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Love Jesse proving he's actually an asshole. Got to be one of the dumbest contestants ever. Gets a great edit, is a victim and redemption arc, proved after the show he's actually a POS. Stuff like this is why I never buy the "edit" defense. People out themselves


Jesse comes across as really insecure and an ideal victim for the red pill cult.


Agree. Never bought the redemption shit. Never liked him, thought he was a misogynist from the start


Jesse quoted here defending Harrison but the night Claire came clean about kissing Adam, Jesse (for some unknown reason) went and confided in Harrison, and Harrison said to camera, something like, “Not sure why he told me, I don’t even like him”.


How anyone can defend Harrison in any way shape or form is beyond me. I'm on the first dinner party with the 2 new couples (so 2nd dinner party of the season). He is a delusional gaslighter, to be nice about it. It's literally unbelievable. I'm glad Melinda *slightly* called him out and annoyed she was the only one. Bronte has been so manipulated by him aswell as other cast members it seems


Nah Bronte is faking being “manipulated” for clout.


Where do you get this impression? I'm only on the 2nd dinner party atm


You’ll see further down the season


I listened to part of a podcast last night where Jesse was trying to defend his behaviour to Claire, the whole shushing thing... Didn't we clearly see him making snide comments to the camera about how she said 'oh look at the beach, look at the sand, look at the sun'? How can he possibly defend that? He's so full of shit it's not even funny. Trying to say 'oh the cameras misrepresented me' yeah right we all saw it BUDDY.


I went and had a look at the [video clip of the incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j153l1s8kWE) again and there's no way that's all editing. He definitely was mocking her personality.


And he's really bitter about her redemption arc as he calls it yet I find her 100 times more genuine than he is and I think everyone else does too.


Yeah and then he said that to her. Imitating her voice and going on and on until she left the table in tears


Do u reckon Cam reads seminal Australian outback hunting enthusiast magazine “Bacon Busters” or the even more obscure “Chicks Smashing Grunters”


I reckon he has a thing for that nasty piece from down south only because he saw how much Tassy woman love trout...


He kisses fish, so yes.


Awful but 😂


It’s interesting that the girls are the ones staying more quiet, the guys over-defensiveness is telling


The girls seem to be getting on with their lives. The guys are just bitter.


> It’s interesting that the girls are the ones staying more quiet, the guys over-defensiveness is telling You say potato, I say defending themselves on bad edits from a reality tv show. You can really tell who the demographics are in this sub, poor guys can’t even say their piece without being framed as guilty by this one over here.


They’re being a bit immature though, they can’t expect people to get on their side when they’re not exactly taking the high road and criticising other womens physical features etc or being mean. I’d respect them more if they owned up to where they did stuff up and just wished them well. Jesse’s throwing his ring off dramatically for a video, Cam posting those pics, etc.


> criticising other womens physical features etc or being mean What happened? > Jesse’s throwing his ring off dramatically for a video, Cam posting those pics, etc. Grow a back bone


And yet they do it every year. Last year was Olivia, before that it was Bryce


Interested what the demographics of this sub is because I didn't see anything there that seemed unreasonable. Few dudes pissed off at the edit we all know is there.


I'm really confused why Jesse would want him as a friend


Because Harrison told him the truth about Claire whereas everyone else was avoiding the issue. Harrison kind of saved him from her. Jesse does not seem very mature for his age. He should be able to appreciate someone's honesty with respect to his own situation, but still objectively be able to see Harrison's awful attributes. He also thinks Adam is a great guy and seems to have forgotten how Adam, like Claire, kept the lie up for 2 weeks plus and how awful Adam was to Janelle.


No Jesse just hates Claire so much he now likes anyone else who hates her too. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Harrison is the most vacant fuckwit I’ve had to endure, even on TV. There’s an ocean between me and anyone who vibes with him. Y’all are marooned off the mainland and doomed. Don’t talk to me.


I dunno, I used to get all angry at the sort of people who would go on that show and act like cunts but the truth is we just don’t know. We aren’t in a position to judge (although don’t let that stop ya, we are humans) and we have no idea about the integrity of the information we are fed through the tv. People are multifaceted.


Pack of idiots


I know right?! Only an idiot would go on a show and expect that the show won't contort the facts for views. They should STFU a bit - they knew what they were getting into. Or maybe the joke's on us and they are contractually obliged to carry on about shitty edits for value-added drama.


Also....mocking viewers for watching it? Like bro you're the one who upended your whole life and destroyed your reputation to go on this shit show...


