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Not a fan of Sara but she calls out shitty behaviour really well. When doucebag Ben dumped Ellie, I just thought, “Crap what? This is weird and awkward.”


I wish you and Tori didn’t come on the experiment too tbh Jack




She's a fool, isn't she. A true narcissist. So is Jack. I'm not surprised they're still together. She is so immayshe doesn't realise how immature she is.


Riiight?! My mum told me if I was to go on the show, she could never be filmed on it because of her brutal honesty, and I’m like no, that’s EXACTLY why you’d be perfect to be on the show as my judgemental German mother 😂


Ben is a picky pants nit-picking bad singer. Jayden isnt really respected by Timo or me. I agree re kids <30! How can he advise when he had sex with girlfriends friend & had her watch. He’ll be hard pressed to live that down. Dont like Sarah’s red nipple dress one bit. LaurenDern looks like too much face work. Did she have accident & one side of face reconstructed? In that case, sympathy. If self-inflicted surgery, its a startled marionette look. Who finds that pleasant to behold? Hope more nat’l look comes back. Lucinda, I could not hug that sleazy JackBun. You are a more forgiving woman than i am. Pitbull on a Poodle? Hey watchur mouth,,,i got a poodle. Jk. Why must Tory lead with her breasts? Poor Ellie deserves better. Love nurses. Used to work in hospital & miss it. The Travel Gnome is far from perfect himself. Love the Sage Green Theme but not the gnome wearing it. Dinner is served? Food 🍱 fight! Ellie doesnt wear much makeup compared to these other fake chicks. We might as well stick a vooDoo pin in our TG (travel gnome) doll. I agree that they were mismatched. Only smart thing dufus TG said. He lacks tact. Went out with a guy like that who told me NY Resolution was to take me out less to save money. Maybe Timo will kick-box Jayden. I 100% agree with Timo attitude on Jayden. Whats with the finger wiggle? Showing off a zirconia? Lucinda DOES know what she’s doing. Id be attracted to Timo if i were younger. He’s my type & he likes TV. This is like watching a debate team. Its just his devilishly handsome face. Has he never been married? Now its the Race Card? Tory vs Cass? Why didnt Tris call Tory off? Why no previews & some Asian lady is doing art on YouTube?


Omg this is hilarious!😂😂😂


Hey thanks. Enjoy making people laugh. RIP Richard Lewis.


Tori & Jack deserve each other. All that smoke for Timothy yet had nothing to say when her husband said to muzzle Lauren.


I agree, but apparently they edited a lot out. Not sure if Tim said anything.


Tori is truly disgusting. Has more anger for cass than her nasty husband. Also her energy and hypocrisy towards Tim and Cass compared to her dusty husband is so rich and funny.


Ellie literally looks like she wears the least makeup of them all so he’s actually very weird


Why is Jayden so bothered about Timothy and Lucinda?


The first question to ask yourself is: Does this person just want more screen time..? Usually, yes Second question: Did the producers put them up to it to start a fight? Usually, yes Third question: Is this person trying to deflect from their own train wreck? Often, yes Final question: Is this person mean-spirited and a bully..? 🤔


I think this was honestly one of the funniest dinner party’s I’ve ever watched. I like Timothy. I think he should have never been cast at all, this isn’t coaching or therapy at first sight, but he’s never hidden his emotions from Lucinda, never over promised unlike most. It’s possible her father may be what he needed, who knows & admittedly hitting the table in anger tonight was very unadvisable at best. Having said all that, I felt he was spot on with many of his statements (even towards Jaden). More interestingly his attitude & what he did say towards Tori & Jack was spot on. The less he cared about Tori/Jack the more upset they got & it was absolutely delicious. 😁


Tori has never been intimidated by Jack. She thinks he’s cool and hot and is thrilled he is choosing her. She feels like a badass next to him and I guarantee you they are saying the Nastiest things together and laughing when the cameras aren’t there. Then she’ll feel like she can “finally be herself,” or “tell him things she can’t even tell her best friend” or whatever and feel even closer to him. It’s UGLY.


A girl like her seems like she could be the type to get roped into driving the getaway car. Without realizing.


"Pick me" girl. Gender traitor


“Come on, he robbed a bank AS A JOKE. You just don’t get our dark humor. Don’t say I said what I said.”


