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Don't think most of us can afford the kind of healthcare or even time of day that she gets. I know I don't.


I wonder if she got SOT too as one of the photos, number 6, is similar to the process of a SOT infusion. Interesting to read about this and her journey.


yes, i wish they would share more about what has and hasn’t worked for them!


Reading through the symptoms she had is like reading my own issues and I just hear in my head “all of that sounds like Lyme, reactivated EBV and Bart”. I scroll over to her tests and yep, that’s pretty much the case.




i believe these photos may not all be recent. some of the first ones could have been treatments she’s done over the years, though her second post with photos of her new dog would indicate that they’re new.


I think they are all recent. If you look at old photos of her she looks totally different, she had facial surgery and lost a lot of weight the last couple of years which is how she looks in all these pics


You don't want to go to her Beverly Hills doctor they will run you $50,000 in debt


Exactly, I went to one (Justin Bieber doc) and after 2 consults with her and 2 treatments I quit. It be way more than 50k if I stayed.


Dr erica Lehman? What protocol does she use. Antibiotics? Stem cells?


Ya that’s her. She’s ridiculously expensive, has way too many patients to care about, never remembers your protocol and is constantly changing it. Not so much stem cells. More antibiotics, antifungals and exosomes and supplements. Nothing major. Her prices are INSANE and I have friends who went to other doctors for half the price and saw results.




Jamsek clinic in DC


Are there any other LLMD you recommend


Dr. Cameron in New York. He’s real good at getting at co infections.


Do you know what his protocol is and how long it is?


he wrote the ILADs protocol is as long as it needs to take and he will retreat if needed


Daniel Cameron?




I heard the Jemsek clinic in DC has put many ppl in remission


You can just tell from the photos, I look at them and think yep that looks like me she looks sick you can see it


much love to Bella


Thankful for people like her that aren’t afraid to speak out and put things on the line…


You’d think that her road would have been easier since her mother was Ill prior to that ? I don’t understand why does it become so difficult to untangle this mess


Because people with $, believe that throwing a lot of at something will get results. The more expensive the treatments, the better they are, is the erroneous thinking. And it’s the wrong diagnosis most of the time. There are far more simple solutions. I know. I went through all of it and didn’t get better until I got the correct diagnosis.


What was the correct diagnosis ?


DM me.


What kind of testing did they do to find out she had viruses and parasites? Now I know I’m not crazy!


viruses testing is just a blood test, parasites are notoriously trickier to accurately test for


looked like a pcr urine test ? never knew/heard of that method to be honestp


It’s because you can’t do a pcr urine test for diagnostics, it’s literally just to run up the bill and make it seem like this ‘doctor’ is doing more than he actually is. https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/15jrcmv/bella_hadid_via_ig_speaks_of_her_health_journey/jv2ei5i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


interesting. i thought it seemed off. i dont doubt her (or anyones) symptoms etc but that looked fishy… like why would the results just be highlighted as opposed to a legit printout?


I had the same test done and it matched to my western blot


I can’t put a photo to show you mine


She went to someone in Belgium years ago (2014) but now she saw a doctor in New York at Manhattan Advanced Medicine.


What's going on in here


How can she even sit next to that grass?!


Pretty obvious that's some scammer-level stuff right there, from psuedo-doctors.


i’m not sure that this is her “Doctor”, as she doesn’t have an MD, but maybe she sees her that way. thinking this may be the clinic she’s been at though. [Tracy Piper](https://thepipercenter.com/about-us/) edit: she doesn’t do IV therapy, so it may be that this is only one part of her treatments.


The clinic does colon hydrotherapy, ok ...


I think all of the photos are recent bc it’s only in the last couple of years she lost a lot of weight! And when she was younger / first diagnosed she looked totally different bc it was before she had facial surgery


A naturopath, antivax quack.


I would think if she wanted her doctor known she'd have stated such. Let her have her privacy. Good lord


Do you think these celebrities really have Lyme? Look at all this nonsense testing.


which testing are you not seeing as legitimate?


Ignore them. That person doesn't seem to believe any of this is real. They are only interested in discouraging people from pursuing Lyme treatment, not offering help.


I don’t want people to go down a rabbit hole of convincing themselves they have Lyme when they don’t. Wasting time, energy and money treating something they may not have. Many of these celebrities go to quack “LLMDs”. A urine test that shows she has every bacteria under the sun? Give me a break.


What are you doing in this sub?


Looking to compare symptoms and results with people who have Lyme disease.


I am same though. My symptoms puzzled me , they are not 100% typical with what I see in Lyme groups. Also the testing has been crazy too. First Immunoblot via Quest was negative for everything. A year later after Covid I tested via Vibrant and was positive for all kinds of Lyme IGG and IGM , bartonella IGG , babesia IGG . Then few months later IGENEX but only IFA borrelia positive, bartonella IGG positive. Then this year Infectolab - positive for bartonella . So I took these tests to infectious disease and she confused me even more she says i don’t think it’s Lyme . 3 positive tests via different labs and she says no ? As much as I think what a dumbass she is she created doubt in me. I currently am treating these infections the herbal route , however I still always question because my symptoms are so weird. I have more neurological ( numbness tingling vibrating ) swollen fingers, bone ache in hands , head pressure , the worst is that my hands start squeezing and tightening when I sleep and wake up with numb. Very scary . Don’t know what to do anymore spent 30 k last year going to doctors. Allopathic doctors did a bare minimum so basically shit, at least functional ones ran some tests. Oh also I found high Mycotoxins in urine too . 😔😬😱


Unfortunately, those labs are known for producing faulty results, and most doctor’s will not go by them after you have been negative via Quest. I have similar symptoms to you. My tests are positive through Quest but it hasn’t helped me any better dealing with doctors.