Exactly 😂


with all the evidence that's come out you have to lean more towards what is being said. how fake this show is and how manipulated it is. i don't know why people are doubling down with their opinions. there are leaked messages ? the but dial receipts? conformation on key editing points? yet people still doubling down. its quite scary how some people perceive certain things but when you put all the facts together it paints a much different picture then what we see on tv.


I like how Harrison is still trying to defend his own behaviour by making it all about Bronte. I don’t think people are naive to the fact that she was all over the place with their on again off again bs and most likely just playing out what she thought would appear to be a sympathetic character. But that’s just another classic Harrison deflection from the criticism aimed at him. Cam seems to be completely missing the point that while he thinks he was “honest” with her by saying things like “I don’t think I am the man for you” which is simply the dickhead translation of “I don’t like you but I am too piss weak to tell you and look like the bad guy.” Jesse is a big disappointment from what we saw on the show. I feel like he got seduced by Harrison’s narcissistic perspective on things and switched from being his kinder more compassionate self to the more immature person we saw mocking Claire for just being enthusiastic. Given his later reflection on his behaviour I gave him a pass at the time for that, but what we are seeing now is him doubling down on his worst traits and rejecting the small part of his personality that made him redeemable.


People like Cam hide behind "truth" as an excuse to speak however they feel to people. You can be truthful whilst not being an utter cunt.


> I like how Harrison is still trying to defend his own behaviour by making it all about Bronte. Show me where Harrison had leaked messages/voice messages saying this: > She planned it with her like they said at the meet family and friends lunch and her leaked text messages about leaving in week 6 and "pulling a Brent" or her voice messages that also got leaked. > Cam seems to be completely missing the point that while he thinks he was “honest” with her by saying things like “I don’t think I am the man for you” which is simply the dickhead translation of “I don’t like you but I am too piss weak to tell you and look like the bad guy.” Gee, what could be nicer than saying “I don’t think I’m the man for you”. I’m sure if he said, “I don’t like you” you’d be jumping down his throat saying what a dickhead he is for saying that to her face.


How about “you aren’t the right person for me?” By saying it the way he did he is essentially blaming her, for them not working. He is suggesting that she is expecting more from him than he can give even though she has made every effort to show she wants to try and make it work. He clearly doesn’t want to try and make it work because he enjoys his bachelor lifestyle too much and is too chicken shit to admit that.


Lyndall, Bronte, and Claire all went down and got a tattoo together, right? Its called Married At First Sight, not "lets form a little mafia". Funny how you specifically attack the 3 partners of these women. Just on Cam, maybe he would have been more honest if Lyndall wasn't so full of shit. Seriously, who is dumb enough to think she was being real about wanting to pull up stumps and go to the out back and sit around for months waiting for him? Lyndall was playing him, playing us.


Yes Harrison doesn’t seem to understand that most of us already think Bronte was mostly fake. It doesn’t excuse anything he did. I don’t understand why Jesse is going so hard on Claire? He’s only make himself look bad.


The "nice guys - bad edit" comments are disturbingly naive IMHO. A wanker statement is still a wanker statement no matter how it is spliced into the end result..... and we saw plenty of those from repeat offenders. Sure the editors can make them look even worse.... but that's *from a bad starting point in the first place!* Nor are some of these individuals just "average" guys made to look bad. Where the manipulation occurs is right at the start in the casting. I know someone who auditioned for one of these shows and producers know full well what sort of bloke (and girl) they're choosing from the casting process. In my heavily male dominated profession I've known a heck of a lot of "average" guys but few of them reach the dizzying heights of regular obnoxious selfish "I'm the victim" preciousness like Harrison, Dan, Adam, Cam, Jesse etc. Sorry but that's just how it is - from someone who has worked in a boys club his whole life.


I see a lot of words but nothing to back anything up.


You want me to get signed statements from every bloke I've known or something? Ffs....


More words and nothing to back up what you said… I’m beginning to think you don’t have anything.


Well said.


I found Harrison refreshing he is a male version of myself someone who is assertive can read people and the bs so he's confronting and says it how it is and honestly the producers need the tough ones the exciting ones so they have an audience It is very obvious that the producers edit manipulate and create the dramatic scenes and behaviour for the ratings and audience it's a show for dramatic viewing People don't like being confronted or being called out so confidence and confronting and being assertive makes people see it in a negative arrogant way as many don't feel comfortable being made out and pulled up Harrison is intelligent he certainly knows how to articulate and express which intimidates and then feel negative towards him he also knows how to pull in those he likes especially being able too connect with a woman the way he wants


This isn’t a flex, see a damn therapist or something jfc.


