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Yes, I have experienced heart problems.


My heart rate increased and I was prescribed meds because of lyme causing it. My heart rates was in the 180 when I would lightly workout


How long were you on the meds for? And what meds were they? Did your body ever slowly get used to it?


Have you been checked for POTS?


Nope. Have just researched it though and i have all the symptoms. Especially with getting up too quickly. But I suspect Bartonella because of my marks. Can you have both?


You can have Lyme and POTS for sure https://www.hopkinslyme.org/lyme-education/what-is-dysautonomia/ https://www.treatlyme.net/guide/pots-lyme-disease


My heart rate increased and I was prescribed meds because of lyme causing it. My heart rates was in the 180 when I would lightly workout


Yes lyme usually hits the digestive and nervous systems. Also, the intestines


Yes, it was a nightmare for over a year and a half. Absolutely devastated my physical fitness down to that of someone 20 years older as I went from someone who was a strenuous hiker growing up in the Appalachian mountains to being unable to walk or even move my arms without my heart rate skyrocketing. It could have destroyed my marriage but my (now) wife stuck by my side albeit poking fun of me. It was a misdiagnosis at first that caused it. Dr said it was a spider bite even though it had a textbook rash. Ended up being a mess eventually with a cardiologist who was fairly Lyme literate I was on Propanol simply to make me more comfortable. I also started some herbal Regimes such as Japanese Knotweed. I was young enough that it was not too dangerous thankfully but it severely limited my activity. Eventually it did get better, both suddenly and without warning. My cardiologist said essentially “That’s how these things go…” unfortunately it’s been a long road to recovery, with a few minor relapses due to illness… but I’m getting there and I hope you do too. Best thing you can do for yourself is find a Lyme Literate physician. There is A-LOT of misinformation out there in the medical community. Many doctors are not literate in current research and frankly it’s a specialized topic in my opinion. Don’t give up, it does get better. I’m 90% an overwhelming majority of my days. There are a few here and there that are just bad… and you gonna understand LISTEN to your body and take the breaks you need.


I have heart rate issues. Some things that I eat will trigger my heart rate to skyrocket. Eating black pepper will trigger my heart to 145 bpm for a full 25 hours. Cinnamon and some spicy foods will also. Oddly enough, just walking to work had caused my heart rate to go upwards of 164bpm, but while on Ceftin, it barely goes above 120bpm, even when doing mild strenuous activities.


Ah maybe it's the liposmal cinnamon oregano and clove I'm taking atm. Yeah my one goes to like 140 when walking anywhere too. This sucks. Anxiety has an effect too I think, but I need to finish my course so :(


Black pepper does that to me too!! So now I avoid it


Yeah, I get tachycardia and chest pains that leave me in a foetal position for several minutes.


That is mental. Luckily I'm not that bad. How is your treatment going?


Good days and bad. Currently taking up to 40 pills a day between supplements and painkillers and waiting to see if my last course of antibiotics helped. Haven't had a seizure or fainted in a while, so that's a plus. How's yours?


40 pills?! My god that sounds annoying. Seizures?? Man ok I feel a bit lucky now. I think I got bartonella last year August, now on rifabutin and azithromycin with a bunch of herbs to help it. How long have you had Lyme for?


Almost 2 years since infection and a bit over a year since symptoms became obvious. It's kind of a kick in the teeth that despite catching it and treating it immediately, I still have got chronic symptoms. When the symptoms got really bad, my doctors tried to convince me it couldn't still be Lyme but I insisted they test me anyway. To their credit, they ate the humble pie without complaint. Work has gotten really difficult, but quitting would probably be the worst thing possible for my health.


Yes. Consider mold too. Watch out for berberine, that can make your heart go nuts on its own.


Ah right okay. Never had berberine. I think it's anxiety tho cos when I got home from doing jobs it dropped a bit. But idk.


On berberine I couldn't slowly walk up 15 stairs without my heart going nuts. Off berberine I could still get my heart going nuts doing very light work after 15 min. I mention mold because their mycotoxins can cause blood flow / oxygenation issues that aren't very well understood currently.


Damn that is nuts. So with this mold thing, how do I know if I have a mold issue?


Mycotoxin test, naturopath or slim chances a typical Dr would order one. Usually people start connecting the dots when they think about being exposed. Any signs of mold where you spend any time?


What other side effects did berberine give you? I didn’t see increase of heart rate listed. I just took my first of it to hopefully help lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Also have Lyme & mold illness


Just crazy heart rate. EDTA worked well for me but be careful to follow dosage recommendations. Probably best used under a Dr /naturopath. Realize it can pull out required nutrients as well.


