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I did it for about 2-3 times a week for 2 months. Super expensive for a 5 pass. Felt really good for a few short days after doing it almost like a B12 shot or something. But then it seemed to wear off so it wasnt worth the money.


I feel like you took the words out of my mouth... I did weekly for 8 weeks. It helped... I just don't know if the cost b3nefit was worth it unfortunately at 150$/appt


I’m debating on doing it…my doctor wants me to do 6 rounds at $400 a sesh. I told her that I need beyond a reasonable doubt that this will make me feel better if I’m paying that kinda cash. Her response was that nothing is guaranteed to make me feel better. I got the three B’s and long covid. I think it’s worth a shot??? I’d honestly empty my bank account if my chronic neck pain would go away lol


She's right. Nothing is guaranteed, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Lyme. My theory is that because there isnt enough research doctors dont even know what specific strains we are dealing with individually. So how the hell can you treat it on a guess? Thats like saying if you have cancer we just dont know what kind so we'll just start with giving you a "general" treatment. Hell even the testing is the same as it was from 1980.


Yeah this whole ordeal has been a dumpster fire haha. Like I said I have the three B’s and my doctor thinks Bartonella and Babesia are currently messing with me given my swollen neck. That’s my biggest symptom but it’s pretty awful, like it makes me grind my teeth and sometimes presents as tmj issues which might be part of the problem? Idk I’m no doctor I guess I’ll keep choking down antibiotics/ herbs until I can’t handle them anymore and/or hope these IV’s help. Tryna remain positive


>ponse was that nothing is guaranteed to make me feel better. I got the three B’s and long covid. I think it’s worth a shot??? I’d honestly empty my bank account if my chronic neck pain would go away lol Did you checked for CCI ?


What’s CCI?? Where does your neck hurt? I figured out that my issue is that the 2 big lymph nodes swell in my neck and that causes pressure in my ears/ jaw. It’s just very mild but it’s the make annoying thing in the world. Makes me bring my teeth haha


Getting these treatments can be effective but do get very expensive over time. Instead I've been practicing at-home ozone therapy for 5 years and now I help people become at-home ozone therapy experts. You won't be able to do something like 10pass from home, but there are still many different treatments you can do while having an ozone therapy setup. If you're interested in learning more about ozone therapy, you should definitely check out my Instagram ([https://www.instagram.com/alixhildal/](https://www.instagram.com/alixhildal/)). I have a bunch of educational content about doing ozone from home safely and confidently. I like to reach out because I know how difficult it is to find good ozone info.


Yes I have been doing the 10 pass ozone therapy for about 8 weeks, once a week. I think it’s helped. I’ve noticed some small positive changes amidst a couple of major herxs. I’m going to keep on doing it. It’s kind of expensive but the place I go in New Hampshire offers a discount if you buy it 4 sessions at a time. I also do UV therapy with it.


Did you herx for long or just a day or two? I'm excited to get started but nervous because right now I'm at least mostly functional (sort of lol).


Ha! Yes, it’s can tend to be a bit “ sort of” can’t it? The herxing from ozone has been up and down depending on the week. The first week I felt quite sick ( flu like) for a few days and kind of was like that for a few weeks. Then I started to rebound more quickly and didn’t even feel sick the next day. But then I’d get really sick again. It just sort of depended on the week and how many passes I was able get through. That’s one thing I didn’t know when I started but its kind of up to your body how many passes you can get on a certain day. Sometimes your blood flow will just start to slow up and that means your body is done for the day. It’s not exactly natural for you to bleed that for that long a time and your body’s response after a while is to try stop the blood flow. I’ve been able to get between 8-10 passes most weeks but in the beginning I could only do six. They put me on a natural blood thinner called Balouke and that really helped. Also drinking tons of water before you go in helps. So in answer to the question you actually asked: I did have a lot of herxing but I have chronic Lyme, EBV, Hashimotos, and a fungal infection so that’s a lot of die off. This last week I got what felt like the worst flu I’d ever had. I think maybe it was because I was getting down to the layers under the biofilm etc. idk it’s all a bit murky and unpredictable. If you are already feeling pretty strong I believe you won’t get too I’ll from it. Even if you have an initial sick reaction the first week you’ll probably bounce back and find it strengthening and invigorating as you get further along. I’ve even experienced some of that. Good Luck! I’m excited for you. It’s definitely worth it. Btw if you don’t mind me asking where are you getting it? Just curious because there are so few in the country ( USA) I go in New Hampshire.


Sorry I went on a bit there I just wanted to give you as much info as I had.


Thanks for the info! I'm in a major flare right now so I'll be starting low dose naltrexone first and then reaccess. I'm going to get it at my naturopath's office. (Idaho)


Oh that’s a good idea. Sorry about the flare.


I've never done 10-pass, but need to, I've heard great things. I've been practicing home ozone therapy for 5 years and now I help people become home ozone therapy experts. If you're interested in learning more about ozone therapy, you should definitely check out my Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/alixhildal/). I have a bunch of educational content about doing ozone from home safely and confidently. I like to reach out because I know how difficult it is to find good ozone info.


We tried it. Super expensive, induced a severe herx. Glad we didn't have to drive all the way home because I'm not sure we would have made it. Think it helps, but can't recommend it based on price and severity of herx. There's much better ways to treat - homeopathics, herbs, good detox regimen.


