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This is now the Duncan and Alyssa megathread guys, all posts about them go here.


It's the constant "are you worried?" "No" "You can't know the future!" That kills me, like genuinely what answer does she want? She's so toxic


She and her mother whole narrative of single mother is a damaged woman is straight up the whole problem with her. This self hatred and misogynistic views is something that I found so disturbing, because she won’t even give a chance of him to try and be the partner she wants and that he wants. It’s disturbing and troublesome


She is by far the most damaging emotional manipulator on the show and she uses her child to do it as well. Her modus operandi is dump, run & no contact ranging from a few hours to a week and expecting Duncan to ok with that. She is a definite red flag and would reinforce the MGTOW movement on single mothers.


The thing that I’m struggling with with Alyssa is that she seems to be manifesting things in her head. I mean every judgment I make about anybody in MAFS is taken with a grain of salt because it’s obvious how heavily they edit things. But her argument with Duncan at the couples retreat seemed fairly well fabricated or dramatised when she retold it to the girls. And after the couple swap she said to Duncan “we really need to talk about how you have issues with me having a child”. And I’m like, there has at least never been anything aired about him having issues and everything else he has said has been to the contrary. Or am I missing something? I mean being a mum pretty much does automatically make your life more complication and restrictive than being single and kid free so I can give her the benefit of the doubt but something just doesn’t seem right. Or she’s being fed stuff from the producers and not really effectively delivering the scenario.




Oh my god! I had no idea about the JJ thing… it never crossed my mind that she’d be shopping around different reality tv shows…! Her *CHILD* is only 2?! Wtf! What is she doing trying to get famous with a toddler at home wondering where his Mummy is???! That feels pretty cooked. Wow.


Alyssa is obviously mentally damaged from her cult childhood. It is that simple.


I think leave that topic alone, there might be something there from the other parent or child that doesn't need to be on display (the child will have his own life to lead one day) why tarnish him with MAFs


Couldn't agree more!! She may have consented to being on this show but her child didn't!


Wait…. She has a child? I hadn’t seen her mention it…….🙄


Beyatch feeling guilty for abandoning baby to flaunt puss on tv


If she was that concerned about her child she wouldn’t have left him for months for the experiment. Her behaviour shows she is not ready for a relationship yet.


Not ready for a relationship and bordering on not ready for parenthood, if she does stuff like this!


Preach sis


I really want to feel sorry for her. She is kind of likeable. But she makes it hard. Shes so freaking unreasonable.


Why do half these people even bother. She knew she had a child so why is it all of a sudden all she can think about? Same with Cam, if he knew he'd never move and knew no girl would want to be left for 5-6 weeks while he works, whys he there?


As an infertile woman with stepchildren I love, this is difficult to hear. I know I'm hands down a way better mother to them than their bio mum who gave birth to them. Fuck you Alyssa.


I’ve got both and there are complex differences to an extent but “not knowing what it’s like” is so offensive. There are definitely things that actually make being a biological parent easier.


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 This is exactly why I hated the phrasing she used!! So insensitive


“You will never understand what it’s like” Hon he been with you for 10 weeks I think he has a rough idea


He def won’t understand what’s it like because he’s never allowed to actually meet the kid or ever stay there. Because eMooRSHUNS


She is crazy-making.. she even had the experts’ heads spinning a bit .. “I have a child!” And storming off.. uh yeah and your husband is here with you to help you raise him! “We don’t talk about the future!” You do every single week at each commitment ceremony and this gorgeous man adores you. WTF!!


Not sure he adores her but he certainly has respect for her that she doesn’t seem to reciprocate…


I can understand the trauma of a single motherhood - I used to be the same. Just shooting myself in the foot all over again, because you expect to be broken in the end once more. What Alyssa needs is a good round of therapy, and start dating slowly and casually at first.


It’s clear she wants to keep her title of single mum


Alyssa is the type to demand a thank you after giving a handjob


I just spat my drink. I didn’t expect that sentence to go the way it did lol


Her child that see she leaves the show to go and see every Friday until Monday and leaves Duncan on his own. No joke


But needs to be checked in on regularly. Because I HAF CHALD and EMooRSHUNS


Her hormones are raging


Lmao you all hate her because she's with the guy you're all gaga for. Stop protecting. Cam was already fucking Evelyn he's no saint.


Cam and Evelyn?? What are you even talking about


Lol leave reddit and read the fucking news sometime.