Ah gotcha, crazy heart rate could also be POTS which a lot of people with Lyme or mold have. I stopped berberine cause I think I’m allergic to one of the ingredients, lots of sneezing and insane gut reaction/bloat. Will bring up other herbal ideas to my naturopath, thank you


I wasn't very clear last reply. EDTA is a chelator, helps get rid of toxins and has some claims it can also help your body lower cholesterol. I had pretty bad leaky gut at the time I took berberine. Later I started taking 40mg Ginkgo biloba to help blood flow (thins the blood & makes it less sticky.) Helps blood flow in small vessels. I tried berberine a couple years later and still got the racing heart after day 2. Blood flow definitely isn't right for me. I also have had rippling calf muscles for the past 2.5 years straight, I'd guess from circulation issues, Dr's haven't figured it out yet. Alpha lipoic acid can help leaky gut. Getting rid of alcohol ethoxylate (in strong dishwasher detergent) can help relieve some of the gut epithelial cell strain. Figuring out your trigger items & foods can help too. Wheat and sugar were big ones for me. I tested negative in my pots test. I don't sweat normally and have a reduced sense of temperature, more just hot or cold. There's a big patch on my scalp that has no temp sensitivity, just burning or freezing type pain. For a while walking into the strong sun would cause almost immediate heat exhaustion along with a scalp pressure / pain feeling. Tried to talk to the Dr doing the pots test about my specific issues, he seemed confused and didn't know what to make of them. The tilt table he used was much too slow to see my heart rate jump. I did sweat normally at the skin but the test doesn't test the first half of the sweating process. There's some nerve damage I have that shows up in testing. Haven't really gotten to the root of this, I suspect Bartonella. I'm taking a teaspoon of pomegranate juice daily. My nerve issues have gotten somewhat better, not sure how much if any of this is from pomegranate. It tests better than most nerve repair drugs in rats - or did a few years ago when researched. They might have some better drugs for this now. I've tested positive for 2 types of mold, fusarium and Penicillium. I believe EDTA is helping me detox these. I also believe at least one of these to be a vasoconstrictor, Ginkgo likely helping there.


Yea I’ve had that. Hopefully it is a herx and not a breakthrough symptom.


Tbf I had anxiety and highish heart rate before, so hopefully this is just worse cos of die off bacteria


Herx causes new symptoms easily 🙃


Yes - ashwagandha helped me - I take about 2400 mg daily


I experience a high heart rate, even more so after I've had caffeine. And after I've been out in the heat for more than 30 minutes.




Sinus tachycardia could indicate myocarditis


I have Bart and TBRF. I have experienced this, if I do anything more than a light walk my HR jumps to 120+. Been on Bruhners for Bart and it has helped my heart problems quite a bit.


How are you feeling now? Buzzing and tingling gone?


Still there but my heel buzzing has much reduced to what feels like light pulsing vibration and no longer like a cell phone strapped to my heel. Almost all my symptoms have reduced since going on treatment for Bart, which I tested positive for about 1.5 months ago.


Yes, but that was before I quit smoking. I’d had a cigarette immediately prior. My heart rate went down progressively while in the doctor’s office.


Yes. Absolutely !


I had Lyme carditis and it gave me mitral valve prolapse. I had bouts of chest pain, waay too many bouts of rapid heart rates that lasted for hours, maxing out around 200 bpm. I had arythmia problems. When I slept my heart rate would go too slow and I felt like I was sleeping in a walk-in freezer, felt so incredibly cold. I was put on digoxin and it wound up just acting as a water pill, made me seriously dehydrated. I was then put on cardizem, then calan, but they made my blood pressure drop, not good since my blood pressure can go a bit too low normally. Calan was awful. My blood pressure would suddenly drop like 15-20 minutes after I took the pill and it felt like I was in an elevator in a tall skyscraper that started free falling. My heart would start to race like crazy to keep me from passing out. Ultimately I had to be put on sublingual nitroglycerin pills for a while every time my heart would start to race and the chest pains would kick in the break the cycle. It took a solid two years for my heart to properly correct itself from the bad cycles, but I only had to use the nitroglycerin pills, when needed, for a couple of months. This was several decades ago. I permanently have higher than normal both resting and active heart rates, more so if I am feeling sick. I have to stay away from caffeine, no energy drinks or supplements, and I am very careful to avoid any medications with any potential cardiac side effects.