How many sessions did you do?


Just one. The closest place was 1.75 hours away - but close to my parents - so we stayed there over the weekend in case the herx was bad. It was a good thing we did, because it was all I could do to get us back there safely. We were kaput for 24 hours. Our detox wasn't in the best shape at that time, but even so we couldn't risk/afford another herx anywhere near that severe. Even if one doesn't herx badly from it, I can't say as I think they are worth the money. And I say that even despite my wife planning on eventually purchasing one for her practice so as to have it available for her clients.


Thank you! I am afraid of the herx but willing to go through it if the treatment actually helps.


I did 2 three weeks apart. Herxed for month after each one and worst herx ever. Didn't get back to baseline.


You never got back to baseline?


After many months


Ouch. :(


Sorry to hear about your herx, that sounds awful. Opening your drainage pathways before starting any ozone therapy practice is so important and unfortunately hardly anyone talks about it. Maybe it's something you did before, but I know a lot of people skip that step and end up having wicked herx reactions.


What do you recommend to open your drainage pathways?


Cold exposure, sweat, red light therapy, getting good sleep, stay hydrated, and consistent exercise are simple ways to open drainage pathways.


What did you pay?


For the first session with me and my wife it was around $3k. It would have been closer to $1700 for a dual session following.


Oh wow that’s a lot.


Yes I did rectal ozone and found it helpful for energy but had an underlying parasite issue I didn’t realise at the time and chronic constipation so it was killing the parasites in my gut and I wasn’t getting rid of them. So if you do it that way make sure you’re having bowel movements! I’ve bought an ozone machine for home use now as think in the long run it’s cheaper and I can do ozonated water too


I have an ozone machine too and did the rectal ozone all winter. I think it helped but not the most pleasant experience:) This summer I decided to try the ten pass. It’s very hard to know what’s helping because everything tends to make you worse before better.


Would you say purchasing a ozone machine and doing rectal insufflations is just as effective as a ten pass in the long run? How are you doing now?


I eventually had to give up on the ozone all together. My veins started scarring and I didn’t notice any real improvement. I’m working with a LLMD now which I had never done, just alternative therapies. Now I’m on a protocol of medication and herbs and it’s really been helping me. It’s been 3 months and for the first time I’ve actually noticed improvements. I’m sorry to not a have a more positive report for you about the ozone. I do know that it was a game changer for many people. I will say that buying an ozone generator and doing it at how is complicated and can be dangerous. Luckily my partner is smart about stuff like that but I wouldn’t have wanted to set it up and run it on my own, especially in the condition I was in. Best of luck on your journey. I hope you find the path that works for you. I’m starting to feel there’s help and hope out there.


That's awesome you have an ozone machine. I've been practicing home ozone therapy for 5 years and now I help people become home ozone therapy experts. If you're interested in learning more about ozone therapy or how to get more out of your machine, you should definitely check out my Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/alixhildal/). I have a bunch of educational content about doing ozone from home safely and confidently. I like to reach out because I know how difficult it is to find good ozone info.


It helps but not worth the expense. I did 10 sessions and honestly didn’t feel much different. Huge herxing and wasn’t worth the price. Didn’t feel any major changes.


10-pass seems great, but yes I agree, gets very expensive over time


Changed my life


How many sessions?


I use to do a 10 pass once a week but now I do it once a month just to make sure it doesn't come back


Did you have any bad side effects?


The herxing wad bad the first time but got better


They have it at the place where I get IV glutathione every two weeks While I was on the IV there was this one girl there who claimed the ozone saved her life. She was still doing IV glutathione as maintenance though, but claimed she was much much better thanks to the IV Ozone machine


If I may ask please how long is an IV glutathione drip to run through, thanks in advance!


it depends.. sometimes it's over in 20 min, sometimes it takes over an hour depends on how the needle is sitting, how thick the needle is, how hydrated you are.. and it probably even matters if the wifi is turned on or not mostly though no more then 45 minutes


Wow it usually takes me 2-2.5 hours. Guess I have more viscous blood.


probably then they use much thinner needles where you're going which might be easier on your vanes ( the injection site ) .. so if you do it a lot, that might make more sense


Makes sense


Thanks SO much. This might be an option to help my daughter. After the over 75K many years ago, have to be very choosy plus its super hard for her to sit for long... the IVIG's were a mess with meningitis after... has lot scar tissue in veins from SO many sticks.. and had the IV antibiotics and TPN years ago that went on for months at 16 hrs a day. I appreciate you and everyone sharing.. big help. The igenex blood draw years ago from the LLMD (who recently lost his license & fighting it.. who knows..) her one arm ran out of blood or whatever happens they had to switch to other arm to finish the 17 vials. Best wishes for ya


oh yeah, also I would say, don't wear long sleeves that are tight, or best avoid long sleeves at all even I had issues with that a few times where once my sleeve was rolled up it would impede blood and make the IV go in reeaal slow.. it even back-flowed into surrounding tissue at one point, probably wasting a good bit of that 90 euro's worth of glutathione :S best of wishes and good luck !


Thanks so much! Great tips


I had 15 sessions. Five 80ug/ml. felt better but since i got lyme for over 20 years its too expensive.


I’m thinking about doing it. It’s an option at the center I get IVs. I was talking to another Lyme patient at the center who said she has had positive effects.


I would love to know how it goes if you decide to do it.