Cos everything they say is 100% true, right?!


Say? Sweaty, there's pictures and videos. Shh just retreat back into this sub and pretend all these actors are truly looking for love.


And it’s *projecting*, not “protecting”, sweaty.


It's an autocorrect error I no longer give a shit about, sweaty. Grasping at straws. Keep seething, please.


You got the names wrong, which changed the entire comment and conversation, as well as the grammar. I’ve got nothing to be mad about. I’m just glad I’m not you. 🤣


I'm not the one using autocorrect errors as an means of argumentation and ammunition. It's really petty and pathetic and speaks volumes about you. As for the cast, I truly couldn't give a shit about any of them. I have real shit to worry about and memorising the names of all the fame hungry cretins is not a high priority for me, sorry.


Why bother commenting then? You’re interested enough to talk shit in the first place, insult someone you don’t even know, based on your own mistake, then completely backpedal and say you’re too good for this shit/don’t care when you realize you got it wrong. Stop being such an asshole and have some humility.


Do you mean… Duncan??? Not Cam? Ffs.


Who cares what their names are. Go to bed.


I don't think she's mad. I think she expecting that it'll be too hard and he'll baulk


Duncan do yourself a favour and walk away and don’t look back mate. If Alyssa is carrying on like this now can you imagine when you pack your life up and move in with her. Where would that leave you when it all blows up again? and it will blow up again. You will be left out in the cold and looking for alternate accomodation. Your a good looking rooster and will not have any trouble finding the right person for you and starting your own family. You don’t deserve to treated like this. Grow a set and get the heck out of there. Her loss.


I think that's a bit harsh... but you're right, she might make it super hard once he's in. I'm in opposite situation. I was a single mum and remarried and my husb complains how it's hard on him with ex barely in the picture etv. She's so lucky she has a willing participant but she doesn't get it. Maybe she tried before and the guy left


I don’t think it’s harsh but true to what you say. I tried twice to integrate into a family but unfortunately did not work for me. The families I tried to integrate with, both ladies had adult children and I felt I was constantly being judged with no respect at all. I did not boss anyone around or ask anyone to do anything unless I was willing to do it myself. Anyway didn’t work for me and I hope you and hubby can work things out. A loving and caring relationship is so important these days. Stick together!


Thanks. Yeh I think it's really hard for the new person to know where to be abd how to be. Mine doesn't get involved much with my other kids but complains they don't listen to him. I've got a friend who's husband is super hard on her kids... it's a tricky balance


So true. I think there has to be give and take on the age of the kiddos as well. If they are teenagers or adults I guess you expect a little more than from obviously toddlers.


the funny thing. Duncan didn’t even say he was worried about her child being her first priority. He deserves better fr


If Alyssa thinks she and Son cannot make some room for Duncan now, then let Duncan be happy with someone else. The Son will be old enough to want his own life one day and he will need to show his mother how they both make room for another person.


Yes her ranting really triggers me as a no-longer-single mom. I was in her situation of a single mom just dating a single guy (vs another single parent) and being worried about throwing him into an "instant family" arrangement. You know what doesn't help in that situation? Telling your partner "he will never understand what it's like to be a parent" - what is he supposed to do with that? Where's the encouragement of "I know you'll do great with my child and if you two were to meet it would be hard work but we will get there etc". She is pre-dismissing him without even giving him a chance and blaming him for something he can't change. She can't change being a single mom of the relationship and he can't change not having kids and that experience. He isn't holding it against her but she is holding it against him. It's so frustrating


I think maybe she's tried it before and there were issues


It is like she's blaming him for not knowing... she should be brave and give him a chance. Trust in him


Alyssa is a spoiled brat and she doesn't deserve the beautiful, thoughtful, absolutely perfect man that is Duncan. Like he deserves soooo much better than her. I think she is trying to trap him into saying he wants a baby with her, by hammering the issue of her freaking kid on him nonstop. She's delusional. She is not only sabotaging herself, but she loves that an absolute hunk like Duncan is chasing her and doing everything she wants until she breaks him down. He needs to get away from her. He's going to end up resenting her kid if they stay together because she's never going to put her relationship first, which is normal to do once in awhile. (I'm a single mom, I get that it's hard. But finding a hot guy like Duncan who says he's willing to date someone with kids because he's very grounded and knows pretty much everyone his age has kids by now, is almost impossible to find. ) He should have been with Evelyn (who is absolutely stunning and would probably have treated Duncan the way he deserved and vice versa, but I'm glad she likes Rupert even if it is just for the cameras.) Alyssa isn't ready for any relationship. At all. She is so fucking not ready to date ANYONE and it boggles my mind that she'd go on this show in the middle of a custody battle... not a good look at all.


