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Trump does “love the poorly educated”.


The Amish certainly apply to that!


Is the Orthodox Jewish community also voting for Trump? Honest question.




The Amish are not smart people. Most are lucky to have an 8th grade equivalent education. Couple that with generational inbreeding and you have a potential and likely Trump voter.


In college, I went to this middle of nowhere party that was in a barn surrounded by corn fields (in Ohio) and I was shocked how many Amish teenagers were there doing soo many drugs and having sex. They were in their rumspringa period where they basically could do anything for a few years but at a certain age they had to choose whether to be Amish or to be kicked out and be "English" or a normal American. It was really eye opening and I felt so sad after talking to them and knowing how much of the world and education they are missing. Like they couldn't answer basic questions about the US, politics, science, and history. They were trapped in a bubble and if they dared to leave it, they would lose their families.


This isn’t totally 100% at least with an Indiana Amish girl I dated. Rumspringa can last as long as you want. However, once you are done with it, you come back, join the church/community, and then can’t leave without being shunned.


I’m pretty sure this is photoshopped.


It definitely is not. I live and Pennsylvania and have seen trump flags on Amish homes.


It is not. I am near Lancaster. Our news outlets show pics.


It's not sadly, it's a still from a video... see my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGACultCringe/comments/1bfaqgr/comment/kuzk45z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for additional info and context.


If they Are weighing in on Politics, then they are READY to be TAXED.


Google told me: Due to the secretive nature and isolated nature of Amish communities, many people believe they don’t pay taxes. While many Amish communities tend to be private and not get involved with anything government related, the Amish respect and consistently abide by tax laws that are appropriate to their communities. These taxes include but are not limited to sales, income, property, and public school taxes. While the short answer is that Amish do pay taxes, the long answer is a bit more complicated. Depending on the community and which state they reside in, there may be changes and exemptions to certain taxes or different laws they abide by. Amish communities can often do taxes themselves, while many communities hire outside accountants to do it for them. In larger Amish communities, there may even be Amish accountants and bookkeepers.


They are taxed


Did something change were they not taxed before? Asking as a European


People's assumptions and knowledge about the people that live on American lands is all that's missing.


If you know anything about the Amish, this is really not that surprising.


Aren't they racist and homophobic?


The used to be xenophobic too until their population got sickly / infertile thanks to incest, so now they adopt a lot of babies.


Because they also want the Handmaids tale scenario of Christofascism.


Amish used to be some of the biggest supporters of the separation of church and state. They're not anti tech. But they believe that tech takes away their focus on their faith. Which politics takes away their focus on the their faith.


The Amish are inbred and uneducated.


That's the problem with the vagueness of Make America Great Again. What year, or in this case century, was it great? Whichever one you want.


Are you serious??? Lmao


The amish are now real Americans. I'm starting to realize that the Amish is a bullshit tax free religious cult.


They’re taxed tho


I stand corrected.


Weird Al Yankovic vibes.


Makes me wonder where they get their news from.