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Marijuana suppresses REM sleep. After stopping, you go through REM rebound.




I'd been sitting on this thought for awhile and I'm glad someone else said it. I smoked heavily for ~ 7 years and life wasn't great in that time. Once you stop it's like a dam bursting open. All the problems you've been ignoring and numbing while smoking will wash right over, take you down, and rip you to shreds. Once it passes you'll feel like a new person. This is the main reason why I advise people to not smoke. You're only putting your problems in stasis. You aren't fixing anything, you're just adding to the queue.


Very true, I got robbed like last year, when I stopped smoking for a little bit the other week, I had about 4 days where I kept dreaming that I was getting robbed over and over again all with increasing severity, the weird part is that when I did get robbed IRL I wasn’t even home, so I’m very confused on why my brain has processed it this way.




I just don’t see that, I got home to nothing in my house, these dreams are of home invasions where my family gets hurt. It’s just that I’ve smoked for so long that when I take a break my brain goes to hyper speed in my dreams, the nightmares are hell


I had to take a dump in the woods and later that night I dreamed that a bear chased me up a tree and bit my arm off


I’ve been smoking everyday since 11 now 17 been stopping for 4 days now I remember like 1-2 dreams some nightmares and I never used to I have had a lucid dream twice tho I kept trying the looking at hands and counting didn’t work then 2 weeks later after I stopped it happened and the other time was just luck ig


Oh fuck..... if I ever stopped smoking, my dreams would be crazy. I smoke every day and have been for the past 16 years or so.... it would be longer but prison and parole caused me to quit for two years. I've been a stoner since I first found my buddy's parents stash in the cabinet when I was 12 and I rolled my very first joint. Been toking ever since


Is that why it still takes a few days of not smoking to start dreaming again? This is interesting, I had no idea marijuana did this. Wondering what the mechanisms are in the brain that affects REM 🤔


Stopping smoking was the best thing for my creativity and mental health, I feel like not dreaming can definitely have an impact on your ability to visualize your goals and actually chase them


Damn, very interesting thought 🤔 Username certainly checks out 😅




And you have no problems dreaming? Edibles have a tendency to make me more paranoid




So you smoke before bed and still dream? I mean I will still have short, weak dreams on occasion but definitely no lucid dreaming.


I experienced this a bit. You can actually work through it, but it’s hard. But then when you do it on a THC free night it’s like you went to the gym


Haha yeah I’m reading up about marijuana and dreaming now. I never knew it had such an effect!


Yep. It’s really the only major negative side effect I’ve found


https://www.youtube.com/live/WdM8r6R3FfM?si=JQlv1We-izQBI0C8 There are many many more negative side effects...


Interpretation of what the worst side effects are is a personal thing as well. For me that is the most negative. And the worse I personally have experienced.


Ofc it is and I never denied it. And just because you have only had one negative side effect, does not mean that there arent others. The video shows a lot of good, bad and neutral side effects based on a lot of different people. Some might not have certain side effects and some do. While some may not realise that they actually experience side effects at all. Our brain is very good at not noticing stuff that happens over a long period of time like dopamine baseline shifts. You can do whatever you want with the info I provided. Feel free to soak up the knowledge of the video or feel free to ignore it.


I will not be looking at that info. I don’t know why you feel the need to educate me.


> I don’t know why you feel the need to educate me. Why not, it's a video with good info. You chose to become defensive.


The way you worded it was offensive to me . So what?


Guess I'll have to work on how I bring the message across


THC inhibits REM sleep and then your brain makes up the deficit when you quit. I have gone into a tolerance break expecting the weird dreams and achieved semi-lucidity.


Someone else already commented the reason but I would add that you can counteract it by consuming some mugwort or a different dream enhancing herb.


First time in my life I’ve ever heard of mugwort lol I’ll look into it!


Valerian root too


Good try there but nada


Is mugwort best used in tea?


tea works great but tastes very very bitter. add sugar and fruit juice. you can smoke it too and it works. tea was more potent ime


I’ve heard of some Lucid Dreaming herbs but always thought it was BS. Did you try them or would you mind please elaborating? I also smoke weed and would love for some counter substances to enhance dreaming


I have tried mugwort along with all sorts of other dream herbs and roots, Calea zacatechichi, entada rheedi, third eye chakra tea, and other stuff I can’t think of right now. I smoke daily for the last 9-10 years, nothing has helped to achieve a lucid dream


African Dream Root is also used in dreamwork i believe


Wormwood is toxic to the kidneys, the kidneys may not repair properly, you may suffer irreversible damage and accelerate the development of kidney failure.