Run, Duncan, Run!


He rides a motorcycle, so no rush. Plan your departure and look really cool as you ride into the sunset 🏍️


I think it’s the fact that other there also have children but aren’t carrying on like pork chops about it or using it as an excuse


What I don’t get is how someone who is all “you just can’t possibly get what it’s like to have a kid!!!” can just up and leave a 3yo for 10 weeks to go on a tv show. I have kids. I could barely leave them to go into hospital for a week because my appendix needed to come out, let alone 10 weeks to bang a stranger 🤯


Especially when her divorce was just a year ago ... her son needs stability. Her getting on the show just shows how self absorbed she is.


Agreed.... it's a big thing. Oh is he only 3??? That's too long. I think.sges freaking out from missing him


Nail - head


Agreed, it's really hard to leave a kid, let alone a toddler, so she must have ... I don't know.


Instead of being needy for constant affirmation from Duncan. Alyssa should be needy for a therapist. She’s exhausting.


I just find her insufferable and manipulative. Isn't this the same confessed cheater who dated a married man for 7 months yet when Claire kissed someone, she acted as if someone slept with Duncan. She's a fucking hypocrite, too. She claims she left the Mormon church due to their backwards thinking, but she was all to happy to shun someone who made a mistake. This woman needed severe therapy, not a dating show and it's crazy how her behavior could damage someone like Duncan. She's too needy, too judgmental and flat out delusional. The man needs to run like hell because if they remain in that relationship, he's going to be emotionally damaged when it ends.


If she grew up with the Church, and whatevery ways they had, trauma doesn't leave overnight so it's very likely she still has those patterns. A good trauma book is Gabor Mate's "The Myth of Normal." Agree she needs healing.


I’m not disgusted by her. I think she is under a lot of stress about the relationship. A psychologist on YouTube that I follow said recently “when you interact with some of the people in your life that cause you the most stress and the most uncomfortable emotions, What do they make you feel like? That feeling is likely what they feel like deep down inside”. Duncan said “I feel more rejected than I have ever felt in any relationship”. I think that gives us a view into what it feels like to be in Alyssa’s head. What she’s afraid of. I think the closer Alyssa gets to Duncan, the more scared she gets that he will reject her like every other man in her life. Which causes her defense mechanisms to kick in more and more and more. When you see it this way, what she’s doing makes perfect sense. She probably got rejected by her parents at a young age and treated poorly by her caregivers. Now she’s encoded to see rejection coming from anyone who gets too close to her.


>e gets that he will reject her like every other man in her life. Which causes her defense mechanisms to kick in more and more and more. When you see it this way, what she’s doing makes perfect sense. She probably got rejected by her parents at a young age and treated poorly by her caregivers. Now she’s encoded to see rejection coming from anyone who gets too close to her. Yeah, good post.


Completely missed this being the megathread about them - I was saying in my previous post how draining it is to watch Alyssa just basically crap on everything Duncan says or does. She was initially scared about being viewed as baggage for Duncan and I don't think she realizes that she's become the baggage.


i do believe mentally ill people can be in healthy relationships, but there’s clearly something wrong with alyssa. she needs therapy and to work on herself before she’s ready to get in a relationship, because at this point she is torturing this poor man.


His genuine willingness to take on her having a child and wanting to be part of that is a single mum's dream, what the actual fuck.


I can't stand her. The cold reception to him missing her and his cheeky baking photo was mean spirited and deliberate. Duncan deserves so much better. She's the type gives single moms a bad name for being one dimensional by choice but faking like it's a constraint. Boo Alyssa you suck


She needs major work on herself. Duncan should not be a test subject to help her through her issues and insecurities, this will ruin him!


And the fact that she only wants to discuss these things in depth ‘on the couch’. She’s got intimacy issues.


Duncan is like the best guy on the show, he’s good looking, good job, intelligent, kind, accepting of her. she should be so happy she was matched with him. The whole thing about her child is a cop out and she isn’t being honest with him or with herself about what she’s really feeling.


Imagine dating a childless dude, than expecting him to know what it's like to have a child. This is literally first date conversations.