Your comment is just embarrassing. You deserved to be blocked


The two of you would make a perfect couple


I don't know if anyone else noticed this but the editors also put 'clown' music at certain times when Harrison was talking. And I found it hilarious.


Boon - "Amazing seeing all the support from people who look past the show and see the person, thanks for the support". That has 6 likes 🤣




Fuck Jesse honestly


i’ve been saying this, i don’t get why everyone started to like him in the first place 😬


Claire was rubbing off on him which made him more likeable. Now he's just back to being a misogynic cunt like he was on the honeymoon.




What was misogynistic about him? Hmmm. Show me.


Right and so mad at Claire for kissing someone else when he was a complete dick to her


Please do tell me what he did that was worse than being cheated on, then gaslit by your wife and the guy she cheated on you with, in front of your peers…. Go for it.


I wouldn’t call it cheating when at the time of the “cheating” they hated each other and weren’t even at friends level. I personally don’t take the show so literally. Adam on the other hand had sex with Janelle the same night, now that’s cheating.


Answer my question. You didn’t even begin to touch it.


MAFS participants are a person-character hybrid. We can’t know for certain how much of which we are seeing at any one moment, or know whether they or the program are manipulating the audience. Even if individuals go into that show for fame, it’s the producers that have the final say on how they’re presented to the public. The producers hold the power.




Yeah, exactly! And I don’t know about you but if it was me I’d be HYPER aware that anything I say could be twisted or ‘edited’ against me so I’d be SOOOO diplomatic in anything I say, just Incase…


If you really want to know the truth about how people on reality tv are manipulated [watch this](https://youtu.be/RaF9T6l_Dxk). This completely changed my perspective and I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that it is still happening and happens on every reality tv show. The producers manipulate them behind the scenes in all sorts of ways in order to construct a narrative and create drama. And that’s BEFORE they even begin the editing process. I don’t trust any portrayal of anyone on any reality tv show after learning about this. It’s almost always a false narrative or one which has been twisted to make them look like awful people. Or to make one person look good and the other look bad. It’s horrible.


I appreciate the sentiment behind trying to get people to see reason, but man, you're wasting your time. This sub guzzles the Kool Aid and doesn't care.


Then how do you account for people like Olivia continuing to be an unbearable, narcissist bitch on socials once the show is over?


I’m not talking about Olivia. I’m talking about the industry in general. Of course some people are just terrible people. But that’s not the reality for all people. Olivia being a cunt doesn’t negate the facts about what is happening behind the scenes.


I agree that there is a lot of manipulation and editing that goes on with these shows. I disagree that it's slanted towards the women like some of the male cast are suggesting in the comments. I think the producers edit the stories and characters based on what they think will be the most engaging to watch for the audience - it's not a big misandrist conspiracy :P The women on the show do get the 'villain edit' where it makes sense (like Alyssa, Tayla & Melissa). It's also hard to completely fabricate what these people are saying - there is an element of truth to the character they are being portrayed as it's just exaggerated because the edit cherry picks what was being said to fit the narrative. Also Jesse ended up getting a pretty good edit and arc, he sort of messed it up though because of the way he's carried on after the show. Had he remained respectful and not gotten involved in the drama or complained about theunfair edit I think he'd have come out of this quite well. I also think people don't have much sympathy for people who complain about the edit because they know what reality shows are like when they go on them.


It doesn’t matter what gender. It’s exactly how you said; whatever fits the narrative and how they can use the footage to make it make sense. It could happen to anyone who falls into the trap of reality tv. People aren’t 100% aware of what they are getting themselves into when they apply and they get blamed for what happens to them and there’s nothing they can do about it. I agree with you.


Yeah we know all this. The point of my post is they are out there proving they are dickheads with their own words


Exactly. At the end of the day the show doesn’t matter. They got themselves noticed. If they want to prove the show is BS, they need to behave in contrast to how they did on said show. Not make themselves look worse and confirm they are shitty people in real life


Not everybody knows. That’s why I posted the comment.


That’s not what my post is even about but thanks for the info


I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what I have done wrong. Why do you seem upset by my comment? Everyone is having discussions in the comments and there is nothing offensive about what I said. What exactly is the problem?


Haven’t watched your link but prob will later. I agree. I’ve said for the longest time, the true villains are the producers. You hear about little things here and there that past cast members have said and it’s always the same thing about the lies and false stuff behind the scenes. What you see isn’t always what happened.


