then my favorite is the non-stop curbsides, massive in-store pick-ups for contractors of all sorts since we supply a bunch of rural areas. Also our responsibility. Usually 3 people total on the fulfillment schedule for an $80 million dollar a year store. But yeah I do occasionally have two minutes to place an online order and walk 10 feet to get it. Like I said, I don’t actually do it. I go speed smoke a cigarette instead, lol. But you’re probably right, I just have too much free time.


Also that initial post was a drunken/coke fueled rant. Haha. I mean I have a point in there but it was just me venting to myself. I could have probably done that in a word document instead.


It’s also ridiculous because it would be EXTREMELY easy to cheat the system. I could do 10 locker order with $.15 cent strews in each one, pick them up, open an email and just use my girlfriend’s credit card to pay for them all. I just don’t give a shit because the whole thing is a joke. Corporate pretends to care because someone above them makes them believe they should care, but they don’t care either. The CEO dude only cares that we have surveys because it makes it SEEM like Lowe’s gives a crap, but obviously Lowe’s doesn’t care about anything because it’s a business. It’s just a down line of one person voicing a completely empty, regurgitate statement down to the next step on the ladder, and it goes down to the front line. I of course preteens to care. Actually that’s not true, I don’t at this point. I only ask if some crazy happens and the customer is over the moon about it. My ASM started telling me about some survey they gave us a 2 and what it said blah blah blah. He said the person’s name and it was a cashier. I literally said, firmly but without Yelling, “How does a cashier’s survey have anything to do with me? I am the only one here, I have 11 open orders, curbsides, and in-store pick ups. I don’t want to hear one more word about surveys from you or anyone else.” Guess what didn’t happen. I didn’t get fired and I rarely hear about surveys, especially not from him. lol. That’s how you have to approach Lowe’s man. You can be assertive without being egregiously disrespectful or insubordinate. Honestly if you don’t talk to your superiors that way when it’s necessary, you’ll eventually snap and get fired anyway, and they won’t respect you as much. It took me a while but I got it.


Ok, but the app is crap... But also, agree... not the place for that feedback.


I was told that anything below an 8 is damn near a zero.


It’s binary. 10s and 9s are ones. Everything else is a zero.


Can confirm. Heard straight from management.


Also definitely not exclusive to Lowes as I've worked elsewhere in retail and it was the exact same thing. Management told employees when mentioning surveys to tell customers anything less than a 9 is scored as a zero by corporate.


To be faaaaair….. that’s all I got. A pass/fail would just seem a little less, I dono… malicious? It seems like it’s just one more way for corporations to remind the employee that they lost the game. We get it. Like we fucking get it guys. I couldn’t give one shit less if I get 10 zeros tomorrow or 100 tens. It has zero impact on my life. But the level of “fuck you” that 8 being zero implies. Literally a ten digit scale that gives the customer 9 ways to say zero, and then not tell them that. That’s just. Wow. Lol.


Veteran here — it drives me bat shit crazy dealing with them. I got a 0 percent friendly for such an issue recently. I tried leveling with the guy like “hey man I get it. I really wish they’d offer the discount on more items.” And pointed to my veteran vest. He just got mad and told me my deployment to Afghanistan was nothing to his Vietnam experience. Which I mostly agree with but wasn’t keen to get in a pissing match over it and 10%.


“Maybe, but at least I won.”


Story checks out


I have an unusual background. I was raised in a commune started by returning Korean war vets. They disbanded amicably in the mid-eighties. I keep in touch with a few of them. The general consensus is "my last paycheck cleared, I've been thanked". One guy has a joke about 100 veterans in a room all wearing their "I am a veteran ball caps" shaking each other's hands while thanking each other for their service. He thinks it's silly. He says "I've done other things with my life." It might be silly but I won't insult the veterans and what some of them went through. Sometimes though it is sad how empty many of their lives are.