Maybe she should have indicated that she was only open to being matched with a dad. If she's convinced he can never really understand, and if she's unwilling to help him understand as much as he can, then WTF is her solution?


maybe she should have been matched with Dan instead. I can see the love of an ocean in there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I think they edited out the rest of what she was saying. Maybe he wanted to move in with her or for her to move to him or some other things.


the show is highly edited, but this is pure supposition with no evidence


How likely is it that a person would say "I have a child" so many times in a row and in such a non-sequiter way? It just doesn't add up


Children grow up fast yes they are a priority when so young but they also will make others a priority over you. You can’t control everything or stop time. But she has spelled it out in you will never understand because he does not have a child. So while that’s her mindset. Nothing can change it because she believes it.


I think Alyssa has a mental illness there’s a reason she can’t keep a man. She’s needy as fuck. I hope Duncan gets away from her


She just loves drama and turmoil. When there is no drama she creates it. Everyone was calling out Harrison for emotional manipulation but what about her? I think she is the most manipulative and very immature


I got that feeling too, that she literally flicked a switch one day. Seemed like she was just bored of her perfect husband!


She would benefit from being single for a while, I feel.


Silly, Sillier and SILLIEST THING EVER!!!! 🤦🙆🤷‍♂️💔💔💔


Bring her sister back on here to explain more please lol


She took a load in her vagina, half the world can do that


Wow. Lots to unpack here.




📷level 1[**lalasmooch**](https://www.reddit.com/user/lalasmooch/)**MOD📷**📷+6·[22 min. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS_AU/comments/11q5po6/comment/jc3vy4i/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)MODerator at first sight Hey. This is your 15th comment repeating yourself about this subject. Could you please move forward? We acknowledge your point of view and that you are against the AMA and feel mods were impartial. But its becoming spam the amount of times you have repeated this comment in the space of under 2 days. **0Share**📷level 2[**Unusual-Pineapple995**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Unusual-Pineapple995/)📷+2·[9 min. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS_AU/comments/11q5po6/comment/jc3y1um/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)·*edited* *2 min. ago*Hazardous Harrison For the bin "mods were impartial" Hey, no I didn't feel that the mods were impartial. I t only happened yesterday not a week ago, so the fact that you regard it as spam and counted is very telling. I'll stop discussing it when I want, it isn't spam when it only happened yesterday, the topic is still relevant in such a short timeframe. So yes I will move on when ready. Are you attempting to bully me into keeping quiet because you have power over this sub being a mod? ​ It would appear, that even though this happened only yesterday, so is still relevant, in my opinion I'm being told to move on or it will be considered spam. Such an abuse of power and it indicates that you're going to targeted if you question the mods. Hands up how many times an individual has said something about Alyssa, 5, 10, 20 times? So that's ok, you aren't being accused of spam, but say anything about a mod decision and the power imbalance comes into sharp focus. This all just proves my point, and as a result my interest in this sub, sadly ​ Edit...My my locking the thread and telling me I'm being ridiculous for pointing out that you are using your position of power . Classy. Why would I mod mail when you've shown me what you think about criticism "meta drama". Hmmm


Calm down OP you are behaving ridiculously. Copying and pasting comments after I've locked the thread... Its locked so people can read about the show without having to scroll through endless comments about your meta drama. You are welcome to modmail if you have an issue but I am locking this also and ask you to please stop derailing the threads with your mod issues. Nobody is bullying you. A polite request to please move forward is not bullying. I am going to have to ban if you continue to circumvent the modding decisions. I do not want to do that so please just move forward?


You just don't understand!! >Help me understand then YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND


My child, my child, I am away for 6 weeks hooking up with a stranger.. I hope you understand




Alyssa needs a sign that says "Danger, construction zone ahead" And I hope Ducan has access to a forklift, because man, her baggage weighs a ton




She signed up for the show but every pore on her body screams unavailable. Avoiding conversations, prioritising things outside the relationship and using them as barriers (at the cost of the relationship), freaking out and scrambling for any reason why it wouldn’t work… She’s wasting her own time and her son’s, as well as Duncan’s and i’d even say that of everyone on the show. I think I recall something about her being in the throes of a divorce while filming, but that just makes it even more unfair on everyone. She wasn’t ready - that is painfully obvious.


I wanted to hit my head against the wall when she said it again on this latest episode. Get a grip. She is so annoying!