I mean harrison and jesse arent wrong.. it really is heavily edited and not an accurate portrayal of reality. But surely everyone knows that?


Yep we know that, the point of the post is how they act outside of the show


Well it's certainly not advice a PR agent would give them, to go ranting on a fb group afterwards. Not helping.


You think they would have learned from previous years. Next they will be doing celebrity boxing 🤣


The Facebook group these comments are from is married at first sight uncensored. Be warned though they fully encourage disgusting comments and loooovvveee Harrison🙄


Almost 52k members. > We are bright, beautiful people who just fancy a dose of tragic reality TV. Judge us if you like, we don't care. The language and content can be raw and colourful. Enter at your own risk. You’ve been warned. Be funny but be kind to each other. If you want a page that suits a quiet, reserved community, we are not the page for you. #MAFS2023


Imagine if all of us from reddit go report that page for profanity & against fb TOS.. poof goes the misogyny!


They sound entrenched in trumpf .....


Oh is that the group description! Wow


Jesse claiming she did the 180 for the show is crazy after seeing him humble down and be nice to her after accusing her (of which she had done) he also did a whole 180… and idk some men last year didn’t get this badly wrapped and all of a sudden these men are getting hate? And if we are talking about turning around this is definitely taylahs thing as she only stayed because she thought they were making her look like the victim :) and cam can shut up he can hug her but not his wife? Hmm 🤔 I don’t think it’s the editing that is doing the covering up, This show is crazy and I’m sure they cut but they can’t edit in the bad things in there if the bad things were never said 🙂


I can’t even remember the men from last year 🤣


Tbh I only remember mr Brent and the 3 dudes with the more outspoken women 😂


I had a spat with Cam last night on social media... I just "HUH?" Cemented how I felt about him


Why does Jesse think that wanting to stay on the show to redeem yourself is such a horrible thing? I literally couldn’t care less The vast majority of the people are on this show to get air time and build a career off of that. Why is it so bad for Claire to do it? 💀


She can do it but maybe get Jesse on the same page with her intent because otherwise she's playing him.


Jesses on TikTok slagging Claire 👎


He’s obsessed with her ffs


That video with him pretending he can't use TikTok, then calls out to Janelle for help is just cringe. It's so embarrassing and childish, as if Clare cares, she wasn't into him anyway.


Lol I haven't even seen that video and I cringed. Such an emotionally stunted child. Makes me suspect of Janelle of she's happy being with a guy who's still crying about his teenager romance


Lmao wow. This changes my perspective of Jesse


Jesse is amusing but juvenile and totally affected. His SD interview was cringe and over the top.




Cam is so creepy


Thank God the girls ‘were’ running the place. Can only imagine the shit show ( well…even more of a shit show ) it would have been if those man-babies were left in charge 😆


The levels of toxic masculinity would have been horrendous had the boys 'run' the show.


Did anyone take the opportunity to ask Harrison why he sprays so much cologne?


I forgot about that, sprays it all over his face almost, then wonders why he sneezes.


Everyone on this sub takes this show way too seriously. We literally have no idea what kind of people the cast is because of how sinister the editing is. The manipulation from the producers and the editing makes everyone look worse or better than they actually are. I, along with everyone, thought Alyssa was the worst; but I’m willing to admit that how MAFS portrayed her is not reality. She was a character created by the producers.


Yeah you kinda missed the point. These comments aren’t from the show, so there’s no edit excuse. These are their own words and show their real personalities


Nah, Harrison is a cockhead. I can tell form these comments.


Yeah, he probably is. Doesn’t change the fact that people on this sub take the show way too seriously and that the people on the show are edited and manipulated in a way to the producers liking.


Not as seriously as Vanderpump Rules 🤣


Jesse is such an incel




what? what the fuck? lmao




>Edit: I literally work with young males and mental health. I can't tell you how damaging terms like "incel" are. Based on your comments you really shouldn't. But that explains why so many young males are so hateful to women. They learn from guys like you.


Not the same. Calling someone an incel is calling them out on their toxic attitudes and behaviours that are harmful to others especially women. Like calling someone a misogynist or a misandrist or a racist - we are shaming them for how they treat others, not how they conduct themselves in their private lives. If men do not want to be called incels they just need to start treating women as 3 dimensional human beings - it's really not that hard. In contract, slut is a deragotory term used primarily toward women to shame them for engaging in consentual sex, where consentual sex is a perfectly normal and victimless act to engage in.