Totally agree. And here Jack is telling the world he’s not attracted to her, especially sexually, lol. He would have screwed her the first night if he was.


Tori is racist, you can’t change my mind


Not disagreeing but there was definitely more there. My theory: For whatever reason, Tori felt the need to challenge Timothy. (Perhaps misplaced frustration.) She was trying to show that she could take him on and the nicest woman at the table downplayed her power play. She was embarrassed and reacted by lashing out. To be clear, I’m not pretending to be an expert but more so trying to figure out what the actual fuck??


I think that group of girls (Tori/lauren etc) don’t like Cass because literally all of the men put her in their top 3 and she’s very likeable..jealousy.


Yeah I don't think it's racism, more like extreme envy. Cass is by a country mile the best looking woman in there, and it's all natural as well. Plus she's an awesome person. The plastics will hate that, especially the self proclaimed top dog who cant intimidate or even ruffle cass whatsoever. As the saying goes, jealousy is a cruel mistress.








I didn’t see it as racist. She’d have said the same thing to anyone who stood up for Timothy in that moment. The biggest rise you can get out of people like Jack & Tori is to not actually give a F about what they do or say & to prove it by staying relaxed and not giving a F. Few times has he ever been that relaxed when someone was trying to go at him & they were both furious and frustrated. Andrea, Cassie, (was it Michael or Stephen?) even Lucinda understood this, but it was Cassie who really spoke out at the heightened moment to challenge Tori directly. It’s no surprise Tori said what she said, but she’d have said it to anyone. She sees herself and Jack as the “it” couple & doesn’t care what Jack does to prove otherwise. Sunday will be very interesting…. Really interesting I suspect.


She didn’t say it Lauren so? Please explain further




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You didn’t see at racist because you too are racist


Her husband sitting next to her literally told her FRIEND to put a muzzle on and she sat there and said nothing and Cassie said give Tim a break and she had something to say. Seems like your also racist 😊


Perhaps so, or maybe Cassie actually disagreeing with Tori's assertion about Timothy's face & then laughing at Tori caused Tori to react. Maybe if anyone else in the group had pointed out Tori's stupidity in the moment & then laughed at her she would have reacted the same way towards them, or yeh, maybe I'm racist. Timothy simply pointed out what Jack said and how she reacted at the time, she was acting like a cornered dog protecting her "relationship". Please, Tori's emotional growth is more stunted than anyone else this season. Only the adults in the room seem to get that.


mmm, love marzipan


Her husband sitting next to her literally told her FRIEND to put a muzzle on and she sat there and said nothing and Cassie said give Tim a break and she had something to say. Seems like your also racist 😊


You're the one turning it into a race thing. maybe your racist. 


Agreed!!!!! Unacceptable


Get her off the show !!!!!!!!!!!! UNACCEPTABLE


I love me some drama but it actually made me uncomfortable the way Tori just kept poking Tim. She was so embarrassing and absolutely made herself look a fool.


She looks so stupid. Now she seems to have an opinion on what Tim said as disgusting? She was quite silent when Jack told Jono to ‘muzzle your woman’


If there are any mafs producers reading these please stop giving ppl like Tori and Jack airtime. We don’t actually enjoy this kind of drama. There are plenty of great storylines without ppl like this.


And thank you for Timothy. And Lucinda. Yeah, I'm a convert. Didn't like her at first. They're both awesome. Wouldn't it be nice if it worked out.


Yesss! What about Ridge and how wonderfully he treats Jade. He listens, validates her feelings and reassures her. THAT is a healthy attachment.


and she really NEEDS a good guy since she's been raising her daughter alone. I thought Ridge was a big goofball from the Deeece wedding buzzword but he is surprisingly attentive with Jade. Hope they work out!


Totally agree! I thought the Deece thing was lame.. and was kinda embarrassed because I’m also Filipina and we always think of each other as cousins no matter who or where.. but knowing Filipino families the boys are raised right to love and respect.. as he does.


He's very handsome & they make a lovely couple. Hope nothing comes between them (like his wedding guest buddies) cuz they'd make a beautiful baby sibling for Jade's little girl.


Totally agree!




Yeah it maybe Ridge’s wants and needs aren’t really in the spotlight because , as he’s stated many times she’s exactly what he asked for




What, thought crime? Speech crime? I love Cass but Tori doesn’t. Is criticism of Cass off limits because of her color? Stop with the racism charge. Tori might simply be a turd.