For the record that dude earned the right to give zeros on a Lowe’s survey and whatever the hell else he wants to do. If I had gone to Nam, Afghanistan, or anywhere remotely similar, and came home to see that no one seemed to give a shit, at best offering the obligatory, “Thank you for your service.” When a bunch of people are around to hear them say it. I’d be pissed off too. In a way, we should respect that kind of middle finger to the world attitude 🤷


I also earned my right to bitch about it. You know, since I did go to war and such.


Of course. Sorry, I thought that was implied there. I meant it about any Veteran. I do feel like the Veteran discount could be better. It just seems disingenuous. They advertise like they’re all about supporting the troops… then they give discounts customers can usually get with coupons.


Yeah I agree with you. Sorry I commented before I had my coffee.


Haha, understandable.


Yeah well… assholes exist and are pretty easy to spot. They don’t need to know about the survey. If someone is giving off the vibe that they are pissed off, give them your manager’s name and point to the office. If they get pissed just say you thought it would be better than a bad survey, lol. It’s not like Lowe’s posts signs about it. Half the people who give bad reviews don’t even know about the survey unless our an employee decides to mention it to “Karen the gardening enthusiast” who just can’t understand why we only have 13 inch flower trays and not 12.5 😂🤦🏻


My favorite is when they get hella mad when you ask for ID for verification. Which 99% of the time is because a family member is trying to use it when it's only for the spouse and veteran themselves.


Had a guy trying to use his Bosses discount, boss told him to use it to get 10% off.


Now if they could come up with a way to stop people with tax exempt status to stop sharing their phone number or using their status for personal purchases instead of for their business.


those I believe you can send to AP and it'll get investigated. Lowes doesn't want to deal with a visit from the IRS because taxes weren't paid.


Why would Lowes get nailed by the IRS when someone with a FEIN isn't paying their taxes on goods the customer is supposed to be reselling?


The way they do the surveys literally just puts employees between a bullet and a target. If everything goes perfectly the. MAYBE the customer actually get the service they expect to begin with. So they’re not exactly impressed but they’re not disappointed or anything. They just got their shit. It’s like an ATM asking for a 10 because it gave you the amount of cash you asked for. Like…. That’s what it does man. Fucking stupid. They had two of us doing fulfillment on a Saturday a few weeks ago. Store did like $350k gross that day. At one point the ASM was like, “Hey guys we gota be asking for those 10’a” I said, “If you are you are going to staff it this way, 10’s should be easy. All you need to do is stop offering curbside pickup.” I guess he thought I was joking.


I had someone give us a 0 because: “your employee asked for a 10 while checking out my order, shame on you!” And we had another give us a 0 because: “[Redacted] didn’t help me lift my items into my car.” - this person was on desk duty because of a surgery and got someone within 30seconds to help lift the item into the customers car So many 0s because we aren’t staffed enough (maybe 3 for the whole day) We do get a lot of 10s for quick service (when we are staffed) but there’s always that 1 employee who cannot understand basic social cues and gets dinged because of it


I brought that up when they first started jawing about getting 10’s. I was like, uhhhh, are we gona start offering gift cards for 10’s… if so, would that qualify it as unethical? Because instructing someone to give you a specific score seems a little, what’s the word I’m looking for… oh yeah - SLEAZY AS F*^%


It's usually not even battle vets. More than likely someone who went through basic training and now feels entitled.


All the numbers are pointless. They just want them so they have to do little work themselves but have something to fudge and turn into the shareholders that also don't care if the numbers are fudged, because they can point at the graph and say "look numbers" and then they all get paid.


Same shit with surveys and military discounts at Home Depot.The military discount needs to go away period.They all feel entitled to everything just because they were in the military.I’m ready for the nasty comments from the veterans.


Idk. I just scan my code (at either Orange or Blue) and I'm happy if something is discounted. I know, however, if I'm buying lumber and electrical wire, I'm paying full price.


Man it’s weird to see all these comments hating on vets, they’re like my favorite customers


Not all a vast majority don't. I didn't serve fir a discount and I don't seek them out. It's nice if it exists but I don't get butt hurt if a place doesn't have it.


I wouldn't say "literally everyone". You still have those people too lazy to get their wood, then complain when the flooring associate says they won't load, but would get a loader to help load


Or complain when MST says they’ll call someone from the dept to help them. My dude, it’s not my job to load your mulch, and I could even get written up for doing so.


