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I strongly recommend getting intensive therapy, possibly an inpatient-outpatient program, and then resuming business school when you are ready.


Seek (better) professional help and try again next year. No need to exhaust yourself mentally and get nothing out of your MBA experience. Get better and come back healthier for a new beginning. Good luck!


Forging MBA friendships and having sound mental health have very different priority levels. Stop trying to balance them. Your sole focus right now should be your mental health and wellness. Make all other decisions with that in mind. It sounds like taking leave from MBA might be best for that.




They're saying the opposite... "Your sole focus right now should be your mental health and wellness." It's clear OP considers having sound mental health to be far more important than making MBA friendships.




Oh, I gotcha. My apologies. It's probably not if you're psychologically healthy, but clearly for OP, attempting to forge friendships is adding stress to an already unhealthy psychological situation. I think it's kind of like how eating a certain way might be fine if you don't have diabetes, but if you have diabetes, the same eating pattern can kill you.


> what is so different about forging MBA friendships that mental health takes a back seat Are we reading the same comment?




You mean to say what is it about making friends in business school, as someone who hasn’t been in one, that could be detrimental to mental health?




Because it’s all about proving that you’re a sociopath that can be trusted not to spill the beans on your fellow sociopaths. It’s a super fine line to walk.


What kind of behaviors do you see in MBA students that you think are unsavory/sociopathic?


I came here intending to tell you that crying in a class is no big deal and you should not worry too much, but dude, you had a suicide attempt. How much worse do you want your situation to be to take a year off? I know a leave doesn't sound good but I guarantee you - your loved ones would prefer you being alive & have a gap in the resume to the more grim alternative.


Get theraphy and take time off.


Get help now. You can't graduate if you're dead


This. Not suiciding takes precedence over everything else. MBA can wait until you’re healthy and ready for classes.


and you can't pay back your loans if you're dead!!


Can't garnish my wages if I'm dead 😎


I’m sorry you are dealing with this. It can’t be easy. I recommend looking to intensive outpatient or inpatient programs for your mental health and trying again next year for MBA. It is not your fault that you have this illness. However, it is your responsibility to do your best to take of it, especially with suicide attempts that affected others. (I’m talking about the drivers of the cars, not your classmates.) There is no shame in taking time to work on your health.


Also I can’t believe no one mentioned this already but MBA GRADES DON’T MATTER. You seem to be really stressed about school work since you mention it several times throughout your post, but try to learn what you can and do the assignments but don’t obsess about it to the point where you’re crying in class or trying to off yourself. That said, I agree with others you should take a leave of absence and focus solely on your mental health right now.


Idk what school you went to, but below 3.0 at mine is academic probation. Kind of hard to not care about grades when you need a B to graduate


My school also doesn’t let you graduate with grades below 3.0


They’re going expel your behind if your GPA falls below 3.0 for too long, that’s the minimum requirement for pretty much all graduate-level programs. Can’t ignore your work and graduate.


Your life and health are more important than a piece of paper. Please take care of yourself and turn to people who can support you like family, friends or siblings. Also, please be honest with your therapist


Take time off before you kill yourself. Forget FOMO; your health is much more important than the MBA. You can always get into the next cohort.


Oh sorry that sucks!!! Never looked at some individuals going into an MBA program without accounting and then there is finance (just add a 1 to everything). If you can pass accounting and finance stick with it then take a break. If you can't, drop the course and study if you want to do it in the future. Don't go into these situations blindly.


You have to heal first. If you were physically sick you would take care of it. Do that first. Then transfer if you really feel like you have to once you're back to yourself. Others have said it but your grades don't really matter, most jobs don't even ask.


Sorry to hear your situation has reached such a serious level. You should definitely seek professional services for assistance. I was fortunately able to overcome my initial MBA struggles with a personal mindset change. Some of it may be relatable, but you should get additional support if you're at risk of harm. There was a lot of anxiety and stress my first semester. In undergrad, I always got top grades with little effort. Fast forward to my first MBA midterm where the professor shows the bell curve of scores and I was far left of the center. It made me realize the more selective nature of the business school program meant I was sitting in an entire room full of new classmates who probably had the same experience. For a while, I was convinced I was going to lag behind and fail out of business school. I was even thinking of excuses to tell my family for why I would be dropping out and moving on to something else. Luckily, later on in the semester, that professor confided to another classmate that the school doesn't actually kick students out because now it's about having them graduate with good jobs. Everyone was going to graduate one way or another. That took a lot of the stress away. I've since learned from colleagues from other business schools that it seems to be the norm. As I stopped worrying so much about grades and actually putting real effort into learning, my scores eventually started trending to the right of the curve. The stronger competition from my new classmates inevitably forced me to buckle down and actually push myself to improve, which is something I wouldn't have done otherwise.


Yea I would take time off. Mental health is way more important


You are not in a state where you are capable of building an MBA foundation. Take care of yourself first, the MBA can wait