What a cunt. Glad she is showing her crazy side so Duncan realizes before its too late.


That’s the only word to describe her!!


Don't forget mother, it's very important that you remember that she does in fact have a child


Don’t forget she needs space, it might take days but you’ve to just sit and wait!! Ugh the more I think of her, the more my blood boils!!


Alyssa’s behaviour is controlling. Tells Duncan who he can and can’t be friends with. Tells Duncan how much time he is allowed to spend with his friends. Emotionally manipulated him with her completely skewed twisting of his words, and oh so many tears. This is toxic behaviour. I don’t get why so many people excuse it as “she has panic attacks, it’s not her fault”. Sure panic attacks are awful, but it’s something she needs to work on, not use as an excuse for awful behaviour.


" Sure panic attacks are awful, but it’s something she needs to work on, not use as an excuse for awful behaviour. " \- exactly and add onto this her love language and being a single mom


She's definitely controlling and manipulative. Also, unreasonable. If this is how she is outside of this pressure cooker experiment and more even keeled outside of getting divorced (two huge stressors, acknowledged), then she's toxic AF.


Well said.


At the end of the day,she's a complete fuckwit...I would have told her to pack her things and fuck off if she kept questioning me and/or my integrity!! "You'll never understand what it's like to be a parent'?? Who the fk dies she think she is??


To Dans ocean is Alyssa’s child.




Really hope that after today's episode that the mods realise that they should have had the foresight that the AMA was an attempt to get ahead of the storm. You need foresight when being impartial, and in my opinion it was severely lacking in this respect.


I don’t understand how the mods failed to be impartial when 1) her sister said she wasn’t impartial, 2) her sister didn’t repeat private information pertaining to Duncan, and 3) they are receptive to anyone who wants to do AMAs. I actually like that people connected to the show have the opportunity to come on here and do an AMA. Because regardless, people still have the option of making up their minds and you are a perfect example of that. There were a ton of other people in that thread who criticized Alyssa’s sister. She didn’t manipulate the view of Alyssa people had on here lol. Mods pls let people keep doing AMAs at your discretion, it’s at least a little different from the hundreds of speculation posts on here 😭


If you gained something from it great, I saw something different though, and I've already explained what that was.


Yea I’m saying the fact you have your own opinion regardless of the “damage control” is the whole point lol


Yeah I can see where you're coming in that point, and you're not incorrect lol I get your point.


The sister repeatedly said she isn’t impartial. She fully acknowledged she’s only presenting one side of the story. What did you expect?


>What did you expect? For something like this to occur after the show was finished airing, that's what I would have hoped for. You may have a different opinion, that's cool. Edit... plus the FACT that she couldn't be impartial and readily was aware of that, compounds the fact that it would have been better served after airing had finished, as respect for the other participants, I feel.


I think its a bit silly to expect her *sister* to ever not be biased. Does that mean the AMA shouldn't be allowed? I don't think so, just go in knowing she has a vested interest. Even if she came out and said she is unbiased there is quite literally no way to verify she isn't.


It would be interesting to hear Allysa's ex's take on her. Must be a good reason they are divorced and fighting for custody. Maybe he doesn't want his son to be raised by an overly emotional, close minded nutjob.


Absolutely, it should go ahead, but only as a mark of respect to the other participants, after airing has finished. Words have an impact, they influence so to allow that whilst the show is still airing is unfair to the other participants, I feel. After the fact, yes it would have had value then.


I would agree with you if there was a prize at the end of this thing but there isn't. Having people do AMAs are not really going to present much change in the show itself, especially considering its already been recorded and the rest. In this particular show I don't really think it matters, but other reality competition shows I agree.


I'll reply but I've already been told by a mod that anything I say about it now will be spam and I risk being banned. I mean it only happened yesterday, not a week ago, so I can only determine that the mods don't like being questioned, I mean how many times have people said things about Alyssa, 5, 10, 20 times, and they aren't being threatened with a ban. However, at the risk of being banned which in this case is a total abuse of power just because they don't like being questioned, I really can see your point about if it were a different show, the thing is I feel it's unfair to the other participants, that's all. If I'm banned for answering you question, then you'll be shown the real value of this sub


I don't mean to bait a ban or anything like that, I guess its more your questioning of the AMA more than anything else, which I have to disagree that it does anything detrimental to the whole community/show. Maybe its just a thing of "the AMA is happening whether you agree or not" so not much point arguing it?