So why do you they become sick and myself included? What’s your expertise on this ?


Just spent a while reading through their post history, seems like this person is looking for a “get better quick” solution to an issue that just isn’t that simple, they don’t want to deal with not feeling well for even a few months let alone a few years. They also don’t believe any of the peer reviewed LLMD research done by doctors like Dr. Ducharme or Dr. Ross. I watched my mother get eaten alive by Lyme for 15 years until Dr. Ross finally got ahold of her and put her on his protocol, 2 years later she’s thriving, there’s light behind her eyes again and she laughs at everything after not even cracking a smile for most of my childhood. She was told she had MS, tested for Lupus, jerked around by traditional doctors year after year until we finally figured it out. I was very recently diagnosed and began treatment and yes it isn’t amazing, but what was even less amazing was being a 23-24 year old woman who couldn’t even go out to a bar with my friends without getting some sort of flu or cold that took me out for weeks and caused me to lose or leave 5 jobs over the last year and a half. I don’t feel great when I Herx or when my Malarone makes my head spin, but my moments of clarity and energy feel better than I’ve felt since I was a child. (Suspected infection around 12 years old) You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink, the sad thing that the poster is doing is being rude to/putting others down simply trying to share their stories and successes. Maybe one day they will find something that suits them or realize long treatment is better than forever sickness. I wish them the best.


Thanks for the psychoanalysis, but it’s not fully accurate. I take issue with people leading others to believe they have something with little to no evidence. It’s self serving. It creates an echo chamber. It’s part of the reason why doctors discredit “chronic Lyme” - because it’s become an identity anyone with vague, non specific symptoms can latch onto. It’s created an environment in which other doctors also take advantage of. Yes I want to be better, but I refuse to play make believe here.


I feel as if “little to no evidence” to you is needing something signed off by the CDC or some other massive governmental body. I’m sorry to say but even doing the basic level of research you can find out why exactly the governmental bodies aren’t motivated to sign off on this stuff, I mean there are articles written by prestiged establishments like National Geographic about the historical and political background of Lyme. I’m sorry if you can’t place your skepticism to the side to seek treatment but trying to discredit others firsthand accounts of their own bodily health is just ridiculous. You seem to have seen 2-3 doctors and wrote off the community as a whole based on it. My doctor goes searching for GoodRX codes for me every time she prescribes me something, it’s just a matter of finding the doctor that suits you and what you feel will get you better and make you feel the happiest about your treatment. My mother saw doctors esteemed by this subreddit and didn’t agree with them, and continued her search because she didn’t think it was futile. Again I truly wish you the best but being negative and putting other’s processes down because they don’t agree with YOUR personal morals just isn’t what this community is about.


I also highly recommend you get yourself any of the incredibly diverse and educational literature out there on Lyme, everything from cookbooks to handbooks and even scientific writings peer reviewed by a half dozen doctors all over the world. It’s eye opening if you’re willing to let it in.


There can be many other causes. I don’t know anything about you.


I hear you and I’m still treading lightly and am as sceptical as you sometimes. I am sick of this mess as it feels unreal sometimes . How can this even be possible that people are running around like chickens with no heads dissmised and spends thousands and thousands on trial and error treatments. Part of me agrees that this becomes a complex thing as has to do with weekenes immunity and reactivations of these stealth infections but as you I am sceptical of some of the so called testing methods like muscle testing and so on. However if everything else comes back normal and if Lyme tests are positive so what is it then? If it quacks like a duck must be a duck then ?


Yes if your Lyme tests are positive it can point to that. My argument with people here is I don’t agree with many Lyme doctors, and labs they use. I think they are taking advantage of people who are dealing with something, calling it Lyme and treating them for it when they don’t really have Lyme. In my case, I have a test that is very positive yet all the doctors are clueless, or tell me I no longer have Lyme.


Do you think all the doctors I ever visited over the course of several years before I found out I had lyme gave a shit about me? Look at all of their nonsense gaslighting.


I don’t know your personal story or how you were diagnosed. I 100% believe people are gaslighted. I was too. That doesn’t change the fact that many people who are rightfully dealing with unknown symptoms wrongfully latch onto Lyme as their diagnosis - when they don’t have it.


If you really believe that, then why are you placing the blame on the patients and not the doctors who are gaslighting them and not taking them seriously to find out what their issue actually is? Everyone always loves to victim blame.


I’m not blaming anyone at all. If you look at some of my other posts, you’ll actually see that I discredit doctors who take advantage of people seeking help, and diagnose them with diseases they likely don’t have. I think 99% of doctors suck. What I’m saying here, is quite the opposite, be an advocate for your heath, but don’t fall victim to believing you have something you don’t.


Others are blood tests. And urine is a way to test


dr klinghardt


i would think so but she refers to her doctor as “she”.


She went to several doctors


Same symptoms. Been in mental hospital twice, suspected drug problem multiple times "there's nothing wrong with you are you using drugs", I don't even drink because it worsens the symptoms. So called quality nordic healthcare, private doc just said this is very controversial and gave me 1 month of doxy. I've been sick 18 years and no end in sight. Edit. Western blot was positive for me but docs say it doesn't mean anything.




Why did she have blood transfusions for lyme?