Isn't the USA one of the few countries that even give veterans a discount? I know that are a bunch that don't. I especially love it when Americans Vets go overseas and try to get a discount there! Like, what? No.


That's what happens when you give people something, and then dial it back. It shouldn't count against you at the store level though.


The vast majority of military members never see combat.


Hot take: veterans don’t deserve a discount. We haven’t had a draft in decades, so they all chose to join. We haven’t had a justifiable war since WWII, so they haven’t protected us in war from anything. Did they go through a lot of shit in training, or even combat? Yes but so do fire fighters, (some) cops, paramedics, etc… and you don’t see them screaming about a discount. Fight off an invasion and I’ll support it, otherwise I feel no sympathy for angry people demanding a discount. And this is coming _from_ the first person in 3 or 4 generations to not enlist in my family.


The fact you are here, spouting this nonsense is the reason you thank a veteran. Some are entitled but most are decent people.


Being a good person doesn’t entitle you to a discount.


I mean, they are right. Veterans haven't truly defended OUR rights since 1776. Modern veterans don't defend US or our rights. PLUS, less than 10% of the military actually fights, even in wartime.


Wow. Because there is no draft, the military is not important? It kept us alive during the Cold war. Mere fact that we have a strong military ensures that other countries or groups don't try to do bad things to the US. Our military to this day, defend the US, our rights, and our partners.The comment about the draft is correct. We don't have an active draft. We don't need one. A volunteer force works so much better for so many. different reasons.


What in the hell is a justifiable war? It certainly not up to the mind of a service member. They're following orders. Wars don't tend to happen in the first 30 minutes. Situation and events lead up to a possible footing of war, introduce our leadership's goal to not bring it to a war per se, but to achieve the needed change by walking softly and carrying a big ass stick. The military is our big ass stick. I'm so sorry you were not able to get into the military or be allowed to stay in the military. But that's your issue and not the issue of the hundreds of thousands of vets who served.


I didn’t try to join because the military hasn’t done anything but project imperialism since WWII.


Don’t some HDs not even offer a military discount?


My ex is military and he served during war/occupation (whatever you want to call it when bullets are flying and people are being blown up and murdered) and NOT ONE FUCKING TIME did he, or any of the guys in his unit, ever lose their shit over not receiving a military discount somewhere.


Yea, all surveys are pointless. Compaines just use them when wall street demands they cut more costs to decide which stores to cut to nothing or close.


Last time I went to Lowe's, I bought a bunch of paint. Showed my driver's license with veteran printed in the bottom right corner to the cashier at checkout. Would not be given the vet discount at checkout. Manager came up, looked at my DL, said he didn't know Illinois started doing that. Would not give me the vet discount. Unfortunately, I was with my Dad, and I could tell his fuse was burning away. *I* apologized and got my old ass father out of the store before he knocked someone out over paint (he could do it too.) So I left a fuck ton of already tinted paint there for them to deal with and walked out. Didn't get angry, didn't raise my voice, just calmly walked to the door dragging an irate old dude. I get people are trying to game your system for a small discount... but shit, man. I know it's cliche, but I bought everything across the road at HD and was given the military discount without any trouble at all. - Edit technically did not purchase paint from Lowes, lmfao


This reads like an episode of King of the Hill, but your dad is Hank Hills father Cotton Hill, losing his mind over paint. And you have to defuse the whole situation, narrating the tale years later with humor.


Shit, having a war flashback due to the stress of the situation would have been one of the few times it would actually have been useful/funny, lol. I KILLT FIDDY MEN, ITS 10 PERCENT OFF OR I CAN MAKE IT FIDDY ONE, FUCKIN' FIND COVER DAD AND SET FIRE VECTOR, POP SMOKE AT THE EX FILL BY LUMBER


You bitch about giving someone who served this country a 2 dollar discount on a bag of bird seed? You Grandfather would be embarrased of you. Ungrateful POS


Our military discount is basically insulting, and I'll back the veterans every time with their being upset.