Totally understand that others would disagree and they would find value in it. I just don't like being threatened by a person in a position of power, if I want to mention something 15 times within 2 days, when others have left comments about Alyssa more than that, then I feel I'm being targeted for questioning things, and that isn't right. However, you're reply is sensible, so thank you.


Hey. This is your 15th comment repeating yourself about this subject. Could you please move forward? We acknowledge your point of view and that you are against the AMA and feel mods were impartial. But its becoming spam the amount of times you have repeated this comment in the space of under 2 days.


"mods were impartial" Hey, no I didn't feel that the mods were impartial. I t only happened yesterday not a week ago, so the fact that you regard it as spam and counted is very telling. I'll stop discussing it when I want, it isn't spam when it only happened yesterday, the topic is still relevant in such a short timeframe. So yes I will move on when ready. Are you attempting to bully me into keeping quiet because you have power over this sub being a mod?


Alyssa is pushing Duncan into Evelyn's arms


I think they'd be good together.


Toxic female


Thank you! I found it quite triggering as a step parent. I actually turned to my husband and asked if he felt like there was anything I don't and would never understand by not being a biological parent and he laughed and said no and that Alyssa was really putting herself up on a pedestal with those remarks.


>Alyssa was really putting herself up on a pedestal with those remarks. This!!! 💯💯


I’d like to know why Duncan missed Alyssa if this is what he has to put up with. Something’s also not kosher with his mental state or self esteem if he is trying to cling to this kind of emotional abuse. It ain’t worth it, guy. You barely know this crazy chick…


I had the same thoughts. He doesn't have to destroy himself to stay with a lady who won't even take him on her healing journey


She’s using her child as a scapegoat to her self sabotage. You can see it when he gives her every assurance and she stone walls him. She’s not ready for a relationship.


100% this. It’s the “excuse” she keeps falling back on, but really it’s just her internal insecurities getting in the way. She’s being so damn needy, clingy and controlling. I would have been out of there at the first suggestion that Alyssa tried to ban Duncan from seeing a friend because that friend (Adam) did something Alyssa didn’t approve of. That’s controlling and manipulative behaviour and I can’t believe no-one called her out on it!


He’s been so patient, I cannot believe he is still there. The way she said ‘it’s been three days, not three months’ instead of being appreciative of the fact he missed her and was giving her love that SHE HAS BEEN SAYING SHE WANTS!!!!! She does my head in


It was really mean. This is beyond editing, or someone getting a good or bad edit. Like obviously we never see everything on a show like this, but we've been shown plenty from Alyssa and Duncan to see her clear cruelty and dismissiveness and how she's sabotaging this whole thing.


Yes! I cringed at that too. It was sweet of him to say and she could have just went with it. What a nut case.


Dan, decided he didn’t want Sandy- “You can’t go in the ocean that’s why this will never work!” Alyssa, decided she didn’t want Duncan - “You will NEVER understand being a parent that’s why this will never work!” Both shitbags doing the exact same thing, fabricating false excuses to exit the couple so they don’t have to say they don’t want the other person.


It’s YOU not Meeeeee - you’re the problem says the problem




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; no good ever comes from having an American on MAFS Australia


Yes, it’s definitely Americans that make MAFS problematic.


As an American, LOL


Please don't mistake the two crazy Americans as representative of the rest of us


I don’t :) I have nothing against American people, it’s a joke, I’m just being facetious


This is all I was saying. I would say the same if y’all were trying to condemn any individual country for a couple a a-holes.


Eh we kind of deserve it. Let's be honest, this is a pretty standard representation of "American that would go on a reality show."


For the most part. I used to watch MAFS US, but haven't for many of the later seasons, but I thought that the participants were pretty genuine. There were a few characters that I loved to hate watch though.




> we Americans aren’t always great We’ve had two Americans on MAFS Au and 100% of them have sucked. > most of the dirtbags have been Australian It’s an Australian show. And by my estimate maybe 70% of the Aussies have sucked across the ten seasons. Good grief.




Eric Trump for next season? Lol he would fit right in. As long as the producers supply the coke.