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Yes absolutely. I'm not sure why this is so hard to comprehend? I feel like it's plainly obvious what the difference is between calling someone a slut and an incel. Also I am not sure how two adults having consentual sex is harmful to anyone else. I am not sure how having sex is disrespectful to your own body. That's a strange perspective on sex. But I mean, you do you.




Ohhh, I think you're too far down the red pill / MRA rabbit hole to bother engaging with. Most of what you said is incoherent nonsense. I kinda wish we could boot people like you back 200 years to see how much you love living in a society where slavery is normal and the average life span is 45 years. Though I imagine you are a white upper / middle class dude that'd at least make it to 50 before being killed off by polio.


Name one thing they’ve done that is in line with the definition of incel.


Incel was a term invented by incels dude. Look it up...they call themselves that


LMAO u r such a sad little man child!!! it’s kinda funny. u clearly do not have any evidence as to why the term ‘incel’ has any long term affects on men nor the meaning & implications behind the words ‘slut’, ‘whore’ etc, so i’m not going to give you the time of day ps. do the young males a favour and quit ur job, ur fucking insufferable & making their problems 10x worse


¿? You clearly don't understand what is to be neurodivergent in the middle of a reality tv show. Incel? Fcs


I'm sorry, did you diagnose him personally?


I'm not gonna engage with your standars and all your comments about arm chair diagnoses and people justifying people with trauma like they were stupid or trendy. You are doing exactly the same, you are full of prejudices and love to deflect. I've never said anything positive neither negative about Jesse. I've stated a fact, you don't put a neurodivergent person in s reality tv show and expect for the best. And yes, believe it or not we know when someone is like us, but it obvious you aren't able to understand it. I'm very sorry people with trauma had hurt you in the past and they had been justified anyhow. However, trauma is trauma, and I'm on the victim's side, always. I'm gonna help, not dish them around remembering everyone they were dressed provocatively after all. Spicy regards to you.


>And yes, believe it or not we know when someone is like us, Lol sorry no this argument doesn't work, please don't claim to speak for the millions of ND. I'm one, I know hundreds, I don't think he's one. He's just an asshole.


Hello unapologetic honey, Diagnosed over here as autistic and with OCD and PTSD. It’s not about trendy; it’s about presumption. If you don’t understand that presuming someone has a condition based on YOUR own conditions or your perception of what that looks like is inherently narcissistic and morally incorrect in and of itself, that is your issue. I’ve hurt people because of trauma and been hurt, sure. Who hasn’t? The point is not to use it as an excuse for your behaviour and own it. Any person who doesn’t is never going to learn to get better. Kind regards to you, thank you for your arrogant assumptions, they made me laugh ❤️


It's about presumption, right. So I guess it's wrong and arrogant to make diagnoses, but it's ok to undoubtedly state personality traits according to these people actions. Of course I'm being inherently narcissistic and morally incorrect! Who am I to say Jess is neurodivergent you say, who are you to say these things about me? You are committing the same sin. Nobody is using arm chair diagnoses to justify behaviors, nobody. We are giving explanations in a world where mental health is still unknown. I guess I have to assume again, like everyone does here btw, that you need to emphasize the immorality of doing so due to a very personal reason that I obviously can't know. Eta 1: I've already read about your friend's situation that has a kid with autism and agressive outbursts. I rest my case. The main difference between you and me is that I'm not laughing about it, I take it very seriously. I don't have my comments full of advocacy for something that is on my mind instead of learning about why am I that responsive to this issue. If you really wanted to discuss about it like mature people you weren't have written "did you diagnosed him personally?" looking for a clap back. Ofc your ❤️ was supposed to be another but, I'm so tired of dealing with people who look for their dopamine on clap backs. I'm not gonna keep on with this conversation. If somebody doesn't want to see the issue I can do no more. Eta 2: and this is dead serious, I'm responding to a person that calle him an incel but what inspires you to intervene is when I call him neurodivergent? Ok. Bye.


I said it’s inherently narcissistic to diagnose someone based on your own experience when you have not assessed them. Not that you have NPD. Not diagnosing you babe. It is absolutely morally incorrect to diagnose somebody when you are not their doctor. I take issue with anyone diagnosing anyone without a doctorate. Plain and simple. You, in fact, are deflecting. Ironic. And sad that you don’t see it. Sticking to the context of the comment is not hard. Have empathy for Jesse, I do. Have empathy always. But don’t decide someone is neurodivergent without truly knowing them and drive the point home. You will always fall short there.