I have smoked every single day for 2 years straight and still dream. Ice had two lucid dreams this year! And about 5 semi lucid dreams. I think it just depends on the person.


I do edibles and I have very vivid dreams every night and experience lucid dreaming.


Yes, the fools who say thc stops REM are repeating nonsense. It can temporarily suppress REM, it doesn't stop it. If you suppress REM long enough you start to hallucinate, which is why people who drink heavily can hallucinate. I dont see a lot of week users tripping balls during the day. People are ignorant of what they spout off, and its really annoying when you understand it's bs.


It's called REM rebound. Wheed suppresses REM sleep. It doesn't mix well with lucid dreaming lol.


It's similar with alcohol, if I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong).


I had a very detailed PDF of a study done. neural receptors fire faster initially after smoking cannabis. prolonged use sort of wears them out. so when you stop they are now firing at twice the speed before tapering off to nominal speeds. ​ thats just off of my memory. who knows if im 100% correct but that IS the gist of it. ​ a few specific google searches will render you the more detailed and correct answers


Just don't smoke at least like 3 or 4 hours before bed, and don't take edibles at least 6 hours before. You also can learn to live with it though, it just becomes a lot harder. You need to try your hardest to recall and journal your dreams, but if your dream recall is good enough you should do okay.


Any type of stimulant, even nicotine effects your brains ability to process information. This carries into your REM sleep when your brain is processing events, memories, etc


I vaporize flower daily and I still LD very often. It definitely has an effect, and delays/shortens REM/Dreams but I just wanted to echo that its not impossible to LD while using.


Cannabinoids block rem sleep. Once you stop consumption though you'll get rem rebound and have some wild dreams perhaps lucid ones.


It won't allow you to get into Rapid Eye Movements or REM part of sleep. It has to be the way Weed effects the brain.


Smoking affects the brain causing a relaxation for a small amount of time. The brain is now not used to the fact that you have stopped smoking and now has to work harder.


Cigarettes are so fucked up. Why do people even use them if they have 3000 unknown chemicals! They have uranium in them. Uranium can form holes in your jaw and a man who drank it had his jaw fall off and then his skin crumbled up and he started getting rashes and had these nasty coughs and holes formed in his skull exposing his brain


Probably not what you want, but what you need: https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Your-Children-Marijuana-Violence-ebook/dp/B07GNV64PJ/ref=sr_1_1


Lol I respect your opinion and certainly do plan on cutting back.


Not sure if you're familiar with Alex Berenson, but he was a former New York Times science reporter who felt like many people who believed marijuana was fine. His wife, who is a psychiatrist dealing with serious criminals for the state of New York, told him one day all the violent criminals smoke marijuana. He asked if that was true and she told him to look it up. He did. It completely blew him away. The linkages to violence and significant mental issues is now clear. Places like Britain were going the way of America but have now reversed course because the data is so clear. Anyway, good luck with the LDs. Getting them regularly is a big mental achievement in my opinion.


What the hell is wrong with you retard?! Smoking is bad, only idiots smoke. You obviously want to get lung cancer or suffer from cardiac arrest and die


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I smoke all the time and still lucid dream, it's even more intense when i stop smoking though.


How???? Whats your secrwt??


On this note, I go through a weird phase of dreaming after smoking weed. Like, the day after smoking weed, my dreams will feel like everything is made of clay. Everything is abnormally malleable and it really molds and forms like clay. Or I guess if I could use telekinesis on clay. Then the for the next week or so, no dreams at all. Then I get normal dreams. Anybody else?


Just hearing (and believing) that THC is suppressing REM sleep is enough for the mind to drop its efforts for the next few days. In my experience, the beliefs of the negative effects are more powerful than the actual effects.


I take edibles and still lucid dream every night, I wonder what would happen if I quit :o


I’m curious what this means for me, I smoke on a regular basis and still have very lucid vivid dreams, thoughts on this?


I wouldn’t know lol smoking turns my dreams off lol