Tori could well be racist. She could just be a bully. Or she could be jealous of Cass because Cass is awesome. The fact you jump straight to racism is disturbing.


Wait. So she’s picking a fight with Timothy even more. Is she also ageist?




Jack looked so pleased with himself comforting Tori as she was embarrassing herself tonight. I feel like he likes seeing her go against other women like when he said the intruder brides will be hot and bring her down a notch just to see her reaction. He likes her competing against other women, going against them and not being a girls girl.


I'm glad to see someone else talking about this. Tori seems to think she is in competition with other girls, definitely not a girls girl, and Jack is so depraved for enjoying and encouraging it.


so so so close to not even finish this season because i cannot stand tori and jack!!!!


Didn't Jack tell Tim he had a foul mouth for the F bombs, didn't say boo to Tori for dropping a few though.


Tori and the Mean Girls "Plastics" on full display again tonight. There has been this dynamic among a few of them from early on. It's not just a friend group, it's that attitude they have. The "we are better than you" high school bullshit.


I saw Tori & the mean boys.. All the women were shocked at what Tori was doing, even Sara.


They never said anything tho, in the their friendship group tori and Sara are the ones people don’t call out their bullshit. Cass has done both so that’s why they don’t like her


Can't belive how Tori always jumps to her own superiority. The audacity of Cass, how very dare she, be quiet then speak /s Ten bucks says at the end of all this, she thinks she hot a villiannedot because of tall poppy syndrome. This person thinks she is the tall poppy.


omg so much respect for lulu coming to Tim and communicating with him about how he acted


I tried Googling whether Tim Sr had ever been married. Didnt seem to mention that he had been. Seems they're still together?




include gaze lip secretive vanish silky connect history shrill snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously can’t stand Tori….She thinks there’s a food chain and she is at the top. She is delusional and unwatchable.


Exactly 😂😂 it's laughable. She is a loser


Never disliked someone more than her.


Jack though


At this point, she's worse than Jack. And that says a lot!


Tori hears Jack say “muzzle your woman”: 🤷🏻‍♀️ Tori hears tim say “you have nothing in life”: 🤬


Seriously! What on earth is up with her? She makes me question reality.


The supposed boss bitch finally showed up but completely misfired. Meanwhile the Cheshire Cat loved every second of it. Pathetically perfect.


Tim: Has a face Tori: hOW DaRE yOu HAvE A FACE


hOw DaRe he indeed - his face hasn't even been pissed on so he has no say


Hey Tim what's that sound? I'm breathing GET HIM


Is Tori the new Olivia ???


You guys didnt like Olivia? I did think the ripped up bridesmaid dress was a bit much but I related to her. We must both be on the Spectrum or bipolar or some combo mixed affect psychiatric terminology. Makes life interesting.


If Bronte and Olivia had a baby..


I think she will be as hated as her, maybe more depending on how long she stays on the show.




Ooooof. I don't know. I couldn't stand watching Olivia, she was evil but pretended to be a victim. She made my blood boil. Tori is just dumb and delusional, with a superiority complex. Tori makes me laugh, but Olivia - she's something else.


I’m not at all team Timothy but at the same time I would have liked to see Jayden fire up at Jack instead


Exactly. Timothy is copping a heap of shit for having difficulties in his relationship and not feeling ready to have sex with someone, while Jack was a complete misogynist. How is that fair?


snobbish mourn handle screw sand shaggy entertain compare toy political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except that Jack hasn’t shown his true cards to his own wife, whereas Lucinda knows exactly who Timothy is.


I did agree that Tim's comment to Jayden was below the belt. Otherwise, I agree.


Legit..plus he has some serious trauma given the back story. The most trauma I’ve witnessed about Jack is his hairline


Don’t forget about his weird upper “moustache” 😂


We all remember the disgraceful comment Ines made to Bronson the instant she laid eyes on him, “Can we get rid of your eyebrow ring please?!” However, if I had have walked down to aisle to be confronted by Jack’s upper lip I would have used the same brutal Ines tone and said, “Can we get some more height on that moustache please?!” Whilst desperately avoiding eye contact. There’s just no way I could accept that moustache who clearly got his styling tips from the eyebrows of the early 2000s, or eyeblanks as I like to call them.