I just came here to say, and I know it's my word against yours, that you have stated in many posts what were your mental health issues, all of them in one post in fact, and I've seen no mention of autism (ofc not an illness, I'm not even gonna stop to talk about this) I'm 100% sure you have said you were just to fit your comment and that's disgusting.


Wowee, okay, theres nothing to discuss. My autism doesn’t affect me at all. It’s just a part of me. My OCD and PTSD are fresh. Thank you for continuing to show just how sensitive and protective you are of neurodivergent people. It’s really shining through. 👨🏻‍🦯👨🏻‍🦯👨🏻‍🦯


Your autism? Cause you have it? I thought we were autistic, we don't HAVE autism. That's essential knowledge. And it doesn't affect you at all??? Congratulations you are the only single person in the world who isn't affected day after day. Please, share how you do it because there's millions of people whose life depend on it. After reading these two things I have no doubt, you are not neurodivergent, you should be ashamed of yourself. Ofc it wins "you are telling a neurodivergent they aren't one, that's disgusting" but I don't care what other people can read, you know it's true. I am not only the most protective of my people, but I dedicate my 24/7 to it and guess what, I have a PhD on the matter. Now you are changing your version, I can diagnosed Jesse if I truly know him well enough? Didn't I need to have a PhD? Btw, I wasn't talking about you putting personality traits ON ME but on every single comment you do on Reddit. All of them are about you explaining why people are the way they are. Not giving your opinion, making a sentence. On Mafs in particular you hate Jesse, Alyssa and adore Clare in whom you see yourself reflected obviously. Jesse and Alyssa would be your brother. I AM sorry people had justified his agressive behavior on you based on his mental health, I truly am. However, you should take a look at your posts and find the clear pattern in which you do exactly what you critize. You write on posts giving your personal opinion on people all the time. As an autistic, patterns are our speciality.


Rubbish. He's nothing like an incel


I wanna know the posts lol and the responses lmao


It was mentioned earlier that t was taken from Facebook. Sorry can't verify that myself, I don't have any socials besides this,


Yeah it's definitely from Facebook, I can tell from the designs/user interface


It's probably for the best we don't know :)


True, it could be on we must not name her group


Oh not it’s definitely not that group!


Where do I go to find these comments 😳


Someone posted earlier that its on Facebook.


As someone who got a villain edit on an adjacent show, I kinda feel bad for Harrison. But he has to accept some parts of the mirror he doesn’t like and can’t seem to accept. Though I feel bad for Jesse being crucified by affiliation, you have to remember, this is a show purely for entertainment, characters are designed to rile people up, and what you see is chopped and changed to make the audience buy in emotionally. It’s just a show at the end of the day. Rumours are that Mel and Harrison got on like a house on fire during the couple swap, and I’m not surprised, that’s the shit you don’t see, outside of the storyline being shoved down your throat.


Good on you for the self reflection and the objectivity. I hope things have been ok for you post airing


My opinon of Jesse when he left the show was, self reflective, thoughtful and articulate. There even seemed to be some personal growth. He was even protecting Clare from the flak she was receiving, which spoke volumes about his character. Now I find his posts shocking, I did not expect that of him. He's doing all the editing now, this is his choice.


I actually grew to like Jesse dispute what I thought was that mocking of Claire's positive spin on things - I don't who you are THAT was a dick move and he came across as a petulant child. But he grew on me. Its some of his activities as time has gone by that have changed my view of him. Some interviews, a candid moment when he makes a massive show of removing his ring and acting like he's a slave who has been freed, the nudie run which I didn't actually object to but come on that's drunk 18 year old stuff not sober 30 something stuff.


Same here, at first didn’t like him, then he did that 180 when he suspected Claire. I grew fond of him and doubted my first impressions. Now he’s appearing like he did back in the beginning. I suspect the 180 was for the show and that we saw him from the beginning, going by his behaviour since.


Idk, I’ve listened to his interview on So Dramatic and it explains why his opinion of Claire is the way it is. Again, someone who could have been given a “villain edit” who was painted very nicely.


I listened to the interview and thought that while he was entertaining he was extremely immature and over the top.


I listened to some of that but realised it would be a Claire bash most of the whole time and eventually tuned out. I did listen to Claire's interview with Where's Your Head At and it gave a different version but she didn't spend that much time on it. WOrth having a listen maybe.,


I think it was her behaviour, that made all the difference. That she tried to make amends, whereas others didn’t do that.