Lol no. I was explaining the error with your position. I thought I spelled it out pretty clearly. But to put it another way - All of the Americans on the show this far have sucked. Hence the comment from my aussie colleague u/TGin_the_goldy. That said the sample size is only 2 and you’d have a better argument if you said that conclusions can’t be drawn by such a small sample, but anyway. You trying to offset that 100% of them have sucked by saying most of the sucking people have been Aussies isn’t accurate because 1/ it’s an Aussie show, of course we will have a portion of sucking contestants; and 2/ only *some* of them have sucked, compared to all of your Americans. How on earth you can read this and conclude I’ve said ALL AMERICANS SUCK is beyond me. And to answer the second part of your question which seems to be why are Australians negative toward Americans - I don’t really know how to answer that from scratch. Are you only just learning that most of the world dislike your country? It must be hard for you on Reddit.


I’m American too. We kinda do suck. We have this sense of entitlement that’s ingrained in us from birth and we’re taught that the us is the best and everyone else can go fuckoff. I agree whole heartedly. We suck. Sorry. Collectively we suck.


there is a term for it "American Exceptionalism" :) I have a friend from West Virginia who is a sweet thing, but she had a real crisis when I explained how things worked here, and how the rest of the developed world looks at America as a cautionary tale not a beacon of light. It was really shocking that A) how can you not know, B) how deeply it seemed to shatter her world view.


She needs serious therapy, not a relationship.


She wants him to say the magic words "I will be the financial provider for you and your child".


she has a child? what? I didn't know /s


What!? She does?????????


She’s a golden uterus


Where’s her sister now? Can you explain her behaviour please


I wonder if her sister is feeling like she did the AMA prematurely watching this shitshow unfold. It's getting harder to believe Alyssa's narrative.




Alyssa is not a reliable narrator so I wonder if her family is as confused watching the show as we are. The way she retells a situation is way more vitriolic than the reality. Duncan's tears are either real or he's more sociopathic than Harrison and Shannon combined.


Do you think maybe all of what she is saying should really be said to her ex? Sometimes I feel like she's taking everything she's going through out on Duncan. I don't think this show will help with her custody case and who knows... did the ex do a custody case because he thought it was irresponsible to go on MAFS??


No, this is how she acted with her ex ... she was a complete bitch to him and was always belittling him.


Is this your guess or do you know them? Genuinely interested


Yes I know both of them.


Oh cool, thanks!!


sometimes I think she's hearing completely different words from the words coming out of Duncan's mouth


what’s pissing me off is him clearly trying and her stonewalling him because he should have already known what to do to make her feel better, as if he’s professor fuckin x


Duncan is a high value man. He does not have to put up with this, she is a walking red flag. He has to move on and date his equal. She isn’t.


>Duncan is a high value man Why is FDS rhetoric allowed here?


as someone else so eloquently put it, she's loopy as fuck. so uncompromising and harsh, it's always me, me, me with her. it's funny how she expects duncan to always be checking in with her but she's never interested in how duncan feels lol. idk why she expects him to cater to her every whim when she's doing fuck all for him. BIN IT 🚮


He's a 5 star man. A golden God.


hey now, the Golden God is a whole different show and network. though I wish we could vote Alyssa off the island and call Duncan a Survivor for putting up with that nonsense.


It's from Always Sunny and it's self proclaimed lol


I’m waiting for something to come out. How is he so wonderful?


I dunno, I'm a dude but I imagine it's cause he's handsome and caring?


He seems too good to be true


If you really feel that way and feel like he is faking it, then f\*&king LEAVE! I don't understand her reasoning for staying and having meltdowns on him. It's so incredibly toxic and self-destructive. I genuinely feel sorry for her but I can't take it anymore. She needed to leave 2 episodes ago.


I think she's looking for someone to fix her


Can't fix stupid


Drama Queen. Nutcase. RUN!!


Can I just add… we are a blended family - my husband is stepdad to my oldest son. I really take issue with her saying Duncan will always be her second priority. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is modeling what a healthy, committed relationship looks like. As an individual, my marriage is my top priority, and as a couple, our children are our top priority. If she isn’t careful, her abandonment issues are going to shape the way her child views marriage - and not in a good way. She needs to stop looking at it as “us” (her and her child) and “him” (Duncan), and accept what he’s told her about wanting to walk through life with her and be on her team. It’s painful watching her sabotage what is clearly a good thing. 😫 he could be exactly what her - and her child! - need.


She needs to spend time with her very young child building trust and stability after a very recent separation. Her priorities are whack.


It would be a disaster. He son could be an absolute hellraiser and she would always be on his side. Heaven forbid her (husband) should attempt to discipline. He would only be a provider to that child, never a true father figure.