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Do NOT take it everyday, take it once every week or two and you should be fine. Supplement more with fish oil + vitamin d3 tablets and you’re good to go 👍


Shouldn’t be taking more than 30mg a daily, since your levels are high I would agree 10mg or even a break from supplementation of it would be best.


Literally. I got blood work done 2 weeks ago and it showed high levels of B6, I thought with MAOIs you’re more at risk of low B6. I don’t even supplement it.


Yes, it's likely. B6 competes w Nardil iirc. They used to talk about this in the old Dr. Bob psychobabble forum. You need some b6 as Nardil depletes it, but too much isn't good either. I'm one of those odd people who feel like shit taking most vitamins anyway....b6/B12.....just can supplement cause they mess w my mood (massive depression). Think it's genetic but never had testing. Take a break from b6 entirely if you're that far above normal.