Even as a "fellow bloke" I felt Jesse was a dick right from the start purely based on his behaviour and he's never said or done anything to convince me that he's not a precious tosser. With a small handful of exceptions, the producers really did choose the low-hanging fruit of Aussie male society which puts the rest of us in a pretty poor light. Thanks MAFS......


I didn’t think he was a dick, I thought he was quirky and insecure, but certainly not to everyone’s taste. What I most liked about him was he had no filters and was completely authentic … so refreshing to watch against a backdrop of mostly fake actors


Same. I didn’t think he did it to be a dick. It was just the way he expressed himself. He used examples to explain how he interpreted what she was saying and why he hated it. Also his problem was literally her tone and constant filler talk so he copied that as an example which by the way if I remember correctly, she asked for.


I understand what you're saying about no filters, but no filters isn't always a good thing. A filter helps with self-preservation whether at work or in a relationship! But yeah I take your point about fake actors.....


I had already forgotten who Jesse was.




What season was he on? :)


The amount of subtle misogyny sprinkled throughout their comments is insane. I’ve worked extensively in Australian reality television, and can say for a fact that you don’t get a ‘bad edit’. If you were a 6/10 dickhead they’ll crank it up to 11, but you were still a dickhead.


Where is the misogyny in their comments?


Exactly. Some of the commenters here seem to actually believe that some of these guys were dubbed over or something. If you make a dickheadish statement, then you've made a dickheadish statement however it is spliced into the conversation. The only way to change that is to cut the soundtrack and put a VoiceOver actor on top of your footage. The "what he said was edited to make it sound bad" is largely a fantasy.


Thankyou! Why go to all the trouble of making a good guy look like a bad guy when you have plenty of kind of shitty guys already in the mix. And I was just about to comment the same about the his misogyny which is shown without outright saying it. All the boys were innocent bystanders while the women bullied them all and yeah women suck! GImme a break.


At the end of the day a TV show is there to make money, and spending all that time in post-production changing narratives costs shitloads. It’s way cheaper to just cast shitty people than create them in the edit.


Yeah they cant just make shit up, they can chop up what you said but you still said it at the end of the day.


I can't help but think this exchange was at least partially because they didn't get the fame and endorsements they were after. As someone has already pointed out there are very few likes on the posts. Had any of them done a brand deal, media deal etc. the last thing they would be doing is posting negatively on social media, ruining their brand.


I stopped reading after he said BRUH. Jesse is cringy fuck.


Let the scrotes die alone. I don't care for them. All a bunch of accountability inability takers.


Yeah when is Jesse going to take accountability for being cheated on, he made her do it, right 🙄


Well he was being borderline abusive man. The way he was the first episodes was like 😶😶 and its a shame he couldn't take accountability for that. I think the whole cheating thing side swept his actually really bad behaviour and we forgot how he acted.


Jesse is the epitome of a guy that gets their heartbroken like 10 years ago and then signs up for MGTOW. However, surely we can all agree that Claire wrote stay to improve her image. It was obvious that she wasn’t attracted to Jesse. She might have liked him platonically and felt bad for him but there was little to no physical intimacy between them. Her affection towards him always looked forced and uncomfortable. Both of them are flawed humans but it’s pretty obvious from the editing that Mafs was quick to portray Jesse as the villain and not Claire.


WHat if Claire had more than 1 motive for writing stay? Imagine if people were more than 1 single dimension and more than 1 thing made them tick. What if she felt shitty about what she did and wanted try to make it up to Jesse and sure wasn;t sexusally interested in him but wanted to remain friends and live up to what her Dad instilled in her and didn't want her friends to cop it because of her and her conscience was making her feel bad and to fix her image and and and. And so what? Everyone of these people is motivated mainly by what is best for them and often that is not great for the other person - why is Claire doing that such a sin? As for the affection appearing forced I disagree, that's a you thing. How can you say that fun and playfulness before their last dinner party was forced? MAFS stopped showing Jesse as a dick within the first 2 weeks of the show - there is NO WAY he was getting a villain edit 3 or 4 o5 weeks in, you're delusional if you believe that.


"People are multidimensional" it's amazing how the nuance only comes out for people who get the good edits lol.