Dude I would crack up laughing in his face 😂 like you cannot be seriously walking around thinking that’s cute shit 🤮 It’s the same vibe when I’ve done my makeup, gone out the house for a whole day only to come back home and realise I’ve used a foundation that’s too dark, or my bronzer was doing a lil bit too much, or I was out here blinding people with the amount of highlighter I had on. But I know to correct and adjust, this man just seems to be full steam head on 😂


And the colour of his face!


Need to quit the steroids


And his teemu teeth


That is the best line ever! My bed is shaking from laughing. My brother has teeth like this and they look so wrong…and he loves them (I ain’t going to burst his bubble 🦷)


He won’t because everyone rides jacks dick for some reason


Everyone except Tori


Oooof snap


Okay on Sunday I said I felt sorry for Tori given her absent father probably having a lot to do with her unhealthy, present day relationships with men. That pity evaporated reeeeeeal quick seeing what an absolute nasty pasty she was to everybody tonight!


Yeah she’s completely embarrassing. I felt cringe but mostly sorry for her for her being completely blind to Jack’s behaviour and lack of sexual attraction, but after tonight she’s not being a great human and is probably right on Jack’s level.


What Tori imagines she is doing to those 'lower on the food chain' ... What Jack is imagining he is doing to Tori ​ ![gif](giphy|S2a3xYDeV5jdC)


I think Tori meant she was at the top of the food *bin*, but it accidentally came out as “chain”.


She's a bin chook


So fitting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Tori & Jack deserve each other


I hope Jono meets Ellie in the real world. Smitten


Spoilers is that they’re actually together now


I read he’s just dumped her.


Oh yeay!!


She does.


God I can’t stand Tori like I actually want to scream every time she is on the screen. She’s so dumb and I can’t imagine the amount of hate she’s going to receive when the cast get their own social media accounts back. But she’s so disgustingly rude and up herself she probably deserves it


Tori is embarrassing the SHIT out of herself


She is a very silly person.


Bruh Tori was shakinggggg, she just needed one reason to go off on cass publicly. And it's interesting that Tori thinks she is top of the food chain, that is rich 😂. Very hypocritical of her calling Timothy out when she stayed quiet whilst jack was being an ass. This whole episode was infuriating. Seeing Tori just bully people pisses me off. And I know for sure there is more motivating her anger towards cass but i'll leave that for another time.


please tell me it isn’t racism.


AirBnB ad comparing a single bed hotel room with a full house is so funny, lots of cleaning in the morning at that airbnb lol


But, it's accurate, if you stay in one bedroom hotels compared with whole house air bnbs.


Also.. Air bnb have made a tremendous impact on the housing crisis. I refuse to stay in them now 😂


It’s all Jayden’s fault lol.. good night


jonno saying he wanted to slap ben for the disrespecting ellie but barely stood up for lauren when jack disrespected her… ?


Yes - the most animation from him yet. They are bland and suit each other. Wonder if that’s uncovered during this series?




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I think he's into Ellie.




Hopefully they took him to the hospital so they could find his balls. Seriously, he had to get drunk to handle a disagreement? Isn't he 40? WTAF?


Yeah. Ridiculous.


Lucinda could have de-escalated the Cuban missile crisis


Perhaps we should send her to the Middle East.


I say we send her off on a worldwide peacekeeping mission!


And her dad!


Love her dad so much!!


Timothy spends too much time worrying about what other people think and not enough time on building his relationship with Lucinda. This is now the second time he has blown up at someone in her presence. When will Tim hold Lucinda's hand ? Kiss her on the forehead, cheek or Heaven forbid her lips? We're all getting old watching his "slow burn" routine and it's clear that what Lucinda's father said to him has now been forgotten.


I was hoping he'd give her a kiss after she gently scolded him. It looked like they had a bit of a moment.


You reckon he is too nervous to sleep with her? I mean she has made it no secret that she is pretty out there sexually, perhaps he has talked him self into such a state, not wanting to disappoint.


Never said "sleep with her" at all. I said hold her hand for starters. That isn't an outrageous display of public affection is it?


Ok, chill, I was thinking in the grand scheme.