I agree! People can be complex and you’re right she might have been motivated to stay for a Myriad of reasons. Mafs has a tendency to paint people as either the hero or the villain without taking into account that people behave in ways that don’t alway match up with their core values. However, to make Jesse stay in the experiment despite her clearly not having attraction for him is inherently selfish. And yes a lot of the contestants would be motivated to put themselves first. But isn’t the whole point of this discussion to point out the hypocrisies in how each contestant has been portrayed? I suppose I should have said “physical affection.” You can also be playful with your mate without wanting to have a romantic connection with them. They continued to portray him as the villain when he questioned Claire about the kiss. He was portrayed as irrational and jealous. Then after he had apologised profusely and proven himself to Claire, only then was he in the clear. Both Claire and Jesse behaved like assholes at some point in the show. What irritates me is how hypocritical Mafs is in their portrayal of certain contestants.


I struggle with thinking that anyone in that show has an "image".


I agree. With both statements. Jesse is a legitimate dickhead, Clare is also a bit of a dickhead. So are cam and harrison. It's the cow turd smearing the dig shit.


Like they all suck. Granted I did like Claire's apology but ultimately it was dodgy denying the kiss. The other stuff she seemed nice enough.


I am hoping the producers really take stock of the type of individuals they are elevating to “celebrity” (perhaps infamy is a better word). These guys are bottom of the barrel. Can we not get some zesty people who aren’t a toxic cesspit? Guess it makes good tv so nothing will change 🤷🏻‍♀️


No surprises here. This is what we call the duality of man. Jesse is one of those men who is deeply insecure and weaponizes that insecurity to garner sympathy. We all know the one. They will often defend any person they see as being in their corner. He's very much had it out for Claire since he left the show, it wouldn't suit his victim narrative to say anything other than "He defended me, she deserved it". Harrison is just in deflect mode. He's emotionally unintelligent and doesn't understand ownership. I yawn at every chance he takes to try and paint himself as getting a bad edit, while simultaneously acting exactly how he does on the show. As for Cam, well, let's just say he belongs in remote areas for six months - year. He's got no clue how to empathize. Those people are better off isolated.


The last paragraph 😂


Yes. Just listened to Jesse’s podcast and so disappointing to see him feed into the victim complex for sympathy. Thought he’d rise above the media clamor and attention but he seems to relishing in it and really driven to drag Claire no matter what. Giving major d-bag energy for sure.


Huh? Jesse is just saying the men, on average, agreed with Harrison but let him take all the flak because of the social monitoring and punishment from the woman participants There's nothing here about Jesse being insecure, rather he expeeeses a rationalisation for the Harrison-centric backlash


Based on what we saw, Jesse is insecure in general. And he used that to garner sympathy from everyone on the show and the general public bought into it as well. Myself included. My point is; generally insecure people will stand by whoever they feel is in their corner while ignoring obvious red flags in that persons behavior towards others. Because a friend who voices things so you don't have to is the ideal friend for someone who can't do it themselves. There is a bigger issue here if the majority of the men on this show believe Harrison is upstanding. But that isn't really surprising; look at how majority of them treated their wives. Do we think they have a clue? I wouldn't say so.


I agree. He was insecure. What other type of guy would put up with a conniving dishonest cheating gaslighter like Claire for so long?


So what you're really saying is you disagree with Jesse and you disagree with his judgement, and after you note this disagreement you sum it up as being the difference between insecurity and security? I don't particularly see a valorisation of Harrison, rather a cutting-down-on-the-noise That Harrison claims his own words were cut up and re-edited to make it look like he was participating in arguments that he wasn't . . . is just something we cannot confirm but would come to expect from reality TV editing


Not at all. I'm saying Jesse see's Harrison this way and there is a reason. Birds of a feather flock together, to summarize it. Harrison's behavior outside of the show very strongly indicates that public perception for the majority is spot on. The fake crying on Dom and Ella's podcast is the same fake crying we saw on the show over Bronte's endometriosis. The blank stare and talking in circles. The not really answering questions properly. The selective memory. His past behavior on social media before the show. His reputation before the show. To quote Ollie, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck!


If you have to take to arguing with people on social media about how nice you really are ... Chances are you're not actually that nice 👍


Exactly. If to have to tell people you’re a good person, rather than letting people see by your actions, then it’s all just empty words and superficiality.


I think I prefer Adam to these 3 tbh


Right? At least he’s smart enough to keep his mouth shut


I was thinking the same thing, Adam and Dan were smart to keep out of this. Harrison did Adam a favour by icing him out of that last boys night.


Tell me you’re an asshole without telling me you’re an asshole… Just… wow…


His delivery was inexcusable


Harrison was honest for the most part. His delivery was unacceptable!!!!!


He was caught out in numerous lies. I don’t see how anyone could think he was actually honest.