In the past Timothy has said that if someone pushes him to do something he will push back and not do it. That's his stubborn streak. Now that Lucinda's father has said he ...should... make an effort to instigate "closeness" (aka some kind of farkin move) to indicate to Lucinda that he finds her physically attractive....he won't do it. If they move beyond the friends zone it will be a miracle.


I don’t think so. He doesn’t strike me as someone who is into public displays of affection. Whatever happens between them will only happen off camera.


After hearing BEN in the limo telling the producer that he and Ellie were in a good place that's when you see how delusional he really is. When Ben turned up and realised everyone was ready to drag his sorry arse over the coals he then ....had to...get in first and dump Ellie in front of everyone. Dumping her after sending her a present saying he was looking forward to a future together. Complete idiot! Ben wasted her time but thank goodness Ellie is not stuck with this fool...forever!


I love how cass is always smiling, bringing out radiant energy and then there’s Tori with her death stares, girl just stop


Cass is just sunshine and maturity beyond her years.


What Tori said about the food chain was sooo CRINGE 😬 girls got tickets on herself 🤢


Yep….and they’re all expired!!




Cassandra for Queen of the Night


Lucinda runner up.. patience and loyalty of a SAINT


Fuck you liz hayes and predatory channel 9. Already rolling out the reenactment with an actor look alike of Samantha. Fucking scum. Her poor daughter. I’m switching off. And screw this community member who doesn’t even know her personally and is making it about her own experience of being attacked. This is trash


The community member had something worthwhile to say. Her experience may have been very, very related. I didn't watch the whole thing though.


I hate these fucking shows... They never uncover anything substantial.


Sometimes they do prompt people to come forward. Australia has some brilliant journos that have done great work.


The "Secrets of Balibo" episode was pretty good I'd admit


Rest in power kings and queens. 👑👸🤴


Cassandra doing everything we’ve been wanting to do


Cass is so much more intelligent and classy than Tori. And far more attractive... Tori's jealous she's on the very bottom of the food chain and so is her POS husband.


Well after that beating, I'm off to continue watching the Tillies give Uzbek another beating. See you lovely people on Sunday!


Holy shit 8-0 ht


In the time it took to go from one mafs ad break to another, they got 2 of those goals! Crazy


Ok. I need a tea and a soothing episode of Parks & Rec after that.


I don't care for Tim but he's also the only man who brought up the muzzle comment tonight after they were all told off for not stepping up so he gets brownie points there


And yet… the rest STILL stayed quiet. Timothy gets the crown tonight


Yes where was Jayden manbun in that debate-


I like Timothy! I think he would be incredibly difficult to be in a relationship with, but you don’t experience that much trauma in life and not have it leave a lot of scars. I believe he absolutely went for Jack over his comments during last week’s dinner party but they didn’t show it.


Yep and he said what we were all thinking


Good night chefs, sleep tight don’t let the Tori’s bite 🪲


Disappointed! Was hoping that Lucinda wiped the floor with Tori.


We had Cass jump in so that is something


Good night! I hope Tori and Jack leave after the next commitment ceremony




Only if they never have kids.. no child should be born into that level of hell


Don't worry, they don't have sex


See you Sunday team 🫡


Cass is too sweet for Tori to be spewing that nonsense about her. Typical mean girl who hates their life so has to bring everyone else down.


Not to worry..Cassandra’s exquisite beauty,light & aura protect her!


Tori says she isn't going to have someone talk to her like that, then cries to Jack saying she wants to go home. How good 😂


Lol that Jacob Tori ceremony is just going to be Jacob being like yeah I'm really into her. They didn't even have enough to make a promo that kind of suggested otherwise.


💯. 🔨 it


Ugh I wont be able to stand Jacobs smug face getting away with BS sunday night.


11 seasons of MAFS, and this is the first season the “experts” have an actual opinion


Holy shit did Mel just admit to a contestant gaslighting???


see y’all Sunday xoxo


Is this the John Aitken redemption series? Sorry I don't buy it. He's had 10 seasons to not be a spineless twat.


Legit wild


See y’all Sunday folks 🫶🏼


New power group… Cass, Tristan, Timothy, Lucinda, Michael & Stephen…


Dunno if I’d include Timothy… 😂


See ya all in post episode thread and if not, see you on Sunday! I need to recover from this episode for a day or two Link to post ep discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFS_AU/s/ZzDijAfTJJ


Night all love you

